Day: December 19, 2023

Medical and surgical abortions

Abortion – surgical and medical options What is abortion? An abortion (also known as termination) is the medical process of ending a pregnancy, so it does not result in the birth of a baby. I think I am pregnant with an unplanned pregnancy. What should I do? If you think you are pregnant, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. You can do this by visiting your doctor or buying a test from a pharmacy or supermarket. The sooner you do this the better. If you are pregnant, you can work out the stage of your pregnancy by calculating the number of days since


Key facts Measles is a very contagious viral illness. You are likely to be immune if you are vaccinated against measles, or have already had measles. Measles causes fever, cough, red eyes and a red, blotchy rash. Measles can lead to serious complications including ear infections, pneumonia (lung infection) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). Vaccination is the best way to prevent measles. What is measles? Measles is a very contagious viral illness. It’s best known for its characteristic red blotchy rash. Measles can be very serious and can lead to hospitalisation and even death. Measles was very common in

MDMA (ecstasy)

What is MDMA? MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is an illicit drug that can give users a euphoric rush after swallowing it. It is a central nervous system stimulant which causes high levels of dopamine to be released. Dopamine is a brain chemical associated with pleasure and reward. MDMA is the presumed main ingredient in an illicit drug called ecstasy. Ecstasy comes as a pill in a variety of colours. They are often stamped, or have logos on them. These pills might contain some MDMA or none at all. Even 2 pills that look the same might come from different sources and contain different ingredients. MDMA can

Maxillary Le Fort 1 osteotomy

What is a Le Fort 1 osteotomy? A Le Fort 1 osteotomy is an operation to change the position of your upper jaw so your teeth can be aligned. What are the benefits of surgery? Your orthodontist should be able to align your teeth so they bite together in the best way for long-term stability. The appearance of your face should also improve. Are there any alternatives to surgery? Your orthodontist can sometimes just use braces to straighten your teeth but it is unlikely that your teeth will bite together properly. You will usually need a permanent wire across the back of

Maternity care

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, there are many different options for care and support during pregnancy and birth. This article gives options for pregnancy care, where you can give birth and the costs involved so you can make the choices that are best for you. If you have just found out that you are pregnant, it’s important to see your doctor (GP) or midwife to start your antenatal care. Who will I see during my pregnancy? There are 3 types of health professionals who can look after you during your pregnancy, depending on your health needs and where you plan to


What is mastitis? Mastitis is inflammation of the breast, usually caused by a blocked milk duct. When breast milk banks up behind the blocked duct, it cannot flow out of the nipple and instead is forced into the surrounding breast tissues. This causes the breast to become inflamed. Sometimes infection also occurs. What causes mastitis? Some women are more prone to mastitis than others. There are a range of common causes for mastitis including: poor attachment to the breast nipple damage a long break between breastfeeds breasts that are too full — ‘engorged’ blocked milk ducts stopping breastfeeding too quickly wearing

Mastectomy — breast cancer treatment or prevention

Key facts A mastectomy is surgery to remove your breast. A bilateral (double) mastectomy is removal of both breasts. A mastectomy is one of the treatments for breast cancer. What is a mastectomy? A mastectomy is an operation to remove your breast. A bilateral (double) mastectomy involves the removal of both breasts. When is a mastectomy needed? A mastectomy is usually done to treat breast cancer. Breast cancer is when cells start to grow abnormally in your breast. It can spread to other parts of the body. Surgery is just one of the treatments for breast cancer. Some people with a high

Massage therapy

What is massage therapy? Massage therapy is a type of complementary therapy that can help treat different problems. Complementary therapies are used with other treatments. Massage should not replace care from your doctor. Massage therapy involves rubbing and putting pressure on your soft tissues, including your: muscles tendons ligaments How does massage therapy work? The benefits of massage therapy are not fully understood. Some research shows that massage can help to lower your levels of cortisol, which is a hormone that causes stress. Some studies show that massage can increase other hormones that have a positive effect on your wellbeing, including: dopamine serotonin


Cannabis (marijuana) What is cannabis? Cannabis is the general name for drugs like marijuana, hash and hashish oil that are made from the plant cannabis sativa. It’s the most commonly used illicit drug in Australia. The different forms of cannabis are: marijuana: made from the plant’s dried leaves and flowers, and the most common form of cannabis. It is smoked in a joint or bong hashish: dried resin from the plant, usually mixed with tobacco and smoked or added to food, such as cookies or brownies hash oil: a liquid added to the tip of a joint or cigarette concentrates:

Marfan syndrome

What is Marfan syndrome? Marfan syndrome (also known as Marfan’s syndrome) is a disorder that affects the connective tissue that strengthens and stabilises the joints and muscles. It generally affects the limbs, but can also affect the skeleton, eyes, lungs, heart and nervous system. It is usually inherited from a parent with the condition. Marfan syndrome used to cut short people’s lives, but now people have a normal life expectancy What are the symptoms of Marfan syndrome? People with Marfan syndrome are often tall and slim, with longer than usual limbs, fingers and toes. They may have a long, thin

Manic depression

What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a chronic (long-term) condition. It involves intense mood changes that disrupt everyday life — from extreme highs to extreme lows. It affects 1 in 50 Australians each year. Bipolar disorder often develops for the first time during teenage years or early adulthood. It tends to affect more females than males. It is sometimes known as manic depression. People with bipolar disorder will experience periods of extreme moods at different times: Manic (or hypomanic) episodes— feeling very euphoric or high. Hypomania means ‘less than mania’. Symptoms of hypomania are like those of a manic

Management of chronic conditions

  What is a chronic condition? A chronic condition is an illness that lasts for at least 6 months. Many people living with a chronic condition need to manage their condition long-term. Chronic conditions describe a range of health conditions, including: chronic (ongoing) and complex conditions mental illness trauma disability genetic disorders Chronic conditions can often lead to your health gradually getting worse. They can lower your quality of life and affect your independence. What are some examples of chronic conditions? Common chronic conditions in Australia include: asthma arthritis back pain cancer dementia diabetes endometriosis chronic kidney disease chronic obstructive

Manage your health in your 60s

Key facts Have regular eye tests, dental check-ups and vaccinations. Ask your doctor about regular cardiovascular health checks. Go for your cancer screening tests when you get the reminders. Once you are over 65 years have your hearing checked and a falls risk assessment. Aim for a healthy lifestyle by eating well, being active and limiting your alcohol intake and not smoking. What health screenings tests should I have at 60? Talk to your doctor about what tests you need, based on your current health and family history. Most healthy people in their 60s should have the following tests. Every