Day: September 13, 2023

Altitude sickness

What is altitude sickness? Altitude sickness, also known as mountain sickness, can happen if you travel to a high altitude. Altitude sickness can affect anybody — being young or physically fit does not decrease the risk. Whether or not you get altitude sickness could depend on: your height above sea level the time you took to make the ascent whether or not you have any problems affecting your heart and lungs Altitude sickness can be fatal if not treated. What are the symptoms of altitude sickness? If you have altitude sickness, you are likely to feel dizzy and weak, you might also have a headache and feel

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

What is AATD? Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, also known as AATD, or as genetic or inherited emphysema, is a common, inherited genetic condition that can cause chronic lung and liver disease. It can be managed to slow down the progress of the disease. Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein made in the liver and circulated through the blood. It helps protect your lungs and liver from damage. If you have a deficiency of AAT protein, you are more at risk of 2 main sets of problems: In the lungs, AATD can cause emphysema, which may appear earlier than it might otherwise, as well as asthma, chronic

Alopecia (Hair loss)

Key facts Alopecia means hair loss, which can be from a single area or several areas of your head and body. There are many types of alopecia, such as male or female pattern hair loss and alopecia areata. Alopecia can be caused by many different things including stress, health conditions, medicines or damage to your hair. Sometimes hair will grow back, but sometimes it can fall out again or might never grow back. There are many treatment options for alopecia. They don’t always work and some people may need to learn to live with hair loss. What is alopecia? Alopecia

Allied health

  What are allied health professionals? Allied health practitioners are healthcare professionals who are not nurses, midwives, doctors, or dentists. Allied health professions are regulated (managed) either through: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) or are self-regulated through the relevant professional organisation Allied health professionals can help you take care of your physical or mental health. They provide services that can include diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation. Below is a list of allied health professions. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and practitioners give culturally safe clinical services. They are important to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Allergy testing

What is an allergy? An allergy can be triggered if your immune system reacts to substances (called allergens) that are harmless for most people. You can have an allergic reaction to many different substances (known as triggers), including: medicines substances in our environment such as pollens foods such as eggs, seafood or nuts What is an allergic reaction? An allergic reaction usually happens straight after you have been exposed to a trigger and may cause a range of symptoms including: runny nose and watery eyes abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting skin rash Most allergic reactions are mild, but some people experience a severe reaction called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis may cause breathing difficulties and low blood pressure that

Grass allergy

Key facts Grass allergy is when a person experiences symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or thunderstorm asthma after exposure to grass pollen. Allergic rhinitis caused by grass allergy can cause itchy eyes and throat, a runny nose and sneezing. You are more likely to be exposed to pollen and experience symptoms of grass allergy at certain times of the year. The pollen season will depend on where you live. People who have asthma may find that pollen triggers a flare-up. This is called thunderstorm asthma. There are many strategies you can use to reduce the chance of symptoms, and

Allergies and hypersensitivities

What is an allergy? An allergy is when your immune system reacts to something that is harmless to most people. Substances that cause allergies are called ‘allergens’. Common allergies include: food allergies (including fish and shellfish, nuts, eggs, wheat, dairy, soy) cat and dog allergies grass allergy pollen allergy dust mite allergy mould allergy allergy to some medicines insect and mite bite allergies latex (rubber) allergy What is a hypersensitivity reaction? A hypersensitivity reaction is an overreaction of your immune system to something that would not usually cause an immune response. This leads to allergy symptoms. There are different types of hypersensitivity reactions. Type I

Food allergies

A food allergy occurs when the immune system responds to an allergen (an ingredient that is usually harmless) in food. This triggers an immune reaction, which can range from mild to severe. A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is a medical emergency. Call triple zero (000) immediately. Lay the person down. If they have an adrenaline injector and you are able to administer it, do so. The majority of food allergies in children are not severe and usually children will outgrow many allergies with time. Some allergies, particularly nut and seafood allergies, are less likely to decrease with age. A food allergy is different to

Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)

Key facts Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is an allergic response from your immune system that causes sneezing, runny nose and watery, itchy eyes. Hay fever can be triggered by seasonal allergens like pollens and grass or year-round triggers like dust mites, and animal fur. See your doctor if your hay fever symptoms are ongoing and affect your day-to-day living. Most people manage hay fever by avoiding allergens in their daily life, and with medicines such as antihistamines and nasal sprays. Allergy testing can help to identify potential triggers for hay fever, but should be considered together with your history and

Allergic reactions to cow’s milk

What causes cow’s milk allergy? Cow’s milk allergy is often due to an immune system reaction against milk proteins. Exposure to even a trace amount of milk protein can be a problem for someone with milk protein allergy. What are the symptoms of cow’s milk allergy? The symptoms of allergy to cow’s milk can range from mild to severe. Mild to moderate symptoms include: a rash (eczema or hives) swelling of the lips, face and eyes tingling mouth vomiting and diarrhoea Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction and requires immediate treatment. Symptoms include: noising breathing or wheeze swelling of the tongue swelling or tightness

Allergen immunotherapy

What is allergen immunotherapy? Allergen immunotherapy is a way to prevent or minimise allergies by switching off the body’s reaction to substances that cause allergic reactions. Allergen immunotherapy can take years to work. Allergen immunotherapy is a way to change the way your body reacts to things you are allergic to (allergens). Unlike other allergy medicines, which reduce symptoms, immunotherapy is the closest thing we have to a ‘cure’ for allergies. An allergic reaction occurs when your body’s immune system responds to something that is normally harmless. Allergen immunotherapy works by regularly introducing tiny doses of the allergen to the

Alcoholism at home

What is alcohol dependence? If you drink a lot of alcohol, you might become dependent on it to make you feel good. Your drinking behaviour could be harmful and a form of substance abuse. What are the signs of harmful alcohol use? You or someone you know might be drinking too much if they: have a strong urge to drink cannot control how much they drink need to drink more over time to get the same good feeling drink while alone, or hide alcohol from members of the household struggle with work, education or relationships lie about how much they drink drink

Alcohol – an overview

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