Day: December 14, 2023

Medicines for babies and children

Key facts Some medicines for children can only be prescribed by a doctor, and others can be bought over-the-counter in a pharmacy or shop.   In Australia, the most-used medicines for pain and fever in children are paracetamol and ibuprofen. Antibiotics are prescription medicines used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Antihistamines are medicines used to treat symptoms of allergies. In Australia, giving the wrong medicine dose is the most common cause of accidental poisonings in infants (children under one year of age). What medicines are commonly given to babies and children? Medicines for children can be either: prescribed by

Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy

What is a sterilisation? A sterilisation is a permanent method of female contraception. It involves blocking or removing both fallopian tubes (tubes that carry the egg from your ovary to your womb and sperm to the egg). So this operation will prevent you from becoming pregnant. What are the benefits of surgery? The womb and surrounding structures. You or your partner should not need to use another method of contraception. Are there any alternatives to sterilisation? There are non-permanent (reversible) methods of female contraception. hormone implants a coil or intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) oral contraceptive pill A vasectomy is a permanent method of male

Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy

What is prostate cancer? Prostate cancer is a harmful growth that starts in your prostate gland. Radical prostatectomy involves removing your prostate gland and the section of urethra that runs through it. The operation is effective only for localised prostate cancer. What are the benefits of surgery? Radical prostatectomy gives the best chance of you being free of prostate cancer and is the most effective treatment in younger men. The tissue and lymph nodes that your surgeon removes will be examined under a microscope to help decide on any further treatment. The position of the prostate gland. Are there any alternatives

Laparoscopic oophorectomy

What is an oophorectomy? An oophorectomy is an operation to remove one of or both your ovaries. The fallopian tube connected to your ovary is usually removed at the same time. What are the benefits of surgery? Needing to remove an ovarian cyst is the most common reason for having an oophorectomy. A cyst can cause symptoms such as pain, bloating, pressure on your bowel or bladder, and sometimes tiredness. An oophorectomy should improve your symptoms. A laparoscopic oophorectomy. Some women have a family history of ovarian cancer so removing their ovaries will remove the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication

What is a Nissen fundoplication? A Nissen fundoplication is an operation to prevent acid reflux, where acid from your stomach travels up into your oesophagus (gullet). It involves wrapping the top part of your stomach around your oesophagus. For this reason, the operation is sometimes known as a ‘wrap’. It is normal for a small amount of acid to travel into your oesophagus. If this happens too often it can cause symptoms of a burning sensation in your chest (‘heartburn’) or acid (acid reflux) in the back of your mouth. The acid can cause the lining of your oesophagus to

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (TEP)

What is an inguinal hernia? Your abdominal cavity contains your intestines and other structures. These are protected by your abdominal wall, which is made up of four layers. Weak spots can develop in the layer of muscle, resulting in the contents of your abdomen, along with the inner layer, pushing through your abdominal wall. This produces a lump called a hernia. An inguinal hernia happens at the inguinal canal. This is a narrow passage through your abdominal wall. An inguinal hernia. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have the hernia. Surgery should prevent the serious complications that a hernia

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (TAPP)

What is an inguinal hernia? Your abdominal cavity contains your intestines and other structures. These are protected by your abdominal wall, which is made up of four layers. Weak spots can develop in the layer of muscle, resulting in the contents of your abdomen, along with the inner layer, pushing through your abdominal wall. This produces a lump called a hernia. An inguinal hernia happens at the inguinal canal. This is a narrow passage through your abdominal wall. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have the hernia. Surgery should prevent the serious complications that a hernia can cause and

Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair

What is an incisional hernia? Any operation on your abdomen needs a cut that is closed with stitches. Sometimes your wound does not heal properly and a weakness happens in the muscle layer. This results in the contents of your abdomen, along with the inner layer, pushing through your abdominal muscles. This produces a lump under your skin called a hernia. What are the benefits of surgery? You should no longer have the hernia. Surgery should prevent serious complications and allow you to return to normal activities. Are there any alternatives to surgery? You can sometimes control the hernia with supportive

