Day: September 11, 2023

Advance care planning and directive

What is advance care planning? Advance care planning involves planning for your future healthcare. The process of advance care planning helps you outline your values and beliefs and your preferences for your future healthcare. Advance care planning will help guide your loved ones and doctors to make decisions on your behalf that align with your values, in a situation where you aren’t able to do this yourself. What is an advance care directive? Advance care planning involves formally detailing your values and preferences regarding your future healthcare. This document is called an ‘advance care directive’, though it has different names


Key facts Adrenaline is a hormone that your body naturally releases from your adrenal gland. Adrenaline causes changes in your body that help you to act in a sudden stressful situation — also known as a ‘fight or flight response’. Adrenaline is also used sometimes as a medicine, for example, an adrenaline injection in severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). If you or someone else is having symptoms of severe allergy (anaphylaxis), use an adrenaline (epinephrine) autoinjector first — then call triple-zero (000) and ask for an ambulance. What is adrenaline? Adrenaline is a hormone that helps you react very quickly if you are

Adrenal glands

Key facts Your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys. Your adrenal glands make many hormones, including cortisol, aldosterone and adrenaline. Some conditions affecting the adrenals glands include Cushing’s syndrome and Addison’s disease — these are uncommon. What are the adrenal glands? Your adrenal glands are 2 triangle-shaped endocrine glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They form part of your body’s hormonal system. What do my adrenal glands do? Your adrenal glands make hormones that are involved in: controlling your blood pressure your metabolism your body’s response to stress What hormones do my adrenal glands make? Your adrenal

Adrenal fatigue

Key facts Adrenal fatigue is a term used to explain a condition caused by chronic (long-term) exposure to stressful situations. Adrenal fatigue is not currently an accepted medical diagnosis. It’s important to check with your doctor that there isn’t another cause for your tiredness. What is adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is a term used by alternative health practitioners to explain tiredness and other symptoms which are thought to be due to chronic (long-term) exposure to stressful situations. However, it currently is not a recognised medical diagnosis. Many studies have failed to prove that adrenal fatigue is a medical condition. Adrenal

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. ADHD used to be called attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADHD is often misunderstood. It can cause problems: concentrating becoming distracted being hyperactive (sometimes) being impulsive This may cause people with ADHD to have problems with their: schooling friendships work family life Around 1 in every 20 Australians has ADHD. While ADHD is more common in boys — it’s under diagnosed in girls and adults. More than 3 in 4 children diagnosed with ADHD still have symptoms as an adult. What are the symptoms


What are the adenoids? They are fleshy lumps of tissue that are out of sight located at the back of the inside of the nose and at the top of the throat. Together with the tonsils, they trap and destroy germs that enter the child’s mouth and nose. They are part of the immune system and help to fight infections. Everyone is born with adenoids and they are biggest when children are around 3 to 5 years old. They start to shrink when children reach around 5 to 8 years of age. They are usually gone altogether by the time


What is an adenoidectomy? Adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids, which are small lumps of soft tissue found at the back of the nose. It is a short and safe procedure, but your child will have a sore throat for a couple of days. Why is an adenoidectomy performed? The adenoids are part of the immune system and help protect the nose and throat from infection. They are often quite large in young children and grow smaller with age. The adenoids may disappear during teenage years. The adenoids can also get infected. If that happens frequently, it can cause

Adeno-tonsillectomy (child)

This page will give you information about an adeno-tonsillectomy. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What are the adenoids and tonsils? The adenoids and tonsils are part of a group of lymphoid tissues (like the glands in the neck) that help to fight off infection. The adenoids and tonsils enlarge naturally in children at around the age of 3 and usually shrink away again by the age of 7. The enlargement happens because children are exposed to a lot of new infections at this age and have many colds. What are the benefits

