Day: November 30, 2023


What is pericarditis? Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium, the thin sac-like membrane around the heart. It becomes swollen and irritated. Pericarditis often causes chest pain and sometimes other symptoms. It is a serious condition; you should always seek medical attention if you have any type of chest pain. The main types of pericarditis are: acute pericarditis — symptoms begin suddenly, but don’t last long chronic pericarditis — symptoms develop gradually and persist, or may persist after an acute attack recurring pericarditis — repeated attacks of acute pericarditis What are the symptoms of pericarditis? The most common symptom of pericarditis

Heart palpitations

What are heart palpitations? Most of the time you won’t notice your heartbeat, but if you suddenly become aware of it, this may concern you or come as a surprise. The feeling of being aware of your heart beating is described as a palpitation. Palpitations can range from simply being aware of your heart’s activity to the sensation of it beating faster and harder than usual. It can sometimes feel like your heart is missing beats or you have a heart flutter. Changes to your heartbeat are usually not serious. But always see your doctor if you have palpitations or

Heart murmur

What is a heart murmur? Heart murmurs are sounds made by blood flowing through your heart or nearby blood vessels. There are several causes of heart murmurs. Usually, heart murmurs can be heard only through a stethoscope (a medical instrument doctors use to listen to sounds in the body). A normal heartbeat is made up of 2 sounds — ‘lubb-dubb’. Those are the sounds made when your heart valves close during each heartbeat. A doctor using a stethoscope to listen to a patients heartbeat. Heart murmurs are whooshing or swishing sounds heard between the sounds of the heartbeat. Heart murmurs can be

Heart failure

Key facts Heart failure is a condition where your heart muscle doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. Heart failure is usually a long-term condition — unlike heart attacks, which occur suddenly. Common symptoms of heart failure include breathlessness, fatigue, swollen legs and a fast heartbeat. Heart failure can’t be cured, but there are things you can do to help you improve your quality of life. You can manage your heart failure with lifestyle changes, medicines and sometimes surgery. What is heart failure? Heart failure (also known as ‘congestive heart failure’ or CHF) occurs when your heart muscle has become too

Heart attack

Key facts A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to your heart is blocked and your heart muscle can’t get enough oxygen. Common symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain, feeling breathless and sweating. Heart attacks are mostly caused by coronary heart disease. You can reduce your risk of having a heart attack by adopting a healthy lifestyle. What is a heart attack? To work properly, your heart needs a continuous supply of blood. It normally receives this from blood vessels called coronary arteries. When a coronary artery suddenly becomes blocked, oxygen can’t get to your heart muscle. This causes

Gliomas in children

Key facts A glioma is a tumour that grows in the glial cells of the brain or spinal cord. There are different types of gliomas. There are several treatment options for gliomas in children. What is a glioma? A glioma is a tumour that grows in the glial cells of the brain and spinal cord. Glial cells surround nerve cells and help them work properly. Gliomas can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). In children, they can grow in: the cerebrum (the front part of the brain) the cerebellum (the back part of the brain) the brain stem (the part of the

Glaucoma surgery

What is glaucoma? The optic nerve carries images from the retina (light-sensitive layer at the back of your eye) to your brain, allowing you to see. Glaucoma is the name given to a group of conditions that cause damage to the optic nerve where it leaves your eye. Glaucoma can cause loss of vision. Glaucoma is usually caused by an increase in pressure in your eye Cross-section of the eye. Sometimes the optic nerve can be damaged, even though the pressure in your eye is within the normal range. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to lower the


Key facts Glaucoma is a common eye problem that causes vision loss due to damage to the optic nerve. If untreated, glaucoma can cause blindness. There are 2 main types of glaucoma: open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. Glaucoma can also be described as primary or secondary, as well as chronic or acute. Acute angle-closure glaucoma involves sudden, severe eye pain with nausea and vomiting, headache and blurred vision. This is an emergency and you should seek prompt treatment so you don’t lose vision. Regular eye tests by an optometrist can mean early treatment and reduce you chance of long term damage

Glandular fever

What is glandular fever? Glandular fever is a viral infection usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It is also called infectious mononucleosis or ‘mono’. It is sometimes known as the ‘kissing disease’ because it is spread through saliva. Glandular fever can affect people of all ages but is more common in young adults and teenagers. What are the symptoms of glandular fever? Symptoms of glandular fever include: sore throat fever swollen glands, usually in the neck fatigue (tiredness) nausea Other signs and symptoms can include: rash abdominal (tummy) pain swelling of your spleen (a large organ in the upper left


