Fungal infections

Toenail infection

Key facts Toenail infections are common and are caused by a fungus, which often spreads from tinea on your foot. If your toenail is infected it may look thickened, crumbly and discoloured and the nail may be destroyed if the infection is not treated. Most toenail infections need to be treated with oral antifungal medicine for several months, as creams don’t usually work. You can prevent fungal toenail infections by keeping your feet clean and dry, wearing shoes that allow air flow and not walking barefoot in public pools and showers. Paronychia is an infection of the skin next to


Key facts Tinea is a fungal infection found in moist, warm parts of the body. Examples of types of tinea include athlete’s foot, ringworm and jock itch. Symptoms of tinea include a red flaky rash that can crack, split and peel, plus blistering and itching. Tinea can affect anyone, but is common among sportspeople and those who share communal change rooms. Tinea is often treated with anti-fungal medicines, usually a cream, and can be prevented with good hygiene. What is tinea? Tinea is a common and contagious fungal skin or nail infection. The tinea fungus thrives in warm, moist environments,

Vaginal thrush

What is vaginal thrush? Vaginal thrush is a common yeast infection caused by the candida species of fungus. It is easily treated and can be prevented. It is also called vaginal candidiasis. Thrush occurs in many areas of the body, but especially in the vagina, anus and mouth. Vaginal thrush can affect women of any age, although it is more common in women between the ages of 15 and 50 years old. It is unusual in girls who have not yet begun their periods and in older women after menopause. What are the symptoms of vaginal thrush? The most common symptoms are itchiness,

Seborrhoeic dermatitis

What is seborrhoeic dermatitis? Seborrhoeic dermatitis (also spelled seborrheic dermatitis) is a form of skin inflammation that usually occurs on the scalp, face or torso, in or around areas that naturally produce an oily substance known as sebum. Seborrhoeic dermatitis is also called seborrhoeic eczema, and can lead to dandruff. If it happens in infants, it causes cradle cap. What causes seborrhoeic dermatitis? Seborrhoeic dermatitis may be caused by an immune reaction to a microscopic fungus called Malassezia. Malassezia is normally present on healthy skin, around the areas where oil is produced, but some people develop an immune reaction to Malassezia for

Oral thrush

Key facts Oral thrush, also known as oral candidiasis, is a mouth infection caused by a yeast fungus. Many people have candida present in their mouth without experiencing any problems. There are many risk factors for developing oral thrush including diabetes, chronic illness and poor dental hygiene. Oral thrush can be treated with antifungal mouthwashes, ointments or medications. See your doctor if you have severe symptoms of oral thrush or your symptoms return after treatment. What is oral thrush? Oral thrush, also known as oral candidiasis, is an infection of the mouth caused by yeast (a type of fungus) known

Genital thrush in males

Key facts Thrush is a yeast infection caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called candida. Candida infections can occur in many different parts of your body, including your genitals. If you have genital thrush you may have no symptoms or you may have symptoms including an uncomfortable rash on your penis and genital area. Treatments include creams and sometimes pills, depending how severe your symptoms are. You can prevent thrush by practicing good hygiene. What is thrush? Thrush is an infection with a fungus. It is also known as a yeast infection. The fungus, called candida, occurs naturally in your