Day: February 7, 2024


What is thrombocytopenia? Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which the platelets (also called thrombocytes) are low in number, which can result in bleeding problems. Platelets are a type of blood cell that are important for helping blood to clot. When you cut yourself and the wound bleeds, platelets clump together at the site of the wound to stop the bleeding. Platelets may be low in number if the body is not making enough of them, if they are being destroyed, or if they are being trapped in the spleen. The spleen is an organ that acts as a filter of

Throat cancer

What is throat cancer? Throat cancer refers to cancer that begins in the throat. The throat (also called pharynx) is a tube that runs from the back of the nose to your food pipe (oesophagus) and the windpipe (trachea). Throat cancer occurs when a tumour grows in the pharynx or larynx (voice box), oesophagus or thyroid. Cancers that grow in the throat area, sinuses, tongue or salivary glands are called ‘head and neck cancers’. What are the symptoms of throat cancer? Common symptoms of throat cancer include: lumps in the neck or throat pain in the throat or around the breastbone a sore throat or cough that won’t

Threadworms (worms)

Worms in humans What is worm infection in humans? Many types of worm can cause problems in humans. In Australia, worms that may infect people include: threadworms tapeworms whipworms hookworms Strongyloides These intestinal worms are parasites – they survive by living in another living thing (the host) and getting their food from it. What are the symptoms of a worm infection? A person with intestinal worms may not have any symptoms, but threadworms (Enterobius vermicularis), the most common worm infection in Australia, often do cause symptoms. A person with threadworms (also known as pinworms) may have an itchy bottom or

Threadworms (pinworms)

Key facts Threadworms are tiny white worms that can live in your intestines. They are most common in children, and cause itching around the anal area. You can catch threadworm if you get worm eggs on your hands and put your hands in your mouth. You can treat threadworm with a single dose of medicine available over-the-counter from the pharmacy. To prevent the spread of threadworm, treat the whole family at the same time and encourage good hygiene. What are threadworms? Threadworms, also called pinworms, are tiny parasites that grow to about 1cm in length and look like tiny pieces


What is a thoracoscopy? A thoracoscopy is a procedure to look for any problems in your pleural space, using a telescope. The pleural space is the space between the outside lining of your lungs and the inside lining of your ribcage. What are the benefits of a thoracoscopy? A thoracoscopy is a good way of finding out if there is a problem. During the procedure, your doctor can perform biopsies (removing small pieces of tissue) to help make the diagnosis. A thoracoscopy. A pleurodesis can be performed at the same time to treat a pleural effusion (where there is too

Thermal balloon endometrial ablation

What is an endometrial ablation? An endometrial ablation is an operation to prevent the lining (endometrium) of your uterus (womb) from growing, either completely or partially each cycle (month). There are three common devices used to perform an endometrial ablation. radiofrequency thermal balloon microwave Each device uses heat to treat the endometrium. What are the benefits of surgery? The most common reason for having an endometrial ablation is to relieve the symptoms of heavy periods (abnormal uterine bleeding). Pain is usually significantly reduced, although for some women mild cramping may still happen. About a third of women who have the operation will

The Pill

The pill (combined oral contraceptive pill) What is the combined oral contraceptive pill? The combined oral contraceptive pill is a type of contraception (birth control). It is often just called ‘the pill’. Some doctors refer to it as the ‘OCP’. You take the pill as a daily tablet. It contains 2 hormones — oestrogen and progestogen. Types of combined oral contraceptive pills There are many different types of combined OCP. If you are thinking about going on the pill, talk to your doctor about the best option for you. You need a doctor’s prescription to take the pill. Some types of the pill are


What is thalassaemia? Thalassaemia is an inherited genetic disorder that affects the blood and causes lifelong anaemia. People with thalassaemia do not produce enough healthy haemoglobin, which makes their blood cells small and pale. Haemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. People born with thalassaemia cannot move oxygen around the body properly. Depending on the type of thalassaemia they have, they may need regular blood transfusions to stay alive. What causes thalassaemia? Thalassaemia is caused when someone inherits gene mutations (‘spelling errors’ in the DNA in genes)


