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Principles of mixed feeding.

Adapted mixtures for mixed and artificial feeding.


Principles of mixed feeding.

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Principles of Mixed Feeding:

Mixed feeding, also known as partial breastfeeding, involves a combination of breastfeeding (or receiving expressed breast milk) and formula feeding. Here are the key principles of mixed feeding:

Gradual Transition: The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to mixed feeding should be gradual, allowing the infant to adapt to both breast milk and formula. It's important to accommodate the infant's feeding preferences and gradually introduce formula feeds as needed.

Responsive Feeding: The principles of responsive feeding apply to mixed feeding, ensuring that the infant's feeding cues and hunger are attended to whether they are being breastfed or bottle-fed with formula.

Supplementing Breastfeeding: In mixed feeding, formula feeding supplements breastfeeding rather than completely replacing it. Breastfeeding should ideally continue alongside the introduction of formula to maintain the benefits of breast milk for the infant's health and development.

Feeding on Demand: Caregivers should respond to the infant's feeding cues, allowing them to feed on demand, whether through breastfeeding or formula feeding, to ensure adequate nutrition and bonding.

Adapted Mixtures for Mixed and Artificial Feeding:

Various adapted mixtures are available for use in mixed and artificial feeding, ensuring that infants receive appropriate nutrition while accommodating individual needs and preferences. These mixtures include:

1. Breast Milk Substitutes: These are commercially available infant formulas that are specifically designed to mimic the composition of breast milk, providing a source of complete nutrition for infants who are not exclusively breastfed.

2. Combination Formulas: Some manufacturers offer combination formulas that are designed for mixed feeding, catering to infants who are both breastfed and formula-fed. These formulations are meant to complement breast milk and support the transition to mixed feeding.

3. Specialized Formulas: There are specialized formulas available for infants with specific dietary needs or intolerances, such as hypoallergenic formulas for infants with allergies or intolerance to cow's milk proteins, as well as formulas for preterm infants or those with special medical considerations.

Classification of Mixed Feeding:

Mixed feeding can be classified based on the proportion of breast milk and formula milk in the infant's diet. It can range from predominantly breastfed with occasional formula feeds to nearly equal amounts of breast milk and formula, depending on the individual feeding plan and the infant's needs.

Principles of Mixed Feeding:

Balancing Nutrition and Flexibility: Mixed feeding should be guided by the goal of balancing the nutritional benefits of breast milk with the flexibility and convenience offered by formula feeding.

Maintaining Breastfeeding Benefits: The intent of mixed feeding is to provide the benefits of breastfeeding while incorporating formula as needed, ensuring that the infant continues to receive the immunological and nutritional advantages of breast milk.

Individualized Approach: The principles of mixed feeding involve tailoring the feeding plan to meet the specific needs of the infant and the preferences of the caregiver, recognizing that individual circumstances can vary widely.

Consultation and Support: Access to guidance from healthcare providers, lactation consultants, and other qualified professionals is essential for caregivers who opt for mixed feeding, ensuring that the feeding plan supports the infant's growth and development.

Overall, mixed feeding offers flexibility and allows caregivers to adapt feeding practices to the specific needs of the infant and the family. The principles of mixed feeding aim to maintain the benefits of breast milk while incorporating formula as required, promoting the best possible nutrition and care for the infant.

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