Day: December 26, 2023

MS-2 Step (medical abortion medicine)

What is MS-2 Step? MS-2 Step is the name of the product used for medical abortion. It can be used for the termination of pregnancy up to 63 days after your last menstrual period. MS-2 Step has 2 medicines: mifepristone and misoprostol. Both medicines need to be taken as directed. Mifepristone blocks progesterone from having its effect. This leads to your pregnancy ending. Misoprostol makes the muscle in the uterus contract and the cervix open. This helps push out the contents of the uterus. When can I take MS-2 Step? MS-2 Step is approved in Australia for medical abortion if your pregnancy is up to

MS (multiple sclerosis)

What is multiple sclerosis (MS)? Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic illness that affects your central nervous system. Your nerve cells are surrounded by a layer called myelin. Myelin protects your nerves and helps them send signals quickly from your brain to the rest of your body. In MS, your immune system attacks the myelin layer and damages it. This causes your nerves to become exposed and scarred. As a result, your nerves can’t send signals around your body properly. MS is 3 times more common in females and usually starts between age 20 to 40. What are the different types of multiple sclerosis? There


Staph skin infection What are staph skin infections? Staph bacteria are often found on your skin or in your nose. Even healthy people can have staph bacteria on their skin. It usually doesn’t cause any problems. A staph infection of the skin happens when staphylococcus bacteria gets inside your body and affects your skin. Examples of staph skin infections are wound infection cellulitis staphylococcus scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) impetigo What are the symptoms of a staph skin infection? The symptoms of staph skin infections can range from mild to serious. Wound infections Wounds happen when the skin is broken from a graze,


Key facts A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan takes detailed pictures of the inside of your body. An MRI uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate signals from the body, that are processed by a computer to create detailed pictures. An MRI is used to show certain problems, such as an injury, or in combination with other tests to diagnose a condition. The benefits of an MRI are that it produces very detailed pictures, does not use x-ray radiation, and is painless. Some people cannot have an MRI, for example, people with a pacemaker or certain implants containing

Mouth sores and ulcers

What are mouth ulcers? Mouth ulcers, also known as aphthous ulcers or canker sores, are a type of sore that occurs on the inside of your mouth. They can feel uncomfortable, especially when you are talking, eating, drinking and brushing your teeth. In most cases, mouth ulcers are not dangerous and heal on their own. Around 1 in 5 people experience recurrent mouth ulcers. What do mouth ulcers look like? Mouth ulcers look like a shallow sore with a white/grey top and a red rim. They can occur as a single ulcer or in a cluster. Mouth ulcers can appear in

Mouth cancer

Key facts Mouth cancer is an aggressive type of cancer that can affect your lips, tongue or inner mouth. Risk factors include smoking, drinking alcohol, poor mouth hygiene and chewing betel nut. Symptoms may include a painless lump in your mouth or a mouth ulcer (sore) that won’t heal. Mouth cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage, but your chances of treatment success are greater the earlier it is detected. What is mouth cancer? Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, develops when abnormal cells grow and divide inside your mouth. Mouth cancer usually begins in your lips, tongue

Mouth and tongue cuts

Key facts Cuts to the mouth or tongue commonly happen after a fall or knock to the head. If you or someone else has is bleeding from the mouth after a fall or injury, check for other injuries. Apply firm pressure to a cut on the mouth or tongue to help stop the bleeding. Most mouth and tongue cuts heal on their own without stitches. Use saltwater rinses and cold compresses to relieve mouth pain and swelling and to reduce the chance of infection.   When might I get a cut on my mouth or tongue? You might get a

Mouth and teeth

ما هي أجزاء الفم؟ يتكون فمك من عدة أجزاء تعمل معًا لمساعدتك على التحدث والمضغ والبلع: شفه الأسنان واللثة الأذواق الناعمة والصلبة، والتي تشكل سقف فمك اللوزتين لسان الغدد اللعابية أسنانك تسمح لك بمضغ طعامك. لديهم تاج فوق خط اللثة، وجذور في العظم أسفل خط اللثة. القواطع لها أسطح عض حادة، والأنياب مدببة ومخروطية الشكل (للتمزيق)، والضواحك والأضراس لها أسطح طحن مسطحة. يبدأ هضم الطعام في فمك عندما تمضغ طعامك، وذلك عن طريق استخدام أسنانك لتقطيعه وطحنه إلى قطع صغيرة. كيف يتطور الفم؟ تبدأ أسنان الطفل بالنمو   في لثته قبل ولادته. تظهر أسنانهم الأولى عادةً بعد عمر 6 أشهر تقريبًا،

