Day: June 24, 2024

Changes Around Us

Q-1: Which of the following is a change that can be reversed? a) Batter to Idli b) Grain to its flour c) Milk to paneer d) Stretched rubber band to its normal size Answer: d) Stretched rubber band to its normal size Explanation: The changes that can be reversed are those that, after taking place, can regain their original shape and size. Because the rubber band can return to its original shape after stretching, the change is reversible. While all other changes are irreversible. Q-2: Which of the following changes that occur in our bodies is reversible? a) Increase in height b) Decrease

Separation of Substances

1. The process by which butter can be separated from milk is ____. a.) Sedimentation b.) Decantation c.) Filtration d.) Churning Answer – (d.) Churning Explanation – Churning is the process of continuously moving milk or curd with skimmers to produce butter. 2. Which of the following processes can be used to separate a liquid from an insoluble solid? a.) Evaporation b.) Sedimentation c.) Distillation d.) Filtration Answer – (d.) Filtration Explanation – Filtration is the process of separating suspended solid matter from a liquid by passing it through the pores of a membrane known as a filter. For example, tea leaves are separated from tea