
Key facts A pacemaker is a small medical device placed in the chest to correct certain heart problems. Your doctor or specialist may recommend a pacemaker if you have an irregular heartbeat, heart muscle problems or some other heart conditions. A pacemaker is inserted during a minor surgical procedure. Most people with pacemakers can continue to live active lives. Your doctor can advise you of any precautions you need to take after having a pacemaker inserted. What is a pacemaker? A pacemaker is a device that sends electrical impulses to the heart. These make the heart beat at a normal


Key facts Oxytocin is a chemical messenger from the brain that acts in different areas of the body. Oxytocin is important in childbirth and breastfeeding — it also plays a role in how you form emotional bonds with others. Oxytocin is important in making the womb contract in labour and is sometimes used as a medicine for this purpose. It is also given to help birth the placenta and prevent or treat heavy bleeding after childbirth. In males, oxytocin is involved in making testosterone and the movement of sperm. What is oxytocin? Oxytocin is a natural hormone made in the


Key facts Oxycodone is an opioid medicine used to relieve severe pain. It is not usually recommended for the treatment of chronic (long-term) pain. Oxycodone is only available on prescription from your doctor. If you stop taking oxycodone suddenly, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. There are risks to taking opioid medicines, so make sure you take these medicines exactly as prescribed by your doctor. What is oxycodone? Oxycodone is a strong opioid medicine used to treat severe pain. What forms of oxycodone are available? Common brands of oxycodone include Endone, OxyContin and OxyNorm. It comes in different dosages and forms including: tablets capsules suppositories

Overweight children

What is obesity in children? A child or adolescent who is living with obesity has more body fat than other children of the same age. If your child is living with obesity, they will be in the highest weight range, outside what’s considered healthy for their age. If your child is overweight, their body mass is also outside a healthy range, but not as much as a child with obesity. In Australia, around 1 in 4 children aged between 4 and 15 years live with obesity or are overweight. What are the signs of obesity in children? The most visible

Overdose (accidental)

Accidental overdose of medicine What is an accidental overdose of medicine? Taking too much of a medicine is known as an overdose. More Australians are dying from accidentally overdosing on medicines than ever before. Taking too much of a medicine can be very dangerous, and even life-threatening, but accidental overdoses can be prevented. Most medicines have risks as well as benefits. Medicines are toxic (harmful) if you take too much. Some medicines can also be toxic if you take them at the same time as alcohol or some other medicines. An accidental overdose can happen if: you take a medicine

Over the counter medicines

Key facts You can buy OTC medicines without a prescription. There are OTC medicines you can only buy in pharmacies, but you can buy other medicines in general shops, such as supermarkets and health food stores. Speak to a pharmacist for healthcare advice before buying OTC medicines. You might experience side effects from OTC medicines and they can interact with your prescription or other medicines.   What are over-the-counter (OTC) medicines? You don’t need a prescription for some medicines. These are called over-the-counter medicines, or OTC medicines. You can buy pain medicines, for example, paracetamol and ibuprofen, as well as cough and cold remedies, over


What is an Oophorectomy? Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of your ovary. Bilateral oophorectomy is the surgical removal of both ovaries. Oophorectomy is usually done to treat an ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer or some other problem related to your ovary. When is the procedure needed? Oophorectomy may be needed to treat problems such as: an ovarian cyst ovarian torsion (twisted ovary) ovarian cancer endometriosis as part of a hysterectomy in some people Ovarian cysts An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled pocket in the ovary. There are different types of ovarian cysts. Sometimes ovarian cysts can rupture (burst). Surgery for an ovarian cyst may involve removal

Ovarian cysts

Key facts An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in your ovary. Most are not cancerous and many go away without treatment. Many cysts don’t cause symptoms. If they need to be removed, it’s usually possible with keyhole surgery. Sometimes a cyst can rupture or make your ovary twist. This may need emergency treatment.   What is an ovarian cyst? An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms in your ovary. They are common, and almost every female will have one at some stage. Most are not cancerous. What types of ovarian cysts are there? Functional cysts During a

