Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and dementia

What is dementia? Dementia is a broad term used to describe the gradual loss of someone’s memory, thinking and social skills. In many ways, dementia in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people is no different from dementia in any other population.  Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people experience dementia at a rate 3 to 5 times higher than the general population. They are also more likely to develop dementia at a younger age (in their 30s or 40s). This article highlights some issues that are particularly important for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. It is drawn from several sources,

Absence seizures

Key facts Absence seizures are a type of epilepsy seizure that affects both sides of the brain at the same time. An absence seizure causes the person to looks like they are daydreaming or not paying attention. Absence seizures can usually be prevented with medicines. Some children will grow out of absence seizures by their teens, and be able to stop taking medicines. It is important that if you are caring for a child who has had seizures that you are aware of seizure safety. What is an absence seizure? An absence seizure is a type of seizure that affects

Anorexia nervosa

What is anorexia nervosa? Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder and a serious mental illness. A person with anorexia nervosa restricts their energy intake, has a distorted body image and an intense fear of gaining weight. The restriction in energy intake can cause a significant amount of weight loss in a short period of time and may result in a person having a very low weight. Anorexia nervosa is most common in women and usually starts in adolescence. It is the third most common chronic illness in girls and young women and affects up to 1 in 200 girls. One in 11 people who

Axillary node clearance

What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is a malignant growth that starts in the glandular tissue of your breast. Lymph nodes (glands) are small structures which lie along lymph vessels present throughout the body. They help the body deal with infections, but they also become involved in the spread of some cancers. Sometimes breast cancer spreads to one or more lymph nodes in the armpit on the same side. Axillary node clearance is an operation to remove all the lymph nodes from the affected armpit. What are the benefits of surgery? Some lymph nodes in the armpit may appear normal but contain

Avoidant personality disorder

What is avoidant personality disorder? Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a personality disorder. People with AVPD often have a long history of feeling inadequate (not enough) and are very sensitive to what others think about them. Someone with an avoidant personality disorder will appear shy and timid. But this is much more than just being ‘shy’. You may avoid people because you feel inferior, even though you really want to have company. You are very sensitive to judgements by others and fear rejection. These feelings are chronic and intense. They negatively affect your ability to engage and function through life.

Autoimmune diseases

What is an autoimmune disease? Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system produces antibodies that wrongly attack the body’s own cells. Your immune system usually protects you from infection. It does this by finding and fighting off viruses and bacteria that enter your body. An autoimmune disease occurs when your healthy organs and tissues are being targeted by your immune system. There are many types of autoimmune diseases. Some only involve one area of your body. Others may involve many different parts of the body. What are the types and symptoms of autoimmune diseases? There are many different autoimmune diseases. Most affect

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

What is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental disorder. It affects how people behave and interact with the world around them. In people with ASD, the brain does not grow in the same way it does in most people. ASD presents differently in boys and girls. ASD is not a mental health problem or an intellectual disability. But some people with ASD will also have those problems. Children and adults with ASD may be highly intelligent, of normal intelligence, or have an intellectual disability. Along with some challenges, an autistic person will also have

Australia’s healthcare system

What is primary healthcare? Primary care is provided by: doctors (General Practitioners — GPs) community nurses dentists pharmacists allied health professionals (such as physiotherapists, dietitians and speech pathologists) It’s delivered in a variety of settings, including at: general practices community health centres pharmacies dental practices at home General practice General practitioners (GPs) are also known as doctors. They work in the community to keep people healthy. Your doctor can check and treat your: physical health mental health Your doctor can also help you access other health services, or specialist care, through a referral. You can read more about referrals here. It can be

Attention deficit disorder (ADD or ADHD)

What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. ADHD used to be called attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADHD is often misunderstood. It can cause problems: concentrating becoming distracted being hyperactive (sometimes) being impulsive This may cause people with ADHD to have problems with their: schooling friendships work family life Around 1 in every 20 Australians has ADHD. While ADHD is more common in boys — it’s under diagnosed in girls and adults. More than 3 in 4 children diagnosed with ADHD still have symptoms as an adult. What are the symptoms

Atrial fibrillation

Key facts Atrial fibrillation is a type of abnormal heartbeat. It is sometimes known as Afib or AF. Having atrial fibrillation can increase your risk of stroke. There are several treatments for atrial fibrillation, including medicines or a pacemaker. What is atrial fibrillation? Atrial fibrillation is a type of heart arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat). Atrial fibrillation is when your atria (the upper chambers of your heart) twitch or ‘fibrillate’ rather than pump normally. When you have atrial fibrillation, your heartbeat may be fast and not regular. This is because there is a problem with the electrical pathways that control your heart rhythm. Atrial fibrillation

Athletes foot

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What is astigmatism? Astigmatism is a problem with vision that is caused by the cornea or the lens of the eye not being perfectly curved. The result is blurred vision — mildly blurred for some people, severely blurred for others. Eye check-ups can diagnose astigmatism, which can be treated with glasses, contact lenses or laser eye surgery. What are the types of astigmatism? There are 2 types of astigmatism: regular — where the cornea is curved more in 1 direction (say vertically) than the other (say horizontally) irregular — where the curvature of the cornea is uneven across the surface

Asthma and pregnancy

Will pregnancy affect my asthma? Pregnancy can affect your asthma in different ways. About 1 in 3 pregnant women with asthma find that pregnancy makes their asthma worse. However, about 1 in 3 women find that their asthma gets better during pregnancy. If you have severe asthma, your symptoms are more likely to worsen during pregnancy. Hormonal and physical changes that naturally occur during pregnancy can make it feel harder for you to breathe at times. As your pregnant uterus and baby grows, there is less space inside for your lungs to ventilate. Many pregnant women, with and without asthma, report feeling short of


