Day: November 22, 2023

Eating well (over 60)

Should my diet change as I get older? Eating well when you’re over 60 will help you maintain your health and independence. A good diet can also help you manage conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. As you age, your nutritional requirements may change — even if you’ve been eating healthily as a younger adult. Nutritional needs can also differ between men and women. After 60, you may not be as active as you were and so you need fewer kilojoules. You may also have a reduced appetite. So, you’ll need to pack more nutrients — such as vitamins,


MDMA (ecstasy) What is MDMA? MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is an illicit drug that can give users a euphoric rush after swallowing it. It is a central nervous system stimulant which causes high levels of dopamine to be released. Dopamine is a brain chemical associated with pleasure and reward. MDMA is the presumed main ingredient in an illicit drug called ecstasy. Ecstasy comes as a pill in a variety of colours. They are often stamped, or have logos on them. These pills might contain some MDMA or none at all. Even 2 pills that look the same might come from different sources and contain different ingredients.

Ebola virus

Key facts Ebola virus disease is a rare illness which can cause death. The Ebola virus isn’t found in Australia. The Ebola virus is transmitted (spread) through contact with bodily fluids. What is the Ebola virus disease? Ebola virus disease is a rare and often fatal (causing death) illness. It’s caused by the Ebola virus. There are several strains of the Ebola virus. Ebola virus disease used to be called Ebola haemorrhagic fever. You can become infected (catch) the Ebola virus if you have direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person or animal. So far, all outbreaks

Eating disorders

What is an eating disorder? An eating disorder is a serious mental health condition that involves an unhealthy obsession with eating, exercise or body shape. Anyone can get an eating disorder, whatever your cultural background, sex or age. Eating disorders affect about 4% to 16% of Australians. If you have an eating disorder, you may have any of the following: Concern about your appearance, food and gaining weight. Extreme dissatisfaction with your body — you would like to lose weight even though friends or family think that you are underweight. A fear of gaining weight. You let people around you think you have eaten when


What are ears? Your ears are important for hearing the sounds around you. They are also important for balance. Each of your ears has 3 parts — the outer, middle, and inner ear. The outer ear The outer ear includes the: visible part of the ear (pinna) external auditory canal (ear canal) tympanic membrane (eardrum) The pinna is made of cartilage, covered by skin. It funnels sound through to the external (outer) ear canal and the eardrum. The eardrum is a tiny membrane, almost like skin stretched very thin. The eardrum moves backwards and forwards in response to sound waves.

Early onset dementia

Younger onset dementia What is younger onset dementia? Younger onset dementia is used to describe any form of dementia that develops in people under the age of 65. Dementia has been diagnosed in people in their 50s, 40s and even in their 30s. It is sometimes called early onset dementia. Younger onset dementia is similar to other types of dementia in many ways. The same problems generally occur, but the disease can have a different impact on a younger person because they are more likely to be employed full time, raising a family or financially responsible for a family. What are the

Early menopause

What is early menopause? Early menopause is when a woman’s last monthly period occurs between the ages of 40 and 45 years. Up to 1 in 12 women have their last period by the time they are 45 years. When menopause occurs before the age of 40, it is considered to be ‘premature menopause’. Most Australian women experience normal menopause between the ages of 45 and 60 years. What are the symptoms of early menopause? Symptoms of early menopause are similar to those of normal menopause: Changes to your menstrual cycle — monthly periods become less frequent and stop. Hot flushes


Key facts Ear pain can come from a problem in your ear, or as referred pain from another part of your body. Pain from a middle ear infection is likely to get better on its own within 7 days and usually won’t need antibiotics. Use pain relief medicines like paracetamol or ibuprofen for short-term relief. Sometimes a sore ear is caused by a more serious problem and will need medical attention. Check your symptoms with the healthdirect online Symptom Checker for advice on when to seek medical attention.   What is earache? Earache (sore ear) is a common complaint, especially

