Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) blood test

Key facts An erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) blood test can be done to check for inflammation or infection in your body. ESR blood tests are non-specific, so are usually used along with other tests. There is no preparation needed for this test. It is important to speak with your doctor about your results. What is an erythrocyte sedimentation rate blood test? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) blood test is often used to check for inflammation in your body. ESR blood tests are usually used with other tests. That’s because they are not specific, and do not show the cause or


Key facts Endocarditis is a rare but serious condition caused by an infection of the inner lining of your heart. It usually involves one or more of your heart valves. Symptoms can develop over a few days or several weeks, and may include fever, night sweats, tiredness, weight loss and general aches and pains. The main treatment is antibiotics but many people with endocarditis also need surgery to remove infected tissue and to rebuild or replace damaged heart valves. If you are at risk of endocarditis you should see your doctor. What is endocarditis? Endocarditis is a rare but serious

Eye-health (over 60)

Many people associate older age with poorer vision. It’s true that there are many eye conditions which are more common in older age. However, there are many things you can do to help maintain good vision for life. Read on to learn more. How do my eyes change as I get older? As with other parts of your body, your eyes go through normal changes as you age. Presbyopia is a vision problem where you may notice it is more difficult to read things that are close by. You need to hold things further away to see them clearly. Almost all people will

Eye tests

  Regular eye tests with an optometrist can help make sure your eyes are in good health. They can pick up problems with your eyes before you notice anything. You don’t need a doctor’s referral to see an optometrist for an eye test. Why should I have an eye test? Regular eye tests can detect and diagnose eye problems in the early stages, such as: glaucoma cataracts macular degeneration The earlier these problems are diagnosed, the sooner you can get treated. This will improve your vision outcomes. Eye tests can also help identify if you have trouble seeing at different distances. You

Eye strain

What is eye strain? Eye strain is common. It happens when you use your eyes to concentrate on something for a long time. Lots of things can cause eye strain, but there are actions you can take to prevent it too. What are the symptoms of eye strain? When people get eye strain, they generally get tired, sore or itchy eyes, or notice that their eyes are watery or dry. Eye strain can also cause: a burning sensation in your eyes blurred eyesight, or double vision difficulty concentrating sensitivity to light headache sore neck, shoulders or back due to muscle

Eye infections

Eye infections can be caused by either viruses or bacteria, or occasionally by a fungus. Conditions such as conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, blepharitis (infection of the eye lid) and corneal ulcers cause red, puffy, swollen, watery and painful eyes. Treatment often involves eye drops and sometimes antibiotics. Other eye diseases such as glaucoma can mimic the symptoms of eye infections, so you should see your doctor or an optometrist if your symptoms don’t rapidly improve by themselves. If you experience any loss of vision, you should immediately seek medical assistance.

Eye floaters

What are eye floaters? Eye floaters are small specks or strands or clouds that move across your vision. They can drift across your field of vision and stand out more when you look at something bright. They usually don’t affect your vision. Though, if they are large, they may appear to cast a shadow over your vision in some types of light. Eye floaters become more common as we age. They don’t normally go away, but they don’t usually need treatment. Over time, your brain adapts, and you don’t notice them as much. What symptoms are related to eye floaters?

Eye discharge

Key facts It’s normal to find some crusty eye discharge along your lashes and in the corner of your eye when you wake up from sleep. This is not usually a cause for concern. Eye discharge may be watery or sticky — these different types of discharge indicate different causes for eye discharge. You do not need antibiotics for all types of eye discharge. See your doctor or pharmacist if you have yellow-green sticky discharge, pain or swelling in or around your eye, blurred vision or light sensitivity. What is eye discharge? Eye discharge is secretion of mucus or other

Eye care

There are simple steps you can take to care for your eyes, and to protect them with essential eye care habits every day. Here are some things you can do to care for and help protect your eyes. How can I protect my eyes at work and at home? If you work in an environment where there’s a risk of getting something in your eyes (such as dust, wood chips, metal fragments or chemicals), protect your eyes by wearing a face visor or a pair of wrap-around goggles. You may also want to ask your employer to provide protective clothing. It’s also

Eye cancer

What is eye cancer? Eye cancer develops when abnormal cells in your eye grow and divide in an uncontrolled way. In adults, it is usually caused by melanoma. Eye cancer can be quite hard to treat, but luckily it is rare in Australia. Many different cancers can affect the eyes or the muscles and tissue around the eye. Eye cancers are sometimes called ‘intraocular cancers’. Sometimes they start to grow in the eye itself, and sometimes they spread there from other cancers elsewhere in the body, such as the breast or lungs. What are the types of eye cancer? The most common

Eye (objects or chemicals)

Objects or chemicals in the eye What is an object or chemical in the eye? An object in the eye is something small such as dirt, metal or sawdust that gets into the eye. Most objects in your eye can be found under your eyelid or on the surface of your eye. Something can get in your eyes when you’re cleaning, gardening or at work. It can also happen when something is carried by the wind and gets in the eye. If you get something in your eye during activities such as drilling, cutting or grinding, you may have a

External cardioversion

What is an external cardioversion? An external cardioversion is a procedure to treat an abnormal heart rhythm. It involves connecting you to a defibrillator machine that gives a controlled electric shock to make your heart beat normally again. Your heart is a muscle that pumps oxygen-rich blood from your lungs around your body and oxygen-poor blood from your body to your lungs. The pumping (heartbeat) is controlled by electric impulses from a group of cells on your heart called the sinus node. When your heart beats normally, the electric impulses cause the upper collecting chambers (atria) and lower pumping chambers

Expressing breast milk

Expressing and storing breast milk What is expressing? Expressing is a way to get milk from your breasts when your baby is not breastfeeding. You can express milk by hand or with a pump. There are manual pumps and electric pumps available. Not everyone will need to express breast milk. Why would I need to express? Being able to express breast milk is useful in several situations. Such as if your baby has been born prematurely is unwell and is not able to breastfeed can’t attach and suck effectively is refusing the breast your breasts are very full and uncomfortable needs to be fed

