Day: January 27, 2024

Strep throat

What is strep throat? Strep throat is a contagious infection of the throat. It’s common in school-age children aged 5 to 10 years. What causes strep throat? Most sore throats are caused by viruses, but some are caused by bacteria called streptococcus pyogenes. Streptococcus pyogenes can be spread from person to person very easily. You can catch strep throat through contact with droplets, which are made when an infected person: talks coughs sneezes What are the symptoms of strep throat? The symptoms of a strep throat infection last around 7 days. They may include: sore, red throat and tonsils that make it painful to

Strength training for beginners

Key facts Strength training is any form of exercise involving weights or resistance. Strength training builds strength in your muscles and protects your bones and joints. This type of training should be part of your weekly exercise program. Strength training reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and improves your mental health and wellbeing. Seek advice from a doctor or an exercise professional before you start strength training. What is strength training? Strength training is any form of exercise that involves using weights or resistance to build strength in your muscles. Strength training is also known as resistance training. Strength training involves you

Stranger danger

Keeping your kids safe Most crimes against children are not committed by a stranger but by someone they know. It is important to teach your child how to recognise suspicious behaviour – from both strangers and people they know – and what to do about it. Protective behaviour for children Parents are often worried about ‘stranger danger’. But this is only a small part of keeping children safe from people who want to hurt them. More than 8 in 10 crimes against children are committed by someone they know, even relatives or friends. There are also dangers online. Young children may

Strains and sprains

What are sprains and strains? Sprains and strains are injuries to soft tissue. Soft tissues connect, support and surround bones and organs in our bodies. The most common soft tissues injured are ligaments, muscles, and tendons. What are the differences between a sprain and strain? A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament, which is the soft tissue that connects two bones together at a joint. Common areas for sprains are the ankles, knees and wrists. A strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon (the soft tissue that connects muscle to bone). What are the symptoms of sprains


Natural disasters What is a natural disaster? Natural disasters in Australia can include: heatwaves and bushfires droughts floods severe storms and tropical cyclones earthquakes tsunamis landslides Natural disasters can be tough on people, their communities and even lead to loss of life. Here are some tips for getting ready and how to cope during and after extreme weather events. How can I prepare for a natural disaster? Emergencies can happen at any time without warning. The Australian Red Cross has an emergency REDiPlan, which you can download and fill out, or download their Get Prepared app. It outlines 4 steps to prepare your household for an

Stool tests

What is a stool test? Stool tests examine samples of poo (also called faeces or bowel motions). Stool samples can be tested in the laboratory in a variety of ways, depending on why you are doing the test. These tests are sometimes called faecal tests. Why might I need to have a stool test? There are many different reasons why you might be recommended to have a stool test, such as: to find the reason for an infection to check if you have inflammatory bowel disease to check if you are absorbing food properly to see if you might have bowel cancer

Stool changes

Although stools (faeces or poo) can vary, you should pay attention to what your stools look like. This will help you notice if your stools change. Stool changes in adults can suggest a medical condition and may need further investigation by your doctor. What are stool changes? Normally, stools are soft, sausage-shaped and easy to pass. It should take about a minute to empty your bowel. Changes to take note of might include the time it takes to empty your bowels, seeing blood or worms in your stools, or changes in: colour texture shape frequency Changes in stool colour In adults, stools

Stomach ulcers

What is a stomach ulcer? Stomach ulcers are open, inflamed sores in the lining of your stomach. They are also known as gastric ulcers. Ulcers can also occur in the upper part of the small intestine — these are known as duodenal ulcers. Together, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers are known as peptic ulcers. What causes stomach ulcers? The most common causes of stomach ulcers are: Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori) — a type of bacteria non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen What are the symptoms of a stomach ulcer? The most common symptom is pain in the upper abdomen (tummy area) just below

Stomach pain

Abdominal pain What is abdominal pain? Abdominal pain is pain felt anywhere in the area between the bottom of the ribs and the pelvis. Most Australians will experience abdominal pain at some point in their lives. Abdominal pain can be serious, but most abdominal pain gets better on its own without needing any special treatment. People sometimes refer to abdominal pain as stomach pain, stomach ache, stomach cramps, tummy pain, sore stomach, wind pain or belly ache. Pain or discomfort in the abdomen can be mild or severe. It may come on suddenly (acute); it could be something that you

Stomach cancer (treatment options)

What is stomach cancer? Stomach cancer is a harmful growth that starts in the wall of your stomach. A cancer in the upper part of your stomach can prevent food from going down, making it difficult for you to swallow or giving the feeling of food sticking. Effective treatment may help to control the cancer and improve your symptoms. Your doctor can mark where the cancer is. How can stomach cancer be treated? Surgery to remove the cancer and part of or all your stomach. Your bowel is used to join the ends together, allowing you to eat and drink normally.