Laparoscopic hysterectomy

What is a hysterectomy? A hysterectomy is an operation to remove your uterus (womb). Your cervix (neck of your womb) is usually also removed. Your ovaries may need to be removed at the same time. What are the benefits of surgery? There are common reasons for having a hysterectomy: The womb and surrounding structures. Heavy or painful periods not controlled by other treatments. Fibroids, where the muscle of your womb becomes overgrown. A hysterectomy may cure or improve your symptoms. You will no longer have periods. Are there any alternatives to a hysterectomy? Heavy periods can be treated using a variety of non-hormonal

Laparoscopic Heller’s cardiomyotomy

What is achalasia? Achalasia is a condition that causes problems with swallowing. It can also cause regurgitation (bringing food back into your mouth), chest pain and weight loss. The lower oesophageal sphincter is the valve that controls how food passes into your stomach. Achalasia is where the valve does not relax properly. A Heller’s cardiomyotomy. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to make it easier for you to swallow. The benefits will often last for a lifetime. Are there any alternatives to surgery? The alternatives to surgery will usually give only temporary relief from your symptoms. changing

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

What are gallstones? Gallstones are ‘stones’ that form in your gallbladder. They are common and can run in families. The risk of developing gallstones increases as you get older and if you eat a diet rich in fat. For some people gallstones can cause severe symptoms, with repeated attacks of abdominal pain being the most common. The position of the gallbladder. What are the benefits of surgery? You should be free of pain and able to eat a normal diet. Surgery should also prevent the serious complications that gallstones can cause. Are there any alternatives to surgery? The gallstones can be left alone


What is a laminectomy? A laminectomy is an operation to treat symptoms caused by pressure on your spinal cord (spinal stenosis) or nerves. This might happen in your neck (cervical spine) or lower back (lumbar spine). The surgeon increases the space in your spinal canal by removing bone and tissue pressing on your nerves. This reduces the irritation and inflammation. When may a laminectomy be needed? You may need a laminectomy if your spinal cord or the nerves of your spine are compressed. Sometimes this happens with ageing due to problems with your: bones joints discs in your spine The

Lactose intolerance

Key facts Lactose intolerance is when you can’t break down lactose. Lactose is the main sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Lactose intolerance happens when your body does not produce enough lactase — the enzyme that breaks down lactose. If you’re lactose intolerant, you don’t need to stop eating foods with lactose in them altogether. Milk allergy isn’t the same as lactose intolerance. What is lactose intolerance? Lactose intolerance is when you can’t break down lactose. Lactose is the main sugar found in milk made by mammals. Lactose can be found in: milk including evaporated milk, milk powder,


Key facts Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory condition of your inner ear. Most people with labyrinthitis feel a false sense of movement. The most common cause of labyrinthitis is a viral infection. What is labyrinthitis? Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory condition of your inner ear. An infection causes the labyrinth (a delicate structure deep inside your ear) to become inflamed. This can affect your hearing and balance. What are the symptoms of labyrinthitis? Most people with labyrinthitis feel that the room is spinning. This is also known as vertigo. It can be mild, or it can be so bad it is hard to

Labia problems

Key facts The labia are the skin folds or lips that are part of your vulva; they look different from person to person. Labia problems can make you feel itchy or be painful. If you notice a change or a problem with your labia you should check with your doctor. What are the labia? The labia are the ‘lips’ or folds of skin on the outside of the vulva (female genitals). Your labia protect the clitoris, vagina and urethra. The labia swell during sexual activity. There are two pairs of labia. Labia majora The labia majora are the outer lips

