Month: November 2023


What is pericarditis? Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium, the thin sac-like membrane around the heart. It becomes swollen and irritated. Pericarditis often causes chest pain and sometimes other symptoms. It is a serious condition; you should always seek medical attention if you have any type of chest pain. The main types of pericarditis are: acute pericarditis — symptoms begin suddenly, but don’t last long chronic pericarditis — symptoms develop gradually and persist, or may persist after an acute attack recurring pericarditis — repeated attacks of acute pericarditis What are the symptoms of pericarditis? The most common symptom of pericarditis

Heart palpitations

What are heart palpitations? Most of the time you won’t notice your heartbeat, but if you suddenly become aware of it, this may concern you or come as a surprise. The feeling of being aware of your heart beating is described as a palpitation. Palpitations can range from simply being aware of your heart’s activity to the sensation of it beating faster and harder than usual. It can sometimes feel like your heart is missing beats or you have a heart flutter. Changes to your heartbeat are usually not serious. But always see your doctor if you have palpitations or

Heart murmur

What is a heart murmur? Heart murmurs are sounds made by blood flowing through your heart or nearby blood vessels. There are several causes of heart murmurs. Usually, heart murmurs can be heard only through a stethoscope (a medical instrument doctors use to listen to sounds in the body). A normal heartbeat is made up of 2 sounds — ‘lubb-dubb’. Those are the sounds made when your heart valves close during each heartbeat. A doctor using a stethoscope to listen to a patients heartbeat. Heart murmurs are whooshing or swishing sounds heard between the sounds of the heartbeat. Heart murmurs can be

Heart failure

Key facts Heart failure is a condition where your heart muscle doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. Heart failure is usually a long-term condition — unlike heart attacks, which occur suddenly. Common symptoms of heart failure include breathlessness, fatigue, swollen legs and a fast heartbeat. Heart failure can’t be cured, but there are things you can do to help you improve your quality of life. You can manage your heart failure with lifestyle changes, medicines and sometimes surgery. What is heart failure? Heart failure (also known as ‘congestive heart failure’ or CHF) occurs when your heart muscle has become too

Heart attack

Key facts A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to your heart is blocked and your heart muscle can’t get enough oxygen. Common symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain, feeling breathless and sweating. Heart attacks are mostly caused by coronary heart disease. You can reduce your risk of having a heart attack by adopting a healthy lifestyle. What is a heart attack? To work properly, your heart needs a continuous supply of blood. It normally receives this from blood vessels called coronary arteries. When a coronary artery suddenly becomes blocked, oxygen can’t get to your heart muscle. This causes

Gliomas in children

Key facts A glioma is a tumour that grows in the glial cells of the brain or spinal cord. There are different types of gliomas. There are several treatment options for gliomas in children. What is a glioma? A glioma is a tumour that grows in the glial cells of the brain and spinal cord. Glial cells surround nerve cells and help them work properly. Gliomas can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). In children, they can grow in: the cerebrum (the front part of the brain) the cerebellum (the back part of the brain) the brain stem (the part of the

Glaucoma surgery

What is glaucoma? The optic nerve carries images from the retina (light-sensitive layer at the back of your eye) to your brain, allowing you to see. Glaucoma is the name given to a group of conditions that cause damage to the optic nerve where it leaves your eye. Glaucoma can cause loss of vision. Glaucoma is usually caused by an increase in pressure in your eye Cross-section of the eye. Sometimes the optic nerve can be damaged, even though the pressure in your eye is within the normal range. What are the benefits of surgery? The aim is to lower the


Key facts Glaucoma is a common eye problem that causes vision loss due to damage to the optic nerve. If untreated, glaucoma can cause blindness. There are 2 main types of glaucoma: open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. Glaucoma can also be described as primary or secondary, as well as chronic or acute. Acute angle-closure glaucoma involves sudden, severe eye pain with nausea and vomiting, headache and blurred vision. This is an emergency and you should seek prompt treatment so you don’t lose vision. Regular eye tests by an optometrist can mean early treatment and reduce you chance of long term damage

Glandular fever

What is glandular fever? Glandular fever is a viral infection usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It is also called infectious mononucleosis or ‘mono’. It is sometimes known as the ‘kissing disease’ because it is spread through saliva. Glandular fever can affect people of all ages but is more common in young adults and teenagers. What are the symptoms of glandular fever? Symptoms of glandular fever include: sore throat fever swollen glands, usually in the neck fatigue (tiredness) nausea Other signs and symptoms can include: rash abdominal (tummy) pain swelling of your spleen (a large organ in the upper left


Key points: Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. It occurs when plaque builds up on your teeth along the gum line. Bleeding gums is a common sign of gingivitis, and swollen or bleeding gums, or loose teeth also may occur. If you have gingivitis, the earlier you treat it, the better. See your dentist if you notice signs of gingivitis. What is gingivitis? Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. It occurs when plaque builds up on your teeth along the gum line. You remove plaque by brushing your teeth correctly, but if it builds up it can


What is gigantism? Gigantism is a very rare condition. It causes children to grow faster than normal and grow very tall. There is treatment for gigantism. Some affected children may still have symptoms after treatment. They need regular check-ups with their doctor as they grow. What are the symptoms of gigantism? Gigantism can appear in a child of any age, from baby to teenager. The main symptom is faster than normal growth. This means that your child will be unusually tall for their age. They can also have: a large head a very noticeable forehead a jaw that seems to

Giardiasis (giardia)

Key facts Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine, spread by hand to mouth contact with the giardia parasite from infected water or faeces. You may have no symptoms, but some people can have diarrhoea, stomach cramps and nausea that may last for months. If you have giardiasis, you should drink plenty of water. You may need to take antibiotics. You can prevent giardiasis by practicing good hygiene and boiling untreated water before drinking, for example if you travel to countries with poor water quality. What is giardiasis? Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine caused by a