Key facts Asthma is a long-term lung condition that is caused by narrowing of the airways when they become inflamed. The most common symptoms of asthma are: wheezing, coughing, feeling ‘out of breath’ and tightness in the chest. Symptoms are usually mild, but they can flare up. This can cause an ‘asthma attack’ and may require hospital care. There are effective medicines for asthma that will help you feel well and keep you out of hospital, when taken correctly. Asthma can be managed. Preventer medicines can prevent symptoms. Reliever inhalers treat your symptoms and help when you have an asthma

Assisted vaginal delivery (antenatal use)

What is an assisted vaginal delivery? An assisted vaginal delivery involves using a ventouse (vacuum cup) or forceps (like large tongs) to guide your baby as you push with your contractions. Why may I need an assisted vaginal delivery? You have been pushing for too long. You may have run out of energy to deliver your baby safely. Your baby’s heart rate may be going above or below normal levels or they may not be getting enough oxygen. Sometimes, if you have high blood pressure, your obstetrician may recommend an assisted vaginal delivery if the second stage of labour goes beyond a certain time and your

Assistance dog

What is an assistance dog? An assistance dog is a working animal. It has special training to give people with disability support in their daily life. It is not a pet. Assistance dogs: are individually trained in obedience can perform tasks that ease disability can pass a public access test (PAT) The legal definition of an assistance dog is a dog that is: accredited under a state or territory law, or accredited by an animal training organisation stated in the regulations, or trained to assist a person with a disability to alleviate the effect of the disability and meets standards

Asperger’s syndrome

What is Asperger’s syndrome? Asperger’s syndrome is the former name of a developmental disability that affects how people behave, see and understand the world and interact with others. People with this developmental disability may have special interests, repetitive behaviours and under or overreact to sensory input. People who previously were diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome have since 2013 been diagnosed as having a high-functioning form of autism spectrum disorder. There is no longer a separate diagnosis for Asperger’s syndrome, although some people may prefer to keep using this term. People with Asperger’s syndrome, now diagnosed as a high-functioning form of autism spectrum


Key facts Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease caused by exposure to asbestos dust. Asbestos is a material that was commonly used in construction during the 1900s, until its use was banned in 2003. The main symptom of asbestosis is shortness of breath that is worse with physical activity. If your doctor thinks you may have asbestosis, they will assess your symptoms, ask about your past asbestos exposure and carry out lung function tests, as part of making a diagnosis. Asbestosis has no cure, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk of complications. What is asbestosis?

Arthroscopy of the wrist

This page will give you information about an arthroscopy of the wrist. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is an arthroscopy of your wrist? An arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) is performed to diagnose and treat problems in your wrist joint. It involves examining the inside of the joint using a telescope inserted through small cuts on your skin. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to confirm exactly what the problem is and for many people the problem can be treated at the same time. Are there any alternatives to surgery?

Arthroscopy of the shoulder

This page will give you information about an arthroscopy of the shoulder. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is an arthroscopy of your shoulder? An arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) is performed to diagnose and treat problems in your shoulder joint. It involves examining the inside of the joint using a telescope inserted through small cuts on your skin. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to confirm exactly what the problem is and for many people the problem can be treated at the same time. Are there any alternatives to surgery?

Arthroscopy of the knee

This page will give you information about an arthroscopy of the knee. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is an arthroscopy of your knee? An arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) allows your surgeon to see inside your knee using a camera inserted through small cuts on your skin. Your surgeon can diagnose problems such as a torn cartilage (meniscus), ligament damage and arthritis. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to confirm exactly what the problem is and for many people the problem can be treated at the same time. The benefit of

Arthroscopy of the elbow

This page will give you information about an arthroscopy of the elbow. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is an arthroscopy of your elbow? An arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) is performed to diagnose and treat problems in your elbow joint. It involves examining the inside of the joint using a telescope inserted through small cuts on your skin. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to confirm exactly what the problem is and for many people the problem can be treated at the same time. Are there any alternatives to surgery?

Arthroscopy of the ankle

What is an arthroscopy of your ankle? An arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) allows your surgeon to see inside your ankle using a camera inserted through small cuts on your skin. Your surgeon can diagnose problems such as damage to the joint surface or ligaments, and arthritis. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to confirm exactly what the problem is and for many people the problem can be treated at the same time. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Problems inside your ankle can often be diagnosed using a magnetic scan (MRI scan) but you may then need an arthroscopy to treat the


What is an arthroscopy? An arthroscopy is a procedure used to diagnose and treat some joint problems. When you have an arthroscopy, an instrument called an arthroscope is used to look inside your joint. An arthroscope is a small, fibre-optic video camera attached to a narrow tube. During an arthroscopy a surgeon uses an arthroscope to see inside the joint. When may an arthroscopy be needed? An arthroscopy can be done to help diagnose a problem in a joint. It can also help guide surgical repair of a joint problem. This type of ‘keyhole surgery’ is done with narrow, pencil-shaped surgical instruments.

Arthroscopic release of frozen shoulder

What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder is a stiff and painful shoulder caused by inflammation, swelling and contraction of your shoulder lining (capsule). It is also known as adhesive capsulitis. What are the benefits of surgery? You should have less pain and be able to use your shoulder better. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Simple painkillers and anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen can help control the pain but you will usually need stronger painkillers. A steroid injection into your shoulder joint can sometimes reduce pain and stiffness. Physiotherapy is often helpful in improving movement if the pain can be controlled. Arthrographic

Arthritis in children (juvenile idiopathic arthritis)

Key facts Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA, or juvenile arthritis) is chronic (ongoing) inflammatory arthritis that affects children. There are several different types of JIA, which have different symptoms and signs. Common symptoms include joint pain, swelling and stiffness in the morning. Treatments are available and depend on the type of arthritis. About half of all children with JIA no longer have symptoms by the time they are adults. What is juvenile idiopathic arthritis? Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is inflammatory arthritis that affects children under 16 years old. JIA can be mild or severe and may last for months or years.


