Day: November 15, 2023

Cri du chat syndrome

What is cri du chat syndrome? Cri du chat syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes delayed physical development, a small head size and intellectual disability. It is called cri du chat (‘Cry of the cat’ in French) because of the strange, cat-like cry made by newborn babies with this condition. Some children will be only mildly affected; in others, the condition is more severe. All children are different. What are the symptoms of cri du chat syndrome? Most children with cri du chat syndrome have: a weak, cat-like cry when very young intellectual disability, ranging from mild to severe a

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

What is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare and serious disease. It causes the brain to become spongy. This leads to dementia and death. CJD belongs to a group of rare diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases. These diseases can affect humans and animals. The best-known form of TSE is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or ‘mad cow’ disease. In Australia, there are about 35 cases of CJD each year. What causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? CJD happens when infectious particles called prions damage your brain cells. A prion is a brain protein where the structure has changed. A

Creating healthy habits

What is a habit? A habit is something that is routine to you and that you repeat, often without knowing it. Some habits are good, some are bad. Good habits include: healthy diet and exercise healthy sleep habits healthy relationships assertive communication work-life balance time management stress management relaxation and mindfulness How can I create good habits? It’s hard to change everything all at once; it’s easier to set small goals and achieve them. This helps create good habits. For example, it is easier to do a small amount of exercise each day than to decide to run a marathon. It might take you several months

Cradle cap

What is cradle cap? Cradle cap is a build-up of yellow, greasy and often scaly patches of skin, usually on your baby’s scalp. Cradle cap appears most often in babies in the first 2 months and tends to last only a few weeks or months. It is uncommon in babies older than 3 months but may last up to 6 to 12 months in some babies. What are the symptoms of cradle cap? The main symptom of cradle cap is scaling on your baby’s scalp. Sometimes there might be cradle cap on the eyebrows or behind the ears. The patches


Pubic lice (crabs) What are pubic lice? Pubic lice (also known as crabs or Pthirus pubis) are tiny insects that live in coarse body hair including pubic hair, armpit hair, beards, chest hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. They do not live on your head. The female lice lay eggs (also known as nits) that are glued to the hair shaft. The eggs are smaller than the size of a pin head and difficult to see. They hatch after 6 to 10 days leaving behind empty egg sacs. The empty egg sacs look like white or grey oval dots on the hair.

Cow’s milk allergy

What causes cow’s milk allergy? Cow’s milk allergy is often due to an immune system reaction against milk proteins. Exposure to even a trace amount of milk protein can be a problem for someone with milk protein allergy. What are the symptoms of cow’s milk allergy? The symptoms of allergy to cow’s milk can range from mild to severe. Mild to moderate symptoms include: a rash (eczema or hives) swelling of the lips, face and eyes tingling mouth vomiting and diarrhoea Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction and requires immediate treatment. Symptoms include: noising breathing or wheeze swelling of the tongue swelling or tightness

COVID-19 vaccination

Who is eligible for COVID-19 vaccination? You are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination if you are: aged 5 years or older; or aged 6 months to 4 years with severe immunocompromise, complex or multiple health conditions, or disability with complex or significant health needs, which increase the risk of severe COVID-19 If you are part of one of these groups, consult the criteria below to see if a COVID-19 vaccine dose is recommended for you at this time. Which vaccine brands are available in Australia? There are 3 vaccine brands that are approved and available for use in Australia: Pfizer Moderna Novavax During

COVID-19 treatment

How is COVID-19 treated and how do I relieve my symptoms? Most adults with a mild case of COVID-19 can treat their symptoms in a similar way to how they treat a seasonal flu. That is, rest at home, take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain and fevers, keep hydrated and take cough medicine if needed. However, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has approved certain medicines for the treatment of COVID-19 in Australia. Learn more here about COVID-19 medications. Adults with severe COVID-19 symptoms may need to be treated in hospital with corticosteroids, antivirals and other drugs depending on how severe their symptoms are. Medicines such as

COVID-19 symptoms

How will I know if my COVID-19 symptoms are mild, moderate or severe? Mild symptoms Adults The following symptoms are considered mild in adults: mild upper respiratory tract symptoms such as a congested or runny nose, sneezing, or a scratchy or sore throat cough with no difficulty breathing new aches and pains, or lethargy or weakness without shortness of breath mild headache mild fever that responds to treatment loss of smell or taste loss of appetite nausea occasional vomiting or diarrhoea not drinking as much fluid (such as water) as usual in the last 24 hours Some adults have no symptoms at all. Children The following symptoms are considered mild in children: mild upper respiratory tract symptoms such