What is GHB? GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is an illegal drug commonly found around the dance and party scene. It’s known as a ‘date rape’ drug, because it is hard to detect if it is slipped into a drink at a party. GHB was originally developed to be used as an anaesthetic. It is a central nervous system depressant. This means that it slows down brain activity and produces feelings of relaxation and drowsiness. GHB usually comes as liquid. It can be bitter or salty tasting and is odourless or has a slight odour. It can also come as a powder or in crystal form. GHB

Getting active

How to start exercising Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Moderate-intensity physical activity is an activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate, but doesn’t make you too breathless, such as fast walking. If you are pregnant, have been previously inactive, or suffer from any medical conditions, it is recommended that you seek medical advice before commencing vigorous physical activity. For best results in achieving a healthier lifestyle and reducing your risk of developing a chronic disease, combine physical activity with healthy eating. Build up slowly

Gestational diabetes

Key facts Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that starts during pregnancy. Diabetes is a condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood stream. If you’re pregnant, it’s recommended that you have routine screening for gestational diabetes between week 24 and 28. Treatment for gestational diabetes usually involves monitoring your blood sugar levels, changing your diet and may involve taking medicines including insulin. Having gestational diabetes makes you more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the future.   What is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that starts during pregnancy. It is different

German measles (rubella)

Key facts Rubella is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Around 1 in every 2 people who become infected with rubella do not experience any symptoms. Symptoms of rubella are usually mild and include fever, rash, joint aches and tiredness. Rubella can cause serious birth defects in babies whose mothers catch rubella during pregnancy. Vaccination is the best protection against rubella. Rubella (German measles) What is rubella? Rubella is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Rubella is also known as ‘German measles’, but it is different to the illness caused by the measles virus. Some people with rubella


Key facts A geriatrician is an expert in caring for older people. Geriatricians can help manage a wide range of problems for healthy ageing. You will need a referral from your general practitioner to see a geriatrician. The role of a geriatrician What is a geriatrician? A geriatrician is a specialist doctor who is an expert in the health of older people (those aged 65 and older). A minimum of 6 years full-time training is needed to specialise in this area. When should I see a geriatrician? You might decide to see a geriatrician if you are older than 65

Genital warts

What are genital warts? Genital warts are lumps on genital areas, such as the vagina, vulva, penis and scrotum. They are sexually transmitted and very common. The warts can also appear on your cervix, around your anus and rectum (back passage), in your urethra (the tube that carries urine out of your body) or around your mouth. What are the symptoms of genital warts? Genital warts are usually painless, but they may be itchy. They can be bumpy, flat or appear in clusters. If you have genital warts, you might also notice: differences in your stream of urine blood in

Genital thrush in males

Key facts Thrush is a yeast infection caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called candida. Candida infections can occur in many different parts of your body, including your genitals. If you have genital thrush you may have no symptoms or you may have symptoms including an uncomfortable rash on your penis and genital area. Treatments include creams and sometimes pills, depending how severe your symptoms are. You can prevent thrush by practicing good hygiene. What is thrush? Thrush is an infection with a fungus. It is also known as a yeast infection. The fungus, called candida, occurs naturally in your

Genital herpes

What is genital herpes? Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by herpes simplex viruses (HSV) types 1 and 2. This is the same type of virus that causes cold sores. Around 1 in every 8 sexually active Australian adults have genital herpes. Genital herpes can cause outbreaks (flare-ups) of blisters or sores on the genitals and anus. Once infected, you can continue to have outbreaks of symptoms throughout your life. If you think you have genital herpes, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible to get a diagnosis, and start treatment. What are the

Genetic testing

Key facts Genetic testing is when a lab checks your genes for variations or mutations. Some types of genetic variations can cause medical problems or increase the likelihood of developing certain diseases in the future. You may consider genetic testing if you are planning a pregnancy, pregnant or are concerned that you or your child carry an inherited condition. Genetic counsellors can give you advice and support if you are considering genetic testing. It’s important to think about the potential implications of a genetic testing result before you have the test. What are genes? Genes contain the instructions for making

Genetic disorders guide

Genes are one of the basic units of life. Problems with genes can cause health or development problems. Some genetic disorders affect people from birth, others develop later in life. If you are concerned that you or someone you care for has, or might have, a genetic disorder, this page will provide you with more information. Where are genes made of? Almost every cell in the body has a centre called a nucleus. In almost every nucleus, there are 46 chromosomes. Chromosomes are passed from parent to child, and are the vehicle for carrying all that a child inherits from their

Generic vs. brand-name medicines

Key facts Generic medicines have the same active ingredient as brand-name medicines and work in the same way, but may look different and contain different non-active ingredients. Generic alternatives are often cheaper than brand-name medicines. This is because the company that produces the medicine did not need to invest money in developing and marketing it. In Australia, you can only sell generic medicines if they work the same way as the brand-name medicine. Prescribers in Australia must include the name of the active ingredient on prescriptions. This can help you know exactly what you are taking and avoid mistakes. Are

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

What is generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)? Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a type of anxiety disorder where people have uncontrollable and persistent worry that affects their day-to-day life on an ongoing basis. What are the symptoms of GAD? You could be dealing with GAD if:   you uncontrollably worry about many different things, a lot of the time your worry makes it hard to do everyday things like working and seeing friends you’re often tired but can’t sleep properly you constantly feel tense or restless your heart races or your mouth gets dry you have difficulty concentrating you are irritable your jaw or

General Practitioner

The role of a GP What is a general practitioner (GP)? GPs are doctors who have completed training in general practice. In some countries this is known as family medicine. They have broad knowledge and the skills to work out how to manage all the health issues you might have through your life. Because your GP gets to know you, your family and your community, they can provide care that is most suitable for you. GPs complete a basic medical degree and internship, then they do additional medical training in general practice. This qualifies them to provide continuing care for

General anaesthetic (child)

What is a general anaesthetic? A general anaesthetic is a combination of drugs that produce deep sleep. It is used for operations or procedures as it causes a loss of sensation. Your child will not be aware of what is happening and afterwards will not remember anything that has happened. What are the benefits of a general anaesthetic? Your child needs to have an operation or procedure. So that your surgeon or doctor can perform the operation safely, your child needs to be in a state where they do not move and their muscles are relaxed. A safe way to

