Day: January 4, 2024

Tourette syndrome

Key facts Tourette syndrome is a genetic inherited neurological disorder, which means it can be passed on from birth parents to their children. Signs of Tourette syndrome usually begins between 2 and 21 years of age. It causes people to make involuntary and uncontrollable vocal sounds and movements called tics. People with movement tics can find themselves jerking their head, stretching their neck, stamping their feet, and twisting and bending. People with vocal tics might clear their throat, cough, sniff, click their tongue, grunt, yelp, bark or shout. There is no cure for Tourette syndrome, but treatment with medicines can


Key facts A stroke occurs when your brain can’t get enough oxygen and important nutrients. This is usually because a blood clot or sudden bleed reduces the blood supply. Signs of a stroke can include a drooping face, difficulty moving your arm(s), or slurred speech. If you notice signs of a stroke, call triple zero (000) immediately, since any delay may lead to permanent brain damage or death. You can reduce your chance of having a stroke by managing risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. Eating healthily and exercising will also help. What is a stroke? A


Key facts Seizures are due to sudden, temporary, abnormal electrical signals firing in the brain. Seizures lead to changes in behaviours, movement, level or awareness and feelings. Epilepsy occurs when you have recurrent seizures. For most people, medicines are effective in managing seizures. Febrile seizures is a fit (convulsion) caused by a sudden change in your child’s body temperature, and don’t usually cause long term problems. What is a seizure? Seizures are caused by sudden and uncoordinated changes to electrical signals in the brain. This can cause temporary (short-term) changes in behaviours, feelings, movements (such as sudden stiffening and jerking