Day: October 30, 2023

Bell’s palsy

What is Bell’s palsy? Bell’s palsy is a sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of your face. It is caused by inflammation or damage to the facial nerve. It is usually temporary. Most people start to get better in 2 weeks and are fully recovered in 3 to 6 months. A few people don’t recover fully and are left with some weakness or paralysis of the muscles on that side of their face. What are the symptoms of Bell’s palsy? The main symptom is weakness or paralysis of one side of your face. It is usually at its worst

Behaviour problems (teenagers)

Emotional changes in puberty What emotional changes should I expect during my child’s teenage years? Supporting your child through their teenage years can be both challenging and rewarding. Both boys and girls experience physical, hormonal and emotional changes during this time. These changes are part of a process known as puberty. Many girls begin puberty at around 10, while boys often begin this process at around 11. However, it’s important to remember that every person is different and your child will grow and develop at their own pace. During puberty, physical, hormonal and emotional changes may trigger changes in behaviour as well,

Bedwetting in older children

Bedwetting in older children What is bedwetting? Bedwetting happens when a child doesn’t wake up during the night when they need to empty their bladder (urinate or wee). It can happen every night, or now and again. Bedwetting is also known as nocturnal enuresis. Some children continue bedwetting from birth, while others start bedwetting again when they are older. It can be very upsetting for a child, and distressing and frustrating for you. But it isn’t their fault. Bedwetting has nothing to do with bad behaviour. What causes bedwetting in older children? Some children sleep very deeply and don’t wake up

Bed bugs

  What are bed bugs? Bed bugs are small oval-shaped and flat insects. They can grow up to 5mm long, changing colour from cream to brown as they mature. While they need to feed on blood to grow, they are resilient and can live for up to a year without a feed. Bed bugs tend to live in cracks and crevices in and around your bed, especially in mattress seams and travel on clothing, furniture, bedding and luggage. They prefer to feed on humans but will also feed on other warm-blooded animals. They mainly feed at night. While they do

Beach safety

The beach The beach is one of Australia’s most recognisable and enjoyable features. Here’s how to enjoy a day at the beach safely and help prevent accidents or injuries. If you get into trouble, save your energy by floating on your back. Try and stay calm. This will ensure you have the energy to stay afloat until help arrives. Who are lifeguards and lifesavers? Lifeguards and lifesavers are trained to supervise beachgoers. They provide advice about beach conditions. You should note what uniform the lifesaving service at your beach is wearing. This will help you know who to look for

Bat bites

Dog, cat and bat bites Are animal bites serious? Animal bites are a common cause of injury. Dog and cat bites are the most frequent type of animal bite. But any animal, including your pets, farm animals, native animals — and even humans — can bite you. Dog or cat bites are usually minor. Infections can occur if your skin is broken by an animal bite. You should avoid handling bats or flying foxes in Australia unless you are: trained in their care vaccinated wearing protective gloves What are the symptoms of animal bites? Animal bites can be very painful

Basal cell carcinoma

What is basal cell carcinoma? Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common and usually the least dangerous type of skin cancer. BCCs usually appear on the face, neck, back or shoulders. BCCs start in the basal cells of the skin’s top layer (the epidermis). They grow slowly over months or years and rarely spread to other parts of the body. BCCs make up around 3 in every 4 of all skin cancers. See your doctor if you think you have a BCC. It is easier to treat if diagnosed early. What are the symptoms of basal cell carcinoma? BCCs often start with

Bartholin’s cysts

Key facts A Bartholin’s cyst can form when ducts near the vagina opening become blocked. Bartholin’s cysts are a collection of bacteria and pus. Symptoms may include discomfort or tenderness and pain, for example, during intercourse (sex). Diagnosis includes physical examination and testing of vaginal discharge. Treatment is not always needed but may include self-care, drainage or antibiotics. What is a Bartholin’s cyst? A Bartholin’s cyst is when the ducts of the glands at the entrance of the vagina become blocked and the fluid builds up to cause a cyst. These glands are called Bartholin’s glands and are found on

Barmah Forest virus

Key facts Barmah Forest virus is transmitted by mosquitoes from animals to humans, and can cause you to feel unwell. If you are infected with the virus, your symptoms may include fever, headache and painful, swollen joints. Most people recover from the Barmah Forest virus in a few days. The best way to prevent catching Barmah Forest virus is to protect yourself from mosquito bites. What is Barmah Forest virus? Barmah Forest virus is transmitted by mosquitoes from animals to humans. Animals carrying this virus are usually marsupials, such as a possums, kangaroos or wallabies. The virus is passed to humans by