General anaesthetic

Key facts A general anaesthetic makes you unconscious during surgery, so you won’t be aware, move or feel pain. Medicines are given through a drip in your vein and through a breathing mask. Tell your anaesthetist about your health, allergies, medicines and any past problems with anaesthetics. You will need to fast before a general anaesthetic. You might feel tired, nauseous or cold or have a sore throat for a short time after the anaesthetic. What is a general anaesthetic? A general anaesthetic uses medicines to make you unconscious so you will not feel pain, move or be aware during


Key facts Endocarditis is a rare but serious condition caused by an infection of the inner lining of your heart. It usually involves one or more of your heart valves. Symptoms can develop over a few days or several weeks, and may include fever, night sweats, tiredness, weight loss and general aches and pains. The main treatment is antibiotics but many people with endocarditis also need surgery to remove infected tissue and to rebuild or replace damaged heart valves. If you are at risk of endocarditis you should see your doctor. What is endocarditis? Endocarditis is a rare but serious

Gender incongruence

What is gender incongruence? Gender incongruence is the term used to describe when your gender is different to when you were born. People with gender incongruence may describe themselves as transgender (trans) or gender diverse. What is gender? Gender and sex are different things. Your gender identity is how you feel about yourself. It reflects your experiences and your sense of self. Your gender might be the same or different to the sex you were given at birth. There are many ways to experience gender and it may change over time. Your sex is assigned to you at birth based on your external genitals.

Gender affirming surgery

What is gender affirming surgery? Gender affirming surgery refers to a variety of procedures that some trans or gender diverse people may use to affirm their gender. Surgery is just one option for gender affirming care. All trans and gender diverse people are unique and will choose to affirm their gender in a way that feels right for them. Gender affirming care might include: Social affirmation, such as changing names, pronouns, hair or clothing. Legal affirmation, such as changing legal name or gender. Medical affirmation, with hormones or surgery. Read more about gender incongruence, gender dysphoria, and gender affirming care here.


What is a gastroscopy? Gastroscopy, also known as upper endoscopy, involves using a thin flexible tube (endoscope) to examine the upper digestive tract. The tube is inserted into the mouth and travels down the food pipe (oesophagus), then into the stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum), to view these areas. The endoscope contains a light and video camera that transmits images to a monitor, where they can be seen by a doctor. When is a gastrosopy needed? Gastroscopy is usually done to investigate symptoms such as indigestion, nausea, or difficulty swallowing. It can show if there is inflammation,


What is gastroparesis? Gastroparesis is a condition in which food stays in the stomach for longer than normal. Usually, the muscles around the stomach contract and grind food into small pieces, then mix those small pieces with acids and enzymes so the food can start to be digested. The muscles then contract (tighten) and push food out of the stomach into the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). If you have gastroparesis, the muscles around your stomach don’t work properly. This means that food isn’t broken down as much as normal, and it stays in the stomach for longer.

Gastroenteritis (gastro)

Key facts Gastroenteritis (‘gastro’) is a common and often highly infectious condition that affects the stomach and intestines. It can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Babies under 6 months should always be seen by a doctor if they have gastro. Gastroenteritis is treated by drinking fluids, and doesn’t usually require medication. Reduce your risk of catching or spreading gastro by washing your hands well after using the bathroom, changing nappies or handling food. Children should not return to school and adults should not return to work until 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea and/or vomiting. What is gastroenteritis? Gastroenteritis

Gastritis medicines

What is gastritis medication? Gastritis is when your stomach lining becomes inflamed (irritated, swollen and red). Gastritis has several causes, including infection. Your treatment will depend on the cause. How does gastritis medicine work? Gastritis medicines may be used to: reduce the acid in your stomach treat an infection with Helicobacter pylori (also called H. pylori), which is one cause of gastritis What types of gastritis medicines might I be prescribed? The medicines your doctor prescribes will depend on: your symptoms the type of gastritis you have the cause of your gastritis H2 blockers H2 blockers are medicines that reduce the amount of acid


Key facts Gastritis is when your stomach lining becomes inflamed (irritated, swollen and red). There are several causes of gastritis, including infection, medicines and alcohol. Treatment will depend on the cause of your gastritis. What is gastritis? Gastritis is when your stomach lining becomes inflamed (irritated, swollen and red). Your stomach lining may also wear down because of the inflammation — this is called erosive gastritis. Gastritis can: happen suddenly and be short-lived (acute gastritis) happen gradually and last for a few months or years (chronic gastritis) What are the symptoms of gastritis? Not everyone with gastritis will have symptoms.

Gastric sleeve surgery

What is gastric sleeve surgery? Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, is surgery for weight loss that involves removal of a large part of the stomach. After the surgery, the person feels full after eating a small amount of food. The surgery also makes people feel less hungry because a smaller stomach will produce lower levels of a hormone called ghrelin, which causes hunger. When should I consider gastric sleeve surgery? Gastric sleeve surgery is a form of bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery. It is sometimes recommended for people who are very obese, or who have health problems caused

Gastric bypass

What is gastric bypass surgery? Gastric bypass is a surgical procedure that can help people with obesity to lose weight and improve their health. It decreases the size of the stomach and changes the way the stomach and small intestine absorb food, making it easier to lose weight. This procedure is also called a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. When should I consider gastric bypass surgery? If you are very obese and have other health problems, and have tried hard to lose weight by dieting and doing more exercise, your doctor might suggest gastric bypass surgery to help with weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery


What is bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis is a common condition. It is sometimes known as BV, non-specific vaginitis, or Gardnerella. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the types of bacteria that live in the vagina are out of balance. It is normal to have vaginal discharge. But any change in what you usually experience might mean there is an underlying issue. What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis? In about half of all cases of bacterial vaginosis, there are no noticeable symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they usually include: a white or greyish, wateryvaginal discharge an unpleasant or ‘fishy’ vaginal smell mild

