Day: June 25, 2024

Abscess (Dental)

Dental abscess: what is the difference between periapical abscess and periodontal abscess? What Is a Dental Abscess? An abscess is a localised collection of pus. Dental abscesses can be related to:• An infection of the pulp of the tooth (periapical abscess)• An infection of the gum and tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontal abscess)• A combination of both Dental abscesses, if uncontrolled, can spread to become facial infections.  Causes of Dental Abscesses A periapical abscess is a result of bacteria from dental plaque invading the pulp of the tooth. Bacteria enter the pulp through a cavity (decay) or tooth fracture. The pulpal infection

 Fibre to Fabric

1. Which of the following animals yields wool? a) Yak b) Goat c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above Answer: c 2. _______ phase requires a lot of feeding. a) Caterpillar b) Larva c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above Answer: c 3. Which state is a leading producer of wool? a) Himachal Pradesh b) Punjab c) Haryana d) None of the above Answer: b 4. Which of the following is an animal fibre? a) Wool b) Silk c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above Answer: c 5. _______ is responsible for Sorter’s disease. a)

 Garbage In, Garbage Out

Q-1: Which of the following is a friend of the farmer? a) Redworms b) Earthworms c) Moths d) Mosquitoes Answer: b) Earthworms Q-2: Which of the following is the method of preparing compost with the help of redworms? a) Recycling b) Vermicomposting c) Composting d) Both b) and c) Answer: b) Vermicomposting Explanation: The process of converting kitchen garbage into compost with the help of redworms is known as vermicomposting. Q-3: Which of the following helps the redworms to grind their food? a) Teeth b) Gizzard c) Mouth d) Hands Answer: b) Gizzard Explanation: Redworms do not have teeth. They have a structure called ‘gizzard’, which

Air Around Us

1. The gas plants use for respiration is: a.) Oxygen b.) Carbon dioxide c.) Nitrogen d.) All of the above Answer – (a.) Oxygen Explanation – The diffusion process allows oxygen from the air to enter a leaf through the stomata and reach all cells. This oxygen is used in the respiration of leaf cells. 2. Which of the following components of air is harmful to living beings? a.) Nitrogen and oxygen b.) Carbon dioxide and water vapour c.) Smoke and water vapour d.) Dust and smoke Answer – (d.) Dust and smoke Explanation – Breathing in smoke and dust can enter our respiratory system (lungs)


1. Which of the following is a source of freshwater? a.) Groundwater b.) Rainwater c.) Surface run-off d.) All of the above Answer – (d.) All of the above Explanation – Freshwater is water that occurs naturally on Earth’s surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, bogs, ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams, as well as underground aquifers and underground streams. 2. Heavy rainfalls lead to: a.) Drought b.) Earthquake c.) Landslides d.) Floods Answer – (d.) Floods Explanation – Heavy rainfalls lead to a rise in the level of water in rivers, lakes and ponds. This water spreads over large areas causing floods. Drought occurs