Day: December 3, 2023


What is skin? Although you may not realise it, your skin is your largest organ. Learn more about its parts, how it functions and how to keep it healthy. Parts of the skin Skin covers your body and has three layers: The top layer is the epidermis (outer layer). This is a thin layer. It provides a waterproof barrier for your body. It also contains cells (melanocytes) that gives your skin colour. The dermis is the middle layer of skin. It is much thicker than your epidermis. It contains tough connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles and sweat glands.

Respiratory system

What is the respiratory system Your respiratory system brings oxygen into your body and helps to remove carbon dioxide. Your lungs are part of your respiratory system. They sit in your chest, protected by your ribcage. Problems with your respiratory system can reduce the oxygen that reaches your lungs, which can make you unwell. Parts of the respiratory system Your respiratory system is made up of your: nose pharynx (throat) larynx (voice box) trachea (windpipe) bronchi (airways branching from the trachea, and leading to smaller bronchioles) lungs How your respiratory system works You breathe in by contracting your diaphragm, a

Nervous system

What is the nervous system? The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It controls much of what you think and feel and what your body does. It allows you to do things like walk, speak, swallow, breathe and learn. It also controls how the body reacts in an emergency. The nervous system is made up of: the central nervous system, or CNS, which consists of the brain and spinal cord the peripheral nervous system, or PNS, which consists of nerves that connect the CNS to the rest of the body The brain is made up of

Nose and throat

What is the nose and throat Your nose and throat are part of your respiratory system. Your nose is the organ responsible for your sense of smell. Your throat is the part of your body responsible for swallowing. Your nose and throat also carry air to your lungs. Connections between your nose, throat and ears mean that a problem in one area can affect the others. How your nose works As you breathe air in, your nose: cleans the air of foreign particles such as dust and germs warms and moistens the air before it reaches your lungs This is helped by the

Neuromuscular system

Key facts The neuromuscular system connects muscles and nerves, which control body movements and functions. Nerves called motor neurons send messages from the brain to muscles, making them contract and move. Neuromuscular disease includes nerve and muscle problems, causing weakness and pain. Neuromuscular diseases can cause tiredness, muscle weakness, cramps and pain, and in severe cases trouble breathing and swallowing. There is no current cure for many neuromuscular disorders — treatments are used to help improve quality of life. What is the neuromuscular system? The neuromuscular system includes all the muscles in the body and the nerves connecting them. Every

Gynaecomastia surgery

What is gynaecomastia? Gynaecomastia is a condition where too much breast tissue has developed. The condition can be severe and can affect one or both sides of your chest. Is gynaecomastia surgery suitable for me? For most teenagers, gynaecomastia goes away as your hormone levels naturally get into balance. However, in some men the condition is permanent. Gynaecomastia is not life-threatening but you may want to have treatment if you feel embarrassed by the condition. What are the benefits of surgery? Your chest should have a more male appearance and both sides should look similar to each other. Are there


Key facts Gynaecomastia is an increase in breast tissue in males. It is caused by a hormone imbalance, medicines, or an underlying illness. If you have pain or tenderness or a lump see your doctor to find out the cause. What is gynaecomastia? Gynaecomastia (gynecomastia) is a swelling of the breast tissue in males. It’s also called ‘man-boobs’. It usually affects both breasts but can be one-sided. Gynaecomastia is very common. More than half of all young males develop the condition during puberty. It normally disappears as you grow older. As many as 2 out of 3 males aged over 50


What is a gynaecologist? A gynaecologist is a specialist doctor who manages conditions that affect the female reproductive system — which includes the vulva, vagina, uterus (womb) and ovaries. How do doctors become gynaecologists? A gynaecologist has completed at least 6 years of additional specialist training after qualifying as a doctor. In Australia, the training allows doctors to become both gynaecologists and obstetricians, who specialise in the care of women during pregnancy and birth. But in practice, most who work in cities choose to be either a gynaecologist or an obstetrician. Some gynaecologists who work outside cities do both. In Australia, most gynaecologists