Garcinia cambogia

What is Garcinia cambogia? Garcinia cambogia is a tropical plant native to India and South-East Asia. It looks like a cross between a pumpkin and a tomato. It’s also a supplement that has been promoted as a way to lose weight without additional exercise or dieting. The skin of the fruit contains a chemical called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which has been found to aid weight loss in animal trials. The extract of HCA is available in powdered form or pill form and can be purchased online or in health stores under a range of names — garcinia, garcinia cambogia extract,

Ganglion cyst

What is a ganglion cyst? A ganglion cyst is a collection of fluid on a joint or tendon. Tendons are tissues that connect muscles and bones. Ganglion cysts usually appear on parts of the body including: the backs of hands the fingers the wrists the feet the ankles the knees Ganglion cysts are more common in women than men. They usually occur in young to middle-aged adults. What are the symptoms of a ganglion cyst? A ganglion cyst looks like a smooth lump under the skin. They can range from pea-sized to golf ball-sized. Occasionally they might not be visible at all.

Gambling addiction

When does gambling become a problem? Most people who bet don’t have a gambling problem, but some people become compulsive gamblers at some point in their life. People in this group lose control of their betting to the point that it negatively impacts their life. Pathological (harmful) gambling can be a form of addiction. People with a gambling addiction can’t control their urge to gamble, even if they are losing a lot of money. They are willing to risk something of value in the hope that the reward will be more valuable. Gambling addiction can seriously affect all areas of life.


What are gallstones? Gallstones (cholelithiasis) are hard, pebble-like masses that form in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen (tummy), below your liver. Gallstones can be made of undissolved cholesterol (called cholesterol gallstones) or the digestive fluid bile (called pigment gallstones). Your gallstones may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. You can develop one gallstone or many. Gallstones can block the tubes that carry digestive fluids from your gallbladder to your bowel, causing pain and/or other symptoms. What are the symptoms of gallstones? Some


Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) What is generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)? Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a type of anxiety disorder where people have uncontrollable and persistent worry that affects their day-to-day life on an ongoing basis. What are the symptoms of GAD? You could be dealing with GAD if:   you uncontrollably worry about many different things, a lot of the time your worry makes it hard to do everyday things like working and seeing friends you’re often tired but can’t sleep properly you constantly feel tense or restless your heart races or your mouth gets dry you have difficulty concentrating you are

G6PD deficiency

What is G6PD deficiency? G6PD deficiency is a lifelong genetic disorder that causes your red blood cells to break down if you are exposed to certain foods, medicines or chemicals (triggers). People with G6PD deficiency are normally healthy but must avoid these triggers. Most people with G6PD deficiency are male. The breakdown of red blood cells, called ‘haemolysis’, can lead to anaemia (lack of red blood cells) and jaundice (the yellowing of skin and eyes). Certain triggers can cause your red blood cells to be destroyed faster than they can be replaced, known as acute haemolytic anaemia (AHA), which can be life-threatening. Triggers can include: medicines such

Full blood count

Key facts A full blood count (FBC) is a common blood test that can provide information about a range of conditions. A full blood count looks at the different cells in your blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. There are many conditions and medicines that can affect your FBC results. It’s important to discuss your test results with your doctor. What is a full blood count blood test? A full blood count (FBC) is a very common blood test. It’s also sometimes called a complete blood count (CBC) or full blood examination (FBE). A full blood

Frozen shoulder

What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis) is a painful musculoskeletal (muscle and bone) condition that affects the shoulder joint. Your shoulder joint includes your upper arm bone (humerus) and collarbone (clavicle) and their associated ligaments and tendons. These are contained in a covering or ‘capsule’ of connective tissue. If you develop frozen shoulder, this capsule becomes thickened and inflamed, leading to pain and stiffness. What causes frozen shoulder? Sometimes, frozen shoulder develops after a shoulder or arm injury. It can also develop after certain surgeries on the upper body, including shoulder surgery and open-heart surgery. Often, there is no


What is frostbite? Frostbite develops when the skin freezes after being exposed to very low temperatures. Frostbite can cause serious permanent damage. With proper preparation, however, you can greatly reduce your risk of developing frostbite. How does frostbite happen? In temperatures below 0.5 degrees Celsius, the skin freezes and ice crystals form in the tissue, damaging the cells. Blood flow to the affected area slows and can stop. Frostbite can also happen with prolonged exposure to temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius. Frostbite usually affects exposed areas such as the fingers, toes, ears, nose, cheek and chin. Who is at risk?

Frontotemporal dementia

What is frontotemporal dementia? Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a term for several diseases that affect the front and side lobes of the brain — the parts of the brain that control mood, social behaviour, attention, judgement, planning and self-control. It often affects people at a younger age than Alzheimer’s disease, typically between 45 and 65. FTD causes the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain to progressively shrink (atrophy). Depending on which parts of the brain are affected, a person with FTD may experience reduced intellectual abilities, personality changes, emotional problems, or lose the ability to use language. Unlike in Alzheimer’s

Fragile X syndrome

Key facts Fragile X syndrome is an inherited condition that causes intellectual disability and a range of physical, behavioural and emotional symptoms. Symptoms may include learning difficulties, movement and communication problems, anxiety and autism. Females are usually less affected than males. There is no cure, but treatments are available to help with symptoms. If you are a Fragile X carrier, you usually won’t have any symptoms, but you could pass on the condition to your children. Fragile X syndrome is an inherited, life-long condition that can cause a range of problems. Early diagnosis and treatment can help those affected to


What is a bone fracture? A bone fracture is when the force of a blow or fall causes a bone to break. Fractures are especially common in children. There are different types of bone fracture, such as: a simple fracture — where the break goes all the way through the bone a greenstick fracture — where the bone is broken on one side, and only bent on the other a displaced fracture — where a broken piece of bone has moved out of its usual position a hairline or stress fracture — a crack in the bone from repeated movement

Foot care

There’s more to looking after your feet than wearing shoes and cutting your toenails. Foot conditions and injuries are common, and many health conditions affecting other parts of your body can also impact your feet. What are the types of foot problems? Common foot injuries Ligament sprains (for example, ankle sprain) happen when joint ligaments stretch and tear causing pain and swelling, and limit walking. Mild sprains heal with rest, ice and elevation (keeping them off the ground). Severe sprains need medical attention. Broken bones in the feet can be caused by trauma from a fall or sports injury. Common foot conditions

Foods high in zinc

What is zinc? Zinc is a mineral that is essential for many of the body’s normal functions and systems, including: the immune system wound healing blood clotting thyroid function senses of taste and smell Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. Where does zinc come from? Zinc is found in many foods, but the body cannot absorb the zinc from all foods in the same way. Zinc tends to be better absorbed from animal-based foods, than plant-based foods. This means that vegetarians and vegans, or people on long-term restricted diets, are more likely to experience zinc deficiency.