Mountain sickness

beginning of content Altitude sickness What is altitude sickness? Altitude sickness, also known as mountain sickness, can happen if you travel to a high altitude. Altitude sickness can affect anybody — being young or physically fit does not decrease the risk. Whether or not you get altitude sickness could depend on: your height above sea level the time you took to make the ascent whether or not you have any problems affecting your heart and lungs Altitude sickness can be fatal if not treated. What are the symptoms of altitude sickness? If you have altitude sickness, you are likely to feel dizzy and weak, you

Motor neurone disease (MND)

What is MND? Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name for a group of diseases. These diseases affect nerves known as motor nerves, or motor neurons. In MND, these neurons degenerate and die. This causes the muscles to become weaker and weaker. This eventually leads to paralysis. The MND disease group includes: Lou Gehrig’s disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) progressive muscular atrophy (PMA) progressive bulbar palsy (PBP) primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) Kennedy’s disease, also known as spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) MND is an uncommon disease. The average age that people are diagnosed with MND is

Motivation: How to get started

What is motivation? Motivation is the drive to achieve your goals or needs. It is influenced by: how much you want the goal what you will gain what you will lose from not achieving your goal your personal expectations Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation just to make a start. It helps if you understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated. Why is motivation important? Motivation is important because it: provides you with goals to work towards helps

Motion sickness

What is motion sickness? Motion (or travel) sickness is feeling unwell when in a moving vehicle. Commonly known as ‘travel sickness’, ‘car sickness’ or ‘sea sickness’, it is a normal response and can generally be prevented. What are the symptoms of motion sickness? Nausea is the main symptom of motion sickness but you might also experience other symptoms, including: vomiting dizziness drowsiness pale skin cold sweat headache inability to walk persistent retching irritability What causes motion sickness? Motion sickness is thought to be caused by the body being unbalanced in a moving vehicle so that the senses are confused. It can


Key facts Morphine is an opioid medicine prescribed for severe pain when other pain-relief medicines are not effective or cannot be used. If you take morphine regularly, stopping suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms. Always take morphine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If your pain is not well controlled by morphine, or you have any unexpected or unwanted side effects, see your doctor. What is morphine? Morphine is a strong opioid medicine only available with a prescription from your doctor. What is morphine used for? Morphine is used to relieve severe pain, such as pain caused by: a major trauma (for example,

Morning sickness

Key facts Morning sickness is a feeling of nausea or actual vomiting (being sick) during pregnancy. You are more likely to have morning sickness during your first trimester. There is no research to show that morning sickness causes harm to your baby. Some women are more likely to morning sickness than others — it’s hard to predict.   What is morning sickness? Morning sickness is a feeling of nausea or actual vomiting (being sick) during pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can happen at any time of the day or night. When will I get morning sickness? You are more

Morning after pill

Contraception options What is contraception? Contraception (birth control) can be used to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Pregnancy can happen when sperm released during penis-in-vagina sex fertilises an egg, which then implants in your uterus (womb). What should I think about when choosing contraception? There are many different forms of contraception. No form of birth control is 100% effective, but some methods are more effective than others. Aside from preventing pregnancy, some — but not all — methods of contraception can also help prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Discuss contraception with a new partner before having sex, so you can choose a


What is monkeypox? Monkeypox is a rare infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus. This is related to the virus that causes smallpox. Monkeypox is mostly found in tropical rainforest areas of Central and West Africa, with cases outside Africa usually linked to travellers who visit that region and spread the infection when they leave. In 2022, there has been increased spread of monkeypox in many countries in Europe and North America, with a few cases now reported within Australia. Monkeypox is usually a mild disease that generally resolves in 2 to 4 weeks. But it can potentially be a serious