What is tetanus? Tetanus is a serious bacterial infection that affects the nerves in the brain and spinal cord, causing painful muscle spasms throughout the body. It is often fatal. Because of vaccination, few people now get tetanus in Australia. Everybody should be vaccinated and have boosters at the correct time throughout life. Tetanus is sometimes known as ‘lock jaw’, because it typically causes spasms of the jaw making it close firmly (lock). What are the symptoms of tetanus? Symptoms of tetanus include: painful muscle spasms, especially in the face or neck, that can last for several minutes a locked

Testosterone test

What is being tested? Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. It’s produced by both males and females, although usually in much greater amounts in males. Testosterone helps the male sex organs to mature and produce sperm. It helps with the growth of facial and body hair and deepening of the voice. It also affects your sex drive. Testosterone plays a part in the development of your muscles. During puberty, males start to make large amounts of testosterone. It is made mainly in your testes, but also in your adrenal glands. Women make a small amount of testosterone in their ovaries, adrenal glands and other body


Key facts Testosterone is a hormone that regulates sex drive and bone strength, and helps make sperm. Testosterone levels vary greatly depending on your sex, age and health. Low testosterone levels can be due to a problem with your testes or pituitary gland, obesity, some health conditions or the normal process of ageing. If your testosterone levels are low, you may notice changes in your sex drive, erections, mood, sleep, energy levels and muscle strength. You may need testosterone replacement therapy to increase your testosterone levels. Living a healthy lifestyle can also help. What is testosterone? Testosterone is a sex

Testing for allergy

Key facts An allergy can occur when your immune system reacts to substances (called allergens) that are harmless for most people. An allergic reaction can cause mild symptoms, such as a runny nose or itchy eyes, but some people experience a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), which is a medical emergency. Allergies can also trigger conditions such as asthma, hay fever and eczema. Allergy testing can help your doctor understand if an allergy is causing your symptoms. Common allergy tests include skin prick testing and blood tests. What is an allergy? An allergy can be triggered if your immune system reacts to substances (called allergens)

Testicular torsion

What is testicular torsion? Testicular torsion happens when one of your testicles twists around. Each testicle is attached to a spermatic cord, which contains blood vessels that carry blood to the testicle. In testicular torsion, this becomes twisted (called torsion) and blocks the flow of blood to the testicle. Testicular torsion is an emergency. If the blood supply is cut off for too long, your testicle could become permanently damaged. Testicular torsion is most common in teenage males, but can occur at any age. When should I go to the emergency department? If you or your child has sudden pain in the

Testicular cancer

What is testicular cancer? Testicular cancer is a cancer that develops in your testicles, the two small, egg-shaped glands behind your penis that produce sperm. The cancer is usually just in one testicle, but it can appear in both. It is possible for testicular cancer to spread to the lymph nodes in the stomach or to other parts of the body. With treatment, more than 9 out of 10 people with testicular cancer can be cured. How common is testicular cancer? About 1 in every 100 cancers in males is testicular cancer. Around 800 people are diagnosed with testicular cancer in Australia every


Abortion What is an abortion? An abortion (also known as termination) is the process of ending a pregnancy, so it does not result in the birth of a baby. Depending on how many weeks you have been pregnant, a pregnancy can be ended by taking a special type of medicine that your doctor, nurse or midwife prescribes or by having a surgical procedure. An abortion is not the same as a miscarriage, which is where a pregnancy ends without medical intervention (although medical treatment may be needed after a miscarriage). Why do some people have abortions? There are many reasons why someone might choose to

Terminal illness (coping with)