Foods high in vitamin E

Why should I include vitamin E in my diet? Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means that it can help protect cells in your body against damage caused by exposure to harmful substances such as cigarette smoke or radiation. Vitamin E also helps keep your immune system healthy, promotes good eye health and maintains healthy skin. Vitamin E may also have a role to play in maintaining heart health. Read more here about vitamin E and your health. What are the best natural sources of vitamin E? Vitamin E is found in fats and oils from animal products (meat, poultry, fish and diary foods), as well as vegetables, seeds and

Foods high in vitamin B

Why should I include vitamin B in my diet? Vitamin B should be a part of your diet. It helps your body function better, such as your metabolism (how your body converts food to energy). It also plays a vital role in your body’s cellular processes. Each type of vitamin B has a different but critical role in keeping you healthy. For example, B12, B6 and B9 are important vitamins for healthy brain and nerve function. Vitamin B2 is important for skin health and good vision. Go here for more information on vitamin B and your health. What are the best natural sources

Foods high in vitamin A

Why should I include vitamin A in my diet? Vitamin A helps to keep your body’s cells healthy and maintain a healthy immune system. Vitamin A is considered an essential vitamin. This means that your body cannot produce it. Your body relies on a diet that includes vitamin A. Some fruits and vegetables contain provitamin-A carotenoids, including beta-carotene. These undergo a reaction in your body to form vitamin A. This conversion doesn’t happen with animal sources of vitamin A. Go here for more information about vitamin A and your health. What are the natural sources of vitamin A? Fruit and vegetables Sometimes

Foods high in potassium

What is potassium? Potassium is a mineral that is essential for all of the body’s functions. It helps your nerves, muscles and heart function properly, as well as helping move nutrients and waste around your cells. Read more on potassium and your health. Where does potassium come from? Potassium is found in a wide variety of plants, meats and drinks. Potassium is also an ingredient used in some salt substitutes that people take to replace sodium in their diet. If you have kidney disease or take certain medicines, your potassium levels may be too high, so it is important to talk to your doctor before using

Foods high in magnesium

What is magnesium? Magnesium is a mineral essential for healthy muscles, nerves, bones and blood sugar levels. If you don’t get enough magnesium in your diet over a long time, you may be at a higher risk of health problems such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes and osteoporosis. Many foods contain magnesium, but the main sources in Australia are cereals and non-alcoholic drinks like coffee and water. Read more on magnesium and your health. Which foods are rich in magnesium? Most people get all the magnesium they need from food. In general, foods that are high in fibre provide magnesium. Some good sources of magnesium include:

Foods high in iron

Key facts Iron is an important nutrient that you can only get through your diet. Haem iron is found in meat, poultry and fish. Non-haem iron is found in plants, eggs, and nuts. The amount of iron you need each day depends on your sex and age. If you are concerned about your iron intake, speak to your doctor. What is iron? Iron is a nutrient that comes from your diet. It’s needed for many functions in your body, with one of the most important being to prevent anaemia. Iron is needed to make haemoglobin, a molecule found in your red

Foods high in iodine

What is iodine? Iodine is an element that is essential for normal growth and for brain development. The body needs iodine to make thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones influence metabolism. They are essential for the development and function of the brain, nerves and bones. A healthy diet needs enough iodine to function well, but too much may cause health problems. Many Australians have enough iodine in their diet, but some don’t. Do not take more than the recommended dose of supplements. If you have a thyroid condition, speak to your doctor before taking iodine supplements. Where does iodine come from? Iodine is found naturally

Food safety (barbecue)

Barbecuing food safely What are barbeque food safety risks? Barbecuing food can lead to food poisoning if it is not done correctly. Food poisoning is usually mild and most people get better within a week. However, sometimes it can be more severe, even deadly; so it’s important to take the risks seriously. Summertime is a great time to get together to share a meal, but it is also a time when food poisoning cases increase because of warmer temperatures. When cooking on the barbecue, there are 2 main risk factors for food poisoning: undercooked meat spreading germs from raw meat onto food

Food safety

What is food safety and why is it important? Food safety refers to the storing, handling, and preparing food in a way that reduces the spread of bacteria, and minimises your risk of becoming sick from the food you eat. Taking care to prepare and cook your food safely is important in preventing illness. How to cook and cool food safely Preparing and cooking food properly and to the right temperature reduces the risk of food poisoning. Always cook minced meat, sausages and poultry all the way through until the juices run clear and there is no pink. Whole pieces

Food poisoning

What is food poisoning? Food poisoning is caused by bacteria and viruses getting into the food we eat. It can also be caused by toxins produced by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. Food poisoning is also called ‘foodborne illness’. What are the symptoms of food poisoning? Symptoms of food poisoning can range from mild to very severe. You may be sick with food poisoning but not know what food caused it. Different bacteria and viruses cause different symptoms. If you have food poisoning, you’ll probably have gastroenteritis symptoms such as: abdominal (tummy) cramps nausea vomiting diarrhoea fever headaches Symptoms can take between a