Bariatric surgery guide

Guide to bariatric surgery What is bariatric surgery? Bariatric surgery is surgery that affects the stomach and how food is digested. It is designed to make the stomach much smaller, which causes the person to feel full after eating only a small amount of food. What are the types of bariatric surgery? The most common types in Australia are lap band surgery (called gastric banding), gastric bypass (called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) and gastric sleeve surgery (called sleeve gastrectomy). The surgery is usually done as a keyhole procedure, in which there are a number of small cuts in the abdomen. But sometimes, open

Barbecue food safety

Key facts Defrost and marinate foods in the fridge, especially meats. Separate raw and cooked food and use different equipment and utensils for each. Do not eat meat such as chicken, mince or sausages that looks raw or pink inside. The germs that cause food poisoning can be killed by cooking foods at correct temperatures. What are barbeque food safety risks? Barbecuing food can lead to food poisoning if it is not done correctly. Food poisoning is usually mild and most people get better within a week. However, sometimes it can be more severe, even deadly; so it’s important to

Baldness (in women)

Female pattern hair loss What is female pattern hair loss? Female pattern hair loss is a term used to describe hair loss and thinning in females. It is also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is the most common cause of hair loss in females. Female pattern hair loss can develop at any age. It is more common after menopause. Almost half of all females show signs of hair loss by the age of 50. What are the symptoms of female pattern hair loss? The hair loss and thinning follow a different pattern to male pattern hair loss. Your hair usually thins across your

Baldness (in men)

Male pattern baldness What is male pattern baldness? Male pattern baldness is a type of hair loss and thinning that is common in adult men. It is also known as androgenetic alopecia. Male pattern baldness involves hair loss that starts at the hairline above the temples and leads to a receding hairline. This is followed by hair loss on the top or ‘crown’ of the head, leaving behind a horseshoe-shaped pattern of hair. While it is commonly seen in older men, male pattern baldness can affect young adult men as well. Hair loss occurs because of changes to the normal hair growth


What is balanitis? Balanitis is when the head of the penis (the ‘glans’) becomes inflamed, causing the skin to become red and itchy. Carefully washing and drying off the affected area is usually enough to make Balanitis go away. Medical treatment is occasionally also needed. What are the symptoms of balanitis? If you have balanitis, you might notice: redness and swelling itching or flaking skin pain an unpleasant smell or discharge a rash that is pink or red, smooth or scaly or spotty or patchy difficulty pulling back the foreskin (phimosis) What causes balanitis? Balanitis is usually caused by overgrowth of the microorganisms, particularly

Balanced diet

What are the 5 food groups? A healthy diet does not need to be complicated. Eat foods from the 5 food groups every day. The 5 food groups are: vegetables and legumes (beans) fruit grains and cereals lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes (beans), tofu, nuts, seeds milk, cheese, yoghurt or alternatives Each food group has important nutrients. The amount of each food you need will vary during your life. Your diet will depend on factors such as: how active you are whether or not you are growing whether or not you are pregnant or breastfeeding Why should I eat vegetables and legumes (beans

Baker’s cysts

Key facts A Baker’s cyst can also be called a popliteal cyst. It is a fluid filled lump or swelling behind the knee. It is caused by a build-up of excess fluid. Symptoms include pain, swelling, knee stiffness or tightness. Treatment includes rest, physiotherapy, cortisone injections or draining of the fluid. What is a Baker’s cyst? A Baker’s cyst, or popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled lump or swelling behind the knee. It is usually caused by excess fluid that comes from the knee joint. People with a Baker’s cyst might also have arthritis or an injury such as a torn

Halitosis – bad breath

Key points Halitosis is the medical name for bad breath. Bad breath is normal when you wake up, and generally disappears after you clean your teeth. If bad breath continues throughout the day, it may be a sign of a dental or other health condition. If bad breath is a problem, see your dentist who can check your mouth for common causes of halitosis, advise you about oral hygiene, and if necessary, refer you to your doctor. What is halitosis? Halitosis is the medical name for bad breath. It’s normal to have bad breath when you first wake up. It