Ear wax

Key facts Ear wax is normal, and most people have it, but it can cause discomfort when it builds up in your ear. Symptoms of ear wax build-up include earache, ringing noises and hearing problems. Ear wax is made by ear canal glands to protect you from water or infection. Doctors can see if you have ear wax build-up by simply checking your ear canal. Do not stick anything into your ear, see a doctor if your ears are hurting. What is ear wax? Ear wax is quite normal and has a very important role to play in keeping the

Ear infection

Key facts Ear infections are common, especially in children. Middle ear infections (otitis media) usually go away by themselves without antibiotics. Outer ear infections (otitis externa) are treated with antibiotic drops. See your doctor if you or your child has ear pain or discharge, reduced hearing, fever or vomiting. Go to your nearest emergency department if there is pain, swelling or redness of the bone behind the ear. Ear infections are common, especially in children. Most children have at least one ear infection before they reach school age. Children usually get fewer ear infections as they get older. What is an

E. coli infection

What is E. coli? E. coli (Escherichia coli) are a group of bacteria that are found in the gut of nearly all people and animals. There are many different strains of E. coli. Some cause no illness or minor illness. Others can cause serious illness. What are the symptoms of E. coli? Minor illnesses caused by E. coli Some strains of E. coli cause minor illnesses like: traveller’s diarrhoea and food poisoning — this results in diarrhoea, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, usually lasting less than 5 to 10 days urinary tract infection — this can cause pain or a burning feeling when urinating (sometimes a urinary tract infection can make you feel


About My Health Record What is My Health Record? My Health Record is a secure digital record of your health information. Your healthcare providers can check your My Health Record when they need to. Both you and your healthcare providers can add information to your record. You can also choose to have Medicare information added to your record. This includes information from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). You can download your immunisation history statement or COVID-19 digital certificate. Your record can only be seen by you, your healthcare providers and any people you choose to share it with. My Health Record can help you


E-cigarettes (vaping) What is an e-cigarette? E-cigarettes heat liquids to produce a vapour that looks like smoke, which users inhale. Using an e-cigarette is often called ‘vaping’. The liquids can contain chemicals and flavourings, like chocolate, bubble-gum and fruity flavours. E-cigarettes might be shaped like cigarettes, cigars, pens or other common items. Are e-cigarettes legal? Nicotine vaping products can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. This includes nicotine e-cigarettes, pods and liquid nicotine. This law came into effect under state and territory laws in Australia on 1 October 2021. Possession or use without a prescription is illegal in all


What is Dystonia? Dystonia is a movement disorder that makes it hard for someone to control their muscles. It can cause parts of the body to spasm, tremor, twist and form abnormal positions. It is not clear why some people get dystonia, but it may happen because of a chemical imbalance in the brain. It can be genetic, but it can also happen after things like a brain injury. Dystonia can happen in anyone at any age. There are several types of dystonia and it can be limited to a certain area of the body, such as the face or


Key facts Dyspraxia is a neurological (brain) condition. It’s also called developmental coordination disorder (DCD). People with dyspraxia have problems learning and doing motor skills. Dyspraxia is often identified in early childhood and is a life-long condition. What is dyspraxia? Dyspraxia is a neurodevelopmental disorder of movement and coordination in which messages sent from the brain to the muscles are interrupted. It is often identified in early childhood, but can also come on later in life after an illness or acquired brain injury. It causes problems with tasks such as handwriting or tying shoelaces, or with motor skills like catching


Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) What is dysphagia? Dysphagia is the medical term to describe difficulty in swallowing. This includes problems with: sucking swallowing drinking chewing eating dribbling saliva closing your lips, Eating and drinking is a vital part of life. Difficulty swallowing can limit what you can eat and drink, leading to frustration, stress and health problems. What are the symptoms of dysphagia? Signs and symptoms associated with dysphagia include: gagging or choking when eating or drinking food or drink getting stuck in your throat or going down the “wrong way” eating a meal takes a long time (more than 30


Key facts Period pain is common and is usually not caused by another health problem. Sometimes, an underlying health problem may be causing the pain. It’s important to see your doctor if you experience any change in your period pain or bleeding pattern. Relaxation, gentle exercise and heat packs can help relieve period pain. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist for advice on medicines that may relieve your period pain. Painful periods (dysmenorrhoea) How does period pain feel? There is a wide range of how period pain feels and how severe it is. Period pain (dysmenorrhoea) is usually felt in


