Healthy and active children

Developing life skills through sports

Key facts Organised sport has many physical, developmental, psychological and social benefits for children. Playing sport helps children learn to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a positive way. Playing sport helps children build resilience and feel better about themselves. Parents play a key role in developing a child’s life skills through participating in sport. To keep your child interested and enjoying sport, make it a positive experience for them. Keep the focus on having fun and being active, rather than on winning. Organised sport has many psychological and social benefits for children – even more than the

Sleep tips for children

Key facts Healthy sleep means getting enough good quality sleep, and having regular sleep routines. Sleep is essential for growth, immunity and learning, and is important for helping children heal and recover from illness and injury. Poor sleep is linked to mental health problems, poor growth and reduced school performance. Why is sleep important for my child? All children need sleep for growth, learning and development. Getting enough sleep is vital for your child’s physical health, brain function, emotional wellbeing, safety, and ability to function day to day. Having a good night’s sleep can help your child be happier, helps

A safe sports environment for children

Key facts Children need a safe environment to play sport. This includes an environment that is free from abuse, discrimination and harassment. All equipment used should be safe and meet Australian Standards. A child’s emotional environment is just as important as their physical environment. Listen to your child. Take their concerns seriously and respond to them. Creating a safe sports environment for children It is important to ensure a safe environment for children who play sport. By law, sporting organisations in Australia are responsible for protecting children from abuse, discrimination and harassment. Make sure the sporting environment is safe by

Safe exercise for children

Key facts Safe exercise for children means making sure the sporting environment is safe, checking that equipment is appropriate, and the conditions are right for the age and fitness level of the child. Check that your child plays sports that suit their size, age and ability, and that the emotional environment is right for your child. Parents and other adults can take steps to help prevent injuries at children’s sporting events. Warming up, cooling down and preventing sunburn and dehydration are important elements of safe exercise for children. What is safe exercise for children? To help your child stay safe

Physical activity benefits for children

Key facts Children of all ages can benefit from being physically active. Physical activity is essential for good physical and mental health and wellbeing. Physical activity does not need to be a structured sport. Anything that gets them up and moving will benefit your child. Children spend time sitting at school, doing homework and reading and it’s important to strike a balance and to find more opportunities for them to move. Try to encourage a mix of activities to strengthen their muscles and bones and to increase their breathing and heart rate. Benefits of physical activity for children What is

Hygiene for children

What is personal hygiene for children? Your child needs to keep themselves clean to remain healthy and to feel good about themselves. Good personal hygiene will help boost their self-esteem and confidence. Teaching your child good hygiene habits We all need to keep clean to avoid harmful germs and avoid getting sick. Good personal hygiene also boosts confidence by dealing with problems like bad breath or body odour. For children, the basics of good personal hygiene are: washing their hands covering their mouth when they cough having regular baths or showers brushing and flossing their teeth You may have to help your child learn and practise

Hydration tips for children

Key facts Children need to drink water throughout the day, to help maintain their body temperature, make bodily fluids and for day-to-day functioning. Young children and babies are at highest risk of becoming dehydrated. If your child is very thirsty, they are probably already dehydrated. Mild dehydration can be treated at home by giving oral rehydration fluids or water. Do not give drinks that are high in sugar. Why do children need to stay hydrated? Most of your child’s body is made up of water. Water helps maintain body temperature, make bodily fluids and function day-to-day. Dehydration can cause poor sports performance,

Healthy eating for children

Key facts Healthy eating in childhood reduces your child’s chance of developing health problems as they get older. A healthy, balanced diet includes foods from all 5 food groups: fruit, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy. Foods high in sugar, saturated fat and salt aren’t necessary for a healthy diet and should be limited. Cooking and eating healthy foods together as a family can help your child develop healthy eating habits for life. If your child has specific dietary needs or restrictions, your doctor or dietician can help you make sure their diet is healthy and balanced. What is healthy eating?

Dental care for children

Dental care for children In Australia, tooth decay in children is on the rise. Children aged 5 to 10 years have an average of one and a half decayed, missing or filled baby teeth. So, it’s more important than ever to teach your child good oral health habits that will stay with them for life. Caring for children’s teeth is important It’s important to look after your child’s teeth from the moment they start teething. Keeping your child’s teeth and gums clean will protect against infection, cavities and pain. Decayed baby teeth can damage the permanent (adult) teeth underneath. It’s important

Exercise for children with asthma

Key facts Having asthma is not a reason for children to avoid exercise. Some people experience asthma symptoms after vigorous exercise. This is known as exercise induced asthma or exercise induced bronchoconstriction. Symptoms of exercise induced asthma usually start about 5 to 10 minutes after vigorous exercise. Make sure your child always has their reliever puffer with them. It’s important that your child and any supervising adults know how and when to use it. Your child’s asthma action plan should contain information about preventing and responding to exercise induced asthma. Keep the plan with your child when they exercise. Should