What are COVID-19 treatments? COVID-19 treatments help stop someone from becoming very sick with COVID-19. Not everyone diagnosed with COVID-19 will need these treatments. They are of most benefit to people who are at the most risk of severe disease or people who are in hospital with severe disease. Some COVID-19 treatments can be prescribed by your doctor and taken at home. Other treatments can only be administered to patients who are in hospital. More COVID-19 medicines are undergoing clinical trials and the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s vigorous approval process. For up to date information on recommended treatments and the latest


What is a counsellor? A counsellor is a person who you talk to so they can help you overcome difficulties in your life. Counsellors are a type of mental health professional. Counsellors help you solve problems and develop problem-solving skills by helping you clarify issues and explore your options. If you are struggling with issues like relationships, money, or the loss of a loved one, counselling might help you to cope and move on through life. What do counsellors do? Counselling is a talking therapy. Counsellors ask questions and listen to you in a non-judgmental, safe and confidential way. You will


Counsellors and counselling What is a counsellor? A counsellor is a person who you talk to so they can help you overcome difficulties in your life. Counsellors are a type of mental health professional. Counsellors help you solve problems and develop problem-solving skills by helping you clarify issues and explore your options. If you are struggling with issues like relationships, money, or the loss of a loved one, counselling might help you to cope and move on through life. What do counsellors do? Counselling is a talking therapy. Counsellors ask questions and listen to you in a non-judgmental, safe and confidential

Coughs and colds (in children)

Key facts Most coughs and colds in children are caused by viral infections. Cold viruses are spread easily through droplets from the nose and mouth of infected people. Cold viruses can cause a runny nose, sore throat, cough and lethargy. The best treatment for a cold virus is to rest at home so your child’s immune system can fight the virus. Cough syrups and cold medicines are not considered effective or recommended for children. What is the ‘common cold’? The common cold is an infection caused by a virus. Hundreds of different viruses can cause colds and they usually affect the

Coughing up blood

Haemoptysis (coughing up blood) What is haemoptysis? Haemoptysis is the medical term for coughing up blood from the lungs or bronchial tubes. It can range from small flecks of blood to a lot of blood. It can be mild or indicate something serious. It is haemoptysis if the blood comes from the lungs or bronchial tubes (the tubes that bring air to the lungs). Haemoptysis does not include having blood in the saliva due to bleeding in the mouth, upper airway or from vomiting of blood from the gut. Haemoptysis is not usually life threatening, but if you cough up blood, it is still very important

Cough (whooping)

Whooping cough What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is a bacterial infection that spreads from one person to another. It causes severe bouts of coughing. The ‘whoop’ refers to the sound you may make if you take a quick breath between coughs. Pertussis, or the ‘hundred-day cough, are other names for whooping cough. Whooping cough can feel uncomfortable and last for a long time. After one to 2 weeks, the cold symptoms get better, but the cough gets worse. After 2 to 6 weeks, the cough begins to get better. But it can take weeks to months for the cough


What is a cough? Coughing is a protective reflex. It can remove substances that may have been inhaled, such as dust, and excess secretions that have built up in the airways. Coughing is how the body cleans the lungs and airways. Coughs may be dry coughs or chesty coughs. A dry cough does not produce any mucus or phlegm. A chesty cough (‘productive’ or ‘wet’ cough) is one that produces mucus and may cause feelings of congestion in the chest. Unexplained coughing that lasts for more than 3 weeks may indicate that you have an underlying medical condition. You should


What is costochondritis? Costochondritis is inflammation in the cartilage that joins your ribs to your breastbone. Although it usually gets better after a few weeks, it can sometimes last longer. What are the symptoms of costochondritis? Costochondritis causes a constant pain and tenderness in your chest. The pain usually comes on gradually. The pain often gets worse if you: cough sneeze breathe deeply move in certain ways put pressure on your chest You might put pressure on your chest by using a tight seatbelt or hugging someone. The pain is usually on one side of your breastbone and affects more

Cost of mental health services

Understanding the costs of mental health services How much do mental health services cost? The costs of mental health services can vary enormously, depending on where you live and which service you are receiving. The first step is to see your doctor. If you can’t see your doctor, any health service should be able to help you. Search for mental health services in your location. Low cost or free mental health services If you have a mental health condition, you might be able to get help with payment through a government program. The Better Access initiative gives Medicare rebates to help people see mental