Food labels

What information is on the food label? The label on a packaged food will tell you: the name and brand of the product what ingredients it contains (listed in order from largest to smallest by weight) — this includes a list of food additives and information for people with food allergies nutrition information (such as average amount of energy, fat, protein, sugars and salt) percentage labelling (how much of the main ingredients it contains, so you can compare it to other products) use-by or best-before date and directions for use and storage details of the manufacturer and the country where the food was produced how much it weighs

Food groups (balanced diet)

beginning of content A balanced diet What are the 5 food groups? A healthy diet does not need to be complicated. Eat foods from the 5 food groups every day. The 5 food groups are: vegetables and legumes (beans) fruit grains and cereals lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes (beans), tofu, nuts, seeds milk, cheese, yoghurt or alternatives Each food group has important nutrients. The amount of each food you need will vary during your life. Your diet will depend on factors such as: how active you are whether or not you are growing whether or not you are pregnant or breastfeeding Why should

Food allergies (in children)

Key facts A food allergy is an immune response to a food that the body incorrectly identifies as being dangerous. Food allergies can range from mild to severe and in some cases can be life-threatening. Children need to avoid eating foods that they are allergic to. As children get older, they often outgrow their food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you should work with their doctor to create an ASCIA action plan. This plan will guide you in the event your child experiences an allergic reaction, including a severe reaction (anaphylaxis). What are food allergies? A food

Food allergies

What are the symptoms of food allergy? Symptoms of a mild allergy include: hives (red circular weals on the skin) swelling of the face or around the mouth vomiting abdominal discomfort or pain Symptoms of severe allergy may include: wheeze or trouble breathing difficulty talking more than a few words and/or a hoarse voice cough swelling or tightness of the throat collapse light-headedness or dizziness diarrhoea swelling of the tongue going pale and floppy (in young children) What foods cause allergies? Some foods are more likely to cause allergies than others. These include: dairy (including milk) eggs peanuts tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts,


Key facts Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles in your skin. Folliculitis causes painful red bumps each with a hair in the middle. Treatment of folliculitis depends on its cause. What is folliculitis? Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles in your skin. There are 2 types of folliculitis: non-infective folliculitis infective folliculitis What are the symptoms of folliculitis? Folliculitis causes painful red bumps each with a hair in the middle. These can become itchy or sore, and there may be pus. It can happen anywhere on your body where there ‘s hair. If an infection is

Follicle stimulating hormone

What is follicle stimulating hormone? Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a hormone in the human body. It is made by your pituitary gland, which is in your brain. What is the role of follicle stimulating hormone? FSH is an important hormone for the reproductive system in both males and females. It plays a role in sexual development and functioning. What does FSH do in females? In females, FSH and another hormone called luteinising hormone (LH) help control the menstrual cycle (periods). FSH helps with ovulation — when an egg is released each month by the ovaries. The amount of FSH

Folate test

Key facts Folate is an important nutrient for growth, development, and the correct function of your red blood cell and nerve tissues. The folate blood test checks for levels of folate in your blood and red blood cells. Low folate can prevent your red blood cells from developing normally and can cause nerve damage. Your folate levels can be affected by different conditions or medicines, and your diet. You may need to fast for 6 to 8 hours before your folate blood test. What is being tested? Folate is an important nutrient for making red blood cells and for repairing cells


What is folate? Folate is a B-group vitamin, also called vitamin B9, that your body needs to grow and develop. Folate occurs naturally in food, but is called ‘folic acid’ when it comes in the form of a food additive or supplement. Everyone needs folate, but it’s especially important for pregnant women because a lack of folate can lead to abnormalities in the development of the brain and spinal cord in babies (neural tube defects). What does folate do? Your body uses folate to: make DNA form red blood cells grow and repair cells and tissues It’s particularly important that women get enough folate

Fluid retention

What is fluid retention? Fluid retention is also called oedema or water retention. It occurs when parts of the body swell due to a build-up of trapped fluid. The fluid gets trapped and makes the area swollen or puffy. Fluid retention is most common in your ankles and feet. What are the symptoms of fluid retention? Signs of fluid retention can be: swelling or puffiness under the skin skin that looks or feels tight or shiny skin that does not bounce back if you press it for a few seconds skin that is not the normal colour limbs or joints that

Fluid from the ear

Key facts Fluid or discharge from your ear could be ear wax, but sometimes it can be a sign of an ear problem or injury. Fluid from the ear may be caused by middle or outer ear infections, damage to the ear drum, a foreign body in the ear or a more serious infection or injury. See your doctor if you notice any fluid leaking from your ear, especially if you have a fever, hearing loss or dizziness or if your ear is red and swollen. You may be advised to keep your ears dry. Don’t clean your ears with

Flu vaccine FAQs

Who should have the flu shot? The Australian Government recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months has a flu vaccination every year. It’s difficult to predict who will catch influenza (‘the flu’), or who will become seriously ill from it. The flu can require hospitalisation and can even be fatal. Getting vaccinated against the flu helps protect both you and the people around you. It’s particularly important to protect vulnerable people in the community who can’t be vaccinated, such as babies who are younger than 6 months and adults with low immunity. When should I have the flu shot?

Flu (influenza)

Key facts Influenza (the flu) is a viral infection that causes symptoms like fever and chills, sneezing, coughing and a sore throat. The flu can be serious for some people, but if you are otherwise fit and healthy you usually don’t need to see a doctor. There is a vaccine available for the flu, and it’s recommended that everyone over the age of 6 months has a flu vaccination every year. You can treat the symptoms of mild flu by resting and drinking plenty of water. Medicines are available to treat fever and aches. What is the flu? Influenza (the

Floods and cyclones

Health risks after a cyclone or flood Floods and cyclones are unfortunately a part of life in Australia. Here’s a list of some of the common health risks and hazards associated with natural disasters, and how to avoid them. The most common type of flooding is when rivers flood following heavy rainfall. Flooding due to very high tides occurs in coastal areas. Flash flooding can result from relatively short, intense bursts of rainfall, commonly during thunderstorms, and can occur in any part of Australia. It can be a particularly serious problem in urban areas where drainage systems may not cope