What is arthritis? Arthritis is not one disease alone, but an umbrella term for more than 100 conditions that affect the joints of the body. Joints are points where 2 or more bones meet, such as in the wrist, knuckles, hips, knees and ankles. If you have arthritis, the joints are inflamed, causing discomfort and pain. It can range from mild to severe and can affect people of all ages. It affects nearly 4 million Australians, including at least 6,000 children. The 3 most common types of arthritis found in Australians are: osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis gout Other types of arthritis include:


Arsenic is a naturally occurring chemical found in water, food and soil that is toxic when someone is exposed to a significant amount. It can also be found due to contamination from human activity. Sometimes arsenic is found in low levels in food. There are limits to levels of arsenic allowed in seaweed products, seafood, rice and cereals in Australia. These foods are being constantly monitored to make sure they are safe. The only food which has higher levels of arsenic is a type of seaweed called Hijiki. You should only eat small amounts of this food. A small amount

Apraxia of speech

What is apraxia of speech? Apraxia is a rare type of speech disorder that makes it difficult to move the mouth in the way needed to produce sounds and words. A speech pathologist can often provide therapy that can help a person’s speech to improve. Apraxia occurs when the brain can’t move the mouth, lips, jaw and tongue properly. Even though they know what they want to say, people with apraxia have problems pronouncing sounds, syllables and words. The condition is usually noticed when a child is first learning to talk, but it can continue into adulthood. In adults, it can be


What is appendicitis? Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a thin pouch attached to a part of your large intestine (gut) on the right side of your abdomen (‘tummy’ area). It is usually about the size of a finger. If you have appendicitis, this means that your appendix is swollen and infected. A swollen and infected appendix can sometimes burst. If this happens, the infection may spread throughout your abdomen, causing serious problems such as peritonitis (infection inside the abdomen) or an abscess (a collection of pus) around the appendix. Appendicitis can occur at any age but it is most common in children


What is an appendicectomy? An appendicectomy is an operation to remove the appendix, which is a small, tube-like part of the bowel. It often needs to be performed urgently when someone has an infected and inflamed appendix (appendicitis). It is also known as an appendicectomy. Why is an appendicectomy performed? An appendicectomy is usually done because the appendix is inflamed or has burst. How to prepare for an appendicectomy The hospital will tell you how long you should fast (have nothing to eat or drink) before the operation. You might be given fluids through a drip (intravenously, directly into a

Apert syndrome

What is Apert syndrome? Apert syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects around 1 in every 65,000 newborn babies. Usually neither parent has the condition, and the gene mutation has come about by chance. The mutation, usually evident at birth, causes the bones of the skull to fuse together much earlier than usual, before the brain is fully grown. Pressure from the brain as it grows pushes the bones of the head and face out of shape. This brain compression can affect a child’s intellectual development. Apert syndrome also affects the hands and feet and a range of internal

Aortic valve replacement

What is an aortic valve replacement? The aortic valve is one of 4 valves in the heart that work together to keep blood flowing in the right direction. If the aortic valve stops working properly, it may need to be replaced. Why is an aortic valve replacement performed? The aortic valve must open fully and close fully with each heartbeat so the heart can pump enough blood around the body. If either function is affected, the heart must work much harder to try and deliver enough blood to the body and it can become overworked. Signs the aortic valve is

Aortic stenosis

Key facts Aortic stenosis is a heart condition affecting your aortic heart valve. Symptoms of aortic stenosis often come on with physical exertion and include feeling tired, feeling breathless, fainting and chest pain. The most common cause of aortic stenosis is hardening and scarring of your aortic valve. This happens with age. Treatment for aortic stenosis depends on your age, general health, severity of your symptoms and your heart function. What is aortic stenosis? Aortic stenosis is a heart condition affecting your aortic heart valve. It can sometimes lead to problems like heart failure. The aortic valve is like a one-way

Aortic dissection

What is aortic dissection? Aortic dissection is a rare but very dangerous condition where there is a tear in the aorta, the large blood vessel that runs from the heart to the rest of the body. If you have symptoms that include a sudden, severe pain in your chest or upper back, call triple zero (000) straight away and ask for an ambulance. The aorta is a blood vessel about the thickness of a garden hose that carries blood from the heart through the centre of the chest and into the abdomen. Aortic dissection is where there is a tear in the

Aortic coarctation

What is aortic coarctation? Aortic coarctation is a heart condition that mainly affects newborn babies. It is a narrowing of a section of the aorta, which is the large blood vessel that delivers blood from the left side of the heart to the body. What are the symptoms of aortic coarctation? The restriction in the aorta causes: the heart to pump extra hard to move the blood through the narrowed section blood flow to increase in the head, arms and upper part of the body blood flow to decrease in the legs and lower part of the body. These effects

Anxiety in teenagers

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a normal part of life and can affect anyone. Sometimes, if anxiety becomes overwhelming and doesn’t go away, it can be a sign of an anxiety disorder. However, with treatment and support from family and friends, anxiety can be managed. Anxiety affects the body and mind. Your teenager may often feel tense, jittery or agitated, and worry about a situation they’re in or what might come next. A bit of anxiety from time to time is normal, especially for teenagers. It can help with motivation at school, sport or work. But if anxious feelings don’t go away,


