Heart surgery

Percutaneous coronary intervention

What is a percutaneous coronary intervention? A percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is used to treat the symptoms of coronary artery disease, which is narrowing of the coronary arteries (blood vessels that supply your heart muscle with oxygen). A PCI is a procedure to widen or unblock an artery using a small inflatable balloon. A stent (metal mesh tube) is usually used to hold the artery open. What are the benefits of a PCI? Having a PCI should improve the flow of blood without you having to have open heart surgery. You should get less pain. A PCI may also improve your


Key facts A pacemaker is a small medical device placed in the chest to correct certain heart problems. Your doctor or specialist may recommend a pacemaker if you have an irregular heartbeat, heart muscle problems or some other heart conditions. A pacemaker is inserted during a minor surgical procedure. Most people with pacemakers can continue to live active lives. Your doctor can advise you of any precautions you need to take after having a pacemaker inserted. What is a pacemaker? A pacemaker is a device that sends electrical impulses to the heart. These make the heart beat at a normal

Mitral valve surgery

What is mitral valve disease? Your heart is a muscle that pumps oxygen-rich blood from your lungs around your body and oxygen-poor blood from your body to your lungs. Your mitral valve is a one-way valve that controls the flow of blood from the main collecting chamber (left atrium) into the main pumping chamber (left ventricle). The valve is made up of two leaflets (or ‘doors’) that are forced open as the atrium contracts. Mitral valve disease is where the valve does not open properly, is narrowed (stenosis), or does not close properly (incompetence). An open mitral valve. What are

Implantable cardioverter defibrillators

Key facts An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is a small device placed near the heart, which detects and corrects abnormal rhythms of the heart. You might need an ICD if you have a heart arrhythmia, such as an abnormally fast or irregular heartbeat. Fitting an ICD will require either a local or general anaesthetic, depending on your circumstances. People with ICDs should avoid certain types of electronic devices with strong magnetic fields, such as chainsaws and MRI. It’s important to tell any health professionals you see that you have an ICD. What is an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)? An implantable

Heart transplants

Key facts A heart transplant is a surgical operation to replace a damaged heart with a healthy donor heart. It can save your life if you have severe heart failure and no other treatments have worked. If you need a heart transplant, you will be on a waiting list until a suitable heart becomes available from someone who has recently died. After a transplant, look after your new heart by taking your medicines as your doctors advise, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Contact your transplant team if you feel short of breath or dizzy, if your ankles are swollen or

Coronary artery bypass graft

What is coronary artery disease? Coronary artery disease is a narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries. The narrowing of the coronary arteries is caused by atherosclerosis, where abnormal fatty material coats the inside of the artery. The diseased arteries may not deliver enough oxygen to your heart. The pain associated with this is called angina. A coronary artery can become blocked, causing part of the heart muscle to die. What are the benefits of surgery? You should get less pain and have a better quality of life. Surgery may also improve your breathing and how well your heart works. Sometimes surgery

Aortic valve replacement

What is an aortic valve replacement? The aortic valve is one of 4 valves in the heart that work together to keep blood flowing in the right direction. If the aortic valve stops working properly, it may need to be replaced. Why is an aortic valve replacement performed? The aortic valve must open fully and close fully with each heartbeat so the heart can pump enough blood around the body. If either function is affected, the heart must work much harder to try and deliver enough blood to the body and it can become overworked. Signs the aortic valve is


Key facts Angioplasty is a medical procedure used to increase the flow of blood through a narrowed artery. During angioplasty, a small balloon is inflated in the affected blood vessel, opening it and allowing more blood flow. Angioplasty may be used in many different areas of the body to restore blood flow. Common sites for angioplasty include the heart, brain, kidneys and legs. Angioplasty usually takes 30 to 60 minutes, but you many need to stay in hospital for overnight after the procedure, depending on your condition.   What is angioplasty? Angioplasty is a medical procedure used to increase the