Ovarian cancer

Key facts Ovarian cancer does not usually cause noticeable symptoms in its early stages and is often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Ovarian cancer is usually treated with surgery, often followed by other treatments. Ovarian cancer is more common in older women and those with a family history of cancer of the reproductive organs. If you have strong risk factors for ovarian cancer, you may wish to discuss your options with your doctor. What is ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer is the presence of one or more tumours in the ovaries. This can occur when cells in an ovary start to


Key facts Otosclerosis is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. If you have otosclerosis, the bones in your middle ear become stuck and can’t pass on sound vibrations — this can limit your ability to hear. You may also have dizziness, or tinnitus (ringing in your ears). If you notice symptoms of otosclerosis, speak to your doctor for diagnosis and a treatment plan. What is otosclerosis? Otosclerosis is a health condition that affects the middle ear and causes hearing loss in one or both ears. Hearing loss slowly gets worse over time, as spongy bone forms in the middle ear. These tiny

Otitis media

Key facts Otitis media (middle ear infection) is common, especially in children. It often starts with a cold, and will usually go away by itself without antibiotics. It can cause ear pain, reduced hearing and fever. You may see fluid leaking if the ear drum bursts. If your baby has otitis media, they may be very unsettled, pull on their ears or vomit. You can try to prevent your child getting otitis media by breastfeeding, keeping them away from cigarette smoke, practising good hygiene and limiting dummy use.­­ What is otitis media? Otitis media is an infection of the middle

Otitis externa

Key facts Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the outer ear canal — it is also known as otitis externa. It causes itchy, painful ears and can cause discharge in the ear. It is usually treated with ear drops. To prevent swimmer’s ear, you can use ear drops, avoid things that irritate the skin of the ear canal and ensure your ears remain as dry as possible. Swimmer’s ear (otitis externa) What is swimmer’s ear? Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the skin of the outer ear canal, and is also known as otitis externa. This type of infection is

Ostomy (living with)

Living with a stoma What is a stoma? When an illness involves the removal of a section of your bowel or bladder, your surgeon may need to form a hole in your abdomen called a stoma (sometimes referred to as an ‘ostomy’). The stoma opening is used to remove bodily waste — faeces (‘poo’) or urine, in the case of a urostomy — into a small collection bag. Your stoma will look moist and pinkish-red and will protrude slightly from a circular hole in your abdomen. Your stoma may be swollen to begin with, but usually reduces in size over


Bone cancer What is bone cancer? Bone cancer can grow in any of the 200 bones in your body, although it’s more common in the large bones in your arms or legs. It can affect both adults and children. Bone cancer can be either primary or secondary. Each one is treated differently. Primary bone cancer is a rare cancer, affecting about 250 Australians a year. It begins in the bones. The cancer cells can grow on the surface of the bone, in its outer layer or in the centre. It gradually destroys the healthy bone and it can spread to other parts of


Key facts Osteoporosis is a chronic (long-term) disease which makes your bones more likely to break. Many people don’t know that they have osteoporosis until they break or fracture a bone. Osteoporosis can be managed through lifestyle changes and with prescription medicines that strengthen your bones. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a common, chronic (long-term) disease. It’s when your bones: become less dense lose minerals like calcium become more fragile If you have osteoporosis, you are more likely to fracture or break a bone if you fall over. It’s estimated that 6.2 million Australians, aged 50 years or older, had osteoporosis


Key facts Osteopaenia means bone density that is lower than normal, but not as severe as osteoporosis. If you have osteopaenia, your bones are more fragile and more likely to break from minor accidents. Bone density gets lower with age and falling hormone levels, and can also be affected by lifestyle factors, health conditions and medicines. You can find out if you have osteopaenia by having a bone density scan. To keep your bones healthy, make sure to get enough calcium, vitamin D and weight-bearing exercise. What is osteopaenia? Osteopaenia (sometimes spelled osteopenia) is the medical name for bone density


