Day: August 28, 2023

GIT Pathology Module No. 1

Which one of the following is true about Barret`s esophagus? A biopsy will show a histological finding of columnar to squamous metaplasia It is a known precursor of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus It is a known precursor of carcinoma of the stomach It is a known precursor of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus The most common location is in the proximal (upper) third of esophagus 83 years old man with anemia, weight loss and dysphagia. Endoscopy revealed a large polypoid and ulcerated lesion in mid- esophagus. The MOST LIKELY diagnosis is: transitional cell carcinoma adenocarcinoma squamous papiloma leiomyosarcoma squamous

CVS Pharmacology module No. 1

Which one of the following drugs is associated with the development of a lupus-like syndrome, especially in patients identified as “slow acetylators”? Arniodarone Clonidine Nitroglycerin Procainamide Terazosin Which one of the following actions is characteristic of amiloride? Alkalosis Block of Na reabsorption in the proximal tubule Hyperkalemia Increased tubular reabsorption of Ca Bicarbonaturia The most common manifestation of lidocaine toxicity is CNS dysfunction drug fever hypertension hypokalemia torsade A patient with hyperthyroidism develops a cardiac arrhythmia. Optimal treatment of the patient should include management with amiodarone bretylium digoxin lidocaine propranolol Calcium channel antagonists increase intracellular CAMP decrease myocardial contractility increase