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Features of the pathology of the biliary system in children. 

Biliary dyskinesia

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Pathology of the biliary system in children can manifest in various ways, including conditions such as biliary dyskinesia. 

Here's an overview covering the features of the pathology of the biliary system in children, with a specific focus on biliary dyskinesia, including its clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment.

Biliary Dyskinesia:

Biliary dyskinesia, also known as sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, refers to a motility disorder of the biliary sphincter causing functional obstruction of the bile ducts. This condition can lead to recurrent abdominal pain and complications related to impaired bile flow.


Biliary dyskinesia may result from an abnormality in the coordination of the smooth muscle contractions of the sphincter of Oddi, leading to stasis of bile in the biliary system. The exact etiology of biliary dyskinesia is not fully understood, but it may involve factors such as neurohormonal regulation of sphincter function and abnormalities in the sphincter itself. In children, it can be challenging to diagnose due to the non-specific nature of the symptoms and the difficulty in differentiating it from other gastrointestinal disorders.

Clinical Manifestations:

Clinical features of biliary dyskinesia in children may include:

Recurrent abdominal pain, typically located in the right upper quadrant, which can mimic biliary colic.

Nausea and vomiting, particularly after meals or during episodes of pain.

Possible association with fatty food intolerance, leading to symptoms after meals high in fat content.

Episodic symptoms with periods of exacerbation followed by remission.


The diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia involves a comprehensive evaluation of symptoms, as well as diagnostic tests to assess biliary function. Diagnostic steps may include:

Medical history and physical examination: 

Detailed assessment of the child's clinical history, including the nature and frequency of abdominal pain, as well as a thorough physical examination.

Laboratory tests: 

Blood tests to assess liver function and rule out other potential causes of abdominal pain.

Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan: 

A nuclear medicine imaging study to evaluate bile flow and assess for delayed passage of bile into the small intestine, indicating abnormal biliary motility.

Abdominal ultrasound: 

Imaging study to assess the biliary system and exclude structural abnormalities such as gallstones or other obstructive lesions.


The treatment of biliary dyskinesia in children may involve both conservative and interventional approaches:

Lifestyle modifications: 

Dietary adjustments, such as avoiding high-fat meals, and maintaining a balanced diet to reduce symptom exacerbations.

Medical management: 

Symptomatic relief through the use of medications to manage pain, nausea, and associated symptoms.


In some cases, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with sphincterotomy may be considered to relieve the functional obstruction of the biliary system.

In summary, biliary dyskinesia poses unique challenges in pediatric patients, often presenting with recurrent abdominal pain and gastrointestinal symptoms. Accurate diagnosis requires a comprehensive evaluation, and management may involve a combination of conservative measures, medical therapy, and, in some cases, interventional procedures to alleviate symptoms and improve biliary function in affected children.

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