Day: November 27, 2023

Foods high in iodine

What is iodine? Iodine is an element that is essential for normal growth and for brain development. The body needs iodine to make thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones influence metabolism. They are essential for the development and function of the brain, nerves and bones. A healthy diet needs enough iodine to function well, but too much may cause health problems. Many Australians have enough iodine in their diet, but some don’t. Do not take more than the recommended dose of supplements. If you have a thyroid condition, speak to your doctor before taking iodine supplements. Where does iodine come from? Iodine is found naturally

Food safety (barbecue)

Barbecuing food safely What are barbeque food safety risks? Barbecuing food can lead to food poisoning if it is not done correctly. Food poisoning is usually mild and most people get better within a week. However, sometimes it can be more severe, even deadly; so it’s important to take the risks seriously. Summertime is a great time to get together to share a meal, but it is also a time when food poisoning cases increase because of warmer temperatures. When cooking on the barbecue, there are 2 main risk factors for food poisoning: undercooked meat spreading germs from raw meat onto food

Food safety

What is food safety and why is it important? Food safety refers to the storing, handling, and preparing food in a way that reduces the spread of bacteria, and minimises your risk of becoming sick from the food you eat. Taking care to prepare and cook your food safely is important in preventing illness. How to cook and cool food safely Preparing and cooking food properly and to the right temperature reduces the risk of food poisoning. Always cook minced meat, sausages and poultry all the way through until the juices run clear and there is no pink. Whole pieces

Food poisoning

What is food poisoning? Food poisoning is caused by bacteria and viruses getting into the food we eat. It can also be caused by toxins produced by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. Food poisoning is also called ‘foodborne illness’. What are the symptoms of food poisoning? Symptoms of food poisoning can range from mild to very severe. You may be sick with food poisoning but not know what food caused it. Different bacteria and viruses cause different symptoms. If you have food poisoning, you’ll probably have gastroenteritis symptoms such as: abdominal (tummy) cramps nausea vomiting diarrhoea fever headaches Symptoms can take between a

Food labels

What information is on the food label? The label on a packaged food will tell you: the name and brand of the product what ingredients it contains (listed in order from largest to smallest by weight) — this includes a list of food additives and information for people with food allergies nutrition information (such as average amount of energy, fat, protein, sugars and salt) percentage labelling (how much of the main ingredients it contains, so you can compare it to other products) use-by or best-before date and directions for use and storage details of the manufacturer and the country where the food was produced how much it weighs

Food groups (balanced diet)

beginning of content A balanced diet What are the 5 food groups? A healthy diet does not need to be complicated. Eat foods from the 5 food groups every day. The 5 food groups are: vegetables and legumes (beans) fruit grains and cereals lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes (beans), tofu, nuts, seeds milk, cheese, yoghurt or alternatives Each food group has important nutrients. The amount of each food you need will vary during your life. Your diet will depend on factors such as: how active you are whether or not you are growing whether or not you are pregnant or breastfeeding Why should

Food allergies (in children)

Key facts A food allergy is an immune response to a food that the body incorrectly identifies as being dangerous. Food allergies can range from mild to severe and in some cases can be life-threatening. Children need to avoid eating foods that they are allergic to. As children get older, they often outgrow their food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you should work with their doctor to create an ASCIA action plan. This plan will guide you in the event your child experiences an allergic reaction, including a severe reaction (anaphylaxis). What are food allergies? A food

Food allergies

What are the symptoms of food allergy? Symptoms of a mild allergy include: hives (red circular weals on the skin) swelling of the face or around the mouth vomiting abdominal discomfort or pain Symptoms of severe allergy may include: wheeze or trouble breathing difficulty talking more than a few words and/or a hoarse voice cough swelling or tightness of the throat collapse light-headedness or dizziness diarrhoea swelling of the tongue going pale and floppy (in young children) What foods cause allergies? Some foods are more likely to cause allergies than others. These include: dairy (including milk) eggs peanuts tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts,


Key facts Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles in your skin. Folliculitis causes painful red bumps each with a hair in the middle. Treatment of folliculitis depends on its cause. What is folliculitis? Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles in your skin. There are 2 types of folliculitis: non-infective folliculitis infective folliculitis What are the symptoms of folliculitis? Folliculitis causes painful red bumps each with a hair in the middle. These can become itchy or sore, and there may be pus. It can happen anywhere on your body where there ‘s hair. If an infection is

Follicle stimulating hormone

What is follicle stimulating hormone? Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a hormone in the human body. It is made by your pituitary gland, which is in your brain. What is the role of follicle stimulating hormone? FSH is an important hormone for the reproductive system in both males and females. It plays a role in sexual development and functioning. What does FSH do in females? In females, FSH and another hormone called luteinising hormone (LH) help control the menstrual cycle (periods). FSH helps with ovulation — when an egg is released each month by the ovaries. The amount of FSH

Folate test

Key facts Folate is an important nutrient for growth, development, and the correct function of your red blood cell and nerve tissues. The folate blood test checks for levels of folate in your blood and red blood cells. Low folate can prevent your red blood cells from developing normally and can cause nerve damage. Your folate levels can be affected by different conditions or medicines, and your diet. You may need to fast for 6 to 8 hours before your folate blood test. What is being tested? Folate is an important nutrient for making red blood cells and for repairing cells


What is folate? Folate is a B-group vitamin, also called vitamin B9, that your body needs to grow and develop. Folate occurs naturally in food, but is called ‘folic acid’ when it comes in the form of a food additive or supplement. Everyone needs folate, but it’s especially important for pregnant women because a lack of folate can lead to abnormalities in the development of the brain and spinal cord in babies (neural tube defects). What does folate do? Your body uses folate to: make DNA form red blood cells grow and repair cells and tissues It’s particularly important that women get enough folate

Fluid retention

What is fluid retention? Fluid retention is also called oedema or water retention. It occurs when parts of the body swell due to a build-up of trapped fluid. The fluid gets trapped and makes the area swollen or puffy. Fluid retention is most common in your ankles and feet. What are the symptoms of fluid retention? Signs of fluid retention can be: swelling or puffiness under the skin skin that looks or feels tight or shiny skin that does not bounce back if you press it for a few seconds skin that is not the normal colour limbs or joints that