Day: December 22, 2023


Mindfulness is a mental state where you focus on the present, without judging or being distracted. Mindfulness can help you feel better and reduce stress. It is a useful technique that can help you deal with difficult emotions and situations. Sometimes mindfulness is incorporated into meditation practices, where it is described as ‘mindfulness meditation’. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is paying full attention to what is going on in you and outside you, moment by moment, without judgment. It means you observe your thoughts, feelings, and the sensations of taste, touch, smell, sight and sound. You are also fully aware of


What is heat rash? Heat rash — sometimes called prickly heat, sweat rash or miliaria, is a harmless but very itchy skin rash. It causes small red spots in places where sweat collects, such as the armpits, back, under the breasts, chest, groin, elbow creases and back of the knees, and the waist. It happens when the body sweats more than usual, and is more common during summer months or in a hot climate. What are the symptoms of heat rash? Heat rash causes: tiny red spots or clear blisters. In babies, these are often in the skin folds, on


What are milia? Milia are common and harmless tiny pearly white bumps that appear just under the surface of your skin. They are usually smaller than 1mm but can sometimes be bigger than 3mm. Milia are tiny, white lumps that appear on the surface of the skin. There are a few types of milia: Neonatal (newborn) milia: Almost half of all newborn babies have these. There may be a few or they may develop as a cluster. They are mostly found on a newborn’s face, especially on their nose. They can also appear on a newborn’s scalp, mouth (Epstein pearls), palate


Key facts Migraine is a common problem, involving severe headaches, nausea, vomiting or sensitivity to light or sound. You might get an aura before the headache starts, where you may see flashing lights or have trouble talking. Migraine attacks can have many different triggers, such as stress, missing meals, eating certain foods, hormonal changes or not getting enough sleep. When a migraine attack starts, sleeping in a dark, quiet room and taking pain-relieving medicines straight away, may stop the attack. If you get migraines often, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking a preventive medicine can make them less frequent and


What is a microdochectomy? Milk ducts are small tubes in the breast that connect the breast tissue to the nipple. Fluid travels along the ducts and is discharged from the nipple. A microdochectomy is a procedure to remove one or more of the milk ducts from your breast. It is usually performed to diagnose and treat a problem that causes a continued leak of fluid from a nipple. Total duct excision is removal of a disc of duct tissue from behind the nipple. It is also performed to diagnose and treat a problem that causes a continued leak of fluid


What is microdermabrasion? Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive skin treatment that buffs away the outermost layer of the skin to create a smoother and younger appearance. After the treatment, a new layer of skin forms. Often several treatments are needed to obtain the required results. What is microdermabrasion used for? Microdermabrasion is typically used as a cosmetic procedure to treat wrinkles, sun-induced pigmentation (darkened skin), acne scarring, enlarged pores and ‘stretch marks’. It may be combined with medicines applied on the skin to treat acne. What does microdermabrasion involve? The exact procedure may differ from clinic to clinic. The skin is usually


Key facts Methadone is prescribed for the treatment of heroin and other opioid dependencies, and for pain relief from some conditions. It is a type of opioid medicine, and is only available with a prescription from your doctor. Methadone can make it easier for people to stop taking more harmful drugs. Methadone is only used to treat severe pain when other treatments do not work or cannot be tolerated. Do not change your dosage of methadone without discussing it with your doctor first. What is methadone? Methadone is an opioid medicine, which is only available with a prescription from your doctor.


What is metformin? Metformin is a diabetes medicine. It is commonly prescribed for managing type 2 diabetes. It’s also sometimes used to treat certain types of infertility in females. What is metformin used for? Metformin is used to control blood glucose (sugar) levels in people who have type 2 diabetes. It can be prescribed for adults and children over the age of 10 years. Unlike insulin, metformin doesn’t cause weight gain and may help with weight loss. This makes it a good choice for people with type 2 diabetes who are living with overweight or obesity. In adults, metformin can be used alone or together with other

Metabolic syndrome

What is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that together increase a person’s risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. These risk factors are: high blood pressure excess abdominal weight low levels of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) insulin resistance, where your cells don’t respond to insulin and your blood sugar levels rise Metabolic syndrome is also known as syndrome X or insulin-resistance syndrome. People with metabolic syndrome have 2 to 3 times the risk of having a heart attack and stroke, type 2 diabetes or chronic kidney disease than people without the condition. Metabolic syndrome affects many adults in Australia, and

Mesothelioma (lung cancer)

Lung cancer What is lung cancer? Lung cancer occurs when cells in the lungs grow in an uncontrolled way. The cancer may start to grow in the lungs first (primary cancer) or may spread to the lungs from a cancer somewhere else in the body (secondary cancer/metastasis). Lung cancer is the 5th most common cancer in Australia and, in general, it spreads quite quickly. This cancer is diagnosed more often in older people, and it is much more common in smokers — although non-smokers can get it too. Lung cancer is generally divided into two main types: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) makes up


What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Australia has one of the highest rates of mesothelioma in the world because of our extensive use of asbestos in the past. Even though asbestos is now banned in Australia, the number of Australians with mesothelioma is growing because the disease can take decades to develop. What are the types of mesothelioma? Mesothelioma grows in the mesothelial cells, which are found in the membranes that surround most organs in the body. There are 2 main types of mesothelioma: Pleural: This type develops in the lining of the lungs, called

MERS (coronavirus)

Key facts Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a rare disease. MERS is caused by a coronavirus (MERS‐CoV). MERS symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. What is Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)? Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a rare disease. It causes bad respiratory (breathing) problems. MERS was first identified in 2012. MERS is caused by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS‐CoV). Coronaviruses also cause: the common cold severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) COVID-19 MERS has infected more than 2,600 people worldwide. Of these, more than 935 people have died. Most cases have happened in Saudi Arabia. What are

Mental illness stigma

What is mental illness stigma? In relation to mental illness, stigma is when someone is marked or discredited somehow, or reduced from being a whole person to being a stereotype or labelled as a collection of symptoms or a diagnosis (e.g. ‘psychotic’). The meaning of the word stigma is a mark, a stain or a blemish. People with mental illness may face stigma — they may be viewed in a negative way, treated differently, and made to feel ashamed or worthless, as if they are somehow less than other people. Stigma can also lead to discrimination, and this in turn can

Caring for someone with a mental illness

Key facts Caring for someone with a mental illness can be challenging and it’s OK to feel a range of emotions. Looking after yourself will help you to stay well and better care for the person with mental illness. Learning about your loved one’s mental health condition can help you support them. A mental health safety plan may help you and your loved one know what to do in a crisis. There are many support services available for mental health carer Caring for someone with a mental illness How does a person’s mental illness affect their family and friends? Having