Key facts Osteomyelitis is type of bone infection. Symptoms include fever, bone pain, stiffness and swelling. Staphylococcus bacteria is the most common cause of osteomyelitis. Your doctor will diagnose osteomyelitis by doing a physical examination, by referring you for blood tests and sometimes tissue or bone biopsy. Early treatment with antibiotics and/or surgery can help reduce the chance of permanent bone damage. What is osteomyelitis? Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone. Any bone can be affected, but it is most common in arm and leg bones in children, and in the back and pelvis bones in adults. Early treatment

Osteoarthritis medication

Medicines for osteoarthritis What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It happens when the cartilage between the joints wears down and becomes thin. Cartilage is the protective cushioning that stops the bones rubbing on each other. If the cartilage wears down enough, the bones rub on each other. This will worsen your pain and limit movement. It can also cause inflammation and deterioration of the joint as it tries to ‘fix’ itself. How is osteoarthritis treated? There are no medicines that can cure osteoarthritis, although there are studies trying to find an effective treatment. In the meantime, osteoarthritis medicines focus on relieving


Key facts Osteoarthritis is a very common long-term condition that causes joint pain, stiffness and reduced movement. It can affect any joint in your body, but mostly occurs in the knees, hips, fingers, big toes, ankles and spine. Osteoarthritis can make it hard for you to do daily activities. Excess weight, a previous injury and repeated joint movements increase your risk of osteoarthritis. Regular exercise, healthy eating, pain management and sometimes surgery can help to treat symptoms. What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a long-term condition where the joints in your body become inflamed and damaged. Over time, the cartilage layer


What is a orthodontist? An orthodontist is a dental specialist who prevents, diagnoses and treats facial irregularities. Orthodontic treatments aim to improve the way the teeth and jaws function, as well as the person’s smile or appearance. They straighten crooked or misaligned teeth, fix bad bites and make sure jaws are correctly aligned. An orthodontist completes an extra 3 years of specialist training at university after they have completed their general dental degree. Orthodontists sometimes work as part of a team together with dentists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons to improve oral health and correct jaw problems. What is the difference between

Orthodontic treatments

Key facts Orthodontic treatments are dental procedures that help to straighten your teeth and correct problems with your bite. You might need orthodontic treatment for many reasons. The orthodontist will examine your mouth and face, and take x-rays,or make plaster or digital models of your teeth. Treatment often involves using appliancescalled braces to straighten crooked teeth or to correct problems with your bite. What are orthodontic treatments? Orthodontic treatments help to straighten your teeth and correct problems with your bite. These treatments are often done by an orthodontist, who is a specialist dentist. Orthodontists treat children, teenagers and adults. Many

Organ transplants

What is an organ transplant? An organ transplant involves removing an organ from a person’s body and putting it into someone who may be very ill or dying. It can save the life of the person who receives the organ. The person who gives the organ is called the donor. The person who receives the organ is called the recipient. Types of organ and tissue transplants Organs that can be transplanted in Australia include the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, intestine and pancreas. Body tissue can also be transplanted, including heart valves, bone, tendons, ligaments, skin, parts of the eye, and

Organ and tissue donation

What is organ and tissue donation? Organ donation is a life-saving and life-transforming medical process where organs are removed from a donor and transplanted into someone who is very ill or dying from organ failure. It can involve the kidneys, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Tissue donation is a medical process where tissue, such as heart valves, bone tissue, skin, ligaments, parts of the eye and pancreas tissue, is removed from a donor and transplanted into another person. It is important that you decide whether to become a donor and that you discuss and share your decision with your

Orchidopexy for a palpable testicle (child)

What is an orchidopexy? An orchidopexy is an operation to bring a testicle down into the scrotum. The testicles develop in a baby boy’s abdomen when he is in the womb. The testicles usually move down into the scrotum by 35 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes a testicle does not come down normally. What are the benefits of surgery? Surgery should prevent your child from having serious complications. Your child’s fertility should improve, particularly if both testicles need to be brought down, and he will find it easier when he is an adult to examine his testicles to check for any

Oral thrush

Key facts Oral thrush, also known as oral candidiasis, is a mouth infection caused by a yeast fungus. Many people have candida present in their mouth without experiencing any problems. There are many risk factors for developing oral thrush including diabetes, chronic illness and poor dental hygiene. Oral thrush can be treated with antifungal mouthwashes, ointments or medications. See your doctor if you have severe symptoms of oral thrush or your symptoms return after treatment. What is oral thrush? Oral thrush, also known as oral candidiasis, is an infection of the mouth caused by yeast (a type of fungus) known

