Day: November 16, 2023

Deficiency (vitamin A)

What is vitamin A deficiency? Vitamin A deficiency happens when your body doesn’t have enough vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency usually results from what you do and don’t eat. However, a health condition can also cause it. Your body needs a certain amount of vitamin A to function well. Vitamin A deficiency is rare in developed countries like Australia where you can generally get fresh produce. You can get enough vitamin A by eating fruit, vegetables and health proteins. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means it gets stored in your body’s own cells. If you don’t eat vitamin


Key facts A defibrillator is a device that uses electricity to re-start the heart or shock it back into a normal rhythm. Automated external defibrillators (AED) are usually found in public spaces and can be used by anyone. Defibrillators can be used on people who need CPR, such as someone who has had a sudden cardiac arrest. If you think someone is having a cardiac arrest, call triple 000, begin CPR, and use an AED as soon as possible. What is a defibrillator? A defibrillator is a device that uses electricity to re-start the heart or shock it back into

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

What is deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that occurs in a deep vein. DVT is most often seen in the leg but can occur elsewhere in your body, such as your arms or abdomen. What are the symptoms of DVT? The main signs and symptoms of DVT are pain and swelling in the affected area — usually your calf or thigh. The area may: feel tender look red Some people have no signs or symptoms. This is called a silent DVT. The main signs and symptoms of DVT are pain and swelling usually in the

Dealing with life events

Everybody, from time to time, has things that go wrong in their lives. They could be money worries, job loss, a death, an accident, or the breakdown of a relationship. But sometimes even happy events like the birth of a baby or planning a wedding can cause you to feel down or depressed. Here are some strategies to try if you are feeling low: Talk with your family or friends — someone you trust and find reassuring can listen and help you work through your issues. You may also find it helpful to speak to someone from a counselling service. Speak with your


What is deafness? Deafness is the complete loss of hearing. What some people call partial deafness is now better known as being hard of hearing. For more information, see our page on hearing loss. If you are deaf, you cannot hear well enough to hold a conversation through sound alone, although some people who are deaf hear noises in their ears like ringing, humming, hissing, whistling, clicking, roaring, whooshing or buzzing. This is known as tinnitus. Children who have hearing problems might not respond to your voice or loud noises. They might also search for your voice, or be doing poorly at

De Quervain Disease

Surgery for de Quervain’s disease What is de Quervain’s disease? De Quervain’s disease causes pain when you move your wrist and thumb, and usually a tender swelling at the base of your thumb. The two tendons that move your thumb usually glide freely through a tight tunnel (sheath) at the base of your thumb. If the fibrous roof of the tunnel thickens, the tunnel becomes too tight, usually resulting in pain when you move your wrist and thumb. The pain is usually worse when your thumb is extended. Sometimes your wrist and thumb may feel stiff and your thumb may


Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) What is dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)? Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive behaviour therapy or talking therapy. It is designed for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) or who have difficulties controlling their emotions. People with BPD have difficulty regulating their very strong emotions. This may cause troubled relationships and a disturbed sense of self. They may experience self-harm or have suicidal thoughts. DBT helps people who have trouble managing their emotions to change unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving and to accept who they are. They learn skills to build a ‘life worth living’. When is DBT


Key facts Dandruff is flaky skin on your scalp and in your hair. Dandruff is a common problem that affects most people at some time. If regular shampoo doesn’t help or your dandruff is severe, you can try anti-dandruff shampoo. See your doctor if you have bad dandruff or dandruff that is not getting better. What is dandruff? Dandruff is when you have flaky skin on your scalp and in your hair. Sometimes the skin flakes can fall onto your clothes — usually over your shoulders. Dandruff is a common problem. Most people will have it from time to time.