Key facts About 1 in 10 people have dyslexia. The brains of people with dyslexia work differently to people without dyslexia. Dyslexia symptoms can vary from quite mild to quite bad. People with dyslexia can be taught to read using a specific teaching strategy called systematic synthetic phonics. Coloured glasses and eye exercises don’t help people with dyslexia. What is dyslexia? Dyslexia (specific learning disorder in reading) is a common learning disability. Dyslexia makes it challenging for people to recognise words. About 1 in 10 people have dyslexia. People with dyslexia often also have problems with spelling, writing and understanding what


What is dysarthria? Dysarthria occurs when the muscles used to breath and speak are weakened or paralysed, making speech slurred and hard to understand. Speech therapy can help make speech clearer. Dysarthria is characterised by slurred or unclear speech due to nerve or brain damage affecting the muscles that control the tongue, lips, palate, jaw and larynx. Other things that can be affected include: breathing the ability to make clear sounds the rhythm of speech how loudly someone speaks Dysarthria can be mild or severe. It can also occur along with other speech and language problems, including apraxia of speech or aphasia

Dying at home

Preparing for a death at home Many people prefer to die at home in familiar surroundings. For those in end-of-life care, their home can provide a sense of freedom, peace, and privacy. You may be caring for someone at home who has a terminal condition and is dying. This article gives you advice on how to prepare for a death at home. How do I prepare for a coming death at home? If the person you care for knows they are dying, they should talk to their doctor or palliative care team about: how that might happen what they want Their doctor

Dying (the physical process)

The physical process of dying Dying can be a gradual process, including when someone has a serious illness. If someone is receiving good care, it can be quite a peaceful time — a time during which the body lets go of life. What happens varies between people, but this article describes how people’s bodies generally change as they die. What is the physical process of dying? In most people who are dying, the body’s normal systems start to operate more slowly. The heart beats a little more slowly, or with a little less force, and so blood is moved around the body more slowly.


Key facts Dwarfism is a condition where a person is unusually short — 147cm or shorter. There are 2 main types of dwarfism — proportionate short stature and disproportionate short stature. Most people with the condition of dwarfism live long, fulfilling lives. What is dwarfism? Dwarfism is a condition where a person is unusually short. Short stature is generally defined as an adult height of 147cm (4 feet and 10 inches) or less. However, most people with dwarfism only grow to 122cm (4 feet). Most people prefer the term ‘short stature’, while others are happy to be called ‘little people’

Dust storms

What is a dust storm? Dust storms are natural events. They occur when strong, hot, dry winds blow dust and soil into the air. The wind moves the dust across the country, often for many kilometres. These storms are more likely to occur in the summer and after a period of drought. This is when the land is warmer and the soil is more exposed. Because Australia has large areas of desert, dust storms are more common here. Periods of drought can increase the chance of a major dust storm. A dust storm reduces the quality of the air. Particles

Dust mites

Key facts Dust mites are tiny insects that feed on discarded human skin. Dust mites don’t bite or sting, but some people are allergic to them and their droppings. There are steps you can take to lower the number of dust mites in your house. What are dust mites? Dust mites are so tiny you can’t see them without a microscope. They belong to the same family as spiders. They feed on discarded human skin, house dust, and other microscopic food sources such as pollen and fungal spores. Dust mites do not bite or sting. However, some people are allergic

Dupuytren’s fasciectomy

What is Dupuytren’s disease? Dupuytren’s disease is a condition where scar-like tissue forms just beneath the skin of your fingers and the palm of your hand. It mainly affects the ring and little fingers. Over time, this fibrous tissue can contract and force one or more fingers to curl up into the palm. This is known as Dupuytren’s contracture. Dupuytren’s contracture. What are the benefits of surgery? You should be able to make better use of your hand and straighten the affected fingers more. Are there any alternatives to a Dupuytren’s fasciectomy? Your surgeon may be able to perform a