Expired medicines

Out-of-date medicines What is an out-of-date medicine? All medications have an expiry date. The expiry date is the point in time when the medication will no longer be as effective as it should be. Medicines should not be used past their expiry date. This includes prescribed as well as over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. Expiry dates can vary widely between different medicines and different forms of medicine. For example, dry tablets are likely to have a later expiry date than liquids. It doesn’t matter what form your medicine is in, all medicines expire, including patches, creams, lotions, ointments, liquids, injections and tablets. The

Exercise and mental health

What are the physical health benefits of exercise? Exercise has many benefits for your physical health. Physical activity helps reduce your risk of illnesses, such as: heart disease high blood pressure diabetes obesity cancer Exercise can help people with illnesses and conditions such as: stroke Alzheimer’s disease Parkinson’s disease dementia Physical activity can also help you maintain a healthy weight and improve your overall health. Different exercises can help you: lose weight if you need to build muscle mass and strength Exercise can also boost your self-esteem. What are the mental health benefits of exercise? If you exercise regularly, it can help: reduce

Exercise (older adults)

Physical activity guidelines for older people Why should older people stay active? Whatever your age, you can enjoy the benefits of physical activity. There’s a host of health reasons to stay active and it doesn’t have to be ‘serious business’ — being active can be fun, especially if you can socialise at the same time. Exercise also helps keep your mind active and improves your quality of life. Even a small increase in daily physical activity can reduce your risk of health conditions such as: high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes heart disease bone problems, including osteoporosis obesity some

Exercise (getting started)

How to start exercising Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Moderate-intensity physical activity is an activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate, but doesn’t make you too breathless, such as fast walking. If you are pregnant, have been previously inactive, or suffer from any medical conditions, it is recommended that you seek medical advice before commencing vigorous physical activity. For best results in achieving a healthier lifestyle and reducing your risk of developing a chronic disease, combine physical activity with healthy eating. Build up slowly

Excision of a ganglion

What is a ganglion? A ganglion is a lump under your skin that contains fluid. Ganglions usually form near joints. 3 in 4 ganglions form near the wrist. They are also found on your ankle and foot. The fluid in the ganglion comes from a joint or tendon through a narrow channel. What are the benefits of surgery? The lump and any discomfort from it should settle. Surgery gives the best chance of preventing the ganglion from coming back. A ganglion on a wrist. Are there any alternatives to surgery? A ganglion will often disappear or become less painful after

Excision biopsy of a breast lump

What is an excision biopsy of a breast lump? An excision biopsy of a breast lump involves removing a lump through a small cut. What are the benefits of surgery? An excision biopsy is usually performed for the following reasons: You may want to have the lump removed. You may have cosmetic reasons or the lump may be causing you pain. Your surgeon may be concerned about the lump. The tissue will be examined under a microscope to find out if you have cancer. An excision biopsy. Are there any alternatives to an excision biopsy? If the lump is probably benign

Excessive worry

It’s natural to worry about things that are important in your life. But if you find you are worrying about every little thing, this can be a problem. When is it excessive worry? Worry is to feel anxious about things — to think in a negative way about something that may or will happen in the future. It’s common to worry about stressful situations, such as taking an exam or a job interview. This worry is generally short-lived and can be regarded as problem solving for a new or challenging situation. These feelings can drive us to achieve more and

Excessive sweating

What is excessive sweating? Excessive or uncontrollable sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be very distressing and embarrassing, but it’s quite common. Around 3 in every 100 Australians have excessive sweating, meaning they sweat a lot for no apparent reason, even when they are not hot or doing physical activity. If you have this condition, you might sweat so much it soaks through your clothes. If you live with hyperhidrosis and your condition bothers you, you can get help. Treatments can help lessen the impact of excessive sweating on your life. There are 2 types of excessive sweating: Focal hyperhidrosis: excessive


Online therapy (eTherapy) What is online therapy? Online therapy (also known as eTherapy) is psychological support, information, online counselling and other help that is provided online on a computer, tablet or smartphone. There are many different types of online therapy. Some are as simple as screening tools and checklists to help you decide if you want to seek help for a psychological issue. Some offer web seminars. Others have structured online programs. Some programs offer an online counsellor or online psychologist to talk to, while others don’t. Online therapy can be a very effective way of helping most people. Online

Essential tremor

What is essential tremor? Essential tremor is a nervous system condition that causes uncontrollable shaking. Your hands may be affected first. It is not usually dangerous but can get worse over time. It can become severe in some people. What are the symptoms of essential tremor? The most common symptom is shaking of one or both of your hands when they’re being used. This is different to the shaking of the hands in people with Parkinson’s disease. Usually their hands also shake at rest. Your head and voice may also be affected by essential tremor. Having an essential tremor affects people in different

eScript (electronic prescription)

What is an eScript (electronic prescription)? An eScript, or electronic prescription, is a digital version of a paper prescription that your doctor can use to prescribe you medicine. It allows the prescribing and dispensing of medicine without the need for a paper prescription. How is an eScript different from a paper prescription? The main difference is how you receive the prescription. Instead of receiving a piece of paper, you will receive a digital token sent from your doctor by SMS or email. What are the benefits of an eScript? An eScript saves you time and makes the process of getting your medicine


What is erythromelalgia? Erythromelalgia is a rare skin condition that commonly affects your hands or feet. It’s also known as Mitchell’s disease or erythermalgia. What are the symptoms of erythromelalgia? The pain from erythromelalgia can come and go. These are known as flares or episodes. Flares are more common in the evening and night. Flares often involve painful, burning areas of skin that are also:  itchy red swollen warm tender and sore to touch Erythromelalgia usually affects the hands or feet on both sides of the body. However, you can get it in other areas, or just on one side.