Coping with learning you have a terminal illness What is a terminal illness? A medical condition that cannot be cured is known as a terminal or life-limiting illness. If you have been told your illness is terminal, this means that your doctor thinks that this condition will eventually lead to death. Anyone of any age and background might get a terminal illness. But many life-limiting conditions are more common in older people. The expected course (prognosis) of a terminal illness will be different for everyone. Some people may live for weeks, months or even years with their illness. If you

Terminal conditions and grief

Grief before death – understanding anticipatory grief What is grief? Grief is a natural emotional response to loss. Grieving is a process that can help you come to terms with a loss, such as when a loved one dies. Everyone experiences grief differently. Your experience of grief and how you cope with it will depend on different factors, including your age, your previous experiences with grief and your spiritual or religious views on life and death. How you respond to your feelings of grief might also reflect the type of relationship you share with your loved one, as well as how you

Tension headache

What is a tension headache? A tension headache is a mild to moderate headache that feels like tightness or pressure around your head. They are very common — almost everyone will have a tension headache at some point. They may occur from time to time. Some people have chronic tension headache, with symptoms on most days. What are the symptoms of a tension headache? The pain caused by a tension headache is on both sides of your head. It might feel like a dull ache, or like something heavy on top of your head. It may feel like pressure or

TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)

What is TENS? TENS is a method of pain relief. TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Transcutaneous means across the skin. TENS machines pass a small electrical current across your skin to stimulate the nerves and relieve your pain. How does TENS work? When using a TENS machine, small electrodes are placed on your skin in the area where you feel pain. The TENS machine sends pulses of gentle electric current to the electrodes. Some people find it gives some pain relief. While it isn’t entirely clear how it works, it’s thought that TENS: blocks pain signals by stimulating different

Tennis elbow surgery

Surgery for tennis elbow What is tennis elbow? Tennis elbow is caused by wear and tear of the tendons on the outside of your elbow, causing pain, stiffness and, sometimes, weakness. What are the benefits of surgery? 9 in 10 people heal within a year without surgery. The main benefit of surgery is to get relief from the symptoms more quickly. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Resting your elbow when you have symptoms and not doing the activities that cause pain will treat the condition but it can take up to 2 years to recover fully. Physiotherapy can help you to

Tennis elbow

What is tennis elbow? If you have pain on the outside of your elbow, you may have tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is when there is a tear or swelling in the tendons that attach the muscle of the forearm to the bone in the upper arm. It is caused by repeated use of the muscles around the elbow. If you stop doing whatever has caused the injury, tennis elbow usually gets better without treatment, but recovery can be slow, taking anything from a few months to 2 years. What are the symptoms of tennis elbow? Tennis elbow can cause the


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction What is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. There is a TMJ on each side of the face, in front of each ear. These joints allow the movements needed for speaking, eating and facial expression. TMJ dysfunction can cause pain, abnormal jaw movements and joint noises. They are quite common. What are the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction? If you have TMJ dysfunction, you may have: discomfort or pain in the jaw, especially when eating an aching pain in front of your ear, which may spread

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

What is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. There is a TMJ on each side of the face, in front of each ear. These joints allow the movements needed for speaking, eating and facial expression. TMJ dysfunction can cause pain, abnormal jaw movements and joint noises. They are quite common. What are the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction? If you have TMJ dysfunction, you may have: discomfort or pain in the jaw, especially when eating an aching pain in front of your ear, which may spread to your face

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthroscopy

TMJ arthroscopy What is a TMJ arthroscopy? An arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) allows your surgeon to see inside your temporomandibular joint (TMJ, or jaw joint) using a camera inserted through a small cut on your skin. Your surgeon can diagnose problems such as a torn cartilage and damage to the surface of the joint. They may be able to treat some problems using surgical instruments or by washing out the joint (arthrocentesis), without making a larger cut. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to confirm exactly what the problem is and for many people the problem can be treated at the same