Oral sex and mouth care

Oral sex and STIs Oral sex is when someone stimulates the genitals of another person with their mouth. It is important to practise safe oral sex to prevent catching a sexually transmitted infection (STI). If you develop mouth sores after giving oral sex, it is important to seek medical advice. Oral sex is one of the most common ways that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed on. STIs that can be caught through oral sex are: chlamydia gonorrhoea herpes genital warts hepatitis (A, B and C) HIV syphilis If you suspect that you may have a sexually transmitted infection (STI), it is

Options for managing chronic pain

Key facts Chronic pain can be very intense, and coping with it on your own can be a challenge. Since everyone’s experience of chronic pain is different, individuals need their own tailored pain-management plan. You can manage chronic pain by using a combination of methods that improve your physical, social, and mental wellbeing. Medicines are sometimes useful in managing chronic pain in addition to other strategies. Opioids are not usually recommended for chronic non-cancer pain. What are my options for managing chronic pain? Chronic pain is a common condition that affects 1 in 5 Australians aged over 45 years. Chronic pain

Optic neuritis

What is optic neuritis? The optic nerve is the nerve that carries information about what you see from the eye to the brain. Optic neuritis occurs when the optic nerve becomes inflamed or damaged and causes pain in the eye and a sudden partial or complete loss of vision. What are the symptoms of optic neuritis? Symptoms of optic neuritis include: pain in or around the eye, which might feel worse when you move your eye colours appearing ‘washed out’ or dull blind spots or areas of poor vision surrounded by normal vision a sudden loss of vision in one

Opioid withdrawal symptoms

What is an opioid? Opioids are a group of strong medicines your doctor may prescribe to help you manage your pain. Your doctor might prescribe an opioid for the short-term treatment of moderately severe or severe pain, such as pain after surgery or an injury. They also help people manage pain caused by cancer and terminal illness. What are opioid withdrawal symptoms? Opioid withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant effects that can occur if you suddenly stop or suddenly reduce your dose of opioid medicines. They can also happen if you take another medicine that blocks the opioid from working. Opioid withdrawal symptoms can make you feel unwell,

Opioid safety

Taking opioid medicines safely What is an opioid? An opioid is a substance that blocks pain messages between the brain and the rest of the body. This can give you pain relief, but may also slow your heart rate and breathing. There are 2 types of opioid medicines: opiates occur naturally and are made from the opium poppy (for example, codeine, morphine and heroin) opioids are created synthetically (for example, pethidine and fentanyl) What are opioid medicines used for? Most opioids, such as morphine and codeine, can be used to treat pain. Others such as methadone can also be used to treat addiction and manage withdrawal symptoms. Opioids are prescribed for the short-term treatment of

Opioid medicines (how they work)

What are opioids? Opioids are a group of medicines that may be prescribed by a doctor to treat pain. Opioids reduce feelings of pain by interrupting pain signals between the brain and the body. Opioids work by interacting with the opioid receptors in your brain. This can have several effects, including altering how you feel pain. Some opioid-based medicines your doctor may prescribe include: buprenorphine fentanyl hydromorphone methadone morphine oxycodone tapentadol codeine tramadl Different opioid medicines are taken in different ways, including as: tablets or pills patches on the skin injections intravenous infusions What is the difference between opiates and opioids? There


The role of a ophthalmologist What is an ophthalmologist? Ophthalmologists are medical doctors with additional specialist training in the diagnosis and management of disorders of the eye and visual system. They are also sometimes called eye doctors or eye surgeons. In Australia, ophthalmologists need to complete at least 5 years of specialist training after they become a doctor. If you have an eye disease or visual disorder, your doctor or optometrist may refer you to an ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologists do surgery and prescribe contact lenses and glasses as well as medicines for eye problems. What does an ophthalmologist do? Ophthalmologists are