Erythema nodosum

What is erythema nodosum? Erythema nodosum is a skin condition that causes a lumpy red rash, usually on your lower legs. It is sometimes caused by an illness, but more than half the time there is no reason found for it. Anyone can get erythema nodosum, but it is most common in females aged 20 to 40 years. What are the symptoms of erythema nodosum? Painful red lumps, or nodules, gradually appear on your skin over a week or longer. They usually appear on both legs, from the knees down. Occasionally, they can also appear on your thighs, arms or

Erectile dysfunction medicines

What are erectile dysfunction medicines? Erectile dysfunction (ED) medicines, commonly known as impotence medicines, are prescribed to help you get and keep an erection. These medicines can help improve male sexual performance. ED medicines are available in different forms, such as tablets or injections. They are usually taken shortly before sexual activity. If you’re experiencing difficulties in getting or maintaining an erection, your doctor can do a health check and suggest appropriate treatment. ED medicines should only be used under medical guidance. How do erectile dysfunction medicines work? Erectile dysfunction (ED) medicines work by improving blood flow to your penis,

Erectile dysfunction

Key facts Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence, means not being able to obtain or keep an erection that is sufficient for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is very common, affecting up to 2 in 3 males over age 45 years. Erectile dysfunction can have a range of causes, both physical and psychological. There are many options available to treat erectile dysfunction. These include psychological treatments, medicines and medical devices. Ask your doctor before taking any medicines for erectile dysfunction, as they aren’t suitable for everyone. What is erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction means not being able to obtain or

EpiPen (how to)

How to use an adrenaline autoinjector What is an adrenaline autoinjector? Adrenaline autoinjectors are used to treat severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) in an emergency. They are designed to administer a single, fixed dose of adrenaline and can be given by anyone, including people who are not medically trained. What types of adrenaline autoinjector are available in Australia? There are two different brands of adrenaline autoinjector available in Australia called EpiPen™ and Anapen™. Both brands have an autoinjector for adults and one for children who weigh between 7.5kg and 20kg. The children’s version contains a lower dose of adrenaline. Anapen™ also makes a larger dose


What is epilepsy? Epilepsy is a long-term brain condition where a person has repeated seizures (fits). It is thought to affect about 3 in every 100 Australians. Having just one seizure is not considered to be epilepsy — about half the people who have one seizure never have another seizure. Epilepsy is not one single condition. There are a range of different conditions that can cause seizures. Seizures usually last 1 to 3 minutes. If someone has a seizure that lasts for more than 5 minutes, call an ambulance on triple zero (000). If you see someone having a seizure, you can

Epigastric hernia repair (child)

What is an epigastric hernia? An epigastric hernia is a lump in the midline between the belly button and sternum (breastbone) which can cause pain. In an epigastric hernia, fat pushes out through a weakness in the wall of the abdomen between the belly button and sternum and forms a lump. What are the benefits of surgery? Your child should no longer have the hernia. Surgery can help to relieve pain that is caused by the hernia. Are there any alternatives to surgery? The hernia can be left alone but pain caused by the hernia will usually continue. It will

Epigastric hernia repair (adult)

What is an epigastric hernia? An epigastric hernia is a lump in the midline between your belly button and sternum (breastbone) which can cause pain. Your abdominal cavity contains your intestines and other structures. These are protected by your abdominal wall, which is made up of four layers. In an epigastric hernia, fat pushes out through a weakness in the wall of your abdomen between your belly button and sternum and forms a lump. The most common symptom is pain caused by the fat being pinched by your abdominal wall. An epigastric hernia. What are the benefits of surgery? Surgery can help

Epidural injection for chronic pain relief

What is an epidural injection? An epidural injection involves injecting local anaesthetics and steroids into the epidural space (an area near your spinal cord). This helps reduce inflammation and pain from the irritated nerve. How does an epidural injection work? A needle is inserted in the epidural space, near your spinal cord. Local anaesthetics and steroids are injected through the needle into the epidural space. The local anaesthetics numb the nerves to give pain relief. The steroids reduce inflammation and may make the pain relief last longer. What types of epidural injection are available? The type of epidural injection depends on where

Epidural anaesthetic

What is an epidural anaesthetic? An epidural anaesthetic (or epidural) involves injecting local anaesthetics and other painkillers into the epidural space (an area near your spinal cord). This numbs your nerves to give pain relief in certain areas of your body. An epidural can be used either on its own while you are awake, or together with sedation or a general anaesthetic. An epidural can also be used after an operation or procedure to give effective pain relief. How does an epidural work? A fine catheter (tube) is inserted in the epidural space, near your spinal cord. Local anaesthetics and other painkillers


What is epididymitis? Epididymitis is inflammation (swelling) of the epididymis. The epididymis is a tightly coiled tube at the back of each testicle that stores sperm while they mature. Epididymitis often occurs at the same time as orchitis, which is inflammation of the testes themselves. What are the symptoms of epididymitis? If you have epididymitis, your testicle will be: tender or painful unusually warm swollen or firm You might also feel sick, with fever and chills. If your epididymitis is related to a sexually transmitted infection (STI), you may also have some discharge from the penis. It may also sting or

Entropion and ectropion repair

What is entropion and ectropion? Entropion and ectropion are conditions that affect your eyelid. With entropion, your eyelid turns in and causes your eyelashes to rub against the cornea (the clear, dome-shaped outer layer at the front of your eye). With ectropion, your eyelid turns out and does not touch your eye. How does entropion or ectropion happen? The problem is usually caused by ageing. Sometimes the problem is caused by scar tissue pulling your eyelid out of position. It can also be caused by a lump or trauma (where a physical force is applied directly to your eyelid). Only

Endovenous ablation

What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins in your leg. Varicose veins tend to run in families and are made worse by pregnancy and standing up a lot. Both legs contain a system of deep veins, which are buried within the muscles of your leg, and a system of superficial veins which run just underneath your skin. Sometimes weaknesses in the walls of the superficial veins cause them to enlarge. The result is a build-up of pressure in the veins, which bulge out as varicose veins. Varicose veins. What are the benefits of surgery? Your symptoms should