Key points: Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. It occurs when plaque builds up on your teeth along the gum line. Bleeding gums is a common sign of gingivitis, and swollen or bleeding gums, or loose teeth also may occur. If you have gingivitis, the earlier you treat it, the better. See your dentist if you notice signs of gingivitis. What is gingivitis? Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. It occurs when plaque builds up on your teeth along the gum line. You remove plaque by brushing your teeth correctly, but if it builds up it can


What is gigantism? Gigantism is a very rare condition. It causes children to grow faster than normal and grow very tall. There is treatment for gigantism. Some affected children may still have symptoms after treatment. They need regular check-ups with their doctor as they grow. What are the symptoms of gigantism? Gigantism can appear in a child of any age, from baby to teenager. The main symptom is faster than normal growth. This means that your child will be unusually tall for their age. They can also have: a large head a very noticeable forehead a jaw that seems to

Giardiasis (giardia)

Key facts Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine, spread by hand to mouth contact with the giardia parasite from infected water or faeces. You may have no symptoms, but some people can have diarrhoea, stomach cramps and nausea that may last for months. If you have giardiasis, you should drink plenty of water. You may need to take antibiotics. You can prevent giardiasis by practicing good hygiene and boiling untreated water before drinking, for example if you travel to countries with poor water quality. What is giardiasis? Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine caused by a


What is GHB? GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is an illegal drug commonly found around the dance and party scene. It’s known as a ‘date rape’ drug, because it is hard to detect if it is slipped into a drink at a party. GHB was originally developed to be used as an anaesthetic. It is a central nervous system depressant. This means that it slows down brain activity and produces feelings of relaxation and drowsiness. GHB usually comes as liquid. It can be bitter or salty tasting and is odourless or has a slight odour. It can also come as a powder or in crystal form. GHB

Getting active

How to start exercising Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Moderate-intensity physical activity is an activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate, but doesn’t make you too breathless, such as fast walking. If you are pregnant, have been previously inactive, or suffer from any medical conditions, it is recommended that you seek medical advice before commencing vigorous physical activity. For best results in achieving a healthier lifestyle and reducing your risk of developing a chronic disease, combine physical activity with healthy eating. Build up slowly

Gestational diabetes

Key facts Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that starts during pregnancy. Diabetes is a condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood stream. If you’re pregnant, it’s recommended that you have routine screening for gestational diabetes between week 24 and 28. Treatment for gestational diabetes usually involves monitoring your blood sugar levels, changing your diet and may involve taking medicines including insulin. Having gestational diabetes makes you more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the future.   What is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that starts during pregnancy. It is different

German measles (rubella)

Key facts Rubella is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Around 1 in every 2 people who become infected with rubella do not experience any symptoms. Symptoms of rubella are usually mild and include fever, rash, joint aches and tiredness. Rubella can cause serious birth defects in babies whose mothers catch rubella during pregnancy. Vaccination is the best protection against rubella. Rubella (German measles) What is rubella? Rubella is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Rubella is also known as ‘German measles’, but it is different to the illness caused by the measles virus. Some people with rubella


Key facts A geriatrician is an expert in caring for older people. Geriatricians can help manage a wide range of problems for healthy ageing. You will need a referral from your general practitioner to see a geriatrician. The role of a geriatrician What is a geriatrician? A geriatrician is a specialist doctor who is an expert in the health of older people (those aged 65 and older). A minimum of 6 years full-time training is needed to specialise in this area. When should I see a geriatrician? You might decide to see a geriatrician if you are older than 65

Genital warts

What are genital warts? Genital warts are lumps on genital areas, such as the vagina, vulva, penis and scrotum. They are sexually transmitted and very common. The warts can also appear on your cervix, around your anus and rectum (back passage), in your urethra (the tube that carries urine out of your body) or around your mouth. What are the symptoms of genital warts? Genital warts are usually painless, but they may be itchy. They can be bumpy, flat or appear in clusters. If you have genital warts, you might also notice: differences in your stream of urine blood in

Genital thrush in males

Key facts Thrush is a yeast infection caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called candida. Candida infections can occur in many different parts of your body, including your genitals. If you have genital thrush you may have no symptoms or you may have symptoms including an uncomfortable rash on your penis and genital area. Treatments include creams and sometimes pills, depending how severe your symptoms are. You can prevent thrush by practicing good hygiene. What is thrush? Thrush is an infection with a fungus. It is also known as a yeast infection. The fungus, called candida, occurs naturally in your