Dairy foods

Key facts Dairy foods include products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese. They are rich in many essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium. Unpasteurised (raw) dairy products can be unsafe to eat and are more likely to contain bacteria. What are dairy foods? Dairy foods are products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese. Most dairy foods come from cow’s milk, although some are made from the milk of sheep, goats and other animals. Dairy foods are rich in many essential vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium. As part of a balanced diet, dairy foods contribute to strong bones and help you

D-dimer test

Key facts A D-dimer test is a blood test that checks for blood-clotting problems. It measures the amount of D-dimer, a protein your body makes to break down blood clots. A positive test means the D-dimer level in your body is higher than normal. It suggests you might have a blood clot or blood clotting problems. It’s important to discuss blood test results with your doctor, who can explain what the results mean in your situation. What is a D-dimer test? A D-dimer test is a blood test that checks for blood-clotting problems. This test measures the amount of D-dimer,

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

What is CMV? Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a very common virus in the herpes virus family. Around 1 in 2 people have been infected with CMV by young adulthood and up to 9 out of 10 people have been infected by 40 years of age. CMV may stay in a your body for years without causing any problems. What are the symptoms of CMV? The symptoms of CMV can vary. Some people have no symptoms. Others might have symptoms such as: fever tiredness sore throat swollen glands abdominal (tummy) pain Some people can become seriously ill. Most people who become seriously


What is a cyst? A cyst is a sac that forms in your skin or body. It is filled with fluid or semi-solid material. Most cysts are not cancerous. Cysts are common and can form in any part of your body. They can vary in size and how quickly they grow. Cysts are different from abscesses, which are collections of pus from an infection. What are the types of cysts? There are hundreds of different types of cysts. These form in different parts of your body. Some of the common types are: Baker’s cyst — behind your knee Bartholin’s cysts — on your vulva


What is a cystoscopy? A cystoscopy is a medical procedure where an instrument called a cystoscope is used to look inside your bladder. A cystoscope is a thin tube with a light and a small camera at the end. Cystoscopy can help with diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the bladder and urinary system. There are 2 types of cystoscopy: flexible cystoscopy (where a thin, bendy cystoscope is used, often in a clinic) rigid cystoscopy (where a cystoscope that does not bend is used in a hospital procedure) When is a cystoscopy needed? A cystoscopy is often recommended for people who have blood in their


What is cystitis? Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder. It is most common in adult females but can also affect adult males and children. If you think you or your child may have cystitis, it’s important to see a doctor. Cystitis can lead to serious illness if it is not treated. What are the symptoms of cystitis? The main symptoms of cystitis are: a strong, persistent urge to urinate (wee) feeling pain or burning when urinating needing to urinate often passing only small amounts of urine each time a dull ache or pain in your lower abdomen (belly) urine that smells, or looks

Cystic fibrosis (CF)

Key facts Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease that mostly affects your lungs and digestive system. CF is caused by a mutation (change) in a gene which is inherited (passed on) from your parents. Currently, there is no cure for CF. What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease that mostly affects your lungs and digestive system. It results from a change in a particular gene. CF causes you to get a lot of very thick and sticky mucus in your: lungs airways digestive system This causes problems with: digesting your food repeated lung infections, which can permanently damage your


Bipolar disorder What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a chronic (long-term) condition. It involves intense mood changes that disrupt everyday life — from extreme highs to extreme lows. It affects 1 in 50 Australians each year. Bipolar disorder often develops for the first time during teenage years or early adulthood. It tends to affect more females than males. It is sometimes known as manic depression. People with bipolar disorder will experience periods of extreme moods at different times: Manic (or hypomanic) episodes— feeling very euphoric or high. Hypomania means ‘less than mania’. Symptoms of hypomania are like those of

Cyclones and floods

Health risks after a cyclone or flood Floods and cyclones are unfortunately a part of life in Australia. Here’s a list of some of the common health risks and hazards associated with natural disasters, and how to avoid them. The most common type of flooding is when rivers flood following heavy rainfall. Flooding due to very high tides occurs in coastal areas. Flash flooding can result from relatively short, intense bursts of rainfall, commonly during thunderstorms, and can occur in any part of Australia. It can be a particularly serious problem in urban areas where drainage systems may not cope

Cycling and your health

Key facts Cycling (bike riding) is a great way to help improve your physical and mental health. It can help reduce your risk of heart disease and decrease your stress and anxiety levels. Your sleep habits can improve by bike riding. Cycling suits almost any age and fitness level. Cycling is an environmentally friendly way to commute — and can save you money. Stay safe while cycling. Follow the road rules and wear a helmet and bright clothing. Cycling and your health What is cycling? Cycling or bike riding is the sport of riding a bicycle. It is a low