What is an endoscopy? An endoscopy is a procedure that gives your doctor a direct view of your body’s internal organs. This can allow a diagnosis and treatment of some conditions. An endoscope is a thin, flexible, tube with a light and a camera at the tip. It is passed into your body through a natural opening, such as your mouth, or a small cut in your skin. Using endoscopy, the doctor can see images of your internal organs on a screen. Types of endoscopy There are many types of endoscopy that allow doctors to see different parts of the

Endoscopic ultrasound

What is an endoscopic ultrasound? An endoscopic ultrasound is a procedure to look at the wall of your oesophagus (gullet), stomach and duodenum using a flexible telescope. The telescope has an ultrasound scanner attached to it so the endoscopist (the person doing the endoscopic ultrasound) can scan structures beneath the lining of your intestines such as your bile ducts and pancreas. An endoscopic ultrasound. What are the benefits of an endoscopic ultrasound? You may already have had a test, such as an endoscopy or CT scan, that has shown that you have an abnormality. An endoscopic ultrasound can be used

Endoscopic sinus surgery

What is sinusitis? Your sinuses are air-filled spaces at the front of your skull, between your eyes and above your upper jaw, that are connected to the inside of your nose. Sinusitis is an infection of the mucous membrane that lines your sinuses. It causes symptoms of pain, a blocked nose, discharge, reduced sense of smell and the feeling of mucus at the back of your nose or throat. The mucous membrane that lines your sinuses produces mucus, which helps to keep the air you breathe clean, warm and moist. If the opening between a sinus and the inside of your nose


Key facts Endometriosis is common, but often takes time to diagnose. It occurs when body tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus (called endometrium), grows outside the uterus — this can cause inflammation, pain, affect fertility and impact your life. There are 4 stages of endometriosis, but having a higher stage does not mean you have more pain. Treatments include medical, surgical and complementary therapies to help you manage your endometriosis. Your doctor will discuss your options with you, to decide what treatment best suits you. What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is when body tissue like the lining

Endometrial cancer

Key facts Endometrial cancer occurs when the cells of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled way. Common early signs of endometrial cancer include abnormal vaginal bleeding, watery vaginal discharge, unexplained weight loss, difficulty urinating and abdominal pain. Treatment options include surgery (such as hysterectomy), radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. It’s important you see your doctor about any abnormal or unexpected vaginal bleeding, so it can be checked as early as possible. What is endometrial cancer? Endometrial cancer develops when the lining of the cells of the uterus — known as the endometrium — grows in an

Endometrial biopsy

What is an endometrial biopsy? An endometrial biopsy involves removing small samples of tissue from the lining (endometrium) of your uterus (womb). An endometrial biopsy is usually performed for the following reasons: Heavy periods or bleeding between periods. Vaginal bleeding after the menopause. Unexpected bleeding while taking hormone replacement therapy. A pelvic ultrasound scan showing an abnormally thickened endometrium. To assess your response to treatment if you have endometrial hyperplasia. What are the benefits of an endometrial biopsy? An endometrial biopsy is a good way of finding out if a problem in your endometrium is causing or contributing to your symptoms. Sometimes they may not


What is an endocrinologist? An endocrinologist is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes, menopause and thyroid problems. Hormones are part of the endocrine system, series of glands that produce and secrete hormones that control many different bodily functions. The endocrine system includes: the pituitary gland the thyroid gland the parathyroid gland the adrenal glands the pancreas ovaries and testes Endocrinologists can treat conditions such as: diabetes metabolic disorders osteoporosis menopause thyroid problems cancers of the endocrine glands infertility Where can I find an endocrinologist? You can ask your

Endocrine system (hormonal)

Hormonal system What is the hormonal system? The hormonal system, also called the endocrine system, is a network of glands and organs in the body that produces hormones. Several glands make hormones, including the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid glands, the adrenal glands, the pancreas, ovaries and testes. Each gland makes one or more hormones. Hormones are important for almost all cells in the body to work. They influence the metabolism, growth and many other functions. Some hormones influence almost all cells in the body. Others only influence a small number of cells in specific organs. Some glands ‘talk to’ other glands, telling


Key facts Encephalopathy refers to the symptoms you experience when your brain is not working normally. There are many different causes of encephalopathy. Treatments for encephalopathy depend on the cause and may treat the symptoms or the underlying cause. What is encephalopathy? The word encephalopathy describes any disease that affects the whole brain and alters its structure or how it works, and causes changes in mental function. What are the symptoms of encephalopathy? The symptoms of encephalopathy vary from person to person. The most common symptom of encephalopathy is a change in mental state, with problems such as: loss of


Key facts Encephalitis is inflammation of your brain, which can be life-threatening. It is most commonly caused by a virus. Encephalitis can cause drowsiness, confusion, seizures, fever and headache. It requires emergency treatment in hospital, including tests to find the cause. After recovering from encephalitis, you may have ongoing problems such as epilepsy, fatigue or difficulty with memory, balance, hearing or speech. What is encephalitis? Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain. It is usually caused by a virus. It is rare but potentially life-threatening. It can lead to permanent brain damage. What causes encephalitis? There are 2 main types of


What is emphysema? Emphysema is a long-term lung condition. It is one of several lung conditions that, as a group, are known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Your lungs are made up of many little air sacs, called alveoli. In people with emphysema, the walls of the alveoli are damaged. This causes the small airways in your lungs to collapse when you breathe out. This makes it hard for air to flow into your lungs and even harder for it to flow out. The damage also makes the alveoli become bigger and less elastic. Over time, your lung tissue becomes stiff and cannot

Emotional abuse

What is emotional abuse? Emotional abuse is when someone repeatedly tries to make another person doubt themselves, feel bad or inadequate. People who abuse emotionally aim to exercise power or control over another person. It is also known as psychological abuse. Emotional abuse is a common form of abuse that can occur in any relationship, especially between partners or family members. It can also happen in situations such as schools or workplaces. If you are being emotionally abused, it doesn’t matter who is carrying out the abuse, it is always wrong and not your fault. Emotional abuse is the most common