What is agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder where a person fears having a panic attack in certain places — like public transport, crowds or queues — or situations from which escape is difficult. It is normal to sometimes feel anxious, but anxiety becomes a disorder if it interferes with daily life. Anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia can seriously restrict a person’s ability to go to work or socialise with friends and family. What are the symptoms of agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is a type of phobia and often goes together with panic disorder. Symptoms of agoraphobia include: experiencing anxiety or panic attacks in situations

Anxiety – symptoms, treatment and causes

Key facts High levels of anxiety affect your ability to concentrate, sleep and carry out ordinary tasks. Anxiety disorders affect 1 in 4 Australians at some stage in their life. Each type of anxiety disorder has different specific symptoms. You may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder if your symptoms are affecting your ability to function. This might be at work, school or socially. Treatment options for anxiety disorders include lifestyle measures, psychological therapy and medicines. What is anxiety? Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Normal worry can be motivating — it can help you with things such as


Key facts Anxiety disorders are not just a matter of feeling too anxious. Children with anxiety disorders have fears and worries that cause distress. Children with anxiety may try to avoid situations or issues they’re worried about. Treatment for anxiety disorders in children includes psychological therapy. Lifestyle adjustments may also help. Medicines are rarely recommended to treat anxiety in children. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a normal part of life and can affect anyone, including children. But as parents and carers, it’s sometimes hard to know the difference between normal worries and something more serious. In most cases, anxiety in

Antisocial personality disorder

What is antisocial personality disorder? People with antisocial personality disorder tend to disregard authority, the law or the rights of other people. They may tell lies, behave aggressively or engage in illegal behaviour such as stealing, drug taking and violence. People with antisocial personality disorder are said to lack remorse or a conscience, and generally do not feel sorry for their actions. They are sometimes called a ‘sociopath’ or a ‘psychopath’. What are the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder? Some people with antisocial personality disorder are highly successful, intelligent and charming but exploit others for their own personal gain. Others

Antipsychotic medications

What are antipsychotic medications? Antipsychotic medication (antipsychotics) are medicines that can help ease the symptoms of a psychosis. Psychosis is a mental health condition that affects how the brain works. There are different types of antipsychotic medications. Sometimes they cause side effects. Talk with your doctor or mental health nurse about what might work best for you. Antipsychotic medications are medicines used to treat psychosis. Psychosis is an illness that makes it hard to tell what is real and what isn’t. They may also help anxiety and agitation, and problems with mood, thinking and socialising. Sometimes you might get psychosis if you already

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a blood disorder that puts a person at greater risk of developing blood clots or having problems with pregnancy. It is sometimes called Hughes syndrome or sticky blood. With treatment, most people with APS can lead normal lives. Types of APS APS develops when someone has abnormal antibodies in their blood. It is an autoimmune disorder, meaning the antibodies the body produces to fight infections start attacking the body instead. Blood clots can cause serious problems, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs, or damage to organs, such as your kidneys, lungs or brain. Causes of


What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are substances produced by your body that play an important role in your health. They are also found in foods, and in vitamin and mineral supplements. There are many different types of antioxidants. Why are antioxidants important? Many chemical reactions take place inside the cells in your body. Sometimes, these form by-products known as free radicals. Free radicals have important roles in your body. Some are used by your body’s immune system to attack viruses or bacteria.   However, if free radicals build up in your body, they can cause ‘oxidative stress’. This can damage your cells and impact your health.


Key facts Antihistamines are medicines that you can take to treat allergies. Antihistamines can help your symptoms if you suffer from allergic conditions, for example, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, hives, allergic reactions to insect bites or stings. Antihistamines can also help if you have mild or moderate acute allergic reactions such as to food, dust mites or pet hair. There are 2 main types of antihistamines: sedating antihistamines that can make you feel sleepy, and non-sedating antihistamines that usually don’t make you sleepy.   Allergies and histamine Your body can become sensitive to things around you, such as foods, plants,


Key facts Antidepressants are medicines used to treat mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Antidepressants work on several chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters) that influence mood. Different antidepressants cause different side effects, but common side effects include nausea, dizziness, weight gain and sexual problems. Most people need to take antidepressants for at least 6 to 12 months, but many people will take them for much longer. Don’t stop antidepressants suddenly — ask your doctor how to taper (gradually reduce) your dose to minimise withdrawal symptoms. What are antidepressants? Antidepressants are medicines used to treat mental health conditions including:


Key facts Antibiotics are medicines that treat infections and diseases caused by bacteria. Different types of antibiotics work in different ways, but all antibiotics damage bacteria so that your immune system can more easily fight the bacteria. Doctors prescribe antibiotics that are best suited to the type of infection you have. Like all medicines, antibiotics can cause side effects. Some people are allergic to certain antibiotics. Because antibiotics have been overused, many are no longer effective. Antibiotics should only be used if they are needed to treat a bacterial infection.    What are antibiotics? Antibiotics are medicines that treat infections

Anti-reflux surgery

This page will give you information about anti-reflux surgery. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is acid reflux? Acid reflux is a condition where acid from your stomach passes up into your oesophagus (gullet). If this happens too often it can cause symptoms of a burning sensation in your chest (‘heartburn’) or acid in the back of your mouth. The acid can cause the lining of your oesophagus to become inflamed (oesophagitis) or scarred. What are the benefits of surgery? This surgery aims to improve your reflux symptoms. You should

Anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs)

