Rural and remote health

Planning ahead Living in rural and remote Australia can sometimes mean that health services may be harder to access than in the city. Knowing what health services are in your area, and the online supports available to you will help you prepare for when you need them. Living in a regional or remote area means you need to plan for your future health needs, even if you are in good health now. Check your health insurance and ambulance cover, so that you can be confident they meet your current and future health needs. Health clinics and doctors It is important

Running tips for beginners

Key facts Running has many health benefits, such as improving your heart health and mood, and helping you to sleep better. Running for as little as 10 minutes per day can improve your health. It is an affordable and convenient form of exercise. Beginners of nearly any age can start running. If you have an illness or injury, see a doctor for expert advice before you begin. Running tips for beginners What are the health benefits of running? Mental health Many people run to clear their mind, reduce stress or improve their mood. When you run, your body releases endorphins.

Rubella (German measles)

What is rubella? Rubella is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Rubella is also known as ‘German measles’, but it is different to the illness caused by the measles virus. Some people with rubella do not have symptoms at all. For others, infection can cause a mild illness with fever and a red rash. Rubella is usually not dangerous. But babies, of people who catch rubella during pregnancy, can be seriously affected. Rubella is now rare in Australia thanks to childhood vaccination programs. Outbreaks can still occur among people who are not immune. This page focuses on advice for adults and

RSI (repetitive strain injury)

Workplace health   What is ‘workplace health’? Australians spend, on average, about one-third of their time working. Having a safe and healthy workspace is an important part of looking after your physical and mental health. Learning how to work safely and maintain a proper work environment can help prevent injury and illness, help you stay healthy and improve your wellbeing. How can your workplace affect your mental health? An unhealthy workplace can cause stress. Sometimes a little bit of stress can be a good thing, since it can push you to complete tasks and help you to reach your work goals.

Routine antenatal tests

What are antenatal tests? Antenatal tests are an important part of your pregnancy care and help make sure that you and your baby are healthy throughout your pregnancy. Different types of tests, including blood tests, urine tests and ultrasound scans are used to check different aspects of your own and your baby’s health. Some tests are recommended for everyone, while others are offered only to women at a greater risk of a particular condition. Some antenatal tests are screening tests. This means that they are designed to assess the chance of you or your baby having a particular condition. If you receive a high-risk result

Rotavirus infection

What is rotavirus infection? Rotavirus is a very contagious viral illness. It can cause severe and life-threatening gastroenteritis. Rotavirus infection is very common children under 3 years old. What are the symptoms of rotavirus infection? Rotavirus symptoms normally start between 1 and 3 days after infection with the virus. The illness usually begins suddenly with vomiting, followed by diarrhoea. About 1 in 3 people with rotavirus also have a fever in the first few days of the illness. Symptoms usually last from a few days to a week. Some babies, especially those aged under 3 months, may not show any symptoms. What causes rotavirus infection?

Rotator cuff injury

What is a rotator cuff injury? The rotator cuff is the group of four muscles and their tendons at your shoulder joint. They form a cuff around the head of the upper arm bone (the humerus). They keep the shoulder stable and help it move. Rotator cuff injury can range from simple inflammation to tears of the muscles or tendons. It is also called rotator cuff syndrome, rotator cuff tear, rotator cuff tendonitis, and shoulder impingement syndrome. What are the symptoms of a rotator cuff injury? Symptoms of rotator cuff injury can include: pain and tenderness in the shoulder weakness of the shoulder

Ross River virus infection

What is Ross River virus infection? Ross River virus infection (also known as Ross River fever and epidemic polyarthritis) is caused by an alphavirus. It is spread to humans by infected mosquitoes. Other diseases caused by alphaviruses are: Barmah Forest virus chikungunya virus Ross River virus infection is the most common mosquito-borne disease in Australia. It’s also found in: Papua New Guinea parts of Indonesia the western Pacific Islands In Australia, it’s more common in the tropical areas of: Queensland the Northern Territory Western Australia Ross River virus infection is more common: between February and May after heavy rainfall after high

Roseola infantum

Key facts Roseola infantum (‘roseola’) is a contagious, common viral infection that can cause a high fever followed by a rash. Roseola spreads by coughing, sneezing and direct contact. There is no specific treatment for roseola. If your child has roseola, they will need to rest and drink fluids (water, breastmilk or formula) to stay hydrated. Your doctor may recommend paracetamol or ibuprofen to help with the fever. There is no vaccine for roseola. What is roseola? Roseola infantum (or ‘roseola’) is a contagious, common viral infection that can cause a high fever followed by a rash. It spreads through


