Day: January 17, 2024

Sea sick

Motion sickness What is motion sickness? Motion sickness is feeling unwell when moving on any type of transport. It is also known as ‘travel sickness’, ‘car sickness’ or ‘sea sickness’. It is a normal response to certain types of movement. There are a few ways to prevent and manage motion sickness. What are the symptoms of motion sickness? Nausea is the main symptom of motion sickness. But you might also experience other symptoms, including: vomiting or retching dizziness drowsiness cold sweating headache lack of appetite dry mouth or excess saliva increased sensitivity to smell If you are prone to motion sickness, you


What is scurvy? Scurvy is a disease caused by low levels of vitamin C over a period for 2 to 3 months. It was common in the past among long-distance sailors because they didn’t have access to fruit and vegetables on long trips. Scurvy is still seen today in people who don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. What are the symptoms of scurvy? Your body needs vitamin C to work properly and it can only get it from your diet or supplements. The symptoms of scurvy include general symptoms: feeling tired and weak aching legs and arms wounds taking a long time

Screening tests for men

Screening tests are health checks that aim to pick up health problems early in people who don’t have symptoms of disease. This page is about the types of screening tests men might need. Your doctor can advise you of the specific tests you should have and how often. Importance of screening tests Even if you feel healthy, you should see a doctor for regular checkups. Many conditions or diseases can develop slowly over a long period and may not cause any symptoms initially. Screening tests can pick up early signs of disease. For many diseases, early management is more effective


What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is the term for the sideways curvature of your spine. Scoliosis is a descriptive term, like headache, and not a diagnosis. It can occur at any age but tends to start in older children and teenagers. What are the symptoms of scoliosis? The symptoms and signs of scoliosis include: your head not being centred over your body one shoulder being higher than the other one shoulder blade being higher than the other and may stick out more unusual gaps between one arm and the trunk one hip being higher than the other You can find out


What is scleroderma? Scleroderma is a long-term condition affecting the connective tissue of the body. Connective tissue is the tissue that connects and supports your joints, muscles, skin and organs. People with scleroderma produce too much collagen, which makes their connective tissue, including skin, hard and tight. Scleroderma can either be ‘localised’, which only affects the skin, or ‘diffuse’, which affects internal organs or blood vessels as well as skin. This is sometimes known as systemic sclerosis. What are the symptoms of scleroderma? The symptoms of scleroderma depend on the type of scleroderma you have and which part of your


Key facts Sciatica is a type of pain that starts in your back and goes down your leg. It can be caused by anything that presses on your sciatic nerve or its nerve roots in the spine. Most of the time, sciatica is not caused by anything serious and goes away with time. If you have symptoms of sciatica, see your doctor. You can try to prevent sciatica by exercising, maintaining good posture and lifting safely.   What is sciatica? Sciatica is the name for pain that starts in your back and goes down your leg. It occurs when pain

School exclusion

What are school exclusions for health reasons? Sometimes children must be kept away from school or childcare. This is called being ‘excluded’. It can happen if a child has a certain type of sickness. Some sicknesses are caused by germs that can spread to other people. A person who is sick from these germs is sometimes ‘infectious. This means the germs can be spread from that person to someone else. A child may need to stay away from school or childcare if they are ‘infectious. Staying away can stop the germs spreading to other children or people in the community.


What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes someone to have an altered experience of reality. It causes psychosis, which is when people experience delusions and hallucinations. Schizophrenia affects people’s thoughts, perceptions and behaviour. It interferes with their ability to function at work, school or relate to other people. People with schizophrenia often experience stigma in the community, which can be one of their biggest problems. Many people find this illness hard to understand, and there are many myths about schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia do not have a ‘split personality’. Only a very small number of people with schizophrenia become violent. People with

Schizoaffective disorder

What is schizoaffective disorder? Schizoaffective disorder is a mental health disorder that combines symptoms of a mood disorder (such as depression or bipolar disorder) and those of schizophrenia. Like schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder is a type of psychosis. It is a mental health disorder where a person becomes disconnected from reality. This disconnection affects the way a person thinks, feels and behaves. Schizoaffective disorder usually first appears in early adulthood (between 25 and 35 years of age) and females seem more susceptible than males. The 2 subtypes of schizoaffective disorder are grouped by the main symptom types that people experience: Bipolar type, in which people who are

Scheduling of medicines and poisons

Key facts All medicines and poisons in Australia are classified by how freely they are made available to the public. Medicines with a low safety risk are usually less tightly controlled than medicines that have a higher safety risk. This system of categorising medicines is called ‘scheduling’. Medicines with a lower safety risk may be available at a supermarket or at a pharmacy without a prescription. Medicines considered higher risk may be available only with a prescription from your doctor. Why is the schedule important? The schedule is designed to protect public health and safety. Some medicines have a higher

Scarlet fever

What is scarlet fever? Scarlet fever is a type of bacterial throat infection that also features a red (scarlet) rash. It is also known as ‘scarlatina’. It usually affects young and primary school-aged children. It is caused by group A streptococci bacteria — the same type of bacteria that cause a ‘strep throat’, impetigo, wound infections or rheumatic fever. Treatment with antibiotics means most people recover in about a week, but left untreated scarlet fever can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious health problems. What are the symptoms of scarlet fever? Symptoms of scarlet fever usually appear between 1 and