Emergency departments

Hospital emergency departments What is an emergency department? An emergency department (ED) is part of a hospital that provides 24-hour emergency care to patients who need urgent medical attention for severe injuries or illness. Most public hospitals in Australia have an emergency department. EDs have trained doctors and other healthcare professionals to care for you if you have a medical emergency. When you come to the ED with a serious illness or injury, specially trained staff will assess, treat and start your care as needed. Some EDs provide services only to particular groups of patients, for example, EDs at children’s

Emergency contraception

What is contraception? Contraception (birth control) can be used to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Pregnancy can happen when sperm released during penis-in-vagina sex fertilises an egg, which then implants in your uterus (womb). What should I think about when choosing contraception? There are many different forms of contraception. No form of birth control is 100% effective, but some methods are more effective than others. Aside from preventing pregnancy, some — but not all — methods of contraception can also help prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Discuss contraception with a new partner before having sex, so you can choose a method that


What is elephantiasis? Elephantiasis, also known as lymphatic filariasis, is a disease that can cause arms and legs to swell, and skin to become hard and thick like an elephant’s. It is spread by infected mosquitoes and affects millions of people in tropical areas, but you cannot catch it in Australia. What are the symptoms of elephantiasis? Most infected people do not have any obvious symptoms, but they may still suffer damage to the lymph system and kidneys. They can still contribute to the spreading of the parasite. Because elephantiasis affects the lymph system, it can lead to swelling in some people,

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Key facts An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that records your brain activity. It can be used to diagnose different conditions such as epilepsy or sleep disorders. To prepare for an EEG, your hair should be clean and dry. During an EEG, discs called electrodes will be placed on your scalp to measure your brain waves. An EEG is non-invasive and does not hurt. What is an EEG test? Your brain cells produce electric signals to communicate with each other and the rest of your body. An electroencephalogram, or EEG, is a test that measures the electrical activity of your

Electroconvulsive therapy

What is electroconvulsive therapy? Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a medical procedure used to treat serious mental health conditions. ECT is considered a safe and effective treatment for severe depression. ECT involves delivery of a small electric current to the brain while you are under anaesthetic. ECT can only be given after you provide informed consent. Informed consent Before ECT can be used, you must give informed consent to show that you understand the treatment. This includes the risks and benefits. If you are unable to give consent because of poor mental health, there are rules your psychiatrist must follow. A person

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Key facts An ECG is a simple, painless test that measures your heart’s electrical activity. Your doctor may recommend an ECG if you have symptoms such as chest pain or a racing heart. If your ECG is abnormal, you may need further tests or treatment. What is an ECG? An ECG is a graph of your heart’s electrical activity. It’s a simple, safe and painless test. There’s no risk of being electrocuted. Why do I need an ECG? Your doctor may recommend an ECG if you have chest pain, a racing heart or other heart problems. An ECG can show if

Electric shocks and burns

What is an electric shock or burn? Electric shocks are caused by contact with live electricity that sends an electric current through the body. Sometimes the electricity can cause a burn, often where the electricity entered or exited the body. Sometimes an electric shock only causes a fright and some pain. But sometimes it can be severe enough to knock someone unconscious and stop their heart. It depends on the voltage, the type of current and whether the current involved the heart. When should I call an ambulance or go to the emergency department? An electric shock can be life

Elective splenectomy

What is your spleen? Your spleen is an organ in the upper left-hand side of your abdomen underneath your ribcage. Your spleen’s main functions are to filter old and damaged red blood cells from your blood, and to produce lymphocytes (special white blood cells) that fight infections. What are the benefits of surgery? The main reasons for having an elective (non-emergency) splenectomy are associated with problems with your blood. Abnormal reduction in the number of red blood cells (anaemia) or blood platelets. Abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells if you have leukaemia or lymphoma. A large spleen is dangerous because

Elective caesarean section

What is an elective caesarean section? A caesarean section is a procedure to deliver a baby by a surgical operation. Elective means that it is planned before you go into labour. Why do I need a caesarean section? The following are the more common reasons why a caesarean section may be recommended. Your baby is positioned in a way other than head down. Your baby is not growing properly or is distressed. The placenta is lying in front of your baby and either completely or partly over your cervix, preventing a vaginal birth. You have had a caesarean section before. You have a multiple pregnancy. You

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

What is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a genetic condition that mainly affects the joints, skin and walls of the blood vessels. People with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or EDS, have very loose, hypermobile joints. Their skin is stretchy and fragile. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can’t be treated, but the symptoms can usually be managed. What are the symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? There are many different types of EDS. All of them involve extremely flexible joints and fragile skin that bruises and stretches easily. Some find their joints are so flexible that they have frequent dislocations, and this often leads to pain in the joints.

Egg allergy

How common is egg allergy? Egg allergy is one of the more common allergies in children. It usually starts in infancy. Fortunately, most children grow out of egg allergy before they reach school age. But as long as a child is experiencing any allergy symptoms, it’s important to avoid eggs (and all foods that contain eggs). Which part of the egg causes allergy? Allergic reactions are usually due to egg white, but they can also be caused by egg yolk. Many children are more likely to have a reaction to raw or lightly-cooked egg, than small amounts of egg that are cooked

Edwards syndrome

What is Edwards syndrome? Edwards syndrome is a genetic condition in babies that causes severe disability. It is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 18 and babies born with the condition usually do not survive for much longer than a week. How does Edwards syndrome happen? Children with Edwards syndrome have 3 copies of part or all of chromosome 18, instead of the usual 2 copies. It is also called Trisomy 18. This can be caused by a mistake in the formation of the egg or sperm, or the problem can arise while the baby is developing in the