Gut pain

What is abdominal pain? Abdominal pain is pain felt anywhere in the area between the bottom of the ribs and the pelvis. Most Australians will experience abdominal pain at some point in their lives. Abdominal pain can be serious, but most abdominal pain gets better on its own without needing any special treatment. People sometimes refer to abdominal pain as stomach pain, stomach ache, stomach cramps, tummy pain, sore stomach, wind pain or belly ache. Pain or discomfort in the abdomen can be mild or severe. It may come on suddenly (acute); it could be something that you experience from

Gum disease

Key facts Gum disease occurs when the tissue that surrounds and supports your teeth becomes inflamed. Gum disease is very common in Australia, with 3 in every 10 adults having moderate to severe gum disease (periodontitis). The early stage of gum disease is reversible, but if left untreated it may lead to more serious gum disease and infection. Brushing your teeth and gums twice a day can help prevent gum disease. Visit your dental practitioner regularly to keep your mouth healthy. What is gum disease? Gum disease occurs when the tissue that surrounds and supports your teeth becomes inflmamed. Severe

Guillain-Barre syndrome

What is Guillain-Barre syndrome? Guillain-Barre syndrome (pronounced ghee-yan bah-ray) is a rare illness in which antibodies and immune cells in your body’s immune system attack the nerves connecting your brain and spinal cord with the rest of your body. This causes weakness, numbness or paralysis. When the immune system attacks the body, it is called an autoimmune condition. You may need treatment in hospital for some time, but most people with Guillain-Barre syndrome recover well. What are the symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome? Guillain-Barre syndrome can start in many different ways. It usually begins with tingling or weakness in your legs that may spread

Guillain-Barre syndrome

What is Guillain-Barre syndrome? Guillain-Barre syndrome (pronounced ghee-yan bah-ray) is a rare illness in which antibodies and immune cells in your body’s immune system attack the nerves connecting your brain and spinal cord with the rest of your body. This causes weakness, numbness or paralysis. When the immune system attacks the body, it is called an autoimmune condition. You may need treatment in hospital for some time, but most people with Guillain-Barre syndrome recover well. What are the symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome? Guillain-Barre syndrome can start in many different ways. It usually begins with tingling or weakness in your legs that may spread

Guide to dental procedures

Key facts A dental procedure is anything that involves a dentist dental practitioner working on your mouth. Dental procedures include: a filling or crown for your tooth, treatment for gum disease, straightening crowded teeth, dental surgery or having dentures made. Dental procedures can help you with pain, infection, an injury or other problems with your teeth or gums. Find out the benefits, risks and costs before you go ahead with a dental procedure. What are dental procedures? A dental procedure is anything that involves a dentist or dental practitioner working on your mouth. Dental procedures can help with: pain infections

Guide to cosmetic surgery

Many people in Australia consider having cosmetic surgery to improve how they feel about their appearance. It can be confusing when you look at all the different information about cosmetic surgery and try to understand what is best for you. This article provides what you need to know and the questions you need to ask. What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is done to re-shape or change an otherwise healthy part of the body because a person believes it will improve their appearance, not for a medical reason. Reconstructive surgery differs from cosmetic surgery in that it is designed to

Guide dogs

What are guide dogs? Guide dogs, also called seeing eye dogs, are working animals that are specially trained to help people who are blind or have low vision to travel safely around their community and become more independent. Guide dogs are a special type of assistance dog. How guide dogs can help those with low vision Guide dogs help people who are blind or have low vision to move safely and confidently through their daily environment and be more independent. They assist their owners (also known as handlers) to navigate through different places, ranging from crowded city centres to quiet

Group exercise

What group exercise can I do? Group exercise is when you train with others for fitness or as a form of physical recreation for fun. Group exercise can be a team sport like soccer, basketball or netball. It could be a fitness class such as a cardio or spin (stationary bicycles) class. When you participate in a fitness class, an instructor will show you what to do. The instructor will cater to different fitness levels. You could get a personal fitness instructor to create an exercise plan to meet your health needs and limitations. You can choose one-on-one or small