Molluscum contagiosum

What is molluscum contagiosum? Molluscum contagiosum is a common, generally harmless (benign), skin infection caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV). The virus causes small, raised spots that can be spread by skin-to-skin contact. It is more common in children, but it can affect people of any age. What are the symptoms of molluscum contagiosum? When the spots appear, they look like white pimples. Over time, they become round, pink or pearl-coloured lumps with a hard middle and often a dip in the centre. The spots are usually very small, about 3 to 6mm, but they can be as large


What are moles? Moles are small, dark marks that appear on the skin. They are usually round or oval in shape and are caused when the cells that produce pigment, called melanocytes, grow in groups. Most people have about 50 moles. They can appear anywhere, including palms and soles, nails, genitals, scalp and eyes. Moles are different to freckles. Freckles are flat, where moles tend to be raised. There are different types of moles: Benign naevus/mole: a normal mole. It is harmless. Congenital naevus/mole: a mole that a child is born with, or that develops shortly after birth. Blue naevus/mole:

Mitral valve surgery

What is mitral valve disease? Your heart is a muscle that pumps oxygen-rich blood from your lungs around your body and oxygen-poor blood from your body to your lungs. Your mitral valve is a one-way valve that controls the flow of blood from the main collecting chamber (left atrium) into the main pumping chamber (left ventricle). The valve is made up of two leaflets (or ‘doors’) that are forced open as the atrium contracts. Mitral valve disease is where the valve does not open properly, is narrowed (stenosis), or does not close properly (incompetence). An open mitral valve. What are


Scabies What is scabies? Scabies is a very itchy skin condition caused by a tiny mite (bug). Scabies is contagious and spreads quickly. If you have scabies, the whole family may need to be treated. What are the symptoms of scabies? Scabies causes intense itching and sometimes a rash. It looks like tiny red lumps and threadlike tracks on the skin. The rash is due to an allergic reaction to the mite. The scabies mite prefers to burrow and lay its eggs in skin that is soft and protected. So common areas to get scabies are the wrists, between the

Mirtazapine (active ingredient)

What is mirtazapine? Mirtazapine is an antidepressant medicine. What is mirtazapine used for? Mirtazapine is mainly used to treat depression and/or to prevent it from occurring again. Your doctor might prescribe mirtazapine for another reason. If you are unsure why you have been prescribed mirtazapine, ask your doctor. How does mirtazapine work? Medical experts believe mirtazapine works by balancing chemicals in the brain that are thought to affect mood and emotions. The chemicals involved are serotonin and noradrenaline. What forms of mirtazapine are available? Mirtazapine is the name of the active ingredient. It is available in many different brands, which have different: names appearances (size,

Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

What is a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)? A Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a set of 11 questions that doctors and other healthcare professionals commonly use to check for cognitive impairment (problems with thinking, communication, understanding and memory). What is a MMSE used for? Your doctor might perform the MMSE if there is a reason to suspect you may be confused, such as after a head injury or during a sudden episode of illness such as an infection. It is also sometimes used as part of the process for determining if someone has cognitive impairment, such as dementia. The test

Mini pill

Progestogen-only pill (mini pill) What is the progestogen-only pill (POP)? The progestogen-only pill (POP) is a type of contraception (birth control). It is a pill that you take daily to avoid getting pregnant. One type is known as the ‘mini pill’. The POP is different from the combined oral contraceptive pill (‘the pill’). The combined pill contains both oestrogen and progestogen. The POP contains only progestogen. The POP is useful if you can’t take the combined pill for health-related reasons. Talk to your doctor about whether this type of contraception is suitable for you. You need a prescription from your doctor or family planning

Minerals and vitamins explained

Vitamins and minerals explained What are vitamins and minerals? Vitamins and minerals are needed to make your body work properly. Vitamins come from plants and animals, while minerals originally come from the earth. Most people can get all the vitamins and minerals they need from the 5 food groups in a balanced diet. However, some groups in the community are more at risk of developing deficiencies. Vitamins are found in: fresh foods frozen foods canned foods An example is Vitamin C. It is found in many fruits. Some vitamins can be lost by cooking in water. Fresh fruit and uncooked vegetables