What is eczema? Eczema is a common skin condition that affects both children and adults. It’s also known as atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis and allergic eczema. If you have eczema, your skin doesn’t keep the moisture in very well, so it becomes dry and easily irritated. This causes chemicals to be released, which worsens your irritation and makes you want to scratch. Scratching only makes your skin more itchy, and so the cycle repeats itself. This can be very frustrating. What are the symptoms of eczema? The most common type of eczema involves areas of red, dry, itchy skin, most commonly found in

Ectopic pregnancy

Key facts An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that grows outside your uterus (womb), usually in one of your fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancy is a type of early pregnancy loss. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening if it causes heavy bleeding. There are some things that can increase your risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Treatment can involve taking medicine or having surgery. What is an ectopic pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy is one kind of early pregnancy loss. It is a potentially life-threatening complication that occurs in about 1 in 100 pregnancies. An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilised egg does not

Eating well (over 60)

Should my diet change as I get older? Eating well when you’re over 60 will help you maintain your health and independence. A good diet can also help you manage conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. As you age, your nutritional requirements may change — even if you’ve been eating healthily as a younger adult. Nutritional needs can also differ between men and women. After 60, you may not be as active as you were and so you need fewer kilojoules. You may also have a reduced appetite. So, you’ll need to pack more nutrients — such as vitamins,


MDMA (ecstasy) What is MDMA? MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is an illicit drug that can give users a euphoric rush after swallowing it. It is a central nervous system stimulant which causes high levels of dopamine to be released. Dopamine is a brain chemical associated with pleasure and reward. MDMA is the presumed main ingredient in an illicit drug called ecstasy. Ecstasy comes as a pill in a variety of colours. They are often stamped, or have logos on them. These pills might contain some MDMA or none at all. Even 2 pills that look the same might come from different sources and contain different ingredients.

Ebola virus

Key facts Ebola virus disease is a rare illness which can cause death. The Ebola virus isn’t found in Australia. The Ebola virus is transmitted (spread) through contact with bodily fluids. What is the Ebola virus disease? Ebola virus disease is a rare and often fatal (causing death) illness. It’s caused by the Ebola virus. There are several strains of the Ebola virus. Ebola virus disease used to be called Ebola haemorrhagic fever. You can become infected (catch) the Ebola virus if you have direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person or animal. So far, all outbreaks

Eating disorders

What is an eating disorder? An eating disorder is a serious mental health condition that involves an unhealthy obsession with eating, exercise or body shape. Anyone can get an eating disorder, whatever your cultural background, sex or age. Eating disorders affect about 4% to 16% of Australians. If you have an eating disorder, you may have any of the following: Concern about your appearance, food and gaining weight. Extreme dissatisfaction with your body — you would like to lose weight even though friends or family think that you are underweight. A fear of gaining weight. You let people around you think you have eaten when

Early onset dementia

Younger onset dementia What is younger onset dementia? Younger onset dementia is used to describe any form of dementia that develops in people under the age of 65. Dementia has been diagnosed in people in their 50s, 40s and even in their 30s. It is sometimes called early onset dementia. Younger onset dementia is similar to other types of dementia in many ways. The same problems generally occur, but the disease can have a different impact on a younger person because they are more likely to be employed full time, raising a family or financially responsible for a family. What are the

Early menopause

What is early menopause? Early menopause is when a woman’s last monthly period occurs between the ages of 40 and 45 years. Up to 1 in 12 women have their last period by the time they are 45 years. When menopause occurs before the age of 40, it is considered to be ‘premature menopause’. Most Australian women experience normal menopause between the ages of 45 and 60 years. What are the symptoms of early menopause? Symptoms of early menopause are similar to those of normal menopause: Changes to your menstrual cycle — monthly periods become less frequent and stop. Hot flushes


Key facts Ear pain can come from a problem in your ear, or as referred pain from another part of your body. Pain from a middle ear infection is likely to get better on its own within 7 days and usually won’t need antibiotics. Use pain relief medicines like paracetamol or ibuprofen for short-term relief. Sometimes a sore ear is caused by a more serious problem and will need medical attention. Check your symptoms with the healthdirect online Symptom Checker for advice on when to seek medical attention.   What is earache? Earache (sore ear) is a common complaint, especially

Ear wax

Key facts Ear wax is normal, and most people have it, but it can cause discomfort when it builds up in your ear. Symptoms of ear wax build-up include earache, ringing noises and hearing problems. Ear wax is made by ear canal glands to protect you from water or infection. Doctors can see if you have ear wax build-up by simply checking your ear canal. Do not stick anything into your ear, see a doctor if your ears are hurting. What is ear wax? Ear wax is quite normal and has a very important role to play in keeping the

Ear infection

Key facts Ear infections are common, especially in children. Middle ear infections (otitis media) usually go away by themselves without antibiotics. Outer ear infections (otitis externa) are treated with antibiotic drops. See your doctor if you or your child has ear pain or discharge, reduced hearing, fever or vomiting. Go to your nearest emergency department if there is pain, swelling or redness of the bone behind the ear. Ear infections are common, especially in children. Most children have at least one ear infection before they reach school age. Children usually get fewer ear infections as they get older. What is an

E. coli infection

What is E. coli? E. coli (Escherichia coli) are a group of bacteria that are found in the gut of nearly all people and animals. There are many different strains of E. coli. Some cause no illness or minor illness. Others can cause serious illness. What are the symptoms of E. coli? Minor illnesses caused by E. coli Some strains of E. coli cause minor illnesses like: traveller’s diarrhoea and food poisoning — this results in diarrhoea, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, usually lasting less than 5 to 10 days urinary tract infection — this can cause pain or a burning feeling when urinating (sometimes a urinary tract infection can make you feel


About My Health Record What is My Health Record? My Health Record is a secure digital record of your health information. Your healthcare providers can check your My Health Record when they need to. Both you and your healthcare providers can add information to your record. You can also choose to have Medicare information added to your record. This includes information from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). You can download your immunisation history statement or COVID-19 digital certificate. Your record can only be seen by you, your healthcare providers and any people you choose to share it with. My Health Record can help you