Open TMJ surgery

What is open TMJ surgery? Open TMJ surgery allows your surgeon to see inside your temporomandibular joint (TMJ, or jaw joint) through a cut on your skin. Your surgeon can diagnose and treat problems such as a torn cartilage and damage to the surface of the joint. They will be able to remove or change the position of the cartilage disc and reshape the lower and upper joint surfaces. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to confirm exactly what the problem is and to treat the problem at the same time. The temporomandibular joint. Are there any alternatives to

Open inguinal hernia repair (male)

What is an inguinal hernia? Your abdominal cavity contains your intestines and other structures. These are protected by your abdominal wall, which is made up of four layers. Weak spots can develop in the layer of muscle, resulting in the contents of your abdomen, along with the inner layer, pushing through your abdominal wall. This produces a lump called a hernia. An inguinal hernia happens at the inguinal canal. This is a narrow passage in which blood vessels supplying your testicle pass through your abdominal wall. An inguinal hernia. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have the hernia. Surgery

Open inguinal hernia repair (female)

What is an inguinal hernia? Your abdominal cavity contains your intestines and other structures. These are protected by your abdominal wall, which is made up of four layers. Weak spots can develop in the layer of muscle, resulting in the contents of your abdomen, along with the inner layer, pushing through your abdominal wall. This produces a lump called a hernia. An inguinal hernia happens at the inguinal canal. This is a narrow passage in which nerves and a ligament pass through your abdominal wall. An inguinal hernia repair for women. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have the

Open incisional hernia repair

What is an incisional hernia? An incisional hernia is a weakness in your abdominal wall which happens at the site of a cut (incision) made during a previous operation. Any operation on your abdomen needs a cut that is closed with stitches. Sometimes your wound does not heal properly and a weakness happens in the muscle layer. This results in the contents of your abdomen, along with the inner layer, pushing through your abdominal muscles. This produces a lump under your skin called a hernia. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have the hernia. Surgery should prevent

Open cholecystectomy

What are gallstones? Gallstones are ‘stones’ that form in your gallbladder. They are common and can run in families. The risk of developing gallstones increases as you get older and if you eat a diet rich in fat. For some people gallstones can cause severe symptoms, with repeated attacks of abdominal pain being the most common. The position of the gallbladder. What are the benefits of surgery? You should be free of pain and able to eat a normal diet. Surgery should also prevent the serious complications that gallstones can cause. Are there any alternatives to surgery? The gallstones can be left alone


What is an Oophorectomy? Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of your ovary. Bilateral oophorectomy is the surgical removal of both ovaries. Oophorectomy is usually done to treat an ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer or some other problem related to your ovary. When is the procedure needed? Oophorectomy may be needed to treat problems such as: an ovarian cyst ovarian torsion (twisted ovary) ovarian cancer endometriosis as part of a hysterectomy in some people Ovarian cysts An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled pocket in the ovary. There are different types of ovarian cysts. Sometimes ovarian cysts can rupture (burst). Surgery for an ovarian cyst may involve removal


The role of an oncologist What is an oncologist? An oncologist is a specialist doctor who has training to identify, diagnose and treat people with cancer. Oncologists diagnose and treat different types of cancer in different parts of the body. An oncologist will be part of your cancer treatment from the time you are diagnosed up to your follow-up post treatment. What types of oncologists are there? There are 3 main types of oncologists. Medical oncologists use medicines to treat cancer. Examples of medical treatments include chemotherapy, hormone therapy and immunotherapy. Surgical oncologists remove tumours during an operation. They also take tissue

Older people and depression

Depression in older people What is depression in older people? Depression is a mental health condition that can affect people of all ages. While it is normal to feel down sometimes, if you feel this way for 2 weeks or more, or your mood is affecting your ability to cope with everyday life, you may be experiencing depression. Sometimes older people can think that symptoms of depression occur because of their age, poor health or dementia. Some older people prefer not to talk about depression, feel a sense of shame, or don’t like to admit that they’re not coping. Sadly, this can