Stomach cancer

What is stomach cancer? Stomach cancer is a condition of abnormal cell growth in your stomach. The stomach is part of the body’s digestive system and is located in your upper abdomen. The 2 main types of stomach cancer are: gastric adenocarcinoma (gastric cancer) — the most common type gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) Stomach cancer is a relatively common cancer in Australia. It is rarely diagnosed in people aged under 60 years of age and affects more males than females. What are the symptoms of stomach cancer? Some people have stomach cancer without having any symptoms at all. Some people get symptoms such as:

Stoma (living with)

What is a stoma? When an illness involves the removal of a section of your bowel or bladder, your surgeon may need to form a hole in your abdomen called a stoma (sometimes referred to as an ‘ostomy’). The stoma opening is used to remove bodily waste — faeces (‘poo’) or urine, in the case of a urostomy — into a small collection bag. Your stoma will look moist and pinkish-red and will protrude slightly from a circular hole in your abdomen. Your stoma may be swollen to begin with, but usually reduces in size over time. You shouldn’t feel

STIs screening tests

What are STIs? Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), previously known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are infections that you can pass to your partner during sexual activity. There are several different types of STI. They may cause symptoms, but you can also have an STI without noticing any symptoms. STIs often cause health problems if left untreated. Common STIs include: chlamydia gonorrhoea syphilis genital herpes hepatitis B HIV. These infections are caused by a bacteria or virus. If left untreated, some STIs can affect your long-term health and/or fertility. Am I at risk of STIs? STIs can be passed through vaginal, oral or

Stings and bites (sea creatures)

  Sea creature bites and stings If you are bitten or stung by a sea creature, the best first aid treatment depends on the creature involved. Sea creature bites and stings can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in some people. Learn more about first aid treatment for severe allergic reactions in the ‘anaphylaxis’ section below. Box jellyfish, Irukandji and other tropical stingers Tropical stingers (jellyfish) live in tropical waters around Australia’s coastline north of Bundaberg in Queensland through to Geraldton in Western Australia. The most dangerous are the box jellyfish and Irukandji. The stinger season usually peaks from November

Stinging plants

There are several stinging plants in Australia that can cause pain if your skin touches them. This article explains the best first aid treatment if this happens, depending on the type of stinging plant. It’s important to be aware that stings from plants can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in some people. Learn more about first aid treatment for severe allergic reactions in the ‘anaphylaxis’ section below. What are stinging nettles? Stinging nettles (Urtica dioica, Urtica incisa, Urtica urens) are plants that are commonly regarded as weeds in Australia. Stinging nettles are often found in damp areas. They grow

Sticky eye (conjunctivitis)

beginning of content Conjunctivitis (pink eye) What is conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis, sometimes known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘sticky eye’, is a common condition where the white part of the eye becomes pink or red. One or both eyes may be watery, sore or itchy, sometimes with sticky white or yellow discharge. This is due to inflammation of the eye’s clear outer layer (known as the conjuctiva) and the inside of the eyelid. Allergic conjunctivitis may be seasonal, or triggered by specific allergens, for example, pollen or animal dander. Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can be highly contagious and it is important that

Steroids (anabolic)

What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are synthetic (human-made) medicines that are similar to the male hormone testosterone. Their scientific name is anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). They usually come in the form of an oral tablet, but may also be available as a gel or liquid. Anabolic steroids are different from corticosteroids, which are medicines used to treat conditions such as arthritis or asthma. Both are sometimes simply called ‘steroids’, which can be confusing. While anabolic steroids can be prescribed for medical purposes, some people may use them illegally and take them to improve their performance in sport, their appearance or their body image. When used for

Stem cells

What are stem cells? Stem cells are ‘unspecialised’ cells in the body that have the potential to develop into ‘specialised’ cell types (e.g. blood cells, muscle cells, nerve cells) that have been lost through illness or injury. Stem cells are being researched for their potential to treat various medical conditions, but this research is still at the early stages. In most cases, their use is controversial. How do stem cells work? Stem cells can help with the growth or repair of body tissues. There are different types, including: adult stem cells, which replace damaged tissue cells embryonic stem cells (from

Staying healthy when you have a heart condition

  How do I stay healthy? If you have a heart condition, it is important to stay as healthy as possible. You can look after your heart by having a healthy lifestyle. It is never too late to start. To keep your heart healthy, it is important to: eat a healthy diet do physical activity quit smoking understand and control your cholesterol levels understand and control high blood pressure see your doctor regularly for a heart health check You can read more on the Heart Foundation website or call them on 13 11 12. What is a healthy diet? A healthy diet is one that includes a variety of


Key facts Statins are a group of prescription medicines used to lower cholesterol — there are many examples, including atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. They reduce how much cholesterol your body produces, so it doesn’t build up in your blood vessels. Statins can lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke and are recommended for anyone who is at high risk. To lower your risk, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as taking statins. With statins, there is a small risk of diabetes and a very small risk of serious muscle problems. What are statins? Statins