E-cigarettes (vaping) What is an e-cigarette? E-cigarettes heat liquids to produce a vapour that looks like smoke, which users inhale. Using an e-cigarette is often called ‘vaping’. The liquids can contain chemicals and flavourings, like chocolate, bubble-gum and fruity flavours. E-cigarettes might be shaped like cigarettes, cigars, pens or other common items. Are e-cigarettes legal? Nicotine vaping products can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. This includes nicotine e-cigarettes, pods and liquid nicotine. This law came into effect under state and territory laws in Australia on 1 October 2021. Possession or use without a prescription is illegal in all


Key facts Emphysema is one of a group of lung conditions known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It causes shortness of breath that gets worse and affects more of your daily activities over time. It is most often caused by smoking. Quitting smoking is the best way to slow down the worsening of your symptoms. Emphysema can be managed with inhaled medicines and a pulmonary rehabilitation program. What is emphysema? Emphysema is a long-term lung condition. It is one of several lung conditions that, as a group, are known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Your lungs are made up of many little

How to help someone with depression

If someone you know has depression, you may find it difficult to know how to support them. What you find simple may seem overwhelming to them. Below are some tips on how to support someone with depression. How to recognise the signs of depression If someone you know has depression, they may show some of the following signs: a depressed mood a loss of interest in activities they usually enjoy changes in appetite or weight sleeping too much or too little having negative thoughts, where everything seems overwhelming Things you can do to help someone with depression First of all, it’s important to

How to talk about your mental health concerns

Key facts Mental illness can be hard to talk about, but it can be helpful to tell people you trust. It’s a good idea to think carefully about who you will tell, and when would be the best time. Some people might react badly or view you negatively when they find out you have a mental illness. If this happens, take the time to get the support you need from people who will support you. Learning more about your condition and talking to mental health professionals may help you manage your situation better. Help is available, and there are free

Building and maintaining healthy relationships

Healthy relationships with your partner and family members can enhance your life and make everyone feel good about themselves. They don’t just happen though; healthy relationships take time to build and need work to keep them healthy. The more positive effort you put into a relationship, the healthier it should be. What are the signs of a healthy relationship? People in healthy relationships love and support each other. They help each other practically as well as emotionally. They are there for each other in the good times and the bad times. Healthy relationships are commonly based on: respect trust open

Emotional changes in puberty

This page contains information about emotional changes during puberty. Go here if you are looking for information about physical changes in boys or physical changes in girls during puberty. What emotional changes should I expect during my child’s teenage years? Supporting your child through their teenage years can be both challenging and rewarding. Both boys and girls experience physical, hormonal and emotional changes during this time. These changes are part of a process known as puberty. Many girls begin puberty at around 10, while boys often begin this process at around 11. However, it’s important to remember that every person is different and your child will grow

Rural or remote mental health

Living and working in rural Australia can be a rewarding and challenging way of life. However, for many reasons it can be difficult to get help and support for mental health issues. Recognising when help and support is needed, either for yourself or for someone else, is very important. Your mental health is an important part of your overall health and wellbeing. You need good mental health to help you get through life’s challenges, to have healthy relationships with others and to enjoy life. If you live outside a major city, it can be hard to find help. You may have to be self-sufficient to live

Work-related stress

Stress is something everybody experiences at some time or another. But if you have too much stress at work, it can affect you both professionally and personally. You don’t need to suffer in silence, and there are many organisations and programs that can help. What is work-related stress? Many people feel stressed if there’s a mismatch between what’s expected of them at work and what they’re able to do. This means the pressure they feel under is too great, and it can be hard for them to perform their job. Workplace stress affects everybody. It can affect employees’ family life,

Workplace bullying

What is workplace bullying Workplace bullying is repeated unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker in the workplace, creating a risk to health and safety. Bullying can involve just one person or groups of people. Workplace bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological, and can include victimisation, humiliation, intimidation or threatening behaviour. Bullying can take place in any workplace, including offices, shops, factories, cafes, restaurants, workshops, and within community and government organisations. Anyone can be bullied, including casuals, temps, subcontractors, work experience students, interns, volunteers, permanent employees and managers. Bullies can be managers, bosses, or co-workers. What are examples of workplace bullying?

Work-life balance

Key facts Work-life balance is about finding a way to manage the demands of your work or study with your personal life and the things that ‘top you up’. A good work-life balance means you can be happy and productive at work and also have time for yourself and your family. If you have a casual job or work from home, your days may not be clearly defined into work time and home time. If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed at work or at home, acknowledge that this is not a sign of weakness and ask for help and

Paying for mental health services

The cost of mental health services varies enormously, depending on where you live and which service you are receiving. If you see a doctor (GP or psychiatrist), Medicare covers some or all of that cost. If you are in a public hospital, care is free. If you are in a private hospital, you will be charged. If you have private health insurance, that will cover some of the costs. If you see a community mental health service, that is free. If you receive care or support from a non-government organisation (NGO), that is usually free. The Australian Government’s Better Access initiative allows people to see mental health professionals

Mental Health Treatment Plan

What is a Mental Health Treatment Plan? A Mental Health Treatment Plan (previously known as a ‘mental health care plan’) is a plan for people with a mental health disorder. If you have mental health issues, your doctor can write a plan for you. The plan identifies what type of health care you need and spells out what you and your doctor have agreed you are aiming to achieve. It may also refer you to local mental health services. Who is eligible for a Mental Health Treatment Plan? A Mental Health Treatment Plan is available to you if you have

Mental health professionals

What are the types of mental health professionals Many types of health professionals work in mental health care, including: your doctor – general practitioners can diagnose and treat mental health disorders, as well as advise you and refer you to other mental health professionals psychiatrists – these medical doctors have done specialised training in mental health – they can diagnose and treat mental illness, both with psychotherapy (talking therapies) and/or medication mental health nurses – nurses with a specialist qualification in mental health; they help people work towards recovery from mental health issues psychologists – provide treatment of mental health problems with psychotherapy;

