Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS): Tachycardia�

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Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS): Tachycardia With Pulse

ACLS: Tachycardia

1. Initial evaluation is as follows:

  • Assess appropriateness for clinical condition (pulse present).
  • Heart rate typically ≥150 bpm in tachyarrhythmia

2. Initial intervention is as follows:

  • Maintain patent airway and assist breathing, as needed.
  • Administer oxygen if hypoxemic.
  • Attach monitor/defibrillator.
  • Monitor blood pressure and oximetry.

3. Assess for signs of poor perfusion, as follows:

  • Hypotension (systolic blood pressure [SBP] < 90 mm Hg)
  • Acutely altered mental status
  • Signs of shock
  • Ischemic chest discomfort
  • Acute heart failure

4. Therapeutic intervention is as follows if poor perfusion is present:

  • Perform immediate synchronized cardioversion with initial recommended dose (see below).
  • Consider sedation; do not delay therapy.
  • If regular narrow complex, consider adenosine; do not delay therapy.
  • If refractory after initial cardioversion, consider the following:�
    • Identification of underlying cause
    • Need to increase energy level for next cardioversion
    • Addition of anti-arrhythmic drug
    • Expert consultation

5. Measures are as follows if adequate perfusion and narrow QRS (< 0.12 seconds):

  • Obtain intravenous (IV)/intraosseous (IO) access.
  • Perform 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG), if available.
  • Perform vagal maneuvers first, if rhythm is regular.�
  • Consider adenosine if rhythm is regular and if vagal maneuvers are unsuccessful.
  • Consider beta-blocker or calcium channel blocker if adenosine is unsuccessful.
  • Consider expert consultation.

6. Measures are as follows if adequate perfusion and wide QRS (≥0.12 seconds):

  • Obtain IV/IO access.
  • Perform 12-lead ECG; do not delay therapy.
  • Administer adenosine only if regular and monomorphic.
  • Consider antiarrhythmic infusion.
  • Consider expert consultation.

Synchronized Cardioversion

Initial recommended doses are as follows:

  • Narrow regular: 50-100 J
  • Narrow irregular: 120-200 J biphasic or 200 J monophasic
  • Wide regular: 100 J
  • Wide irregular: defibrillation (not synchronized)


Administration of adenosine should proceed as follows:

  • First dose: 6 mg rapid IV push, follow with NS flush
  • Second dose: 12 mg rapid IV push
  • Have equipment for transcutaneous pacing available when administering adenosine.
  • Half dose (3 mg IV) if using central line, which includes peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), patient taking dipyridamole or carbamazepine
  • May need increased adenosine dose in patients on theophylline, caffeine, or theobromine
  • Caution with adenosine in patients with asthma and/or transplanted hearts

Antiarrhythmic Infusions

For stable wide QRS tachycardia, as follows:

  • Procainamide 20-50 mg/min IV until arrhythmia suppressed, hypotension ensues, QRS duration increases >50%, or maximum dose 17 mg/kg

    • Procainamide 1-4 mg/min IV maintenance infusion; avoid if prolonged QT or congestive heart failure (CHF)
  • Amiodarone 150 mg IV over 10 minutes first dose; repeat as needed if ventricular tachycardia (VT) recurs

    • Amiodarone 1 mg/min IV maintenance infusion for first 6 hours
  • Sotalol 100 mg (1.5 mg/kg) IV over 5 minutes; avoid in prolonged QT

Most Recent Guideline Changes

Changes from the 2023 guidelines update include the following:�

  • Amiodarone or lidocaine may be considered for ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia that is unresponsive to defibrillation, class IIb recommendation.�
  • Routine administration of calcium, magnesium, or sodium bicarbonate for cardiac arrest is not recommended.�
  • Adults not responding to commands after spontaneous circulation post cardiac arrest, regardless of arrest circumstances, should undergo intentional temperature control. The recommended temperature range during postarrest management is 32°C to 37.5°C.

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Dr. Ahmed Hafez