What is rosacea? Rosacea is a common skin condition of the face. There are different types of rosacea: erythematotelangiectatic rosacea — broken blood vessels on your nose, cheeks or chin papulopustular rosacea — involves papules and pustules (bumps) on your face swollen rosacea — the skin on your nose, cheeks, forehead and chin may look like ‘orange peel’ ocular rosacea — involves your eyes The cheeks, chin and nose are most often affected. Rosacea is more common in females aged between 30 to 50 years. Rosacea isn’t contagious (you can’t catch it). There is some evidence that it may be

Root canal treatment

What is a root canal treatment? A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that removes the infected dental pulp inside the middle of a tooth. It’s also called endodontic treatment. Each tooth has a canal system which goes from the crown (top surface) to the root. A tooth has up to 4 canals containing dental pulp. The dental pulp is made up of connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels. When you have a root canal treatment, damaged or infected dental pulp is removed from inside your tooth. After the pulp is removed, the space is cleaned and disinfected, filled and sealed. The

Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

Tinnitus What is tinnitus? If you have ringing or other strange noises in your ears, you might have tinnitus. People with tinnitus hear sounds that aren’t actually being made around them. There are 2 main types of tinnitus: Subjective tinnitus — which only you can hear. This is the most common type. Objective tinnitus — which your doctor can also hear when they examine you. Objective tinnitus can be caused by noise coming from: a blood vessel in your head or neck your temporomandibular joint (the joint that connects the jaw to your skull) Up to 1 in 5 people have tinnitus at some

Rigid cystoscopy (male)

What is a rigid cystoscopy? A rigid cystoscopy is a procedure to check for any problems in your bladder using a rigid telescope (cystoscope). Sometimes certain problems with your bladder and urinary tubes can be treated at the same time. What are the benefits of a rigid cystoscopy? You may be getting pain, blood in your urine or repeated infections, or you may have an irritable bladder (a sudden and uncontrolled urge to pass urine). If your doctor does see a problem during the cystoscopy, they may perform a biopsy (removing small pieces of tissue), or they may be able

Rigid cystoscopy (female)

What is a rigid cystoscopy? A rigid cystoscopy is a procedure to check for any problems in your bladder using a rigid telescope (cystoscope). Sometimes certain problems with your bladder and urinary tubes can be treated at the same time. What are the benefits of a rigid cystoscopy? You may be getting pain, blood in your urine or repeated infections, or you may have an irritable bladder (a sudden and uncontrolled urge to pass urine). If your doctor does see a problem during the cystoscopy, they may perform a biopsy (removing small pieces of tissue), or they may be able

Rights of consumers

What are my healthcare rights? Healthcare rights make sure all people in Australia can get safe, high-quality healthcare. This includes patients and carers. Australians’ healthcare rights are set out in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. These rights apply to any healthcare you receive. The healthcare can be given anywhere in Australia. This includes care in: public and private hospitals general practice the community The 7 basic healthcare rights The 7 basic healthcare rights are: access safety respect partnership information privacy give feedback Access You have a right to get the healthcare services that you need. You have a right to any


What is rickets? Rickets is a preventable bone disease that causes the bones to be soft and weak. It occurs in children, and occasionally teenagers, but not adults. If a child has soft bones, the bones can bend slightly into an abnormal shape. What are the symptoms of rickets? Children with rickets might: be slow to have the front fontanelle (the soft part at the top of a baby’s head) close be slow to grow be slow to crawl and walk have teeth that grow late and have poor quality enamel have bow legs, knock knees or legs that aren’t straight have


Rhinoplasty is also known as nose surgery, or a ‘nose job’. It is a form of cosmetic surgery to repair or reshape the nose. Some people have a nose job to fix a structural problem with their nose, others do it for cosmetic reasons. When might you have a nose job? Nose surgery can correct physical problems with the nose, including: breathing problems birth defects injuries damage caused by cancer or an infection Nose surgery can also be used for cosmetic reasons such as straightening a crooked nose or removing a hump or dent on the bridge of the nose. The surgery

Rheumatoid arthritis

Key facts Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic (long-term) disease that can cause pain and swelling in your joints. People who have rheumatoid arthritis often experience times when their joints are particularly painful. It is important not to delay speaking to your doctor if you think you may have rheumatoid arthritis. Starting treatment as soon as possible helps avoid serious symptoms. You can slow down further damage to your joints and manage pain with medicines, exercise and lifestyle changes. What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic (long-term) disease that can cause pain and swelling in your joints. Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatic heart disease

