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in Short & long answers by (500 points)

Tumors of the meninges (tumors from meningothelial cells). 

Morphological characteristics.

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Tumors of the meninges, also known as meningiomas, arise from the meningothelial cells that line the outer covering of the brain and spinal cord called the meninges. These tumors are typically slow-growing and usually benign, but they can occasionally be malignant.

Morphologically, meningiomas can vary in appearance depending on their location and histological subtype. However, there are some common characteristics:

1. Shape: 

Meningiomas often have a round or lobulated shape. They can be well-circumscribed or infiltrative.

2. Attachment: 

These tumors are usually attached to the dura mater, which is the outermost layer of the meninges.

3. Color: 

Meningiomas can range in color from grayish-white to pink or reddish-brown.

4. Consistency: 

They are typically firm or rubbery in consistency.

5. Blood supply: 

Meningiomas have a rich blood supply and may show prominent blood vessels on histological examination.

6. Encapsulation: 

Many meningiomas are encapsulated by a fibrous capsule, which helps distinguish them from infiltrating tumors.

7. Histological patterns: 

Meningiomas can exhibit various histological patterns, including syncytial (whorls of cells), fibroblastic (spindle-shaped cells), transitional (combination of syncytial and fibroblastic patterns), psammomatous (calcifications resembling sand grains), secretory (inclusion bodies within tumor cells), and others.

It is important to note that these morphological characteristics may vary among different subtypes of meningiomas and their grades of malignancy. A definitive diagnosis requires histopathological examination by a pathologist who can assess these features under a microscope.

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by (500 points)
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