Day: December 27, 2023


What is a nephrostomy? A nephrostomy is a procedure to drain urine from your kidney using a catheter (tube). Urine normally drains from your kidneys into your bladder through small muscular tubes (ureters). Tests have shown that one or both of your ureters has become blocked. What are the benefits of a nephrostomy? You should have less risk of your kidney being damaged without having to have surgery. Your doctor will have time to find out why your ureter is blocked and to treat the problem. A nephrostomy. Are there any alternatives to a nephrostomy? Sometimes the problem can be


What is nausea? Nausea is the feeling you get when you think you are going to vomit (are sick). It’s usually known as ‘feeling sick’. Nausea is not usually a sign of anything serious, and there are steps you can take to help you feel better. Nausea isn’t an illness. It’s a symptom caused by something else. What other symptoms are related to nausea? You may feel nauseous before you vomit. This is when you throw up the contents of your stomach through your mouth. You might also experience dry retching or dry heaving. This is when you heave as if


Morning sickness   What is morning sickness? Morning sickness is a feeling of nausea or actual vomiting (being sick) during pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can happen at any time of the day or night. When will I get morning sickness? You are more likely to have morning sickness between 6 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. This is during your first trimester. Most pregnant women have morning sickness at some point. For many women, the feelings of sickness will be over by the second trimester. It is unusual to have morning sickness for the first time after week 10 of pregnancy.

Natural family planning

Fertility awareness (natural family planning) What is fertility awareness? Fertility awareness is when you learn to recognise on which days of the month you are fertile and can therefore conceive a baby. It can either be used as a form of contraception or as a method to become pregnant. It’s known by different names, including natural family planning, and there are several ways of practicing fertility awareness, including the symptothermal method, the ovulation method, periodic abstinence, the mucus method, the Billings method and the rhythm method. During your monthly menstrual cycle, you will not be able to get pregnant for about half of the month.

Natural disasters

What is a natural disaster? Natural disasters in Australia can include: heatwaves and bushfires droughts floods severe storms and tropical cyclones earthquakes tsunamis landslides Natural disasters can be tough on people, their communities and even lead to loss of life. Here are some tips for getting ready and how to cope during and after extreme weather events. How can I prepare for a natural disaster? Emergencies can happen at any time without warning. The Australian Red Cross has an emergency REDiPlan, which you can download and fill out, or download their Get Prepared app. It outlines 4 steps to prepare your household for an emergency such

National Relay Service

  How to make a phone call when you’re deaf or can’t speak   One in 6 Australians has some hearing loss. And about 30,000 Australians have total hearing loss and use the national sign language, Auslan. Other Australians who have speech impairments can be difficult to understand on the phone, while some can hear but don’t speak. Some people are able to speak, but are hard of hearing. So, what happens when they need to make a phone call? Get connected This is where the National Relay Service (NRS) comes in — a 24-hour phone service for people who are deaf, or have

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

What is NPD? Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition in which a person believes they are better than everyone else. While many people have narcissistic traits, people with NPD have problems that affect their lives, relationships and everyday life. People with NPD may appear arrogant, with an inflated self-image and disregard for the feelings of others. NPD is part of the cluster of personality disorders with symptoms of intense and unstable emotions and a distorted self-image. It usually starts in the early adult years and affects more men than women. Narcissism, narcissistic personality types and NPD Everyone

Nappy rash

What is nappy rash? Nappy rash is common in babies and toddlers. It can be very mild or quite severe, depending on the cause and how it’s managed. If your baby has nappy rash, don’t blame yourself. The rash may not be because of something you’re doing or not doing. Nappy rash can appear quite quickly and for no obvious reason. Nappy rash almost always improves with more frequent nappy changing, carefully cleaning skin and using a barrier cream. What are the signs of nappy rash? The first sign of nappy rash is red skin irritation in the area covered

Myringoplasty (child)

What is a myringoplasty? A myringoplasty is an operation to repair a hole in the eardrum. A perforation is usually caused by an infection in the middle ear that bursts through the eardrum. It can also be caused by trauma (for example, being hit across your ear or by placing an object in your ear). Often a perforated eardrum does not cause any problems but it can lead to repeated ear infections and poorer hearing. What are the benefits of surgery? Your child should have less risk of repeated ear infections and their hearing may improve. Are there any alternatives


