
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

Key facts Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral illness that can cause severe pneumonia. An international outbreak of SARS occurred in 2002 and 2003, in which 1 in 10 infected people died. Currently, SARS is not known to be spreading anywhere in the world. There is no cure or vaccine for SARS. In case of an outbreak, you can protect yourself by being careful with handwashing, social distancing, and personal hygiene. What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a respiratory illness caused by the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). It was first found in humans in 2002. Coronaviruses

MERS (coronavirus)

Key facts Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a rare disease. MERS is caused by a coronavirus (MERS‐CoV). MERS symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. What is Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)? Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a rare disease. It causes bad respiratory (breathing) problems. MERS was first identified in 2012. MERS is caused by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS‐CoV). Coronaviruses also cause: the common cold severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) COVID-19 MERS has infected more than 2,600 people worldwide. Of these, more than 935 people have died. Most cases have happened in Saudi Arabia. What are


What are COVID-19 treatments? COVID-19 treatments help stop someone from becoming very sick with COVID-19. Not everyone diagnosed with COVID-19 will need these treatments. They are of most benefit to people who are at the most risk of severe disease or people who are in hospital with severe disease. Some COVID-19 treatments can be prescribed by your doctor and taken at home. Other treatments can only be administered to patients who are in hospital. More COVID-19 medicines are undergoing clinical trials and the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s vigorous approval process. For up to date information on recommended treatments and the latest


What are colds? A cold is a viral infection that affects the nose, the throat and upper airways. Colds are very common. Children may get between 5 and 10 colds a year, while adults may get 2 to 4 colds each year. What are the symptoms of a cold? The symptoms of a cold can be mild or they can be moderately severe. Symptoms of a cold may include: fever (a temperature of 38°C or higher) sneezing blocked or runny nose cough sore throat When should I see my doctor? Colds and flu can make other conditions worse, including conditions such as asthma