Dupuytren’s contracture

What is Dupuytren’s contracture? Dupuytren’s contracture is a relatively common medical condition that causes one or more of the fingers to bend towards the palm of the hand. It usually affects the ring finger and the little finger next to it, although it can affect any finger or thumb on one or both hands. What are the symptoms of Dupuytren’s contracture? The first sign is one or more small lumps, called nodules, on the palm of your hand. They are not cancerous.  Over time these nodules get bigger and form tough cords of tissue under the skin. These cords can

Duodenal ulcer

What is a duodenal ulcer? Duodenal ulcers are a common cause of abdominal pain. Once treated, they usually get better in a matter of weeks. A duodenal ulcer is a sore that forms in the lining of the duodenum. Your duodenum is the first part of your small intestine. This is the part of your digestive system that food travels through, after it leaves your stomach. You can get an ulcer in your stomach as well as in your duodenum. Stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers are both types of peptic ulcers. If you have either of these, you have what’s called ‘peptic ulcer disease’.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy? Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD, is a debilitating genetic condition that causes a gradual loss of muscle function that affects everyday movements and activities. Muscular dystrophy is a condition that causes progressive wasting of the muscles. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a particular type of muscular dystrophy caused by a mutation in the DMD gene. It affects more boys than girls. The DMD gene helps produce a protein called dystrophin, which is important for muscle strength, support and repair. People with Duchenne muscular dystrophy don’t produce the normal form of dystrophin, which means their muscles are more

Dry socket

What is dry socket? Dry socket, also called alveolar osteitis, is a painful complication of a tooth extraction. When a tooth is pulled, a blood clot usually forms in the socket. The word ‘socket’ refers to the hole in the jawbone where the tooth used to be. This blood clot protects the bone and nerve. If the blood clot is dislodged or does not form well, the bone and nerve are left exposed. This causes extreme pain and can lead to infection. If you have dry socket, you will need to return to your dentist or oral surgeon. What are

Dry orgasm

Dry orgasm Some men can have an orgasm without ejaculating. They still have the feeling of having an ejaculation (coming) but little or no semen comes out of the penis. Many men say dry orgasm feels like a regular orgasm, while some may have reduced sensation. What is a dry orgasm? Dry orgasm happens when: there is no semen made in the body the semen travels backwards into the bladder instead of coming out of the penis. This is called retrograde ejaculation. In this case some people notice their urine is cloudy after a dry orgasm What are the symptoms of

Dry mouth syndrome

Key facts Dry mouth syndrome, also called xerostomia, is a health condition where your body does not make enough saliva. Dry mouth syndrome can cause tooth decay, mouth ulcers, oral thrush or general health problems. Medical conditions or medicines can cause dry mouth syndrome. Treatment options include switching medicines that can cause dry mouth syndrome, taking medicines to stimulate saliva production, artificial saliva and lifestyle changes. If a medicine is causing your dry mouth, do not make any changes to your doses without first talking with your doctor. What is dry mouth syndrome? Dry mouth syndrome refers to when you

Dry July

How to quit drinking in July If you’re worried about the amount of alcohol you drink, consider taking a break from it for the month of July. Being halfway through the year, there are no Christmas parties to deal with, and you’ll find plenty of support available to help you stop drinking — or cut back, at least. Abstaining from alcohol is beneficial both for your mind and your body. Drinking can contribute to your risk of cancer, mental health issues, liver damage, stroke, dementia, heart disease, infertility — and, of course, accidents. Cutting back or quitting the grog can only be a good thing for your health.

Dry eye syndrome

What is dry eye disease? Dry eye disease (also known as dry eye syndrome) is a common condition that can affect your quality of life. Dry eyes can make your eyes feel sore and gritty and make your vision blurry. If you have dry eye disease, your eyes my feel sensitive to light, they may sting or burn, or look red. Your eyelids may be sticky when you wake up. Sometimes dry eye disease can cause excess tearing. You might also have blepharitis (inflamed eyelids). You may feel a sensation of something in your eye and you may have difficulty