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

What is a flexible sigmoidoscopy? A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a procedure to look at the inside of the lower part of your colon (large bowel) using a flexible telescope. What are the benefits of a flexible sigmoidoscopy? If the endoscopist (the person doing the sigmoidoscopy) finds a problem, they can perform biopsies (removing small pieces of tissue) to help make the diagnosis. Sometimes a polyp (small growth) is the cause of the problem and the endoscopist may be able to remove it during the procedure. A flexible sigmoidoscopy. Are there any alternatives to a flexible sigmoidoscopy? Other options include a

Flexible cystoscopy (male)

What is a flexible cystoscopy? A flexible cystoscopy is a procedure to check for any problems in your bladder using a flexible telescope (cystoscope). What are the benefits of a flexible cystoscopy? You may be getting pain, blood in your urine or repeated infections, or you may have an irritable bladder (a sudden and uncontrolled urge to pass urine). If your doctor does see a problem during the cystoscopy, they may perform a biopsy (removing small pieces of tissue). Are there any alternatives to a flexible cystoscopy? A scan may give some information about the cause of the problem but

Flexible cystoscopy (female)

What is a flexible cystoscopy? A flexible cystoscopy is a procedure to check for any problems in your bladder using a flexible telescope (cystoscope). What are the benefits of a flexible cystoscopy? You may be getting pain, blood in your urine, repeated infections, or you may have an irritable bladder (a sudden and uncontrolled urge to pass urine). If your doctor does see a problem during the cystoscopy, they may perform a biopsy (removing small pieces of tissue). Are there any alternatives to a flexible cystoscopy? A scan may give some information about the cause of the problem but a


What is flatulence? Flatulence is the passing of wind (air or gas) from the intestine and through the anus. It is often accompanied by a sound and smell. Flatulence is commonly called farting, breaking or passing wind, or flatus. Most people pass wind between 7 and 12 times a day. But excessive flatulence can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, and can sometimes indicate a medical problem. What symptoms are associated with flatulence? There are usually no symptoms when flatulence is at a normal level. You might not even notice when you pass wind for much of the time. But if you

Flat feet (fallen arches)

What are flat feet? Flat feet is the term used when the arch of your foot is lower than normal. This condition is also known as fallen arches. The foot usually has an arch shape: The middle part of the inside aspect of the foot is off the ground. The heel and ball of the foot touch the ground. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes the arch doesn’t develop properly or it might flatten towards the ground. Flat feet are normal in babies and young children. It is good to know whether you have flat feet. This can help


Seizures What is a seizure? Seizures are caused by sudden and uncoordinated changes to electrical signals in the brain. This can cause temporary (short-term) changes in behaviours, feelings, movements (such as sudden stiffening and jerking of the arms and legs), or a loss of awareness or changed awareness level. When should I call an ambulance? Call triple  if: a seizure continues for more than 5 minutes a second seizure quickly follows the first the person doesn’t respond for more than 5 minutes after a seizure stops the person has been injured the person is swimming or in water at the

Fitness (older adults)

Physical activity guidelines for older people Why should older people stay active? Whatever your age, you can enjoy the benefits of physical activity. There’s a host of health reasons to stay active and it doesn’t have to be ‘serious business’ — being active can be fun, especially if you can socialise at the same time. Exercise also helps keep your mind active and improves your quality of life. Even a small increase in daily physical activity can reduce your risk of health conditions such as: high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes heart disease bone problems, including osteoporosis obesity some

Fitness (getting active)

How to start exercising Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Moderate-intensity physical activity is an activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate, but doesn’t make you too breathless, such as fast walking. If you are pregnant, have been previously inactive, or suffer from any medical conditions, it is recommended that you seek medical advice before commencing vigorous physical activity. For best results in achieving a healthier lifestyle and reducing your risk of developing a chronic disease, combine physical activity with healthy eating. Build up slowly

First aid kits

Key facts An organised and properly stocked first aid kit can help in a medical emergency. Being prepared may help save a life. First aid kits come in different shapes and sizes and for different uses. Buying a first aid kit is a convenient option. Doing a first aid course will give you the knowledge and skills to provide first aid help. Putting together basic first aid kit A good first aid kit helps to lower the impact of an injury before getting proper medical care. You can customise your first aid kit depending on the activities you do. A

First aid basics

What is first aid? First aid covers the steps taken to help a person in the first minutes of an illness or injury. Accidents or illness can happen to anyone at any time, whether at home, at work or at school. First aid may: ease someone’s pain or discomfort help them recover more quickly save a life First aid may be useful in many different situations, such as when dealing with: bites and stings from plants, insects, spiders, snakes, sea creatures and other animals allergic reactions and anaphylaxis burns, including chemical burns and electrical shocks injuries such as eye injuries, sprains, broken bones and wounds poisoning and swallowed objects or substances Why learn first aid? If you learn the basics of first aid,

Finding the right health professional

How do I find a health professional? There are many health professionals to choose from. It’s worth thinking about which is best for you. Knowing which questions to ask, and how to search for the right professional, can help you make the right decision. Many people find health professionals by asking people they trust. You can ask your: family members friends colleagues other health professionals (like a general practitioner) To search for a health professional, you can visit the websites of medical colleges and associations, such as: The Australasian College of Dermatologists The Australian Clinical Psychology Association The Royal Australian and

Financial stress

Financial stress and your health How can financial stress impact my health? Money worries a major source of stress in Australia, and can lead to relationship problems, depression or anxiety. Some signs that financial stress is affecting your health and relationships include: arguing with the people closest to you about money difficulty sleeping feeling angry, fearful or experiencing mood swings tiredness, aches and pains withdrawing from others feeling guilty when you spend money delaying health care you need, due to the cost While these are normal reactions to being under financial stress, they can affect your health if they continue for

Fillings (dental)