What is a myringoplasty? A myringoplasty is an operation to repair a hole (perforation) in your eardrum. A perforation is usually caused by an infection in your middle ear that bursts through your eardrum. It can also be caused by trauma (for example, being hit across your ear or by placing an object in your ear). Often a perforated eardrum does not cause any problems but it can lead to repeated ear infections and poorer hearing. What are the benefits of surgery? You should have less risk of repeated ear infections and your hearing may improve. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Keeping


Short-sightedness (myopia) What is short-sightedness? Short-sightedness (also known as myopia) is a common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred. Someone with myopia can achieve good vision with prescription glasses, contact lenses or laser surgery. Short-sightedness usually first appears in childhood. How is short-sightedness caused? When light enters the eye, it is bent by the cornea (the clear layer on the front of the eye) and the lens. If you have normal vision, the light waves are brought into focus right on the retina, the layer at the back of the eye. If you are short-sighted, the light waves


Uterine fibroids What are uterine fibroids? A uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous tumour that grows in and around the womb (uterus). It is also known as a myoma. Uterine fibroids develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus. They may also grow in the fallopian tubes, cervix, or tissues near the uterus. They can vary in size, from being so tiny you cannot see them with the naked eye to being the size of a melon. It is possible to have one or many fibroids. Most fibroids do not need treatment. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that grow in and around

Myocardial infarction

What is a heart attack? To work properly, your heart needs a continuous supply of blood. It normally receives this from blood vessels called coronary arteries. When a coronary artery suddenly becomes blocked, oxygen can’t get to your heart muscle. This causes a heart attack (or ‘myocardial infarction’). A heart attack is a medical emergency: without oxygen, your heart muscle begins to die and your heart can become permanently damaged. Heart attacks can be fatal — every day, 17 Australians die from a heart attack. One patient is admitted to hospital due to heart attack every 13 minutes. What are the symptoms

Myasthenia gravis

What is myasthenia gravis? Myasthenia gravis is a rare disease of the neuromuscular system, caused by a breakdown in communication between the nerves and muscles. This leads to muscle weakness during activity, which can improve after a period of rest. Myasthenia gravis can’t be cured, but treatments are available to help manage your symptoms. What are the symptoms of myasthenia gravis? The symptoms of myasthenia gravis often begin in your eye muscles or elsewhere on your face. It can become hard to control your eye and eyelid movements, and to talk, chew and swallow. Your symptoms can appear suddenly or take

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)? Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a chronic (long-term), complex and disabling illness that causes extreme fatigue and other symptoms that cannot be explained by any other medical condition. If you have ME/CFS, you are likely to feel very tired, very often, even if you have not been active. You may also have a host of other symptoms. Doctors do not yet understand the cause of ME/CFS, and there is no simple cure. If you or your child has ME/CFS, your doctor

Myocardial infarction

What is a heart attack? To work properly, your heart needs a continuous supply of blood. It normally receives this from blood vessels called coronary arteries. When a coronary artery suddenly becomes blocked, oxygen can’t get to your heart muscle. This causes a heart attack (or ‘myocardial infarction’). A heart attack is a medical emergency: without oxygen, your heart muscle begins to die and your heart can become permanently damaged. Heart attacks can be fatal — every day, 17 Australians die from a heart attack. One patient is admitted to hospital due to heart attack every 13 minutes. What are the symptoms

Myasthenia gravis

What is myasthenia gravis? Myasthenia gravis is a rare disease of the neuromuscular system, caused by a breakdown in communication between the nerves and muscles. This leads to muscle weakness during activity, which can improve after a period of rest. Myasthenia gravis can’t be cured, but treatments are available to help manage your symptoms. What are the symptoms of myasthenia gravis? The symptoms of myasthenia gravis often begin in your eye muscles or elsewhere on your face. It can become hard to control your eye and eyelid movements, and to talk, chew and swallow. Your symptoms can appear suddenly or take

My Health Record

What is My Health Record? My Health Record is a secure digital record of your health information. Your healthcare providers can check your My Health Record when they need to. Both you and your healthcare providers can add information to your record. You can also choose to have Medicare information added to your record. This includes information from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). You can download your immunisation history statement or COVID-19 digital certificate. Your record can only be seen by you, your healthcare providers and any people you choose to share it with. My Health Record can help you in emergencies or when