Burns and scalds What is a burn or scald? Burns are damage to the tissue of your body caused by heat, too much sun, chemicals or electricity. Scalds are caused by hot water or steam. Burns and scalds can range from being a minor injury to a life-threatening emergency. It depends how deep and how large they are. When should I call an ambulance? Call an ambulance or go straight to your nearest emergency department if: the burn is deep, even if the person doesn’t feel any pain the burn is larger than a 20 cent piece the burn involves


What is scabies? Scabies is a very itchy skin condition caused by a tiny mite (bug). Scabies is contagious and spreads quickly. If you have scabies, the whole family may need to be treated. What are the symptoms of scabies? Scabies causes intense itching and sometimes a rash. It looks like tiny red lumps and threadlike tracks on the skin. The rash is due to an allergic reaction to the mite. The scabies mite prefers to burrow and lay its eggs in skin that is soft and protected. So common areas to get scabies are the wrists, between the fingers,

Saturated fat

Dietary fats What are fats? Fat is a kilojoule-dense nutrient needed for energy and to help absorb vitamins A, D, E and K. There are different types of fats. Fats are important for a healthy diet. But some are better for you than others. It’s best to choose foods containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 and 6. Eating too much saturated and trans fats, on the other hand, will increase your risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. Unsaturated fats Unsaturated fats help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels. There are 2 types of unsaturated

SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome)

What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a respiratory illness caused by the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). It was first found in humans in 2002. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses found in many different species, including birds and mammals. They include some viruses that cause the common cold. COVID-19 is a different illness caused by another type of coronavirus, called SARS‐CoV‐2. An outbreak of SARS began in China in late 2002 and spread to many other countries, with over 8,000 cases and over 750 deaths. Australia was not significantly affected, with only one confirmed case. The outbreak was successfully contained


What is sarcoidosis? Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease in which cells from the immune system cluster together to form tiny lumps in different parts of the body. These are known as sarcoid granulomas. They usually occur in the lungs and nearby lymph nodes but can occur anywhere in the body. They are not cancerous. What are the symptoms of sarcoidosis? Some people with sarcoidosis have no symptoms, but your doctor might see that you have it when you have a scan or chest x-ray for another reason. Other people have symptoms that range from mild to severe. Symptoms might develop and disappear


What is salt? Salt is a mineral made mostly of sodium chloride. It has been used to flavour and preserve food for centuries, but recently attention has focused on the health risks of high-salt diets, specifically due to the sodium in salt. You need sodium for your body to function, but too much is linked to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease, stroke and chronic kidney disease. Most Australians are consuming more salt (and therefore sodium) than is recommended — nearly twice as much on average. What’s the difference between salt and sodium? Sodium chloride — the compound in salt — combines


What is a salpingectomy? Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes. Your fallopian tubes allow eggs from your ovaries to travel to your uterus (womb). The fallopian tubes may be removed to treat problems related to them, including cancer. When is a salpingectomy needed? A salpingectomy can be done for different reasons, such as: cancer ectopic pregnancy endometriosis fertility problems — when the fallopian tube is blocked Cancer Your fallopian tubes may be removed if you have: fallopian tube cancer ovarian cancer other cancers of the reproductive organs Some people have a high genetic risk of developing


What is salmonella? Salmonella infection, also called salmonellosis, is a type of gastroenteritis (or ‘gastro’). It is caused by salmonella bacteria. It usually comes from contaminated food, so it’s sometimes called ‘food poisoning’. What are the symptoms of salmonella? Symptoms generally start between 6 hours and 3 days after you have been infected and may include: fever diarrhoea loss of appetite headache abdominal pain and/or stomach cramps nauseaand vomiting blood or mucus in stools (poo) Symptoms usually last between 4 and 7 days. What causes salmonella? Many animals are infected with salmonella bacteria. Salmonellosis in humans is usually caused by eating undercooked foods from infected animals, such as

Safe use of mental health medications

If you have a mental illness such as depression, an anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, part of your treatment may involve taking medication. Treatments for mental health conditions You need a prescription for medicines that are used to treat mental illness. Your doctor or a specialist (psychiatrist) can prescribe medicines for your mental health condition if needed. There are many different medicines that can help treat mental illnesses. The most common ones are: antidepressant medicines, which can be used for depression and anxiety anti-anxiety medicines antipsychotic medicines for illnesses such as schizophrenia mood stabilisers (such as lithium) for bipolar disorder But medicines aren’t the only treatment for mental health

Safe exercise for children

What is safe exercise for children? To help your child stay safe while they’re exercising, there are some simple things to keep in mind. Make sure the sporting environment is safe by checking that equipment is not broken, and that there is no sharp rubbish or uneven surfaces. Don’t let children stay too long in the cold or the heat and make sure they wear clothes suited to the environment. Check that your child plays sports that suit their size, age and ability, and that the emotional environment is right for your child. How much exercise does my child need? Being physically