Caring for others

Respite care

Key facts Respite care provides a temporary break for carers and the people they care for. If you’re caring for someone, you can use respite care for a short break to unwind or take care of personal matters, or for overnight or extended periods to go on holiday. Respite care is usually organised in advance, but you can access emergency respite care if you get sick or are suddenly not available to provide care. Respite care can be offered in your home or in a community centre, respite cottage or aged care residential home. You will need to have an

Palliative care

Key facts Palliative care aims to give the best possible quality of life to someone living with a life-limiting or terminal illness. Palliative care is different for everyone but may include home help, treatment to relieve pain and emotional support. Palliative care may be provided in a healthcare setting, such as a clinic or hospital, or in your own home. You can receive palliative care alongside active treatment of your disease. If you or someone you care for has a life-limiting illness, ask your doctor about the options for accessing palliative care. What is palliative care? Palliative care aims to

Caring for someone with a mental illness

Key facts Caring for someone with a mental illness can be challenging and it’s OK to feel a range of emotions. Looking after yourself will help you to stay well and better care for the person with mental illness. Learning about your loved one’s mental health condition can help you support them. A mental health safety plan may help you and your loved one know what to do in a crisis. There are many support services available for mental health carer Caring for someone with a mental illness How does a person’s mental illness affect their family and friends? Having


Key facts Medicare is Australia’s universal healthcare insurance scheme funded by Australian taxpayers. To be eligible for Medicare you need to meet certain criteria and enrol. If you are eligible, you will receive a Medicare card and you can also download an app; you can use these to access free or low-cost medical services. Not all health services are covered by Medicare.   What is Medicare? Medicare is the insurance scheme that gives Australian citizens and permanent residents access to healthcare, including a wide range of health and hospital services at no cost or low cost. Medicare is funded by

Caring for someone with cancer

Key facts A person with an illness like cancer may need help and support. A carer is anyone who provides unpaid assistance to someone who needs help with daily activities. A carer’s role varies from dealing with medical or legal information on behalf of the person they care for to providing practical help with tasks such as showering. In Australia, carers are eligible for a range of financial, practical and emotional support services. Caring is a demanding role; carers can access respite services so they can take a break and look after their own health and wellbeing. Are you a

How to help someone who is misusing drugs or alcohol

Key facts Drug and alcohol use is common in Australia, with 1 in 3 people reporting they drink alcohol at risky levels, for example. If you are concerned that a friend or family member is being impacted by drugs or alcohol, let them know and offer support. Avoid being judgemental or accusatory when discussing a person’s drug or alcohol use. There are many services that help people with drug or alcohol problems — as well as the friends and relatives supporting them. It’s the person’s decision whether they seek help for drug or alcohol misuse, but your support is still

Aged care services

Key facts Aged care helps older Australians with everyday living and other needs. There are many different types of aged care services available, and many are government-funded for eligible people. Government-funded aged care services include in-home care (care in your home), residential care in aged care (nursing) homes and short-term care such as respite care. Government-funded aged care services must meet quality standards and government inspections. As we get older, our needs change The Australian aged care system provides various options to cater to different care needs. Many of these options are funded by the government. An assessment is required