Bumps, knocks and bruises

Bumps, knocks and bruises What are bumps, knocks and bruises? Bumps, knocks and bruises are common injuries that everyone will experience from time to time. Though they can sometimes be very painful, bumps, knocks and bruises are usually easy to treat. What symptoms are related to bumps, knocks and bruises? These kinds of injuries commonly affect joints such as your elbow or knee, and bumps and knocks to these areas can result in swelling and bruising. What causes bumps, knocks and bruises? A bruise often appears after you have been knocked, bumped or pinched, for example when you have fallen

Knee replacement

What is a knee replacement? A knee replacement is when doctors remove your damaged knee joint and put in a new knee joint. The new joint is artificial, or man-made. A knee replacement is an operation that is done in hospital. A knee replacement is also called a knee arthroplasty. A knee replacement can help: reduce knee pain you to be more active improve your flexibility you to move more freely They can help when medicines and other treatments have not been helpful in managing pain. Knee replacements may be total (the whole joint is replaced) or partial (part of your joint is replaced).

Knee pain

What causes knee pain? Knee pain is a common problem that can occur suddenly or over a period of time. Knee pain may be due to a number of causes, and generally treatment is readily available. Injury-related causes include: damage to parts of the knee, including bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons or muscles bursitis, which is inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that cushion the knee (known as bursae) Arthritis-related causes include: osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis gout septic arthritis (infected knee) Other causes include: patellofemoral pain syndrome: pain around the kneecap (patella) where it runs over the end of the thigh bone (femur),

Knee injuries

Knees provide stable support for the body and allow the legs to bend and straighten. The knee is the largest joint in the body and is easily injured. The knee has 4 main types of tissues: bones, ligaments, cartilage and tendons. Any of these important types of tissue can be damaged through injury. Common knee injuries include: sprain (an over-stretching of ligaments in the knee) torn ligament, such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) strains (over-stretching of muscles and tendons) damage to the cartilage that lines the knee torn meniscus (the cartilage between the shinbone and thighbone) irritation to

Klinefelter syndrome

Key facts Klinefelter syndrome is a congenital (from birth) condition, where males are born with one or more extra X chromosomes. Young children with Klinefelter syndrome can have motor and language delay, as well as learning and behavioural problems. Adolescents and adults with Klinefelter syndrome may notice that they have a small penis and testicles, less facial and body hair and larger breasts than expected. Many people with Klinefelter syndrome don’t know they have it and have never received treatment. Testosterone therapy, usually started at puberty, can help with many of these features of Klinefelter syndrome. What is Klinefelter syndrome?

Kissing disease

Glandular fever What is glandular fever? Glandular fever is a viral infection usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It is also called infectious mononucleosis or ‘mono’. It is sometimes known as the ‘kissing disease’ because it is spread through saliva. Glandular fever can affect people of all ages but is more common in young adults and teenagers. What are the symptoms of glandular fever? Symptoms of glandular fever include: sore throat fever swollen glands, usually in the neck fatigue (tiredness) nausea Other signs and symptoms can include: rash abdominal (tummy) pain swelling of your spleen (a large organ in the


Acts of kindness and compassion Benefits of kindness and compassion Research is showing that people who are kind and compassionate are more content with their lives. They have better physical and mental health and feel less isolated, fostering stronger relationships. Small acts of kindness, such as a smile, or ‘hello’ can have enormous power. The person being kind and the recipient can both benefit. You can be kind, generous and compassionate to someone you know, or to a stranger. Studies have shown benefits from kindness, compassion and giving. The benefits can be: greater sense of contentment or wellbeing good mental health less stress better


What are kilojoules? Kilojoules (kJ) are a way to measure energy. The energy you get from food and drink and the energy your body uses can both be measured in kilojoules. In Australia, energy is measured in kilojoules. Energy can also be measured in kilocalories, or you might be more familiar with the term ‘calories’. One kilocalorie is the same amount of energy as 4.2 kilojoules. You can convert calories to kilojoules using the online calculator. How do kilojoules affect my body? Your body needs energy in order to function and move. If you take in more kilojoules from food and