In a field where even experts may find that years have elapsed since they last encountered a child with a given disorder, it is essential for the clinician to have a comprehensive source of practical and highly illustrated information covering the whole spectrum of metabolic disease to refer to.
The content is divided into sections of related disorders, including disorders of amino acid metabolism, lipid storage disorders, and mitochondrial diseases for ease of reference, with an introductory outline where appropriate summarizing the biochemical features and general management issues. Within the sections, each chapter deals with an individual disease, opening with a useful summary of major phenotypic expression including clear and helpful biochemical pathways, identifying for the reader exactly where the defect occurs.
Throughout the book, plentiful photographs, often showing extremely rare disorders, are an invaluable aid to diagnosis.
The fourth edition of this highly regarded book, authored by two of the foremost authorities in pediatric metabolic medicine, continues to provide incomparable insight into the problems associated with metabolic diseases and remains invaluable to pediatricians, geneticists, and general clinicians worldwide.