Mental health helplines in Australia

There are several organisations that provide support and education for people with mental illness and their families and carers throughout Australia. Some of the main groups are listed below. Beyond Blue aims to increase awareness of depression and anxiety and reduce stigma. Call 1300 22 4636, 24 hours/7 days a week, chat online or email. Blue Knot Foundation Helpline is the National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma. It provides support, education and resources for the families and communities of adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse. Call 1300 657 380, Monday – Sunday between 9am – 5pm AEST or via email [email protected]. Butterfly Foundation’s National Helpline is a free, confidential

Low cost or free mental health services

If you have a mental health condition that needs treatment, you might be able to get help with payment through a government program. If you qualify for the Better Access initiative, you will be able to receive a Medicare rebate for selected mental health services. Your GP can also refer you to psychological services through the local Primary Health Networks. These have funding to provide services to populations in their area deemed to be at high risk or that have poor access to mental health support. Ask your GP if you can access these services. Who can use the Better Access program? You

Talking to your doctor (GP) about mental health

Many health professionals provide mental health services. Your doctor (GP) is often a good place to start for most mental health conditions. Doctors can provide treatment or refer you to other services for mental health. It is important to talk about your mental health, but it can be difficult. Here are some tips for how to start a conversation with a doctor about your mental health. Search for a doctor in your location. What questions do I ask when choosing a GP? If you don’t have a regular doctor already, you can find one by speaking to your local pharmacist and look at

Mental health services

There are many different mental health services in Australia. The Federal, state and territory governments, and the private sector, provide these services. They can be face-to-face, online or by telephone. Understanding how they work and fit together can be daunting. Here is a summary of the different types of mental health services and how to access them. Emergency mental health care A mental health crisis, when someone may hurt themselves or others, is an emergency. If you or someone you care for is in immediate danger call triple zero (000) or go to your nearest emergency department.   Mental health telephone triage services

5 ways to protect your health from the effects of climate change

According to the World Health Organisation, climate change is the single biggest health threat that humans are facing. Even if you don’t feel directly impacted by the effects of climate change, your health may still be indirectly at risk in several ways. Here’s what you need to know about the impact of climate change on your health and what you can do to protect yourself. What is climate change? Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns caused by increases in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While climate change can occur naturally, much of the

Hot weather risks and staying cool

Key facts Every year in Australia, hot weather and heat waves cause illness, hospitalisations and sometimes death. The best way to prevent heat-related illness is to drink plenty of water and to stay as cool as possible. Heat-related illnesses include dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and worsening of existing medical conditions. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, to recognise and treat affected people quickly. Why is it important to be aware about heat-related illnesses? Heatwaves have killed more Australians than all other natural hazards combined. Over 400 deaths occurred during

What to do if you’re feeling stressed or helpless about a natural disaster

Australians have faced major flooding events in the last year with lives and homes lost. And years after the 2020 bushfires, people are still recovering from the effects of them, when 33 lives and over 3,000 homes were lost. Feeling stressed, scared or anxious about natural disasters, such as flooding or bushfires is completely normal, even if you’ve not been directly affected. You might be sad, worried, concerned for family or friends, or simply be wondering what you can do to help. Feelings: what’s normal and what’s not According to Beyond Blue, there’s a range of common, normal reactions to an extraordinary situation like a natural

Natural disasters safety

Natural disasters often cause personal and financial hardship for both individuals and communities, and can result in loss of life. Here are some tips on how to be prepared, and how to cope during and after extreme weather events. Natural disasters in Australia can include heatwaves, bushfires, droughts, floods, severe storms and tropical cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides. How can I prepare for a natural disaster? The Australian Red Cross has an emergency REDiPlan, which you can download and fill out, that outlines 4 steps to prepare your household for an emergency such as a natural disaster: Step 1: Get in the know — Understand the hazards

How to take medicines safely in a natural disaster (bushfire, floods, cyclones)

Two out of three Australians use at least one form of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicine, with more than 300 million prescribed medicines given in 2020 to 2021. So when a natural disaster strikes — such as a bushfire, floods or cyclones — the way people manage their medicines and medical devices is a big deal to their health. Natural disasters may result in shortages of medication, so it’s important to get prepared if you can. Some people with diabetes can’t survive without insulin, for example, while many people with asthma or COPD rely on salbutamol. Then there are antiepileptic medications, antidepressants, hormonal contraception, statins, ACE inhibitors, metformin and many more. You could fill a filing cabinet with the list of medicines that are

First aid for burns and scalds

What is a burn or scald? Burns are damage to the tissue of your body caused by heat, too much sun, chemicals or electricity. Scalds are caused by hot water or steam. Burns and scalds can range from being a minor injury to a life-threatening emergency. It depends how deep and how large they are. When should I call an ambulance? Call an ambulance or go straight to your nearest emergency department if: the burn is deep, even if the person doesn’t feel any pain the burn is larger than a 20 cent piece the burn involves the airway, face,

Do face masks protect you from bushfire smoke?

Protective face masks have flown off the shelves in recent weeks, as many Australian towns and cities have become shrouded in bushfire smoke and haze. The poor air quality in Sydney and Brisbane has been compared to smoggy cities such as Beijing and Mumbai. But how effective are face masks at filtering out bushfire smoke? Face masks: only P2 will do Bushfire smoke creates very fine particulate matter (PM) — tiny solid particles and airborne liquid droplets that you can’t see — along with gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The size of the PM can affect your health in

Bushfires and your health

Bushfires are common in Australia and can lead to a natural disaster. It’s important to understand your level of bushfire risk so you can prepare your property, protect your health and know what to do if a fire starts. Bushfires can occur at any time in Australia, although some regions will be at greatest risk at a specific time of the year. It’s important to be prepared year round. Am I at risk of a bushfire? If you live, work or travel near bushland, grassland or farmland, you could be at risk of a bushfire. Even if you aren’t that close,