What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullying using technology to bully or hurt someone else. For example, cyberbullying may involve the internet, a mobile phone or camera. It is common, especially among children and teenagers. Cyberbullying can include: sending or sharing nasty, hurtful or abusive messages or emails humiliating others by posting or sharing embarrassing videos or images spreading rumours or lies online setting up fake online profiles excluding others online repeated harassment and threatening messages (cyberstalking) A cyberbully might work in secret, keeping their identity hidden or sometimes several cyberbullies work together. They can target their victim by various electronic means, including:

Wounds, cuts and grazes

Wounds, cuts and grazes What are wounds, cuts and grazes? A wound is a break or damage to the skin surface. Minor wounds do not usually need medical attention and can usually be treated with first aid. What causes wounds, cuts and grazes? Wounds can be caused by something sudden, such as a cut, a fall or a bad knock. Cuts, grazes and lacerations are all examples of wounds. Cuts are usually caused by a sharp object like a knife or glass, or even a sheet of paper. Lacerations are a deep cut or tear of the skin – they

Cushing’s syndrome

What is Cushing’s syndrome? Cushing’s syndrome is a condition where your body is exposed to too much of the hormone called cortisol. This can be because your body is making too much cortisol, or because you have taken a lot of oral corticosteroid medicines. If you have Cushing’s syndrome, it is treatable. Cortisol is a hormone that is made by the adrenal glands. You have two adrenal glands, one sitting on the top of each kidney. Cortisol is involved in many different parts of your body. It is produced all day, and especially during times of stress. Cushing’s syndrome is most often diagnosed

CT scan

Key facts A computed tomography (CT) scan is a type of x-ray. It’s used to make detailed 2D or 3D images of the inside of your body. A CT scan can help diagnose different medical conditions. When you have a CT scan, you will lie flat, and a machine shaped like a doughnut will scan your body. It’s important to only have CT scans when necessary since they use a higher level of radiation than other imaging types. What is a CT scan? A computed tomography (CT) scan is a type of x-ray that creates 2- or 3-dimensional images of your body.

Crystal meth

What is ice? Ice (crystal meth) is an illegal methamphetamine, a member of the amphetamine family of drugs. It is very addictive and is linked to chronic physical and mental health problems. Ice is a central nervous system stimulant that affects the messages sent between your body and your brain. It is purer and more powerful than other types of methamphetamine, such as speed. It comes as little crystals that look like ice, or as a white-to-brownish, crystal-like powder. It has a strong smell and bitter taste. It can be: injected smoked snorted swallowed Ice is also known as: crystal meth meth shabu


Key facts Cryptosporidiosis is a bowel infection caused by a parasite. You can catch it from infected people or animals, or from contaminated food or water, including swimming pools. It usually gets better by itself, but it can cause dehydration. It can be dangerous for people with a weak immune system. Hand washing and good hygiene can prevent it from spreading. What is cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis (sometimes called ‘crypto’) is a bowel infection. It is caused by a parasite called cryptosporidium. This parasite can infect humans and animals. It lives in their faeces (poo) from when they first get sick until a


Key facts Croup is an infection caused by a virus. It commonly causes swelling of the voice box (larynx) and the windpipe (trachea). Children with croup often have a distinctive, harsh, ‘seal bark’ sounding cough. Croup can cause stridor — noisy, high-pitched breathing, especially when the child breaths in. In most children, croup is a mild infection which generally clears within 4 days. Croup can quickly cause breathing problems which require urgent medical assistance. Croup is more common in winter when symptoms peak in the evenings and overnight. What is croup? Croup is a viral infection in babies and young

Crohn’s disease

Key facts Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. Symptoms can include abdominal (tummy) pain and diarrhoea. Although there is no cure for Crohn’s disease, there are treatments available to help control the inflammation. What is Crohn’s disease? Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It causes swelling and inflammation (redness) inside your digestive tract. This can lead to symptoms such as abdominal (tummy) pain and diarrhoea. Crohn’s disease can develop at any age, but usually first appears in people aged 15 to 30 years. Crohn’s disease is more common in people living in the Western

Crisis management

CATT – the crisis assessment and treatment team What is a crisis assessment and treatment team? A CATT is a group of people who work together and includes mental health professionals such as psychiatric nurses, social workers, psychiatrists and psychologists. They are based in major hospitals. In some parts of Australia they are called Psychiatric Emergency Teams (PET). If someone has tried to harm themselves or someone else, or you think they are about to, call triple zero (000) immediately or go with them to an emergency department. Another option in a crisis is to contact your local crisis assessment and