Day: October 25, 2023

Arthritis in children (juvenile idiopathic arthritis)

Key facts Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA, or juvenile arthritis) is chronic (ongoing) inflammatory arthritis that affects children. There are several different types of JIA, which have different symptoms and signs. Common symptoms include joint pain, swelling and stiffness in the morning. Treatments are available and depend on the type of arthritis. About half of all children with JIA no longer have symptoms by the time they are adults. What is juvenile idiopathic arthritis? Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is inflammatory arthritis that affects children under 16 years old. JIA can be mild or severe and may last for months or years.


What is arthritis? Arthritis is not one disease alone, but an umbrella term for more than 100 conditions that affect the joints of the body. Joints are points where 2 or more bones meet, such as in the wrist, knuckles, hips, knees and ankles. If you have arthritis, the joints are inflamed, causing discomfort and pain. It can range from mild to severe and can affect people of all ages. It affects nearly 4 million Australians, including at least 6,000 children. The 3 most common types of arthritis found in Australians are: osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis gout Other types of arthritis include:


Arsenic is a naturally occurring chemical found in water, food and soil that is toxic when someone is exposed to a significant amount. It can also be found due to contamination from human activity. Sometimes arsenic is found in low levels in food. There are limits to levels of arsenic allowed in seaweed products, seafood, rice and cereals in Australia. These foods are being constantly monitored to make sure they are safe. The only food which has higher levels of arsenic is a type of seaweed called Hijiki. You should only eat small amounts of this food. A small amount

Heart arrhythmias

What are heart arrhythmias? An arrhythmia is a heart condition where your heart beats abnormally. This is due to a problem with the electrical signals that coordinates your heartbeats. The heart may beat too fast, too slow, or irregularly. Some heart arrhythmias are serious, while others are not. What are some types of heart arrhythmias? Some of the different types of heart arrhythmias are given below. Ectopic beats Ectopic beats are a common type of arrhythmia. Many people occasionally have extra or missed beats. Most people don’t notice them. An increase in ectopic beats can happen because of: anxiety caffeine exertion from exercise nicotine stress tiredness

Apraxia of speech

What is apraxia of speech? Apraxia is a rare type of speech disorder that makes it difficult to move the mouth in the way needed to produce sounds and words. A speech pathologist can often provide therapy that can help a person’s speech to improve. Apraxia occurs when the brain can’t move the mouth, lips, jaw and tongue properly. Even though they know what they want to say, people with apraxia have problems pronouncing sounds, syllables and words. The condition is usually noticed when a child is first learning to talk, but it can continue into adulthood. In adults, it can be


What is appendicitis? Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a thin pouch attached to a part of your large intestine (gut) on the right side of your abdomen (‘tummy’ area). It is usually about the size of a finger. If you have appendicitis, this means that your appendix is swollen and infected. A swollen and infected appendix can sometimes burst. If this happens, the infection may spread throughout your abdomen, causing serious problems such as peritonitis (infection inside the abdomen) or an abscess (a collection of pus) around the appendix. Appendicitis can occur at any age but it is most common in children


What is an appendicectomy? An appendicectomy is an operation to remove the appendix, which is a small, tube-like part of the bowel. It often needs to be performed urgently when someone has an infected and inflamed appendix (appendicitis). It is also known as an appendicectomy. Why is an appendicectomy performed? An appendicectomy is usually done because the appendix is inflamed or has burst. How to prepare for an appendicectomy The hospital will tell you how long you should fast (have nothing to eat or drink) before the operation. You might be given fluids through a drip (intravenously, directly into a

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)

What is obstructive sleep apnoea? Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) happens when your throat is partly or completely blocked at times while you’re asleep, causing you to stop breathing. You may stop breathing for between 10 and 90 seconds, and then wake up briefly (called an arousal), which restarts your breathing. These breathing pauses, known as apnoeas, can happen many times a night. You’re often unaware of it happening, but will wake feeling tired. OSA ranges from mild to severe. In severe cases, your sleep can be interrupted hundreds of times each night with long pauses in your breathing. Why do

Apert syndrome

What is Apert syndrome? Apert syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects around 1 in every 65,000 newborn babies. Usually neither parent has the condition, and the gene mutation has come about by chance. The mutation, usually evident at birth, causes the bones of the skull to fuse together much earlier than usual, before the brain is fully grown. Pressure from the brain as it grows pushes the bones of the head and face out of shape. This brain compression can affect a child’s intellectual development. Apert syndrome also affects the hands and feet and a range of internal

Aortic valve replacement

What is an aortic valve replacement? The aortic valve is one of 4 valves in the heart that work together to keep blood flowing in the right direction. If the aortic valve stops working properly, it may need to be replaced. Why is an aortic valve replacement performed? The aortic valve must open fully and close fully with each heartbeat so the heart can pump enough blood around the body. If either function is affected, the heart must work much harder to try and deliver enough blood to the body and it can become overworked. Signs the aortic valve is

Aortic stenosis

Key facts Aortic stenosis is a heart condition affecting your aortic heart valve. Symptoms of aortic stenosis often come on with physical exertion and include feeling tired, feeling breathless, fainting and chest pain. The most common cause of aortic stenosis is hardening and scarring of your aortic valve. This happens with age. Treatment for aortic stenosis depends on your age, general health, severity of your symptoms and your heart function. What is aortic stenosis? Aortic stenosis is a heart condition affecting your aortic heart valve. It can sometimes lead to problems like heart failure. The aortic valve is like a one-way

Aortic dissection

What is aortic dissection? Aortic dissection is a rare but very dangerous condition where there is a tear in the aorta, the large blood vessel that runs from the heart to the rest of the body. If you have symptoms that include a sudden, severe pain in your chest or upper back, call triple zero (000) straight away and ask for an ambulance. The aorta is a blood vessel about the thickness of a garden hose that carries blood from the heart through the centre of the chest and into the abdomen. Aortic dissection is where there is a tear in the

Aortic coarctation

What is aortic coarctation? Aortic coarctation is a heart condition that mainly affects newborn babies. It is a narrowing of a section of the aorta, which is the large blood vessel that delivers blood from the left side of the heart to the body. What are the symptoms of aortic coarctation? The restriction in the aorta causes: the heart to pump extra hard to move the blood through the narrowed section blood flow to increase in the head, arms and upper part of the body blood flow to decrease in the legs and lower part of the body. These effects

Medicines for anxiety

What is anxiety? Everyone gets worried or anxious from time to time. But for some people, anxious feelings don’t go away and are out of proportion to the situation they are facing. If you have an anxiety disorder, anxious feelings may come on and persist without any particular reason. Anxiety affects everyone differently, and can include a wide variety of symptoms including: feeling very worried or anxious a lot of the time having trouble calming down panic attacks avoiding situations or things that cause anxiety Learn more about anxiety. When should I see my doctor? If you are suffering from symptoms

Anxiety in teenagers

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a normal part of life and can affect anyone. Sometimes, if anxiety becomes overwhelming and doesn’t go away, it can be a sign of an anxiety disorder. However, with treatment and support from family and friends, anxiety can be managed. Anxiety affects the body and mind. Your teenager may often feel tense, jittery or agitated, and worry about a situation they’re in or what might come next. A bit of anxiety from time to time is normal, especially for teenagers. It can help with motivation at school, sport or work. But if anxious feelings don’t go away,