What is rheumatic heart disease? Rheumatic heart disease is a condition that develops when the body’s heart valves are damaged by acute rheumatic fever (also called rheumatic fever). Rheumatic heart disease is a serious, disabling, sometimes fatal condition. But it is also entirely preventable. Who is at risk of rheumatic heart disease? You can develop rheumatic heart disease if you have had rheumatic fever. Rheumatic heart disease often begins as a strep throat (bacterial infection of the throat) in childhood, which then progresses to rheumatic fever. People are at greater risk of developing rheumatic fever if they have poor living conditions, including living in overcrowded

Rheumatic fever

What is rheumatic fever? Rheumatic fever is an illness that can occur after an infection with a type of bacteria called group A streptococcus (commonly known as GAS or ‘strep A‘). It is an inflammatory disease that affects many parts of the body, especially the heart, joints, brain and skin. What are the symptoms of rheumatic fever? Symptoms and signs of rheumatic fever may include: fever and malaise (feeling unwell) chest pain difficulty breathing rapid heartbeat, or heart murmurs that may be detected by your doctor painful or swollen joints a rash on the trunk or limbs (although this is uncommon) jerky movements and difficulty walking


What is rhabdomyolysis? Rhabdomyolysis is a serious condition caused by muscle injury. It leads to muscle weakness, pain and swelling. When muscle tissue gets seriously injured, it breaks down, releasing the chemicals from the muscle — including a protein called myoglobin — into the bloodstream. This can worsen kidney function and cause kidney failure. It can also change the balance of electrolytes (minerals and salts) in the body, which can lead to serious problems with the heart and other organs. This can be life threatening in not treated urgently. What are the symptoms of rhabdomyolysis? Rhabdomyolysis symptoms will change based on the cause, but include:

Revision total shoulder replacement

What is a revision total shoulder replacement? A revision total shoulder replacement is an operation to take out your old shoulder replacement and put in a new one. A shoulder replacement can fail for the following reasons. wearing out of the artificial joint infection in your shoulder replacement dislocation (coming out of joint) fracture (break) around your shoulder replacement What are the benefits of surgery? You should be able to move your shoulder more comfortably and do more of your normal activities. A total shoulder replacement. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Surgery is the only treatment for a shoulder

Revision total knee replacement

What is a revision total knee replacement? A revision total knee replacement is an operation to take out parts of your old knee replacement and put in new ones. A knee replacement can fail for the following reasons. wearing out of the artificial joint infection in your knee replacement dislocation (coming out of joint) fracture (break) of the femur or the tibia around your knee replacement What are the benefits of surgery? You should get less pain and be able to walk more easily. Are there any alternatives to surgery? If your symptoms are mild, you and your surgeon may

Revision total hip replacement

What is a revision total hip replacement? A revision total hip replacement is an operation to take out parts of your old hip replacement and put in new ones. A hip replacement can fail for the following reasons. wearing out of the artificial ball-and-socket joint infection in your hip replacement dislocation (coming out of joint) fracture (break) of the femur around your hip replacement What are the benefits of surgery? You should get less pain and be able to walk more easily. A revision total hip replacement. Are there any alternatives to surgery? If your symptoms are mild, you and

Reversing a vasectomy

What is reversing a vasectomy? You had a vasectomy, which is meant to be a permanent method of male contraception. It involved cutting both the tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperm from your testicles. Reversing a vasectomy is a procedure to rejoin the tubes. Reversing a vasectomy can fail, even if the tubes are rejoined. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim of rejoining the tubes is to allow sperm to mix with your semen, making you fertile again. After a bilateral vasectomy. Are there any alternatives to surgery? You may want to consider using donor sperm, either from someone

Reversal of Hartmann’s Procedure

What is Hartmann’s procedure? Hartmann’s procedure involves removing a piece of large bowel (colon). It is usually performed as an emergency. The two ends of bowel were not joined together because your surgeon decided the risks were too high. Your surgeon made a colostomy (your large bowel opening onto your skin). The other end was closed as a rectal stump. Your surgeon has decided it is safe to join the two ends of your bowel back together. A Hartmann’s procedure. What are the benefits of surgery? You should be able to open your bowels in the normal way and you

Rett syndrome

What is Rett syndrome? Rett syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome. It is named after Andreas Rett, the doctor who originally described it. The disorder usually results from a random genetic mutation rather than being inherited. It mainly affects girls. Rett syndrome affects the nervous system, causing intellectual and physical disability. While it is a life-long condition with no cure, treatment and therapies can help manage symptoms, especially if started early. What are the symptoms of Rett syndrome? Rett syndrome can cause different symptoms, ranging from mild to severe, that can

