Refractive errors

Short-sightedness (myopia)

What is short-sightedness? Short-sightedness (also known as myopia) is a common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred. Someone with myopia can achieve good vision with prescription glasses, contact lenses or laser surgery. Short-sightedness usually first appears in childhood. How is short-sightedness caused? When light enters the eye, it is bent by the cornea (the clear layer on the front of the eye) and the lens. If you have normal vision, the light waves are brought into focus right on the retina, the layer at the back of the eye. If you are short-sighted, the light waves from

Long-sightedness (hyperopia)

What is long-sightedness? Long-sightedness (also known as hyperopia) is a common eye condition that can be hard to detect. It makes close objects appear blurry, or you might be able to focus clearly but get tired eyes or headaches. For people with significant long-sightedness, vision can be blurry for things in the distance as well. How is long-sightedness caused? The size and shape of the eye largely causes long-sightedness. When light enters the eye, it is bent by the cornea, the clear layer on the front of the eye, and the lens. This process is known as refraction. If you


What is presbyopia? Presbyopia is a condition in which your eyes become less able to focus as you get older. Usually, you notice that reading and focusing on objects close up becomes more difficult, although you will still see distant objects clearly. Presbyopia is a natural part of ageing and is usually corrected with the use of glasses or contact lenses.   What causes presbyopia? As you get older, the lens in your eye becomes harder and less flexible. This makes it harder to focus on close objects. People often notice changes in their vision around the age of 40. You might

Laser eye surgery

What is laser eye surgery? Laser eye surgery uses a beam of light (a laser) to destroy diseased or unwanted eye tissue. It can reshape your cornea, correcting your vision. In many cases this removes the need for glasses or contact lenses. Like all surgery, it has risks and possible complications. When is laser eye surgery used? Laser eye surgery is most often used to correct vision. People with poor vision often have a misshaped cornea. This is the clear layer at the front of the eye. A misshaped cornea is not the correct shape to focus light on the


What is astigmatism? Astigmatism is a problem with vision that is caused by the cornea or the lens of the eye not being perfectly curved. The result is blurred vision — mildly blurred for some people, severely blurred for others. Eye check-ups can diagnose astigmatism, which can be treated with glasses, contact lenses or laser eye surgery. What are the types of astigmatism? There are 2 types of astigmatism: regular — where the cornea is curved more in 1 direction (say vertically) than the other (say horizontally) irregular — where the curvature of the cornea is uneven across the surface