Genital herpes

What is genital herpes? Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by herpes simplex viruses (HSV) types 1 and 2. This is the same type of virus that causes cold sores. Around 1 in every 8 sexually active Australian adults have genital herpes. Genital herpes can cause outbreaks (flare-ups) of blisters or sores on the genitals and anus. Once infected, you can continue to have outbreaks of symptoms throughout your life. If you think you have genital herpes, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible to get a diagnosis, and start treatment. What are the

Genetic testing

Key facts Genetic testing is when a lab checks your genes for variations or mutations. Some types of genetic variations can cause medical problems or increase the likelihood of developing certain diseases in the future. You may consider genetic testing if you are planning a pregnancy, pregnant or are concerned that you or your child carry an inherited condition. Genetic counsellors can give you advice and support if you are considering genetic testing. It’s important to think about the potential implications of a genetic testing result before you have the test. What are genes? Genes contain the instructions for making

Genetic disorders guide

Genes are one of the basic units of life. Problems with genes can cause health or development problems. Some genetic disorders affect people from birth, others develop later in life. If you are concerned that you or someone you care for has, or might have, a genetic disorder, this page will provide you with more information. Where are genes made of? Almost every cell in the body has a centre called a nucleus. In almost every nucleus, there are 46 chromosomes. Chromosomes are passed from parent to child, and are the vehicle for carrying all that a child inherits from their

Generic vs. brand-name medicines

Key facts Generic medicines have the same active ingredient as brand-name medicines and work in the same way, but may look different and contain different non-active ingredients. Generic alternatives are often cheaper than brand-name medicines. This is because the company that produces the medicine did not need to invest money in developing and marketing it. In Australia, you can only sell generic medicines if they work the same way as the brand-name medicine. Prescribers in Australia must include the name of the active ingredient on prescriptions. This can help you know exactly what you are taking and avoid mistakes. Are

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

What is generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)? Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a type of anxiety disorder where people have uncontrollable and persistent worry that affects their day-to-day life on an ongoing basis. What are the symptoms of GAD? You could be dealing with GAD if:   you uncontrollably worry about many different things, a lot of the time your worry makes it hard to do everyday things like working and seeing friends you’re often tired but can’t sleep properly you constantly feel tense or restless your heart races or your mouth gets dry you have difficulty concentrating you are irritable your jaw or

General Practitioner

The role of a GP What is a general practitioner (GP)? GPs are doctors who have completed training in general practice. In some countries this is known as family medicine. They have broad knowledge and the skills to work out how to manage all the health issues you might have through your life. Because your GP gets to know you, your family and your community, they can provide care that is most suitable for you. GPs complete a basic medical degree and internship, then they do additional medical training in general practice. This qualifies them to provide continuing care for

General anaesthetic (child)

What is a general anaesthetic? A general anaesthetic is a combination of drugs that produce deep sleep. It is used for operations or procedures as it causes a loss of sensation. Your child will not be aware of what is happening and afterwards will not remember anything that has happened. What are the benefits of a general anaesthetic? Your child needs to have an operation or procedure. So that your surgeon or doctor can perform the operation safely, your child needs to be in a state where they do not move and their muscles are relaxed. A safe way to

General anaesthetic

Key facts A general anaesthetic makes you unconscious during surgery, so you won’t be aware, move or feel pain. Medicines are given through a drip in your vein and through a breathing mask. Tell your anaesthetist about your health, allergies, medicines and any past problems with anaesthetics. You will need to fast before a general anaesthetic. You might feel tired, nauseous or cold or have a sore throat for a short time after the anaesthetic. What is a general anaesthetic? A general anaesthetic uses medicines to make you unconscious so you will not feel pain, move or be aware during


Key facts Endocarditis is a rare but serious condition caused by an infection of the inner lining of your heart. It usually involves one or more of your heart valves. Symptoms can develop over a few days or several weeks, and may include fever, night sweats, tiredness, weight loss and general aches and pains. The main treatment is antibiotics but many people with endocarditis also need surgery to remove infected tissue and to rebuild or replace damaged heart valves. If you are at risk of endocarditis you should see your doctor. What is endocarditis? Endocarditis is a rare but serious