Retinitis pigmentosa

What is retinitis pigmentosa? Retinitis pigmentosa is a collection of inherited eye disorders where there is damage to the retina. If you have retinitis pigmentosa, there is support and advice available to help you live with the condition. The retina is a layer of tissue on the inside back of the eye. It contains cells that detect light and send signals to the brain. The brain understands these signals as vision — this is how you see. In people with retinitis pigmentosa, these cells gradually break down, causing a gradual loss of vision. The breakdown of these cells is unpredictable —

Retinal diseases

The retina is a collection of light sensitive nerve cells at the back of the eyeball. Retinal disorders damage these delicate cells and reduce someone’s ability to see. ‘Macular degeneration’ is damage causing progressive loss of the central (reading) visionOther retinal conditions include floaters in the eye, retinal detachment and diabetic retinopathy. Treatments of retinal diseases aim to slow or halt damage depending on the cause. Follow the links below to find information about retinal diseases.

Retinal detachment surgery

What is a retinal detachment? The retina is the inner layer at the back of your eye. The retina captures the light coming into your eye and sends this information to your brain. Sometimes the retina can peel off (detach), usually because of a tear. This causes your vision to be blurred or a shadow to develop in your vision. a A normal retina, b A torn retina, c A detached retina. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to prevent your vision from getting worse and your retina from detaching again. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Sometimes the tear or hole

Retinal detachment

What is retinal detachment? The retina is a layer of tissue found at the back of your eye. The retina controls how you see. Retinal detachment is when your retina separates from your eyeball. What are the symptoms of retinal detachment? Symptoms of a detached retina are: light flashes moving specks or cobwebs (floaters) in one eye blurred vision seeing an empty circle in front of you changes to your peripheral vision shadows appearing in your vision (often described as a ‘shadow’ or a ‘curtain coming down’ over your vision) Some people lose their vision suddenly. What causes retinal detachment? Retinal detachment

Retained object or tampon

Sometimes an object (also known as a ‘foreign body’) can become stuck in the vagina, or you may simply forget it is there. Common objects that may get stuck include tampons, condoms (or pieces of a condom if it has split), a contraceptive device (such as a diaphragm or sponge), or something inserted for sexual pleasure, such as a sex toy. It is important for the object to be removed as soon as possible. If you have tried to remove it but failed, you should consult a health professional as soon as possible. Retained tampon A tampon is ‘retained’ when

Restless legs syndrome

What is restless legs syndrome? Restless legs syndrome is a common condition where you have an urge to move your legs to relieve unpleasant sensations. Up to 1 in 20 people will have restless legs syndrome at some time in their life. It can start at any age, but the risk increases as you get older. Your risk is higher if it runs in your family. What does it feel like? If you have restless legs syndrome, you might have: unpleasant sensations in your legs, such as burning, tingling, aching, itching or a feeling of pins and needles, electric currents

Resting heart rate

What is resting heart rate? Your resting heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute when you are at rest — such as when you are relaxed, sitting or lying down. Resting heart rate varies from person to person. Knowing yours can give you an important sign of your heart health. What is a normal resting heart rate? For adults, a normal resting heart rate ranges between 60 and 100 beats a minute. Usually, a lower resting heart rate means your heart is working more efficiently and is more fit. For example, an athlete

Respite care

What is respite care? Respite care’ is when someone else takes care of the person you usually care for, so that you can take a break. Respite care provides an organised, temporary break both for the carer and the person they care for. Letting someone else do the caring for a few hours or days has benefits for both of you. Sometimes carers get physically and emotionally tired. It is important that they can have a break so they can be better carers. Respite care also benefits people who receive care, such as children or adults with disability, people with

Respiratory system

What is the respiratory system Your respiratory system brings oxygen into your body and helps to remove carbon dioxide. Your lungs are part of your respiratory system. They sit in your chest, protected by your ribcage. Problems with your respiratory system can reduce the oxygen that reaches your lungs, which can make you unwell. Parts of the respiratory system Your respiratory system is made up of your: nose pharynx (throat) larynx (voice box) trachea (windpipe) bronchi (airways branching from the trachea, and leading to smaller bronchioles) lungs How your respiratory system works You breathe in by contracting your diaphragm, a

Respiratory syncytial virus

What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that can infect your airways and lungs. It is highly contagious and spreads easily. RSV infections most often affect children under 2 years of age. What are the symptoms of RSV? Symptoms usually start 3 to 10 days after infection with RSV. Most cases are mild, and symptoms include: a runny nose cough fever Some people will also get an ear infection. Almost all children will have been infected with RSV by the age of 3 years. Children with asthma or breathing problems will find these get worse when they