Key facts You can buy NSAIDs with a doctor’s prescription or over-the-counter to relieve pain, inflammation and fever. NSAIDs can cause side effects such as stomach upsets and bleeding. You can reduce risk of side effects by taking NSAIDs occasionally, for limited time and at the lowest dose that relieves your symptoms. There are many brand names for the same NSAID medication, and many different types of NSAID available, so be careful not to take more than you need by mistake. What are NSAIDs? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs are medicines that are used to relieve pain, and


What is anthrax? Anthrax (also known as ‘wool-sorter’s disease’) is a serious infectious disease caused by a type of bacteria known as bacillus anthracis. It can survive for a long time as spores. Anthrax is very rare in Australia, with only been 3 cases occurring in humans since 2001. However, it still occurs in animals — mainly in the ‘anthrax belt’, which runs through western New South Wales into Victoria and southern Queensland. What are the symptoms of anthrax? There are 3 types of anthrax, each with different symptoms. Cutaneous (skin) anthrax This infection appears on the skin, usually 1 to

Anterior repair

This page will give you information about an anterior repair. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is an anterior prolapse? An anterior prolapse is a bulge of your vagina caused by your bladder dropping down. It is caused by weakness of the support tissues between your vagina and bladder. What are the benefits of surgery? An anterior prolapse can cause the following problems. A sensation of ‘something coming down’. The need to pass urine more often. The feeling of not having fully emptied your bladder. Difficulty urinating. A bulge in

Anosmia (loss of smell)

What is Anosmia? Anosmia is the medical term for the loss of smell. If a person has a partial sense of smell, it is called hyposmia. Your sense of smell contributes to your everyday experiences. Smell is especially connected to the sense of taste. Having anosmia can affect the taste of food and drink. What symptoms are related to anosmia? If you have anosmia, this means you are unable to smell anything. Other symptoms you might experience depend on what causes your anosmia. What causes anosmia? Anosmia and hyposmia have many different causes. Most of the time, the causes of

Anorexia nervosa

What is anorexia nervosa? Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder and a serious mental illness. A person with anorexia nervosa restricts their energy intake, has a distorted body image and an intense fear of gaining weight. The restriction in energy intake can cause a significant amount of weight loss in a short period of time and may result in a person having a very low weight. Anorexia nervosa is most common in women and usually starts in adolescence. It is the third most common chronic illness in girls and young women and affects up to 1 in 200 girls. One in 11 people who

Ankylosing spondylitis

Key facts Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a kind of arthritis that mainly affects your spine. It often begins before the age of 40 years. Ankylosing spondylitis affects males more often than females. It’s not known what causes ankylosing spondylitis. There’s no cure for ankylosing spondylitis, but medicines can help manage your symptoms. What is ankylosing spondylitis? Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a kind of arthritis that mainly affects the joints and ligaments of your spine (back bone). ‘Ankylosing’ means stiff and ‘spondylo’ means vertebra. It can also affect other large joints, like your hips and shoulders. Ankylosing spondylitis can also cause

Ankle fracture surgery

This page will give you information about ankle fracture surgery. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is an ankle fracture? An ankle fracture is a break of one of or both your ankle bones. An ankle fracture is usually caused by a twisting injury to your ankle, resulting from sports or a simple fall or trip. There may be a break of the bone on the outer side of your ankle (fibula), the inner side (tibia), or both sides. There may also be damage to your ankle ligaments. What are

Ankle arthrodesis

What is arthritis? Arthritis is a group of conditions that cause damage to one or more joints. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, where there is gradual wear and tear of a joint. Some other types of arthritis are associated with inflammation of the joints that can eventually lead to severe joint damage. Arthritis eventually wears away the normal cartilage covering the surface of the joint and the bone underneath becomes damaged. What are the benefits of surgery? You should get less pain and be able to walk more easily. Are there any alternatives to ankle arthrodesis? Simple painkillers such

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)

What are ACE inhibitors and ARBs? Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are medicines commonly prescribed for hypertension. These medicines work by relaxing your blood vessels. Your doctor may also prescribe ACE inhibitors or ARBs if you have: heart failure chronic kidney disease diabetes with too much protein in your urine (proteinuria) had a heart attack (myocardial infarction) There are many ACE inhibitors and ARBs available in Australia. The different ACE inhibitors and ARBs have similar effects on your medical condition but have different dosages and potential side effects. The ARB medicines all have names ending in “sartan” so you might

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)

What are ACE inhibitors and ARBs? Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are medicines commonly prescribed for hypertension. These medicines work by relaxing your blood vessels. Your doctor may also prescribe ACE inhibitors or ARBs if you have: heart failure chronic kidney disease diabetes with too much protein in your urine (proteinuria) had a heart attack (myocardial infarction) There are many ACE inhibitors and ARBs available in Australia. The different ACE inhibitors and ARBs have similar effects on your medical condition but have different dosages and potential side effects. The ARB medicines all have names ending in “sartan” so you might


Key facts Angioplasty is a medical procedure used to increase the flow of blood through a narrowed artery. During angioplasty, a small balloon is inflated in the affected blood vessel, opening it and allowing more blood flow. Angioplasty may be used in many different areas of the body to restore blood flow. Common sites for angioplasty include the heart, brain, kidneys and legs. Angioplasty usually takes 30 to 60 minutes, but you many need to stay in hospital for overnight after the procedure, depending on your condition.   What is angioplasty? Angioplasty is a medical procedure used to increase the


What is an angiogram? Angiography is a procedure in which a liquid contrast agent is injected into the bloodstream to make blood vessels visible on a scan. The image produced by the scan is called an angiogram. Angiography can be used to look at blood vessels in the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys or other parts of the body. It is usually done in hospital. As well as being used for diagnosis, angiography can also be used to guide procedures that treat some abnormalities of the blood vessels, such as narrowing or clots. For example, narrowed arteries may be treated by


