Day: July 25, 2023

Main topics in Chemistry fo Mechnikov University Entrance Exam

PROGRAMMES FOR ADMISSION TESTS HELD AT UNIVERSITY   Programme for Chemistry The admission test is conducted in the form of a written test and is evaluated on a 100-point scale. The present programme is based on the programme of admission exams in Chemistry recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for applicants to universities and consists of three sections. The first section is devoted to the theoretical foundations of Chemistry. It includes the basic concepts and laws of Chemistry, which are the fundamental foundations necessary for understanding the laws of chemical processes. The second section is devoted

Main topics in Biology for Mechnikov University Entrance Exam

PROGRAMMES FOR ADMISSION TESTS HELD AT UNIVERSITY Programme for Biology The programme is compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education and combines all the main substantive components of biological knowledge. The content of the programme includes the materials from all the sections of school biology: «Plants. Bacteria. Fungi. Lichens», «Animals», «Human being and Health» and «General biology». Examination assignments and tests in Biology do not go beyond the scope of this programme, but require a deep study of all its elements. Successful answers to tasks require adequate and informed knowledge of biological concepts,