What is resilience? Resilience is the ability to cope with unexpected changes and challenges in your life. It’s not always possible to prevent stressful or adverse situations, but you can strengthen your capacity to deal with these challenges. Resilience is your ability to cope with tough times by applying your inner strength and engaging support networks. Resilience can enable you to face difficult situations and maintain good mental health. Coping with challenges Stress and setbacks are a part of life, and you can’t avoid them. A series of challenges, or a traumatic situation, can be hard to deal with. If you

Residential care

What is residential care? An aged care home is for older people who can no longer live at home. This might be because you need help with everyday tasks or health care. Aged care homes are also called: residential aged care facilities (RACFs) nursing homes An aged care home gives you the services you need to have a good quality of life. The government funds aged care homes across Australia. These homes supply services to those who need it. Each aged care home is different. They provide different levels of care. Some provide just basic accommodation while others provide continuous

Reporting problems with medicines

What are some potential problems I could have with a medicine? Adverse events Sometimes a medicine or vaccine can cause an ‘adverse event’. This is an effect of the medicine that is not intended or wanted and could be a sign, symptom or disease. Adverse events include unintended side effects (also called adverse drug reactions or adverse effects). Information about common known side effects is listed in the Consumer Medicines Information (CMI) for each medicine. Adverse events can also include problems with medical devices that are used to administer a medicine. For example, insulin delivery devices. It’s important to remember that adverse events don’t

Removing permanent teeth (child)

Why does my child need to have a tooth removed? Your child may need to have a tooth removed for one or more of the following reasons. tooth decay trauma dental abscess failed root-canal treatment severe pain orthodontic (teeth and jaw) treatment medical reasons Are there any alternatives to removing a tooth? Simple painkillers such as paracetamol can help control mild pain and antibiotics can help with infection. Sometimes root-canal treatment will help to treat infection and pain. Depending on how damaged your child’s tooth is, your dentist may be able to rebuild it with a filling or crown. What will happen

Removing metalwork

What is metalware used for? Metalware includes plates, screws, rods and wires. These are specially made from stainless steel or titanium for the following operations on bones. To help treat an infection around the metalware To stop the metalware from disappearing inside the bone To stop the metalware from getting in the way if you need another operation later What are the benefits of surgery? The following are the main reasons for having your metalware removed. to reduce any pain or discomfort to help treat an infection around the metalwork to prevent the metalwork from disappearing inside the bone to

Removing benign skin lesions

What are skin lesions? Skin lesions are lumps found on or just below your skin. Examples of skin lesions are sebaceous cysts (also called epidermal inclusion cysts or epidermoid cysts), lipomas, skin tags (also called acrochorda) and moles. What are the benefits of surgery? Most skin lesions can be safely left alone. You may want the skin lesion removed for cosmetic reasons or to be reassured that it is not a cancer. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Surgery is the only reliable way to remove skin lesions but you may simply leave them alone. What will happen if I decide not

Remedial massage

What is remedial massage? Remedial massage is a complementary therapy. It can be used to help people with problems that affect the muscles, tendons and bones. Remedial massage should not replace care from your doctor. Problems with your muscles can cause pain in other parts of your body. Remedial massage aims to: find the problem treat the problem manage your symptoms What does a remedial massage involve? Remedial massage is used to find any problems you may have, and help you heal. Depending on your problem, the pressure applied can either be: strong and deep gentle and shallow Before having a remedial massage, your

Relaxation techniques for stress relief

How are relaxation techniques beneficial? Stress causes your nervous system to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can help your body respond to challenging situations. But if you feel stressed for a long time, they can cause you to feel overwhelmed, exhausted or like you aren’t coping. Ongoing — or, chronic — stress is associated with some mental health conditions. It can also cause physical symptoms like high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia and a weakened immune system. Relaxation techniques can help you manage stress and improve your wellbeing. When can relaxation techniques help me? Relaxation techniques can be used any time you feel stressed.

