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The period of younger school age.

Features of growth and development, features of pathology.

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by (500 points)
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The period of younger school age typically refers to the developmental stage between 6 to 8 years of age. At this stage, children experience further growth and development as they transition from early childhood to middle childhood. Here are the features of growth and development, along with features of pathology during the period of younger school age:

Features of growth and development:

1. Physical Growth: Younger school-age children continue to grow at a steady pace, with a focus on fine-tuning motor skills and acquiring physical competencies related to coordination and strength.

2. Cognitive Development: Children in this age group demonstrate rapid cognitive growth, marked by advances in memory, problem-solving, and the ability to engage in more complex thinking and reasoning.

3. Social and Emotional Development: Younger school-age children begin to form more sophisticated relationships, develop a greater sense of empathy, and navigate increasingly complex social dynamics with peers and adults.

4. Academic Skills: Children in this stage typically develop foundational literacy and numeracy skills, as well as a growing capacity for critical thinking and abstract reasoning.

5. Self-concept and Identity: Younger school-age children start to develop a clearer sense of self-identity and personal competence as they compare themselves to others and explore their strengths and interests.

Features of pathology:

1. Learning Disabilities: Some children in this age group may demonstrate struggles with reading, writing, or mathematics, which could be indicative of specific learning disabilities requiring educational support and interventions.

2. Behavioral and Emotional Challenges: Younger school-age children may experience difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, anxiety, or mood regulation that can impact their learning and social relationships and may necessitate mental health support.

3. Developmental Disorders: Certain developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders, Tourette syndrome, or sensory processing disorders may become more apparent during this stage, impacting a child's sensory, social, and behavioral functioning.

4. Physical Health Concerns: Issues such as childhood obesity, asthma, allergies, and other chronic conditions may emerge during this period, requiring ongoing medical management and lifestyle interventions.

During the period of younger school age, regular health and developmental assessments, including academic screenings, psychological evaluations, and physical exams, play a crucial role in monitoring growth and development and identifying any potential concerns. Access to educational and behavioral support services, such as individualized education programs (IEPs), counseling, and medical care, are essential for addressing challenges and promoting well-being for children during this critical period of development.

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