What is angina? Chest pain can be caused by many things, including angina (also known as angina pectoris). Angina is chest pain or discomfort (tightness) that: lasts for 10 minutes or less gets better with rest Angina usually comes on during physical activity. It can also be triggered by strong emotions. It gets better quickly with rest. What is stable angina? Stable angina is angina that has not changed in the last month. That means the symptoms are the same as usual. Symptoms come on with activity or strong emotions and settle quickly with rest. What is unstable angina? Unstable

Anger management

Everyone feels angry sometimes. Anger can be a good thing because it allows us to express our emotions. It’s what we do when we’re angry that can cause problems. For example, anger expressed as violence or ignoring a person is not appropriate. What is anger? Anger is a normal human emotion. It can range from feeling annoyed to intense rage. What are the signs and symptoms of anger? Anger makes your heart rate and blood pressure go up as your body produces more of the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. This is the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. You may feel

Angelman syndrome

Key facts Angelman syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs if a gene called UBE3A is missing or faulty. People with Angelman syndrome have severe intellectual disability and delayed development, speak very little and often laugh and smile for no apparent reason. Angelman syndrome is usually diagnosed using a genetic test called DNA microarray testing. Angelman syndrome can’t be cured, but there is a range of therapies that can improve the quality of life of those affected. What is Angelman syndrome? Angelman syndrome is a genetic condition. It occurs if a gene called UBE3A is missing or faulty. When this


Key facts An aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel wall. An aneurysm can be harmless, as long as it doesn’t rupture (burst). Aneurysms can occur anywhere in your body. You can help reduce your chance of getting some aneurysms by eating a healthy diet, stopping smoking, exercising and taking medicines for high blood pressure. What is an aneurysm? An aneurysm is a bulge caused by a weakening of the blood vessel wall. It can happen in any blood vessel, but is seen more often in arteries. Aneurysms can be harmless. It probably won’t cause you any problems as long


What is anaemia? Anaemia is when you don’t have enough red blood cells or haemoglobin. Red blood cells and haemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that makes them red, are important because they carry oxygen from the lungs around the body. It’s important to find and treat the cause of the anaemia to prevent it coming back, as well as the anaemia itself. What are the symptoms of anaemia? If you have anaemia, you may experience a range of symptoms, including: fatigue or weakness a fast heartbeat or heart palpitations dizziness, light-headedness or headaches shortness of breath, even when doing things you could usually


What is anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis is the most severe type of allergic reaction. It can happen after exposure to certain triggers, such as: food – commonly milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and seafood bites and stings – including tick bites and snake bites some medicines Anaphylaxis develops rapidly and can be fatal, so should it always be treated as a medical emergency. If anaphylaxis progresses, it can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. This is known as ‘anaphylactic shock’. What causes anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis is triggered by the immune system when it recognises a harmless allergen as ‘dangerous’ and releases a natural chemical called histamine. Histamine causes inflammation when it is

Anal injury

What are anal injuries? It can be distressing when there are injuries to the anus, which can be caused by changes in bowel function or sexual activity. There are ways to manage and prevent anal injuries. What causes anal injuries? The anus is made up of the last few centimetres of the bowel (anal canal) and the anal opening, through which stool (poo or faeces) leave your body. Injuries to the anal region are often caused by changes in bowel function such as diarrhoea or constipation. These can cause pain and irritation, damage the skin around the anus and sometimes lead to bright

Anal fissure

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. What causes an anal fissure? Most anal fissures are caused by injury to the area. This can happen when you pass a hard or large stool (poo). Other causes include: constipation diarrhoea anal injuries pregnancy or childbirth Crohn’s disease There are other, less common, causes of anal fissures such as: cancer HIV tuberculosis syphilis sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as genital herpes When should I see my doctor? You should see your doctor if: there is blood on your stool there is blood on your

Anal care

What conditions affect the anus? A variety of conditions can affect the anus. These include: Anal fissures: small tears in the lining of the anus that are often caused by passing hard stool. They can also occur after childbirth or a bout of diarrhoea. Most fissures heal within 1 to 2 months with good self-care, such as eating a high-fibre diet, drinking lots of water and careful anal hygiene to keep the fissure clean. Anal abscess: a collection of pus, usually from an infection. A doctor will treat an abscess by draining the pus, using a local anaesthetic. Antibiotics may be

Anaesthetics (overview)

This page will give you information about different forms of anaesthesia. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is an anaesthetic? An anaesthetic is a combination of drugs that causes loss of sensation. General anaesthetic — A combination of drugs that produce deep sleep. You will not be aware of what is happening and afterwards you will not remember anything that has happened. Epidural or spinal anaesthetic — Involves injecting local anaesthetics and other painkillers near your spinal cord to give pain relief in certain areas of your body. Local anaesthetic — Temporarily stops nerves working

Anaemia medicines

What is anaemia medicine? Anaemia medicines are used to treat anaemia, a condition where your blood test result shows a low red blood cell count or low haemoglobin level.  The medicine used to treat anaemia will depend on its cause. The most common type of anaemia is iron-deficiency anaemia, usually caused by not eating or absorbing enough iron, or by losing blood. It is common in rapidly growing children and teenagers, during pregnancy and in people with long-term conditions such as kidney disease. Medicines to treat iron-deficiency anaemia include tablets or liquids, or intravenous (IV) infusions that are given through the vein. Other types of anaemia can be