Addison’s disease

What is Addison’s disease? Addison’s disease is a rare condition where the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone (both corticosteroids). Addison’s disease is also known as primary adrenal insufficiency. Secondary adrenal insufficiency occurs when the pituitary gland in the brain does not release enough of the hormone that stimulates the adrenal gland to release cortisol. Addison’s disease can make people feel weak and tired, but it can also be effectively treated with hormones to replace those that are missing. What are the symptoms of Addison’s disease? Addison’s disease develops slowly, usually over months. The

Addiction withdrawal symptoms

What is addiction? Addiction, also known as dependence, is when someone finds it hard to stop doing something that makes them feel good. You can have a physical or psychological addiction, or both. Physical dependence means that withdrawal symptoms appear if you stop the addictive substance or behaviour. Psychological addiction occurs when you believe you need the addictive substance or behaviour to function. You might think you need the substance at certain times. For instance, to be social at a party or to unwind after work. Or you might think you need it all the time. What is withdrawal from

What is addiction?

What is addiction? Addiction is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something or use something. It is a dependence on a substance or activity even if you know that it causes you harm. It can impact your daily life. This article describes the types, causes and signs of addiction, and where to get help. Many people have heard of addiction to: smoking drinking alcohol gambling taking drugs prescription medicines Addiction to drugs can include cannabis, ice and amphetamines. Alcohol and nicotine are also drugs. It’s possible to be addicted to anything, such as: Computers — computer addiction is increasing. You may

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Key facts Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. ADHD affects your brain’s executive functioning — and your ability to self-regulate and control thoughts, words, actions and emotions. If you are concerned that you may have ADHD, the first step is to see a doctor. What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. ADHD used to be called attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADHD is often misunderstood. It can cause problems: concentrating becoming distracted being hyperactive (sometimes) being impulsive This may cause people with ADHD


Key facts Acupuncture is a Chinese medical practice which has been used for thousands of years. Acupuncture can be helpful for chronic pain and some other conditions. Acupuncture can cause side effects such as bleeding, bruising or infection. Talk to your doctor about acupuncture and if it is safe to use with conventional medical treatment. What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a form of complementary or alternative medicine. It’s an ancient medical practice, originating in China more than 2,000 years ago. According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture clears energy blocks and encourages the normal flow of energy through your body. People have been practicing

Acts of kindness and compassion

Kindness and compassion during recovery Almost everybody feels good when someone is kind to them. This is especially true for those who are vulnerable, like people who are recovering from a mental illness like depression, or who are learning to live with dementia, or who have an addiction. Acts of kindness and compassion can increase wellbeing and help their recovery. It can also help them overcome loneliness and isolation, build healthy relationships and improve their self-esteem. There are many ways to be kind and compassionate to someone who needs help. These can include: being sensitive and sympathetic creating a positive outlook and instilling hope recognising and validating positive changes helping them solve

Australian Capital Territory disability services

If you are a person living with disability or caring for someone with disability in the ACT, you may have noticed some changes in the way that disability services are delivered. Services that were delivered through ACT government agencies are now delivered through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS is a Commonwealth Government scheme to support Australians under 65 who have permanent and significant disability. The scheme is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Services for people aged 65 years and over are delivered through My Aged Care. To find out how to access the NDIS, go to Applying to


What is acromegaly? Acromegaly is a rare disorder that affects adults and is caused by overproduction of growth hormone. Growth hormone (also called human growth hormone, GH or HGH) controls the normal growth of the body’s tissues, organs and bones, as well as helping control its metabolism. A similar condition, known as gigantism, can occur in children and can make them grow very tall. Adults with too much growth hormone don’t grow exceptionally tall because once they have gone through puberty, their long bones don’t grow any longer. What are the symptoms of acromegaly? The main signs of acromegaly are: changes to

Acquired brain injury (ABI)

Key facts Acquired brain injury (ABI) is damage to the brain that can result from many different causes such as injury, illness or drug and alcohol abuse. After having an ABI, you could experience symptoms including weakness, seizures, memory problems and/or emotional changes. Diagnosis usually involves brain scans and assessment of memory, thinking, and daily tasks. Treatment for ABI depends on its cause and often includes rehabilitation programs. There are many organisations that offer support in Australia to individuals with an ABI and their family and/or caregivers. What is acquired brain injury (ABI)? An acquired brain injury (ABI) is the

