Day: August 7, 2024

Main chemistry topics for Saint Petersburg University in Egypt 

Section 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMISTRY 1. Subject and tasks of chemistry.  – Physical and chemical phenomena.  – The place of chemistry among the natural sciences.  – Chemistry and ecology. 2. Fundamentals of atomic-molecular teaching.  – The concept of atom, element, substance.  – Relative atomic and relative molecular mass.  – A mole is a unit of quantity of a substance.  – Molar mass.  – Stoichiometry: law of conservation of mass of matter, constancy of composition. Relative gas density. 3. Chemical elements.  – Signs of chemical elements and chemical formulas.  – Simple substance, complex substance. Allotropy.  – Valency and oxidation state.

Main biology topics for Saint Petersburg University in Egypt

Principles of biology   – Basic attributes of living systems. Biological disciplines, biotechnology, biomedicine, main branches of medicine. Biological terminology. Key discoveries in biology and medicine.  – Chemical elements and molecules of living systems. Basic metabolic pathways.   Molecular genetics   – Central dogma of molecular biology. Structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins.  – DNA replication, transcription, translation and genetic code. Genome, chromosome, and gene structure.   – Mutations and their consequences. Basic molecular genetic methods.   Cell biology   – Structure and organization of cells (prokaryotic, eukaryotic, plant, animal). Origin, structure, and function of mitochondria. Origin, structure,