Day: November 2, 2023

Blood in stool

What does blood in stools look like? Blood from your stool could look bright red, or it might be dark red or black. How the blood looks depends on where it is coming from. Spots of red blood on the toilet paper, drops in the toilet bowl, blood on the surface of your stool or in your underwear indicate the bleeding is coming from the anus or lower rectum. If the blood is mixed in with your stool, this suggests bleeding might be from higher up in the bowel. If your stools are black and like tar, and they smell

Blood in semen

Finding blood in your semen (blood in sperm) can be alarming. However, in most cases blood in the semen (also called haematospermia) is not serious. Blood in the semen may make the semen appear brownish-red or red in colour. It is usually painless. Is blood in the semen normal? Blood in the semen is not normal, but it is reasonably common. Most men who have it, have repeated episodes. It can affect men at any age after puberty but is most common in men aged 30 to 40 years and in men over 50 years who have an enlarged prostate

Blood groups

Blood types What are blood types? A person’s blood type, also known as their blood group, is the chemical structure on the outside of their red blood cells. The chemicals on the outside of the blood cells are called antigens. Someone’s blood type is decided by the genes they inherit from their parents. Different blood types do not mix. A blood test is done to find out the blood type before a blood transfusion, major surgery or having a baby. This is because it is very dangerous if you are given the wrong blood type. If someone receives blood with the wrong sort

Blood glucose test

Key facts Blood glucose tests are also known as blood sugar tests. Blood glucose tests are usually used to check for or monitor diabetes. Blood glucose tests may also be recommended if you have symptoms that may be related to low blood glucose levels. Blood glucose tests may be done as part of a test called an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). If your result shows a high blood glucose level, your doctor may suggest repeating the test and having other tests. What is a blood glucose test? Blood glucose tests are also sometimes called blood sugar tests. Glucose is

Blood disorders

Why should I give blood? Many people need regular blood transfusions to help treat their medical conditions. Blood donations are also used in emergencies and to treat cancer. Healthy adults are encouraged to donate blood. One blood donation can save up to 3 lives. You can choose to donate: blood plasma (the liquid part of your blood) platelets (cell fragments that help with blood clotting) What is a plasma donation? Just over half of your blood is plasma. Plasma donation, or apheresis, is a lot like a blood donation. A special machine takes blood from your arm. The machine separates your

Blood clots

Key facts Blood clotting can become a problem when it stops your blood from flowing properly. A blood clot that forms in a blood vessel is called a thrombus. Blood clots can cause different problems depending on where they are in your body. What are blood clots? Your blood is able to clot so that you don’t lose too much blood if you are injured. But blood clotting can become a problem when it stops blood flow through blood vessels. Blood clots in blood vessels can be fatal if they aren’t treated. They can lead to problems such as a stroke, heart

Blood and blood vessels

Blood and blood vessels Blood cells Most blood cells are made in the bone marrow. There are 3 main types of blood cells: red blood cells white blood cells platelets. Red blood cells Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, and carry waste products to the lungs or kidneys for release. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, which is the protein that enables them to carry oxygen. White blood cells White blood cells are part of the immune system. They detect and fight infections or foreign substances that enter the body. There are 5 main types


What is bloating? Bloating is a feeling that your tummy is over full or stretched. It happens when the organs in your digestive system are stretched. This can be when: liquid, gas or solids build up in part of your gut your tummy muscles are weak, such as after pregnancy What symptoms are related to bloating? If you are feeling bloated, you may also experience: cramps burping diarrhoea constipation swelling gas (flatulence/farting) What causes bloating? Bloating can be caused by many different factors. Gas can build-up in your gut when you: eat a lot of salty food and carbohydrates swallow a lot of


What causes blisters? Blisters are commonly caused by friction or pressure, such as when new shoes repeatedly rub your heel. Blisters can also be caused by injuries or damage from: insect bites or stings scalds or burns sunburn frostbite chilblains pressure ulcers (bedsores) contact with irritants that cause contact dermatitis, such as primula plants or the metal nickel Some diseases and infections can also cause blisters, including: chicken pox shingles hand, foot and mouth disease impetigo or, ‘school sores’ cellulitis genital herpes cold sores autoimmune diseases, such as pemphigus inherited diseases, such as epidermolysis bullosa When should I see my doctor? You should seek medical


What is blindness? Blindness is the partial or full loss of sight in your eyes. Some people who are blind can’t see anything at all. Most people who are legally blind can see some things, but they struggle with their vision. You are legally blind if: you can only just read a sign that’s 6 metres away, but that someone with normal vision can read from 60 metres away; or your field of vision is less than 20 degrees in diameter (sometimes called ‘tunnel vision’). You have low vision if you can’t see properly, your eyesight can’t be improved as


Twitching eye What is twitching eye? A ‘twitching eye’ or an ‘eye twitch’ are terms that describe muscle spasms in the eyelid. Most of the time these are mild and go away on their own A twitching eye happens when the muscles in the eyelid contract (spasm) without someone’s control. What causes twitching eye? Numerous factors can cause eye twitches, including stress, fatigue, bright lights, irritation of the eye or inner eyelids, smoking, pollution, and excess caffeine or alcohol. These sorts of twitches usually go away on their own. Eye twitches can remain for longer than a week or become more serious,