Music festival safety

beginning of content Top 10 safety tips for music festivals   Going to a music festival can be an amazing experience. Whether it’s one day or a weekend-long event, these 10 tips can help you stay safe and healthy while still having a blast. 1. Party safe You can make the most of your music festival experience by partying safely. Keep tabs on how much alcohol you’re drinking and avoid binge drinking. Remember to eat meals and drink plenty of water. While illicit drugs may seem fun, they are also dangerous as you don’t know what’s in them or how they’ll affect you. Don’t

Muscular dystrophy

What is muscular dystrophy? Muscular dystrophy is the name of a group of genetic (inherited) disorders that cause weakness and wasting in the muscles that control your movement. There is no cure for muscular dystrophy. Medicines and physical therapy can help you manage your symptoms and slow down disease progression. What are the different types of muscular dystrophy? There are many different types of muscular dystrophy. The most common ones are: Duchenne — this is the most common kind in children, with symptoms usually appearing at 2 to 4 years of age. It usually affects males, but females can still be carriers of the disease

Muscle relaxation and stress relief

Key facts Relaxation techniques can help you manage your stress, and improve your wellbeing. Relaxation techniques for stress include slow breathing, mindfulness and positive affirmations. Other ways to relieve stress include exercising and getting enough sleep. Ongoing stress can cause a person to feel exhausted, or feel like they are not coping. If you feel like you are always stressed, or aren’t able to manage your stress, speak with your doctor. Relaxation techniques for stress relief How are relaxation techniques beneficial? Stress causes your nervous system to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can help your body respond to challenging situations. But if you

Muscle aches and pains

What are muscle aches and pains? Muscle aches and pains, also called myalgia, can be felt anywhere in the body where there is muscle tissue. Muscle pain usually affects a specific part of the body at a time. It often occurs after a particular movement or activity. Sometimes muscle pain can be more widespread and affect many parts of the body at once. What symptoms are associated with muscle aches and pains? If you have muscle aches and pains, you may have mild to severe pain in muscles anywhere in your body. Your muscles may also be sensitive to touch.

Murray Valley encephalitis

What is Murray Valley encephalitis? Murray Valley encephalitis is a serious but rare illness spread through mosquito bites. Most reported cases of Murray Valley encephalitis have occurred in northern Australia or Papua New Guinea. What are the symptoms of Murray Valley encephalitis? Many people with Murray Valley encephalitis have no symptoms. Others may have mild symptoms including fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. More severe symptoms may include: fever drowsiness confusion nausea and vomiting shaking neck stiffness headache seizures Babies who are infected may also become irritable or drowsy. Murray Valley encephalitis can be fatal in a very small number of people. How


Key facts Mumps is a viral illness which can spread from one person to another easily. It commonly causes fever, tiredness and swelling of the salivary glands in the face. Mumps can cause serious complications and have a lasting effect on your health, such as hearing loss and infertility. Vaccination is the best protection against mumps. What is mumps? Mumps is a contagious viral illness. It does not always cause symptoms. If mumps does cause symptoms, it can bring about a fever, swelling of the salivary glands (parotitis) and inflammation in other parts of the body. Some cases of mumps

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Key facts Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an illness involving damage to the myelin layer that protects your nerves, preventing signals going from your brain to your body. Most people with MS have relapses of symptoms followed by periods of recovery (remission). MS can cause many different symptoms, including trouble with muscle control and vision, tiredness, pain and changes in thinking. An MRI scan of your brain can show areas of damage, but there is no single test to diagnose MS. Many treatments are available to reduce relapses and relieve symptoms of MS. What is multiple sclerosis (MS)? Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Multiple personality disorder

Dissociative identity disorder What is dissociative identity disorder? Dissociative identity disorder is a psychological condition where disturbance to a person’s sense of identity causes them to feel or be observed by others to have 2 or more separate personalities. It was previously known as ‘multiple personality disorder’. Dissociative identity disorder is a type of dissociative disorder — where there is a disconnect between your thoughts, memories and feelings and sense of who you are. Dissociative identity disorder is usually long-term and is a response to extreme trauma. Dissociative identity disorder may be incorrectly mixed up with schizophrenia. While they are both

Multiple myeloma

What is myeloma? Multiple myeloma, or myeloma, is a type of cancer that affects your plasma cells. Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell that help fight infection as part of your immune system. Plasma cells are not the same as plasma — the fluid that carries the components of blood. Myeloma causes plasma cells to grow abnormally and build up in your bone marrow (the inside of your bones). These abnormal plasma cells are known as myeloma cells. What are the symptoms of myeloma? Myeloma can affect different areas in the body — for example, your spine, skull, pelvis, rib cage, shoulders, and