Personality disorders

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

What is complex PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop in people who have been through a traumatic event. The event may have threatened their life or safety, or they may have witnessed a serious accident, death or natural disaster. Complex PTSD is a condition that can occur after prolonged and repeated trauma, particularly due to child abuse or domestic violence. Trauma can cause problems with memory and disrupt the development of a person’s identity and their ability to control emotions and form relationships with others. What are the symptoms of complex PTSD? People

Personality disorder, Overview

Key facts Your personality is made up of unique traits (characteristics or qualities) that affect how you think and act.   A personality disorder is when someone’s traits cause distress and make it hard for them to function in everyday life. There are many kinds of personality disorders, each with their own patterns of unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. People with personality disorders may find it hard to work and form positive relationships with others. Psychotherapy is the best way to help someone with a personality disorder learn about their thoughts and behaviours and how to overcome difficulties. Personality disorders: an

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

What is NPD? Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition in which a person believes they are better than everyone else. While many people have narcissistic traits, people with NPD have problems that affect their lives, relationships and everyday life. People with NPD may appear arrogant, with an inflated self-image and disregard for the feelings of others. NPD is part of the cluster of personality disorders with symptoms of intense and unstable emotions and a distorted self-image. It usually starts in the early adult years and affects more men than women. Narcissism, narcissistic personality types and NPD Everyone

Histrionic personality disorder

What is histrionic personality disorder? Histrionic personality disorder is a type of psychiatric disorder that features attention-seeking behaviours, seductive behaviour and emotional over-reaction. What are the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder? People with histrionic personality disorder can seem highly dramatic, theatrical and approval seeking. They seem like the life and soul of the party, but they can be embarrassing, with excessive public displays of love, crying or temper tantrums. The main characteristics of a histrionic personality are: constantly seeking attention being uncomfortable in situations where they are not the centre of attention displaying inappropriate seductive or sexually provocative behaviour being

Dissociative identity disorder

What is dissociative identity disorder? Dissociative identity disorder is a psychological condition where disturbance to a person’s sense of identity causes them to feel or be observed by others to have 2 or more separate personalities. It was previously known as ‘multiple personality disorder’. Dissociative identity disorder is a type of dissociative disorder — where there is a disconnect between your thoughts, memories and feelings and sense of who you are. Dissociative identity disorder is usually long-term and is a response to extreme trauma. Dissociative identity disorder may be incorrectly mixed up with schizophrenia. While they are both mental health disorders,

Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Borderline personality disorder (BPD)   What is borderline personality disorder? Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a common mental health disorder that can be treated. It affects people’s thoughts, emotions and behaviours, making it difficult for them to cope in all areas of life. We all see the world through different eyes, but a person with borderline personality disorder has an abnormally distorted view of themselves and the environment around them. People with borderline personality disorder feel intense, uncontrollable emotions, which can make them very distressed and angry. They have trouble with their relationships and find it hard to feel comfortable in themselves.

Avoidant personality disorder

What is avoidant personality disorder? Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a personality disorder. People with AVPD often have a long history of feeling inadequate (not enough) and are very sensitive to what others think about them. Someone with an avoidant personality disorder will appear shy and timid. But this is much more than just being ‘shy’. You may avoid people because you feel inferior, even though you really want to have company. You are very sensitive to judgements by others and fear rejection. These feelings are chronic and intense. They negatively affect your ability to engage and function through life.

Antisocial personality disorder

What is antisocial personality disorder? People with antisocial personality disorder tend to disregard authority, the law or the rights of other people. They may tell lies, behave aggressively or engage in illegal behaviour such as stealing, drug taking and violence. People with antisocial personality disorder are said to lack remorse or a conscience, and generally do not feel sorry for their actions. They are sometimes called a ‘sociopath’ or a ‘psychopath’. What are the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder? Some people with antisocial personality disorder are highly successful, intelligent and charming but exploit others for their own personal gain. Others