Groin pain or swelling

The most common causes of groin pain or swelling are swollen glands, a groin injury or groin strain or a hernia. If your groin pain or swelling doesn’t improve in a few days, you should see your doctor. What are swollen glands? Swollen glands or lymph nodes usually mean you’re fighting an infection. If the glands in your groin are swollen, you might have an infection or inflamed area in your leg. Swollen glands usually get better by themselves, but if they don’t go away or you are in discomfort, see your doctor. How does a groin injury or groin strain happen? The groin can

Mouth and teeth

Key facts: A healthy mouth is important for eating, drinking, breathing and speaking, as well as for your overall health. Regular visits to a dentist can help keep your mouth healthy. Children have primary (’baby’) teeth, which are replaced with permanent adult teeth as they get older. The last teeth that come through are called wisdom teeth. Pericoronitis is a condition where the gums around your wisdom teeth become inflamed. What are the parts of the mouth? Your mouth is made up of several parts that work together to help you talk, chew and swallow: lips teeth and gums soft

Male reproductive system

Key facts The male reproductive system includes parts of the male body that are involved in sexual activity, fertility, and reproduction. It includes both the external genital such as the penis and testes, as well as the internal parts such as the prostate gland and urethra. Common problems include infertility, prostate disease, impotence, loss of sex drive and testicular cancer. Having a healthy reproductive system requires knowing when to ask for help from your doctor. If you notice any symptoms or problems, it is important to see your doctor quickly — early treatment can avoid serious long-term problems. What is

Lymph nodes

Key facts Lymph nodes (or lymph glands) are part of your body’s immune system. The immune system helps to fight infections and filters waste products. Your lymph nodes may swell up (lymphadenopathy) during an infection. Common causes of swollen lymph nodes include viral and bacterial infections such as glandular fever and tonsillitis. Your lymph nodes play an important role in cancer diagnosis, treatment, and your chance of recovery. What are lymph nodes? Your lymph nodes (or lymph glands) are small lumps of tissue that contain white blood cells, which fight infection. They are part of your body’s immune system. They filter your


What are kidneys? The kidneys are organs that sit at the back of your abdomen (tummy). They are found below your ribs on either side of your spine. The kidneys are shaped like a bean and are about the size of your fist. Each kidney weighs about 150 grams. Most people are born with 2 kidneys. The right kidney is often a little lower than the left. What do kidneys do? Kidneys are very important to your overall health. Your kidneys have 3 main roles. 1. Filtering blood Your kidneys filter your blood, removing waste products that are then removed

Immune system

Key facts The immune system defends the body from infection and includes a complex network of cells, chemicals, tissues and organs. The immune system recognises ‘invaders’ such as bacteria, viruses and fungi as well as abnormal cells like cancer cells, and then helps the body fight the invasion. The immune system includes the skin, bone marrow, the thymus, lymphatic system, lymph nodes, the spleen and mucous membranes. There are many different immune conditions, sometimes related to underactivity or overactivity of the immune system. What is the immune system? The immune system defends the body from infection. It contains a complex

Hormonal system

Key facts The hormonal system, also called the endocrine system, is a network of glands and organs in the body that produce hormones. Hormones regulate all the cells in your body, controlling your body’s metabolism, growth and many other functions. Some examples of hormones in this system include growth hormone, insulin, thyroxine, testosterone, cortisol, oestrogen and progesterone. When a hormone is released from a gland, it travels in the blood through the body until it reaches its target. Medical conditions that affect the hormone system include diabetes, thyroid problems and Cushing’s disease. What is the hormonal system? The hormonal system,


What is the heart? The heart is a muscular organ that sits inside the rib cage, behind and just to the left of the breastbone. It pumps blood around the body to supply tissues with nutrition and oxygen. The heart pumps blood to the lungs, where it absorbs oxygen. This oxygen-rich blood then returns to the heart to be pumped to the rest of the body via arteries. The major artery coming from the heart is the aorta. The heart delivers blood to its own muscle via the coronary arteries. How does the heart work? The heart has 4 chambers.