What is anaemia? Anaemia is when you don’t have enough red blood cells or haemoglobin. Red blood cells and haemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that makes them red, are important because they carry oxygen from the lungs around the body. It’s important to find and treat the cause of the anaemia to prevent it coming back, as well as the anaemia itself. What are the symptoms of anaemia? If you have anaemia, you may experience a range of symptoms, including: fatigue or weakness a fast heartbeat or heart palpitations dizziness, light-headedness or headaches shortness of breath, even when doing things you could usually

Anabolic steroids

What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are synthetic (man-made) drugs that are similar to the male hormone testosterone. Their proper name is anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). They are swallowed as tablets, applied as a gel, or injected into a muscle. Anabolic steroids are different from corticosteroids, which are medicines used to treat conditions such as arthritis or asthma. Both are sometimes referred to simply as ‘steroids’. Anabolic steroids can be used for medical purposes, but people also sometimes take them to improve their performance in sport, their appearance or their body image. When used for performance, anabolic steroids are classed as performance and


What is amyloidosis? Amyloidosis is a group of diseases that can affect the brain, heart, joints or kidneys. It is a rare condition that is caused when the body produces an abnormal protein called amyloid. This protein can collect in different organs in the body such as the kidneys or the heart and stop them working as well as they should. What are the symptoms of amyloidosis? The symptoms of amyloidosis will depend on where the amyloid protein builds up in your body. Amyloidosis symptoms might be difficult to tell apart from symptoms of other medical conditions. They can include:


What is an amputation? An amputation is the loss or removal of a part of your body, such as an arm or leg. The loss of a limb can be a life-changing experience, but there is help and support available. Why might an amputation be needed? There are several reasons why someone might need to have an amputation. These can include: diabetes complications peripheral vascular disease (narrowing of the arteries leading to your legs and feet) other causes of severely reduced blood supply to the limb severe infection cancer serious injury Many people can use a prosthesis (artificial limb) or mobility device


Key facts Amnesia is a form of memory loss. While forgetting things is normal, people with amnesia often forget familiar things, such as where they live, and what their loved ones’ names are. Amnesia can be caused by many things, including head injuries or dementia. There are ways to treat or manage amnesia, depending on what causes it. What is amnesia? Amnesia is a memory disorder. It is a term used to describe a type of memory loss that is usually temporary. It is normal to forget things sometimes, such as the name of someone you just met. However, struggling

About ambulances in Australia

What is an ambulance? Ambulances are vehicles that transport people needing emergency medical care. Sometimes they also transport people needing non-emergency medical support. You may need an ambulance to take you to hospital if you are sick or injured, after an accident, or an ambulance may be needed to take you from one hospital to another. There are several types of ambulance, all specially equipped. Types of ambulances include: Vans The van is the most common type of ambulance vehicle across Australia. These are used by advanced care paramedics for serious medical emergencies and patient transport officers for non-emergency situations.

Alzheimer’s disease

Key facts Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects your thinking, behaviour and ability to do everyday tasks. Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a build-up of certain proteins in your brain, which gets worse over time. While Alzheimer’s disease is more common in older Australians, it is not a normal part of ageing. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but some medicines can help improve your quality of life. See a doctor if you have memory loss, difficulty with familiar tasks or language, or changes in mood or personality. What is Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease is the

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

What is AATD? Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, also known as AATD, or as genetic or inherited emphysema, is a common, inherited genetic condition that can cause chronic lung and liver disease. It can be managed to slow down the progress of the disease. Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein made in the liver and circulated through the blood. It helps protect your lungs and liver from damage. If you have a deficiency of AAT protein, you are more at risk of 2 main sets of problems: In the lungs, AATD can cause emphysema, which may appear earlier than it might otherwise, as well as asthma, chronic

Alopecia (Hair loss)

What is alopecia? Alopecia means hair loss. There are different types of alopecia. Some types can cause you to lose hair from a single area. Other types can cause hair loss from several areas of your head, face or body. Common types of alopecia include: male pattern hair loss female pattern hair loss alopecia areata telogen effluvium How is alopecia causes? Androgenetic alopecia Androgenetic alopecia is the name for both male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss. It usually runs in families. It is caused by the effects of androgens (male hormones) on your hair follicles. Most of the

How alcohol affects your health

Why is alcohol a health issue? Many Australians drink some alcohol. Some people drink alcohol in amounts that are harmful to their health. This kind of drinking can cause death, disease, and injury. This is a major factor in ill health and social harm in Australia. One standard drink contains 10 grams of pure alcohol, which is found in (approximately): 285ml full-strength beer or cider 375ml mid-strength beer 425ml light-strength beer 100ml wine 1 nip (30ml) of spirits No level of alcohol consumption can be considered safe. To reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury for healthy adults: drink no


What is albinism? Albinism is a group of genetic conditions in which a person has no or very little melanin pigment in their skin, hair and eyes. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups throughout the world. In Australia, about 1 in 17,000 people have some type of albinism. It is important for people with albinism to protect their skin and eyes from the sun, and have their eyes checked regularly. The genes for albinism are passed down from both parents, who may not be directly affected by it themselves. However, there is no simple test to determine whether


What is agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder where a person fears having a panic attack in certain places — like public transport, crowds or queues — or situations from which escape is difficult. It is normal to sometimes feel anxious, but anxiety becomes a disorder if it interferes with daily life. Anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia can seriously restrict a person’s ability to go to work or socialise with friends and family. What are the symptoms of agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is a type of phobia and often goes together with panic disorder. Symptoms of agoraphobia include: experiencing anxiety or panic attacks in situations