Rehabilitation after illness or injury

What is rehabilitation? If you have been injured or had a serious illness, you might need extra help to get better. Rehabilitation services can help you recover from a stroke, a heart attack, a workplace injury, surgery, or many other things. It is a slow, step-by-step process. Life after your injury may be different to your life before. The goal of rehabilitation is to help you return to living the best life possible, despite any changes. How can rehabilitation help me? You might need to use rehabilitation services if you have: had a stroke had a spinal injury had a brain injury suffered burns had

Rehabilitation (Overcoming addiction)

What is addiction? Addiction is the repeated use of a substance or an activity, even though it may be harmful. People can become addicted to many different things. Common addictions are: drugs alcohol cigarettes gambling Addiction can badly affect your life and hurt the people around you. But it’s possible to overcome addiction and reduce the harm to you and others. Deciding to make a change Only you can decide to overcome an addiction. Quitting is a gradual process — it often takes several attempts. When breaking an addiction, you may have withdrawal symptoms, including: tiredness mood changes insomnia cravings aches and

Refractive errors

A refractive error is the most common eye problem. When the shape of the eye is abnormal, the eye doesn’t bend (or refract) light properly, and so vision is blurred. The most common types of refractive errors are: Long-sightedness (hypermetropia), causing blurred close and distance vision. Short-sightedness (myopia) causing blurred long distance vision. Astigmatism, which causes an uneven focus of light and blurred vision. Presbyopia, When the eye lens loses flexibility, making close work difficult. This is most common with people over 40 years of age. These errors can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Surgery might also be an option.

Reflux (GORD)

What is GORD? Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) happens when stomach acid leaks from your stomach and moves up into your oesophagus (food pipe). This is also known as ‘reflux’ or ‘acid reflux’. Almost everyone gets heartburn due to acid reflux from time to time. GORD is when reflux occurs more than twice a week. It can eventually lead to more serious health problems and impact your wellbeing and quality of life. GORD can affect everyone, even children, but mostly affects people aged over 40 years.  Diagram of the gastrointestinal tract. What are the symptoms of GORD? The most common symptoms of GORD


What is a referral? A referral is a letter from your doctor or health professional to another health professional or health service. Referrals are made to get expert help with the diagnosis or treatment of your health problem. Most referral letters are written by your family doctor (general practitioner, or GP). Referrals can be made to: a specialist doctor an allied health professional, such as a psychologist or physiotherapist radiology, for x-rays or other imaging services pathology services (for blood tests) Who can make a referral? Referrals can be made by health professionals such as: doctors dentists nurse practitioners midwives physiotherapists optometrists psychologists What information does a

Reducing your risk of developing a blood clot

What is a blood clot? When you are injured or have an operation, your blood naturally clots to help prevent you from losing too much blood. However, this also increases the risk of a blood clot forming inside a deep vein. This usually happens in your leg and is called a deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). You may not notice you have a DVT. However, a DVT usually causes pain, swelling, heat and redness. A blood clot can sometimes move through your veins to your lungs. This is called a pulmonary embolism, which is serious and can even cause death. DVT and pulmonary embolism are together referred

Reducing visceral fat

What is visceral body fat? Visceral body fat, also known as ‘toxic’ fat, is fat stored deep inside your body. Most fat is stored underneath the skin and is known as subcutaneous fat. This is the fat that is visible and that you can feel. The rest of the fat in the body is stored around your internal organs, including your heart, liver and intestines. This is visceral fat. Visceral fat makes chemicals and hormones that can be toxic to the body. Visceral fat produces more of these toxic substances than subcutaneous fat, so it can be more harmful to

Red Nose Day

  Every day in Australia, 9 infants or children die suddenly and unexpectedly. The aim of Red Nose Day (Friday June 29) is to reduce this number to zero. By hosting an event, creating a fundraising page, volunteering or buying merchandise, you can raise money to help make this happen.  Since last year’s Red Nose Day, a campaign run annually by the charity Red Nose, Australia’s fundraising efforts have contributed $238,000 towards research. More than 1 million more educational kits were distributed to new parents. The funds also facilitated more than 3,000 counselling sessions for people affected by the sudden

Red blood cells

What are red blood cells? The red blood cells are also called erythrocytes. They are an important part of your blood, along with other cells, including: white blood cells platelets plasma Red blood cells make up just under half of your blood cells. Individual red blood cells are disc shaped. What are red blood cells made of? Red blood cells contain a protein called haemoglobin. Haemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood to tissues in your body. Haemoglobin is made of iron. The iron in haemoglobin is what makes your blood red. What do red blood cells do? Red blood cells play


Key Facts A rectocele is when your rectum bulges forward into your vaginal wall. It can cause difficulty when going to the toilet. Pelvic floor exercises, and plenty of fluid and fibre in your diet can help. What is a rectocele? A rectocele is a type of pelvic organ prolapse. You may hear it called posterior vaginal prolapse. Prolapse means ‘fall out of place’. If you have rectocele, the rectum (the lower part of the large bowel) bulges forward into the vaginal wall. There are things you can do to help manage this condition.  Rectocele What are the symptoms of