Dental fillings What is a dental filling? Your dentist or dental practitioner can use a dental filling to fix a cavity (hole), in a tooth. You may need a filling if you have tooth decay or if the tooth has been damaged due to trauma. Your dentist or dental practitioner may find damage to the structure of a tooth when you have a dental x-ray. What types of filling are there? Various materials can be used to fill a cavity (hole) in your tooth. Your dentist or dental practitioner will advise you which is suitable for you. Composite resin Composite resin is a

Fifth disease

Fifth disease (Slapped cheek disease) What is fifth disease? Fifth disease (also known as ‘slapped cheek disease’, erythema infectiosum or Parvovirus B19) is a fairly mild viral illness, usually of childhood. It is a common infection — half of adults have been infected during their childhood. Why is it called fifth disease? It is called fifth disease as it was the fifth of the 5 common viral rash illnesses of childhood. The ‘slapped cheek disease’ name comes from its most obvious symptom — a red rash that makes children’s cheeks look like they’ve been slapped. What are the symptoms of


Key facts Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, involving tiredness and pain in many parts of your body. The pain comes from a signal in your brain, not from damage to your muscles or bones. Your symptoms can get worse at times of stress and change. There is no test for fibromyalgia — it is diagnosed by looking at your symptom pattern. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but you can learn to relieve your symptoms with a combination of lifestyle changes, psychological therapies and medicines. What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain and muscle stiffness in

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids What are uterine fibroids? A uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous tumour that grows in and around the womb (uterus). It is also known as a myoma. Uterine fibroids develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus. They may also grow in the fallopian tubes, cervix, or tissues near the uterus. They can vary in size, from being so tiny you cannot see them with the naked eye to being the size of a melon. It is possible to have one or many fibroids. Most fibroids do not need treatment. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that grow in and around


High-fibre foods and diet What is fibre? Fibre is a nutrient that is needed by your body to keep you healthy. It’s digested by the bacteria in your gut to produce substances that keep you healthy. Eating a diet high in fibre and wholegrain foods is linked to a lower risk of: obesity type 2 diabetes heart disease lower cholesterol bowel cancer diverticular disease constipation haemorrhoids What foods contain fibre? There are several types of fibre including: soluble fibre insoluble fibre resistant starch Because they have different health benefits, it’s important to include these in your diet. Soluble fibre Soluble fibre is

Fever in children

Key facts Fever is common in children. Fevers are usually caused by viral infections. If your child has a fever, they will have a high temperature and may also be flushed, shivering or sweating. You can make your child with a fever more comfortable by keeping them cool, dry and rested. If your child with a fever is under 3 months old, seek medical attention. What is a fever? A fever is a temperature of 38°C or higher. Fevers are quite common in young children and are usually mild. Sometimes the causes of a fever will need urgent attention, but


Key facts Fever is a part of your body’s immune response and is usually caused by infection. A fever causes a high temperature but can also cause sweating and chills. You can take your temperature with a thermometer to check if you have a fever. If you or your child has a fever, rest, keep cool and stay hydrated. If you experience other symptoms like severe headache, vomiting, confusion or a stiff neck, see a doctor. What is a fever? A fever is when your body temperature is higher than normal. Having a fever can also be called ‘having a

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder What is fetal alcohol spectrum disorder? FASD is a whole-body condition. It affects your ability to: think learn focus attention manage behaviour manage emotions People with FASD can have lifelong problems, such as: learning difficulties low self-esteem mental illness drug and alcohol problems What are the symptoms of FASD? The symptoms of FASD vary from person to person. This is because the symptoms depend on when the alcohol was used during pregnancy and how much alcohol was consumed. FASD might not be obvious when your baby is born. Behavioural and learning differences It’s only as your

Fertility awareness

Fertility awareness (natural family planning) What is fertility awareness? Fertility awareness is when you learn to recognise on which days of the month you are fertile and can therefore conceive a baby. It can either be used as a form of contraception or as a method to become pregnant. It’s known by different names, including natural family planning, and there are several ways of practicing fertility awareness, including the symptothermal method, the ovulation method, periodic abstinence, the mucus method, the Billings method and the rhythm method. During your monthly menstrual cycle, you will not be able to get pregnant for about half of the month.

Fertility (good health)

Good fertility health Age and fertility When it comes to fertility, age matters. Many people today wait until they’re older to have children. But fertility declines over time, and you should consider this if you plan to have children later. Both women and men are most fertile in their early twenties. In women, fertility declines more quickly with age. This decline becomes rapid after the age of 35. There are a number of reasons, but particularly the decline in the quality of the eggs released by the ovaries. Around 1 in 3 of couples in which the woman is over the


Key facts Fentanyl is a strong opioid pain medicine that can only be prescribed by your doctor. Fentanyl is prescribed for severe pain, when other pain medicines have been ineffective or cannot be used. Fentanyl is available in several formulations in different strengths. If you take fentanyl and your pain is not well-controlled, or you have any unexpected side effects, see your doctor. Always take fentanyl exactly as your doctor prescribed. What is fentanyl? Fentanyl is a strong opioid medicine that can be prescribed by your doctor as part of a broader strategy to help manage your pain. What is fentanyl used for?

Femoral hernia repair

What is a femoral hernia? Your abdominal cavity contains your intestines and other structures. These are protected by your abdominal wall, which is made up of four layers. Weak spots can develop in the layer of muscle, resulting in the contents of your abdomen, along with the inner layer, pushing through your abdominal wall. This produces a lump called a hernia. A femoral hernia causes a lump low down in your groin. It happens at the hole in the wall of your abdomen where the femoral artery and vein pass from your abdomen into your leg. What are the benefits of

Female sterilisation

Tubal ligation What is a tubal ligation? Tubal ligation is a procedure to block or cut the fallopian tubes. It is a permanent form of female contraception. Tubal ligation is very effective at preventing pregnancy. Less than 1 in every 100 females who has a tubal ligation will get pregnant. Another name for this procedure is laparoscopic sterilisation. What does a tubal ligation involve? If you have a tubal ligation, your fallopian tubes will be clipped, cut and tied, or sealed shut. This stops your eggs from moving from your ovaries to your uterus. It stops sperm from meeting and fertilising