Oestrogen blood test

What is being tested? Oestrogen (also known as estrogen) is a group of sex hormones. It’s produced by both females and males, although in much greater amounts in females. Oestrogen helps the female reproductive organs — the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus (womb) and the vagina — to grow and mature. It also helps with breast development. Oestrogen levels rise naturally during puberty and fall after menopause. Many females will have a blood test for oestrogen. This might be during pregnancy, or if you are having difficulty getting pregnant. Other times that oestrogen levels are tested are: if your menstrual cycles (periods) are not regular if you are showing

Oestrogen blood test

What is being tested? Oestrogen (also known as estrogen) is a group of sex hormones. It’s produced by both females and males, although in much greater amounts in females. Oestrogen helps the female reproductive organs — the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus (womb) and the vagina — to grow and mature. It also helps with breast development. Oestrogen levels rise naturally during puberty and fall after menopause. Many females will have a blood test for oestrogen. This might be during pregnancy, or if you are having difficulty getting pregnant. Other times that oestrogen levels are tested are: if your menstrual cycles (periods) are not regular if you are showing

Oesophageal cancer

Key facts Oesophageal cancer occurs in the tube that takes food from your mouth to your stomach. The most common type of oesophageal cancer is adenocarcinoma — it usually occurs in the lower oesophagus. Common symptoms include food getting stuck in your oesophagus and coming back up (regurgitation), bloody vomit, a change in your voice and fatigue. Oesophageal cancer is treated with surgery, an oesophageal stent, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy. What is oesophageal cancer? Oesophageal cancer (sometimes spelled ‘esophageal’ cancer) happens when cells grow in an uncontrolled way in the oesophagus. The oesophagus is a muscular tube that carries food

Occupational therapy

What is occupational therapy? Occupational therapy can help when someone is having difficulty with everyday tasks (the tasks that ‘occupy’ them). An occupational therapist (also known as an ‘OT’) can identify your strengths and any difficulties — such as dressing or getting to the shops. They can then help you work out practical solutions. An OT can help you maintain, regain or improve your independence. Your OT may suggest different techniques, changing your environment or using new equipment to help you achieve your goals. OTs work with people of any age, including children and older people, to help them do

Obstructive sleep apnoea

What is obstructive sleep apnoea? Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) happens when your throat is partly or completely blocked at times while you’re asleep, causing you to stop breathing. You may stop breathing for between 10 and 90 seconds, and then wake up briefly (called an arousal), which restarts your breathing. These breathing pauses, known as apnoeas, can happen many times a night. You’re often unaware of it happening, but will wake feeling tired. OSA ranges from mild to severe. In severe cases, your sleep can be interrupted hundreds of times each night with long pauses in your breathing. Why do

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

What is OCD? Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a treatable anxiety disorder that affects more than 500,000 people in Australia. It usually develops in late childhood or early teenage years and without proper treatment can become a chronic condition. As the name suggests, there are 2 kinds of symptoms: obsessions — an unwanted thought, image or urge that repeatedly comes into the mind compulsions — repetitive behaviours or rituals, that are difficult or impossible to resist doing, which are carried out to reduce anxiety The compulsions can take considerable time, impacting on normal day-to-day activities. For example, a person with OCD may need to check

Objects or chemicals in the eye

What is an object or chemical in the eye? An object in the eye is something small such as dirt, metal or sawdust that gets into the eye. Most objects in your eye can be found under your eyelid or on the surface of your eye. Something can get in your eyes when you’re cleaning, gardening or at work. It can also happen when something is carried by the wind and gets in the eye. If you get something in your eye during activities such as drilling, cutting or grinding, you may have a more serious eye injury and should

Objects in the nose

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. How is an object in the ear diagnosed? Your doctor will look into your ear with a light. How is an object in the ear treated? Your doctor can remove the object with a special instrument. Children may need some medicine to make them sleepy to let the doctor do this. While you are waiting to get medical help: keep your ear well protected so you don’t damage it further don’t stop any fluid that comes out of the ear don’t try

Objects in the ear

What is an object in the ear? Children often poke things like small toys or beads into their ears. They may want to see what it feels like or just be curious. Sometimes another child might put something in someone else’s ear. If you think a child has an object in their ear, take them to see a doctor. If the object contains chemicals (like a button battery) or is a bean (which can swell) you should go to the nearest hospital emergency department. Objects commonly found in ears include: cotton buds hearing aid batteries stones or fruit pips folded