What is temazepam? Temazepam is a is a sedative in a medicine class called benzodiazepines. What is temazepam used for? Temazepam should only be used for a short period of time, preferably 2 weeks or less, to help with sleep problems. Remember that temazepam doesn’t address the cause of your sleeping problems, and is not a cure. Your doctor might also prescribe temazepam for another reason. If you are unsure why you have been prescribed temazepam, ask your doctor. How does temazepam work? Temazepam belongs to a group of medicines called benzodiazepines. It works on chemicals in the brain to slow

Teeth whitening

What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth to lighten the colour of the enamel. The main ingredients used in tooth whitening products are the chemicals hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The chemicals usually come in a gel, which is applied to your teeth. Sometimes a light is used too. What causes discoloured teeth? The outside of your teeth can be stained when you: drink tea, coffee or red wine eat food such as spices, berries or beetroot smoke cigarettes The white enamel layer on the outside of your teeth can also wear away as you get older. This exposes

Teeth grinding

What is bruxism? Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding or clenching that is not part of normal chewing. Adults and children can grind their teeth during sleep. You might also grind your teeth during the day. If you grind your teeth while asleep, you may not be aware that you are doing it. What are the symptoms of teeth grinding? If you grind your teeth, your symptoms could include: cracked, chipped or loose teeth damaged tooth fillings painful jaw muscles, especially in the morning headaches or toothaches sensitive teeth sleep disturbance temporomandibular joint dysfunction Sometimes people see their doctor for

Teeth (keeping them clean)

Dental care and teeth cleaning Most of us learn when we are children that cleaning our teeth helps prevent tooth decay. However, toothbrushing is only one way to keep healthy teeth and reduce the risk of several dental problems. Research has shown that a healthy mouth is important to support overall health and wellbeing. Dedicating a small amount of time to looking after your teeth can have significant, life-long benefits. Why is it important to keep teeth clean and healthy? Tooth enamel does not regenerate once it decays. The only solution is to remove and treat the decay and restore the affected

Teenagers and adolescent’s mental health

What is mental health? Do you ever feel alone? Do you sometimes feel like you hate yourself? If you do, you can be sure you are not the only one. Lots of teenagers and adolescents struggle with mental health issues, such as anger and body image, and find escapes through drugs and alcohol. But just like physical illnesses, mental health issues can get better, and there are things that can be done to help. When someone says ‘mental health’, they are usually talking about your state of mind. If your mental health is good, you probably feel confident and capable of dealing with life and

Teenage anxiety

Anxiety in teenagers What is anxiety? Anxiety is a normal part of life and can affect anyone. Sometimes, if anxiety becomes overwhelming and doesn’t go away, it can be a sign of an anxiety disorder. However, with treatment and support from family and friends, anxiety can be managed. Anxiety affects the body and mind. Your teenager may often feel tense, jittery or agitated, and worry about a situation they’re in or what might come next. A bit of anxiety from time to time is normal, especially for teenagers. It can help with motivation at school, sport or work. But if anxious feelings

Teen aggression

Helping your child through puberty What emotional changes should I expect during my child’s teenage years? Supporting your child through their teenage years can be both difficult and rewarding. Both males and females experience changes during this time that are: physical hormonal emotional These changes are a normal part of the process known as puberty. Typically, girls begin puberty at around 8 years of age, while boys often begin puberty at around 9 years. However, everyone is different. Your child will grow and develop at their own pace. Changes that occur during puberty may also trigger changes in your child’s behaviour. During puberty, your

TB (tuberculosis)

What is tuberculosis? Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that most often damages your lungs, but can affect any part of your body. It can cause serious illness and death if it’s not treated. TB is caused by the bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis. It’s very uncommon to catch TB in Australia. However, TB is common in some other countries. Many Australians born overseas have TB. There are 2 types of TB: Latent TB infection — this is when someone is infected with TB but does not get sick, because their immune system is able to control the infection. Active TB disease —