Rectal cancer

Bowel cancer (colon and rectal cancer) What is bowel cancer? Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, develops when cells in the wall of the large bowel grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled way. Bowel cancer can occur anywhere along the large bowel, which includes the large intestine, rectum and anal canal. It typically begins growing from the inner lining of the bowel or from small growths on the bowel wall called polyps (adenomas). If left untreated, these cells can spread along the wall of the bowel, to lymph nodes and to elsewhere in the body. Bowel cancer is the second biggest cause

Rectal bleeding

What is rectal bleeding? Rectal bleeding means bleeding from your back passage (anus) when you go to the toilet and pass faeces (poo). When should I go to the emergency department? You should always have bleeding from the anus checked out by a doctor as it could be a sign of something serious. Seek urgent medical attention if: the bleeding is very heavy you have signs of shock like rapid, shallow breathing, dizziness, nausea or confusion you have black or dark red poos your vomit contains blood or what looks like coffee grounds you faint you have a severe pain in your rectum you


Recovery from mental health is the process of getting well, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and creating a satisfying life for yourself. Most people who are diagnosed with a mental illness recover with the right support. A range of services can help you recover and what’s needed will be different for every person. What is common to everyone with mental health issues is the sooner you seek help and treatment, the better your possibilities for recovery. What is mental health recovery? Recovery from mental health is not the same as a cure. Recovery means being able to create and live

Recalls of medicines

What is a medicine recall? A medicine recall is when a medicine or therapeutic product is withdrawn from being sold; or sold with specific warnings due to concerns with it. It might be because of safety, quality, effectiveness, labelling or packaging of the medicine or product. It could be because of a problem with the medicine itself, like unexpected side effects, or a problem with something unrelated to the medicine, such as a packaging or labelling mistake. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and pharmaceutical companies can recall medicines. The TGA is the government body responsible for medicine safety, so it

Raynaud’s phenomenon

What is Raynaud’s phenomenon? Raynaud’s phenomenon (or Raynaud’s disease) is a condition that causes parts of your body to feel numb and cool. This may happen when you are cold or stressed. Females are more commonly affected, with about 1 in 5 getting Raynaud’s phenomenon at some stage in their lives. Females under the age of 25 years are more likely to get Raynaud’s phenomenon. It’s also more common in colder climates. What are the symptoms of Raynaud’s phenomenon? Raynaud’s phenomenon causes your skin to: turn white then blue feel numb feel cold You are mostly likely to get Raynaud’s


What is radiotherapy? Radiotherapy, also known as radiation therapy, is an effective way to treat cancer. It uses focused radiation to kill or damage cancer cells so the cancer cannot grow or spread. Different forms of radiotherapy use different kinds of radiation including: x-rays — most often used electron beams gamma rays proton beams Radiotherapy is a localised cancer treatment. This means that it affects the part of your body being targeted. Radiotherapy may be given together with other treatments, such as surgery and chemotherapy. How does radiotherapy work? Radiotherapy uses radiation — rays of very powerful energy — to kill or damage


How do radiographers and radiologists differ? Many people are confused by the differences between a radiographer and a radiologist. Radiographers are allied health professionals who take x-rays and other medical images to assist doctors in diagnosing diseases and injuries. They are also known as medical imaging technologists. A radiographer does your scan. Radiographers complete a university bachelor’s degree in medical imaging, medical radiation science or technology which takes 3 or 4 years. Another option is a 2-year master’s degree. Students doing the 3-year bachelor’s degree also need to do a supervised practice program. Radiologists are specialist medical doctors trained to interpret x-rays and other medical imaging

Radio-frequency endometrial ablation

What is a radiofrequency endometrial ablation? A radiofrequency endometrial ablation is an operation that uses radiofrequency energy to thin the lining (endometrium) of your uterus (womb). After the operation most women have a noticeable reduction in their periods and, for some women, periods stop altogether. What are the benefits of surgery? The most common reason for having an endometrial ablation is to relieve the symptoms of heavy periods (abnormal uterine bleeding). Radiofrequency energy through the mesh. Most women will have much less bleeding when they have their period. Pain is usually significantly reduced, although for some women mild cramping may still happen.