Object (swallowed accidentally)

Swallowed object What is a swallowed object? A swallowed object usually refers to an item that you should not have swallowed. Healthcare professionals may call it a suspected foreign body. One of the ways children explore their environment is by putting things in their mouths. Sometimes though, children and adults swallow items that are dangerous, including poisonous substances and small non-toxic objects. Some swallowed objects can progress through the body without a problem and can pass in stools (poo). These objects usually cause no problems, such as: small stones or pebbles pips or stones from fruit teeth (if they have

Object (retained)

Retained tampon or other object Sometimes an object (also known as a ‘foreign body’) can become stuck in the vagina, or you may simply forget it is there. Common objects that may get stuck include tampons, condoms (or pieces of a condom if it has split), a contraceptive device (such as a diaphragm or sponge), or something inserted for sexual pleasure, such as a sex toy. It is important for the object to be removed as soon as possible. If you have tried to remove it but failed, you should consult a health professional as soon as possible. Retained tampon

Obesity in pregnancy

Women planning to get pregnant should strongly consider losing weight if they’re obese or overweight, experts say, as being overweight at conception has been linked to pregnancy complications and poor health outcomes for babies. The science says… A study, which looked at the BMIs (Body Mass Indexes) of more than 42,500 first-time mothers over a 25-year period, has found an increase in obesity in pregnancy and a decrease in the number of mums in the healthy weight range.  Researchers from the University of Sydney examined the data of new mothers – their identities were not disclosed – who gave birth between 1990 and 2014 at

Obesity in children

Key facts Childhood obesity is when a child has too much body fat for their age. Being overweight and living with obesity are common in Australia, affecting 1 in 4 Australian children. Children living with obesity generally have a body mass index (BMI) at the 95th percentile or higher for their age group. Helping a child or teenager maintain a healthy weight means they’re less likely to struggle with weight problems as adults. You can help manage obesity in children by modelling healthy eating habits with them, encouraging lots of physical activity and limiting screen time. What is obesity in


What is obesity? Living with obesity or being overweight means that you are carrying too much weight in the form of body fat. Living with obesity puts you in the highest weight range, above what’s considered healthy. Being overweight also means your body weight is outside a healthy range, but it’s not as extreme as obesity. In Australia, 2 out of 3 adults and 1 in 4 children are living with obesity or are overweight. Obesity is more common among disadvantaged Australians. Experts predict that by 2025, more than 3 in 4 Australian adults will be either overweight or living

Oestrogen blood test

Key facts An oestrogen blood test may test for: oestradiol, oestriol or oestrone. There are many reasons why you might need an oestrogen blood test. Your doctor will explain your test results. What is being tested? Oestrogen (also known as estrogen) is a group of sex hormones. It’s produced by both females and males, although in much greater amounts in females. Oestrogen helps the female reproductive organs — the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus (womb) and the vagina — to grow and mature. It also helps with breast development. Oestrogen levels rise naturally during puberty and fall after menopause. Many females

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)

What is obstructive sleep apnoea? Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) happens when your throat is partly or completely blocked at times while you’re asleep, causing you to stop breathing. You may stop breathing for between 10 and 90 seconds, and then wake up briefly (called an arousal), which restarts your breathing. These breathing pauses, known as apnoeas, can happen many times a night. You’re often unaware of it happening, but will wake feeling tired. OSA ranges from mild to severe. In severe cases, your sleep can be interrupted hundreds of times each night with long pauses in your breathing. Why do

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

What is OCD? Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a treatable anxiety disorder that affects more than 500,000 people in Australia. It usually develops in late childhood or early teenage years and without proper treatment can become a chronic condition. As the name suggests, there are 2 kinds of symptoms: obsessions — an unwanted thought, image or urge that repeatedly comes into the mind compulsions — repetitive behaviours or rituals, that are difficult or impossible to resist doing, which are carried out to reduce anxiety The compulsions can take considerable time, impacting on normal day-to-day activities. For example, a person with OCD may need to check