What is agnosia? Agnosia is a rare condition that causes an inability to recognise objects, people, smells or sounds. If you have the signs of agnosia, you should see your doctor for advice. Agnosia is a neurological disorder (a condition that affects the nervous system). It is caused by damage to parts of the brain. It can either occur suddenly — for example, as a result of a stroke or an accident — or over time (such as when a person has a brain tumour). Agnosia is not caused by memory loss, but it can be caused by dementia. If you have agnosia, you will

Aged care services

As we get older, our needs change The Australian aged care system provides various options to cater to different care needs. Many of these options are funded by the government. An assessment is required to access government-funded services for older Australians. These assessments are completed by the aged care assessment team / service (ACAT or ACAS in Victoria). These determine a person’s eligibility for services, as well as assess the care and support they need. Carers may also be eligible for respite services. What is aged care? Aged care is the support provided to Australians aged 65 years and over

After-hours health services

What are ‘after-hours’ health services? After-hours health services are services for people needing healthcare outside of normal general practice opening hours. However, they are not a hospital emergency department. They can manage problems that don’t need the emergency department, but that can’t wait for a GP to be available. Which services are available? There are many different healthcare services that are available after-hours including GPs, urgent care clinics, pharmacies, dentists and mental health counsellors. A good place to start looking for services near you is the healthdirect Service Finder. You can also call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 to speak to

Advance care planning and directive

What is advance care planning? Advance care planning involves planning for your future healthcare. The process of advance care planning helps you outline your values and beliefs and your preferences for your future healthcare. Advance care planning will help guide your loved ones and doctors to make decisions on your behalf that align with your values, in a situation where you aren’t able to do this yourself. What is an advance care directive? Advance care planning involves formally detailing your values and preferences regarding your future healthcare. This document is called an ‘advance care directive’, though it has different names


What is adrenaline? Adrenaline is a hormone that helps you react very quickly if you are faced with an exciting, stressful or dangerous situation. This is known as the ‘fight-or-flight response’. In this type of situation, your brain sends messages to your adrenal glands (located just above the kidneys) to start releasing the hormone into the blood. You will feel the effects of the adrenaline within 2 or 3 minutes. Adrenaline is also a medication used to treat a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in an emergency. It may also be used during cardiac arrest, croup and asthma when other treatments are not effective. When

Adrenal glands

6-minute read What are the adrenal glands? Your adrenal glands are 2 triangle-shaped endocrine glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They form part of your body’s hormonal system. What do my adrenal glands do? Your adrenal glands make hormones that are involved in: controlling your blood pressure your metabolism your body’s response to stress What hormones do my adrenal glands make? Your adrenal glands makes many hormones, including: adrenaline cortisol aldosterone Adrenaline is involved in your body’s stress (or ‘fight or flight’) response. It: makes your heart beat faster sends more blood to your muscles causes other changes in your

Adrenal fatigue

What is adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is a term used by alternative health practitioners to explain tiredness and other symptoms which are thought to be due to chronic (long-term) exposure to stressful situations. However, it currently is not a recognised medical diagnosis. Many studies have failed to prove that adrenal fatigue is a medical condition. Adrenal insufficiency Your adrenal glands sit on top of each kidney. Their role is to produce hormones, including adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones prepare your body for fight or flight. Adrenal insufficiency (also called Addison’s disease), is a recognised medical condition when your adrenal glands don’t make enough

Adrenal glands

What are the adrenal glands? Your adrenal glands are 2 triangle-shaped endocrine glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They form part of your body’s hormonal system. What do my adrenal glands do? Your adrenal glands make hormones that are involved in: controlling your blood pressure your metabolism your body’s response to stress What hormones do my adrenal glands make? Your adrenal glands makes many hormones, including: adrenaline cortisol aldosterone Adrenaline is involved in your body’s stress (or ‘fight or flight’) response. It: makes your heart beat faster sends more blood to your muscles causes other changes in your body that

Adrenal fatigue

What is adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is a term used by alternative health practitioners to explain tiredness and other symptoms which are thought to be due to chronic (long-term) exposure to stressful situations. However, it currently is not a recognised medical diagnosis. Many studies have failed to prove that adrenal fatigue is a medical condition. Adrenal insufficiency Your adrenal glands sit on top of each kidney. Their role is to produce hormones, including adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones prepare your body for fight or flight. Adrenal insufficiency (also called Addison’s disease), is a recognised medical condition when your adrenal glands don’t make enough

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. ADHD used to be called attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADHD is often misunderstood. It can cause problems: concentrating becoming distracted being hyperactive (sometimes) being impulsive This may cause people with ADHD to have problems with their: schooling friendships work family life Around 1 in every 20 Australians has ADHD. While ADHD is more common in boys — it’s under diagnosed in girls and adults. More than 3 in 4 children diagnosed with ADHD still have symptoms as an adult. What are the symptoms


What is adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is a condition that affects your uterus (womb). It can cause painful and heavy periods. This condition affects 20% to 35% of females. If you have adenomyosis, you might also have a similar condition called endometriosis. The features of these 2 conditions overlap. What are the symptoms of adenomyosis? Symptoms of adenomyosis can include: heavy periods painful periods pain during sex chronic (ongoing) pain in the pelvis bleeding between periods infertility The symptoms may be mild for some people. But they can also be severe enough to interfere with your work, study and enjoyment of life.


What are the adenoids? They are fleshy lumps of tissue that are out of sight located at the back of the inside of the nose and at the top of the throat. Together with the tonsils, they trap and destroy germs that enter the child’s mouth and nose. They are part of the immune system and help to fight infections. Everyone is born with adenoids and they are biggest when children are around 3 to 5 years old. They start to shrink when children reach around 5 to 8 years of age. They are usually gone altogether by the time