What is rabies? Rabies is an infection that affects your brain and central nervous system. It’s caused by a type of virus called a lyssavirus. You can get rabies from a bite or scratch from an infected animal. In very rare cases, rabies can also be contracted from an organ transplant. Rabies in humans is almost always fatal (causes death), but prompt treatment can stop the infection from developing. Australia is one of the few countries in the world that does not have rabies. However, Australian bats carry other viruses in the lyssavirus family including Australian bat lyssavirus, which is closely

Root canal treatment

Key facts A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that involves the removal of infected soft tissue (dental pulp) inside a tooth. It’s also known as endodontic treatment. You may need more than one visit to your dentist or dental specialist (endodontist) for this treatment. Root canal treatment can save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted (come out). What is a root canal treatment? A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that removes the infected dental pulp inside the middle of a tooth. It’s also called endodontic treatment. Each tooth has a canal system which

Removing wisdom teeth

What are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are the teeth at the back of your mouth (the third molar teeth). They tend to come through (erupt) in the late teens or twenties. Some wisdom teeth do not come through fully (partly erupt) and get stuck (or impacted) against nearby teeth or bone. This often leaves a flap of gum over your tooth. Others grow too long (over erupt). A wisdom tooth may need to be removed for one or more of the following reasons. repeated or serious infection of the gum tooth decay a wisdom tooth can grow out too far

Rhinoplasty (nose job)

Rhinoplasty is also known as nose surgery, or a ‘nose job’. It is a form of cosmetic surgery to repair or reshape the nose. Some people have a nose job to fix a structural problem with their nose, others do it for cosmetic reasons. When might you have a nose job? Nose surgery can correct physical problems with the nose, including: breathing problems birth defects injuries damage caused by cancer or an infection Nose surgery can also be used for cosmetic reasons such as straightening a crooked nose or removing a hump or dent on the bridge of the nose.


What is rickets? Rickets is a preventable bone disease that causes the bones to be soft and weak. It occurs in children, and occasionally teenagers, but not adults. If a child has soft bones, the bones can bend slightly into an abnormal shape. What are the symptoms of rickets? Children with rickets might: be slow to have the front fontanelle (the soft part at the top of a baby’s head) close be slow to grow be slow to crawl and walk have teeth that grow late and have poor quality enamel have bow legs, knock knees or legs that aren’t

Ross River virus infection

Key facts Ross River virus is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Symptoms of infection include joint pain, fever and rash. Most people feel better within a few weeks, but sometimes it can take a few months. There is no cure for Ross River virus infection, but pain relief medicines can help manage your symptoms. The best way to prevent Ross River virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. What is Ross River virus infection? Ross River virus infection (also known as Ross River fever and epidemic polyarthritis) is caused by an alphavirus. It is spread to humans by

Rheumatoid arthritis

Key facts Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic (long-term) disease that can cause pain and swelling in your joints. People who have rheumatoid arthritis often experience times when their joints are particularly painful. It is important not to delay speaking to your doctor if you think you may have rheumatoid arthritis. Starting treatment as soon as possible helps avoid serious symptoms. You can slow down further damage to your joints and manage pain with medicines, exercise and lifestyle changes. What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic (long-term) disease that can cause pain and swelling in your joints. Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatic fever

Key facts Rheumatic fever is an illness that can occur after an infection with a type of bacteria called group A streptococcus (commonly known as GAS or ‘strep A‘). Rheumatic fever affects many of the body’s tissues, especially those of the heart, joints, brain and skin. Children aged 5 to 15 years old are most at risk, especially Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children living in rural or remote areas or in difficult socio-economic Doctors diagnose rheumatic fever by assessing your symptoms. Rheumatic fever can be prevented by preventing or treating GAS infections appropriately. What is rheumatic fever? Rheumatic fever is an

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that can infect your airways and lungs. It is highly contagious and spreads easily. RSV infections most often affect children under 2 years of age. What are the symptoms of RSV? Symptoms usually start 3 to 10 days after infection with RSV. Most cases are mild, and symptoms include: a runny nose cough fever Some people will also get an ear infection. Almost all children will have been infected with RSV by the age of 3 years. Children with asthma or breathing problems will find these get worse when they

Routine antenatal tests

What are antenatal tests? Antenatal tests are an important part of your pregnancy care and help make sure that you and your baby are healthy throughout your pregnancy. Different types of tests, including blood tests, urine tests and ultrasound scans are used to check different aspects of your own and your baby’s health. Some tests are recommended for everyone, while others are offered only to women at a greater risk of a particular condition. Some antenatal tests are screening tests. This means that they are designed to assess the chance of you or your baby having a particular condition. If you receive a high-risk result

Residential care

What is residential care? An aged care home is for older people who can no longer live at home. This might be because you need help with everyday tasks or health care. Aged care homes are also called: residential aged care facilities (RACFs) nursing homes An aged care home gives you the services you need to have a good quality of life. The government funds aged care homes across Australia. These homes supply services to those who need it. Each aged care home is different. They provide different levels of care. Some provide just basic accommodation while others provide continuous