Acoustic neuroma

Key facts An acoustic neuroma is a benign (non-cancerous) tumour that grows in the acoustic nerve, the eighth cranial nerve in the brain. An acoustic neuroma can affect your hearing and balance and may cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears). If your doctor suspects you have acoustic neuroma, they might send you for tests such as hearing tests or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy (also known as stereotactic treatment) and careful monitoring. What is acoustic neuroma? An acoustic neuroma is a benign (non-cancerous) tumour that can affect hearing and balance. What are the symptoms of acoustic neuroma?


What is acne? Acne is a common skin condition that causes spots on the face, neck, back or chest. These spots can be whiteheads, blackheads or inflamed, pus-filled pimples. Adult acne, also called hormonal acne, is acne that continues past the age of around 18 to 20 or starts when someone is in their early twenties. Acne vulgaris generally affects teenagers and continues for 3 to 5 years although it can sometimes carry on for longer. Some people have a mild form of acne, with only occasional spots or outbreaks, while others have more severe acne, with large areas of the

ACL reconstruction

This page will give you information about an ACL reconstruction. If you have any questions, you should ask your GP or other relevant health professional. What is the anterior cruciate ligament? The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the important ligaments that stabilise your knee. If you have torn (ruptured) this ligament, your knee can collapse or ‘give way’ when making twisting or turning movements. An ACL rupture happens as a result of a twisting injury to your knee. The common causes are contact sports and skiing injuries.You can injure other parts of your knee at the same time

Achilles tendon injuries

  What are Achilles tendon injuries? The Achilles tendon (often simply called the ‘Achilles’) is the thick cord you can feel at the back of your ankle. It attaches the calf muscle to the back of your heel. The 2 most common injuries of the Achilles tendon are: Acute rupture (break): a complete or partial tear that occurs when the tendon is stretched beyond its natural range. Achilles tendinopathy (previously known as ‘tendinitis’ or ‘tendonitis’): a chronic (long-term) condition that causes weakness and breakdown of the Achilles tendon, due to a series of very small tears (also known as ‘tendinosis’).

Residential care

What is residential care? An aged care home is for older people who can no longer live at home. This might be because you need help with everyday tasks or health care. Aged care homes are also called: residential aged care facilities (RACFs) nursing homes An aged care home gives you the services you need to have a good quality of life. The government funds aged care homes across Australia. These homes supply services to those who need it. Each aged care home is different. They provide different levels of care. Some provide just basic accommodation while others provide continuous

Falls and the elderly

Key facts Nearly 1 in 3 older Australians have experienced a fall in the past 12 months. Falls usually happen because gradual changes to our bodies make walking difficult, or they can be caused by hazards in and around the home. Falls can cause hip fractures and other injuries that require lengthy hospital care and long-term effects. See your doctor for a check-up if you have ever fallen before, even if you weren’t injured as a result. Why are falls a particular concern for older people? Anyone can have a fall, but falls are a major health concern for older people (those

Irregular periods

Key facts When you first start getting your period, it’s normal for your menstrual cycle to be irregular. For most people, menstrual periods will eventually become regular, but some never develop a regular cycle. There are many lifestyle factors and medical conditions that can cause your periods to become irregular. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. See your doctor if your periods are irregular. Even if it doesn’t bother you, it’s important to check what is causing this and whether it is healthy for you. If your period is late or has stopped, it’s very important to check if you


What is an abscess? An abscess is a collection of pus inside the body, usually from an infection. If near the surface of the body, pus may break through the surface and drain. Abscesses can develop just about anywhere in the body and can be painful. Often treatment is needed to heal an abscess and to stop infection spreading, so see your doctor if you think you might have an abscess. What are the different types of abscesses? There are many different types of abscesses, including: skin abscesses or boils — often affecting the face, throat, armpits or groin dental abscesses —