Tay-Sachs disease

What is Tay-Sachs disease? Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic disorder that causes permanent brain damage. Tay-Sachs disease is more common in people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, a group of people whose heritage is from central and eastern Europe. About 1 in 25 members of this community carry the gene for Tay-Sachs disease. What are the types of Tay-Sachs disease? There are 2 main types of Tay-Sachs disease — the infantile form, which is far more common, and the late-onset form. What are the symptoms of Tay-Sachs disease? Children with Tay-Sachs disease are healthy when they are born but start developing


What is a tapeworm? Tapeworms are a type of parasite that live in the intestines of animals. They have a head, neck, and many body segments called proglottids. They lay eggs, which then hatch into larvae, before maturing into an adult tapeworm. Humans can become infected by eating or drinking tapeworm eggs or larvae in contaminated meat or water. Tapeworm infection in humans is usually easily treated, but sometimes it can cause serious problems. If a human or an animal consumes tapeworm eggs, the eggs hatch into larvae, which break through the wall of the intestines and grow inside cysts in body


Key facts Tapeworms (taeniasis) are a type of parasite that live in the intestines of animals.   Humans can become infected by eating or drinking tapeworm eggs or larvae (immature tapeworms) in contaminated meat or water. People with tapeworm infection often have no symptoms, but if you do have symptoms, they will depend on the type of tapeworm you have and where it is in your body. Tapeworm infection can be diagnosed with a stool (poo) sample and/or a blood test. Tapeworm infection is usually treated with medicine. What is worm infection in humans? Many types of worm can cause


Key facts Tapentadol is an opioid pain-relief medicine that can only be prescribed by your doctor. Tapentadol is prescribed for relief of severe pain, where other pain medicines have not been effective or cannot be used. Suddenly stopping tapentadol can cause withdrawal symptoms. Always take tapentadol exactly as prescribed by your doctor to reduce the risk of harmful side effects and dependence. What is tapentadol? Tapentadol is an opioid medicine your doctor can prescribe to treat severe pain, only available with a prescription from your doctor. What forms of tapentadol are available? Tapentadol is available as an oral tablet. Some forms of

Tampon (retained)

Retained tampon or other object Sometimes an object (also known as a ‘foreign body’) can become stuck in the vagina, or you may simply forget it is there. Common objects that may get stuck include tampons, condoms (or pieces of a condom if it has split), a contraceptive device (such as a diaphragm or sponge), or something inserted for sexual pleasure, such as a sex toy. It is important for the object to be removed as soon as possible. If you have tried to remove it but failed, you should consult a health professional as soon as possible. Retained tampon

Talking to your employer about illness

If I get sick, do I get any leave? If you are a part-time or full-time employee and you get sick, you are entitled to take sick leave. Sick leave is one of your 11 basic employee rights included in the National Employment Standards (NES). You can take sick leave if you have an illness, injury or an unexpected emergency. This also includes stress, a mental health condition or illness because of pregnancy. You can also take sick leave if you have caring responsibilities for an immediate family member or somebody living in your household. This is called carers leave.

Talking to your doctor (GP)

Many health professionals provide mental health services. Your doctor (GP) is often a good place to start for most mental health conditions. Doctors can provide treatment or refer you to other services for mental health. It is important to talk about your mental health, but it can be difficult. Here are some tips for how to start a conversation with a doctor about your mental health. Search for a doctor in your location. What questions do I ask when choosing a GP? If you don’t have a regular doctor already, you can find one by speaking to your local pharmacist and look at

Tadalafil (Cialis)

What is tadalafil (Cialis)? Tadalafil is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED, also called impotence) and problems with urination caused by an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH). It is sometimes known by its generic name tadalafil, and sometimes known by its trade name, Cialis. There are also other brands of this medicine available. How does tadalafil work? Tadalafil works by helping to relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing blood to flow more easily into the penis. If you have erectile dysfunction, this can make it easier to get an erection. If you have BPH, this can improve your urinary symptoms. Tadalafil