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in Short & long answers by (500 points)

Full-term newborn.

Physical and functional signs of maturity of a newborn child.

Organization of the regime and care of a newborn child.

Principles of breastfeeding a newborn baby.

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A full-term newborn refers to an infant born after 37 weeks of gestation. These babies are generally considered to have completed their development in the womb and exhibit physical and functional signs of maturity. Here are the typical signs of maturity in a full-term newborn, as well as the organization of the regime and care, along with the principles of breastfeeding a newborn baby:

Physical and functional signs of maturity of a newborn child:

1. Muscle Tone: Full-term newborns typically have good muscle tone, allowing them to move their arms, legs, and head with purpose.

2. Skin Characteristics: Their skin is often opaque and may have a layer of protective vernix, which appears as a white, creamy substance, helping to protect the skin during development.

3. Feeding Skills: Full-term babies possess the ability to coordinate sucking, swallowing, and breathing effectively during feeding.

4. Temperature Regulation: They are usually able to maintain their body temperature without the need for external support.

5. Alertness and Responsiveness: Full-term newborns demonstrate periods of alertness and responsiveness to environmental stimuli.

Organization of the regime and care of a newborn child:

1. Feeding Schedule: Newborns typically feed every 2-3 hours, and on-demand feeding is common, especially for breastfeeding infants.

2. Sleep Patterns: Newborns sleep for several hours each day, with frequent awakenings for feeding and diaper changes.

3. Bonding and Interaction: Skin-to-skin contact, talking, singing, and engaging with the baby are important for fostering attachment and supporting brain development.

4. Hygiene and Diapering: Regular diaper changes and gentle cleansing are necessary to maintain the baby's skin health.

5. Well-Baby Check-ups: Regular visits to a pediatrician are important to monitor the baby's growth and development and address any concerns.

Principles of breastfeeding a newborn baby:

1. Early Initiation: Breastfeeding should be initiated as soon as possible after birth, ideally within the first hour.

2. Latching: Ensuring a good latch is crucial for effective breastfeeding. Mothers can seek assistance from lactation consultants if needed.

3. Frequent Feeding: Newborns often need to breastfeed frequently to obtain the necessary nutrition and to establish milk supply.

4. Positioning: Proper positioning of the baby at the breast is important for both the baby’s comfort and effective milk transfer.

5. Check for Hunger Cues: It’s important for parents to recognize the baby's hunger cues, such as rooting, sucking on fists, or restlessness, and respond promptly to feed the baby.

Breastfeeding offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother, including optimal nutrition, immune system support, and bonding. Additionally, breastfeeding has been associated with a reduction in the risk of certain health conditions for both the infant and the mother.

Newborn care and breastfeeding support can be provided by healthcare professionals, including pediatricians, lactation consultants, and nurses, who can offer guidance and assistance to parents as they navigate the care and nurturing of their newborn.

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